Annotated Bibliography v2

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Annotated Bibliography

What were Nasa’s greatest successes and failures?

By Zack Ramsey
Date 03/25/2020

Dalcanton, Julianne J. "18 years of science with the Hubble Space Telescope." Nature, vol. 457, no.
7225, 2009, p. 41+. Gale In Context: Science,
a9d78ab. Accessed 23 Feb. 2020.

In 1990 Nasa released the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) to observe the universe. The HST
has allowed Nasa to get a greater understanding of the universe. The HST has observed both the
births and deaths of stars, black holes, and even distant galaxies which can then be analyzed on
Earth. The HST has allowed Nasa to gain an understanding of the universe that a human wouldn't
physically be able to achieve alone.

Guthrie, R., and C. Shayo. ​The Columbia Disaster: Culture, Communication & Change. ​IGI Global,
Hershey, 2005​. ProQuest​,

In February of 2003, the Columbia shuttle disintegrated during re-entry to the earth's
atmosphere. The disintegration of the shuttle killed all seven crew members. Nasa had systems in
place to detect anomalies with their system but none were detected this day. This disaster was caused
when a simple piece of foam broke off then damaged the wing causing for structural integrity to be
weakened leading to the disaster

"Is NASA an Expensive Failure?"​ Nature​, vol. 366, no. 6457, 1993, pp. 723​. ProQuest​,
id=10163, doi:​​.

Nasa has done many things to help humanity success but they are insanely expensive. The
Hubble Space Telescope was two billion dollars alone and that is just one project of theirs. Nearly
everything that Nasa does cost around a billion dollars.

Matthews, Mark K. "Success! NASA Lands Rover on Mars and Begins Two Year Mission."​ McClatchy -
Tribune Business News​, Aug 06, 2012​. ProQuest,​

Nasa launched a rover to Mars to study the surface and atmosphere of the planet. This is the
planet closest to Earth making it the most like Earth. Nasa is trying to figure out if Mars could have
had life at one point. This one-ton rover which costs over two billion dollars is equipped with many
different instruments to measure things from the atmospheric composition to soil samples. This rover
has given Nasa and the rest of humanity the chance to learn about another planet in our solar system.

“NASA History.” ​Congressional Digest,​ vol. 90, no. 7, Sept. 2011, p. 196. ​EBSCOhost​,

Nasa has a history of being a revolutionary program to humanity. Nasa has launched several
probes, satellites, aeronautics research, and allowing for humanity to have a better understanding of the
Annotated Bibliography
What were Nasa’s greatest successes and failures?
By Zack Ramsey
Date 03/25/2020
outer reaches of our galaxy. It has allowed for people to leave their terrestrial lives to explore the greater

"NASA selects first commercial moon landing services for Artemis Program." ​Space Daily​, 5 June
2019. ​Gale General OneFile​,
xid=9b0c154e. Accessed 23 Feb. 2020.

In 1969 Nasa put the first man on the moon and to most people that became a lifelong goal.
Only a select few have been to space but there are now possibilities that the super-rich could be able
to go on private trips to the moon. This still makes space travel very far off for the average human
being but it does show that space travel is in the future even if it's distant.

Pellerin, Cheryl. ​Next International Space Station Crew to Launch April 7: NASA and International

Partners Set for Busy Year Ahead in Space. F

​ ederal Information & News Dispatch, Inc,

Washington, 2007​. ProQuest,​


The international space station is a place where people from around the world can go to study
the effects of living in space. This is one of NASA’s greatest achievements because it has countries
with no ties such as the United States and Russia come together to achieve a common goal. There are
many people from countless walks of life living onboard the satellite.

Shaheen Statement on Anniversary of Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster. ​Federal Information & News
Dispatch, Inc, Washington, 2020​. ProQuest​,

In 1986 the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded. 73 seconds after launch the explosion killed
the entire crew. One of the lives lost was of Christa McAuliffe who was a school teacher who signed up
for what she believe would be the best possible field trip. She was chosen out of thousands of
applicants and had plans to continue teaching while in space. This was a disaster that could have been
avoided and these are lives that could have been saved.

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