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Fourth Quarterly Examination

S.Y. 2017-18
Values Education 8

Name: _______________________________ Grade and Section:____________ Score: ____

Directions: Read and analyze each of the following items. Choose and write the letter on the answer
on the space provided for. Use capital letter.
_____1. Which of the following statements about the study of love is accurate?
a. Psychologist have been involved in searching the nature of love since the founding days of the
b. When there is real love between two people, it smooth’s over all differences
c. The dark side of love is anger and frustration
d. Love refers to both love a subjective feeling and overt behaviors
_____2. Men are more likely than women to:
a. Separate sex and love.
b. Find sex and love incompatible
c. Refer sexual experiences that take place in a relational context.
d. Experience jealousy over intimacy issues.
_____3. The kind of love that is most likely to sustain over a period of time is:
a. Intimate love b. Passionate love c. Romantic love d. Complex love
_____4. After many years of living together, Anne and Jim are really the closest of friends and
confidantes. They love traveling together and are involved in each other's careers. Both express
high satisfaction with this. They often hold hands, hug, and kiss. This kind of love is most accurately
described as
a. Fatuous love b. Companionate love c. Consummate love d. Liking.
_____5. All of the following typify "intimate love" (or liking) EXCEPT:
a.Being able to count on each other. c. Excitement from achievement of other life goals.
b. Romantic feelings d. Continued caring
_____6. When Sid looks at himself naked in the mirror, he feels alienated from the body he sees. He
dislikes his genitals and wishes he had breasts and no penis. Sid may have confusion about his
a. Gender identity b. Sex c. Sexual orientation d. Genetic sex
_____7. Gender, gender identity, and gender role are conceptually ____ sexual orientation.
a. Dependent on b. Independent of c. Co-existent with d. Elated to
_____8. The first thing to do when resolving conflict with someone else is to…
a. Assertively but diplomatically state your perspective
b. Brainstorm possible solutions to the problem
c. Slap some sense into them
d. Listen to their perspective
_____9. When resolving conflict it is essential to make the most eye contact in which of the following
a. When you are brainstorming b. When you are problem-solving
b. When you are listening c. When you are assertively stating your point
_____10. Which of the following method is correct when dealing with conflict 
a. Speaking slowly b. Speaking quietly c. Not letting the customer d. Showing empathy
Directions: Write T if the statement is True and F if the statement is False.
1. The act of compassion begins with full attention, just a rapport does.
2. Compassion begins with attention.
3. Empathy and sympathy are essentially the same.
4. A perception check is a way for you to get others to understand your point of view.
5. Mediated communication offers fewer cues about others than you get in face-to-face interaction.
6. Conflicts sometimes trigger anger.
7. People show the same behavior when they are angry.
8. Persons in dispute with others forget themselves and become abusive or violent.
9. If you get angry be polite and courteous to other person.
10. Entertain those people who are mad at you.
Give at least five reasons to avoid envy.

IV. ESSAY (5 points each)

1. Why do you think people sometimes resort to violence to handle conflicts?

2. Can there be a positive effects of being violent in a fight? Why?


3. Will you still allow yourself to get into trouble? Why or why not?

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