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1. How medical student search for their own resources for learning?

2. How to distinct the reliable and unreliables resources?

3. What is the factors should be considered in to choosing source of learning?
4. What is the characteristic of reliable resources?
5. When we search learning research from the internet what should be the attention?
6. What kind of example that can be learning resources?
7. Why do medical student have to search their own source that is reliable?
8. What is the meaning of learning resource?
9. What is the function of learning resources?
10. What are benefits of self-directed learning?

Ans :

1. Adjust the element of competence and purpose learn to achieve

A. Knowledge > (Bloom’s Taxonomy)

Bloom’s Taxonomy Sumber Belajar

Remembering Text Book, e-book, lecture,
webpages document
Understanding Video, disscussion
Applying Case,problem solving
Analizing problem solving
Evaluating problem solving
Creating problem solving, experience

B. Psikomotor > Miller Pyramid

Experience : Real Patients

Experience : Mannequin, standart patient

Video, Instructor Demonstration / friends

User manual lab / lab skills, books

physical examination

C. Jang & Kim, 2014 :

– Pros: the use of video clinical skills can help students in preparing for the OSCE, can be
seen many times.
– Disadvantages: less interactive students can not ask direct questions
Customize with learning style.

– Auditor Type: Explanation Lecturer during expert lecture, Explanation of friend

during discussion
– Visual Type : video, picture.
– Kinesthetic type: mannequin
– Halbert, et al (2011) : medical students who have learning style activis, intuitive, global /
visuals love online learning resources compared to students who have learning style
reflektive, sensing, verbal, sequential

Recognize the advantages and disadvantages of each learning resource:

• Ease of access
• Cost
• Impact on learning

2. A

3. A

4. Rowntree (1992), cited Lewis and Spenser (1986) explains that the main characteristic of
open education that implements self-learning is the commitment to help learners gain
independence in their own decisions about 1) the goals or learning outcomes they want to
achieve; 2) the subjects, themes, topics or issues he / she will study; 3) learning resources and
methods to be used; and 4) when, how and in what way the learning success will be tested

5. 5 Criteria for evaluating Web Page:

1. Keakuratan dokumen web:
– Who wrote and can be contacted ?
– What the purpose and background of the web
– Is written by an expert in accordance with the field
2. Authority:
– Who published the document?
– What is the institution of the person who published the document
– Has the publisher pulled out the list

3. Obyektivitas Dokumen
– Is it proper/suitable?
– How detailed is the information written?
– How the author opinion?
– Is sponsored by a product and equipment to boost product sales?

4. Currency of the web

– When the document was created ?
– When updated by the author?

5. Coverage
– Is all information can be open? Especially when it has Link?

6. Berdasarkan sumbernya:
a. Human Resources: lecturer (expert course), friend (discussion / SGD)
b. Electronic
 Off-line: CD-ROM, Video, Proquest data base.
 On-line: artikel elektronik (web blog), dokumen webpages, electronic journal,

c. Print: textbooks, printed journal

d. Experience : cadaver, mannequin, practicum qualification writer

7. A

8. Everything is good stuff and people are can provide data / facts, principles, or experience
needed for help the learning process in order to achieve learning objectives.
(Shershneva et al, 2005)

9. A

10. The benefits of SDL are best described in terms of the type of learners it develops.
The literature on SDL asserts that self directed learners demonstrate a greater
awareness of their responsibility in making learning meaningful and monitoring
themselves (Garrison, 1997). They are curious and willing to try new things
(Lyman, 1997), view problems as challenges, desire change, and enjoy learning
(Taylor, 1995). Taylor also found them to be motivated and persistent,
independent, selfdisciplined, selfconfident and goal oriented. Self directed learning
allows learners to be more effective learners and social beings. Guthrie, et al.
(1996) noted that the self directed learners in a Concept Oriented Reading
Instruction (CORI) program demonstrated the ability to search for information in
multiple texts, employ different strategies to achieve goals, and to represent ideas
in different forms (drawing and writing). Morrow, et al. (1993) observe that with
proper planning and implementation, selfdirected learning can encourage students
to develop their own rules and leadership patterns.

Pusat Pengembangan Pendidikan UGM, 2005, Sumber Belajar Eksternal, diakses tanggal 15
September 2014, di

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learning style correlates to use of supplemental learning materials in an online course
management system, Medical Teacher, 33: 331-33

Shershneva, Marianna, B., Slotnick, Henry, B., Mejicano, George, C., 2005, Learning to use
learning resources during medical school and residency, Journal of the Medical Library
Association, 93 2

Kahn, R.L., 2012, A Taxonomy for Choosing, Evaluating, and Integrating Inthe-cloud
Resources In A University Environment, J. Educational Technology Systems, Vol. 41(2)

Kapoun, Jim, 1998 "Teaching undergrads WEB evaluation: A guide for library instruction,
C&RL News: 522-523Systems, Vol. 41(2) 171-181

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