Student Final Self Evaluation Due Date: 01 March 2019

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Philippine Baptist Theological Seminary

SMP – Chapel
Due Date: 01 March 2019

Student Yda Moredo

Part I Performance Scales

DIRECTIONS: For each item below, decide which of the following performance levels best describes your
abilities. Place the number in the blank at the right of the item. If you have no basis for making a judgment on a
particular scale, enter N/A (Not Applicable).

(1) Outstanding (consistently superior competence)

(2) Very Good (significant competence)
(3) Satisfactory (more often effective than ineffective)
(4) Unsatisfactory (little demonstrated competence)
(5) Unacceptable (deficient; need attention)

A. The Minister-in-Training as Pastoral Leader

1. Developing trusting relationships ............................................................................................... 3

2. Creating and maintaining healthy and appropriate sexual boundaries…………………………………….. 4

3. Listening to people...................................................................................................................... 3

4. Understanding and discerning the needs of people .................................................................. 3

5. Responding with empathy and resourcefulness to people in times of crises ............................ 3

6. Visiting with members in non-crises situations........................................................................... 2

7. Ministry in situations of illness and grief .................................................................................... 3

8. Accepting people who are different from herself/himself……………………………………………………….. 3

9. Respecting confidential information .......................................................................................... 4

10. Showing initiative in responding to pastoral needs of persons ................................................ 2

11. Developing a clear pastoral identity and theology .................................................................... 2

12. Interpreting the context of ministerial situations wisely………………………………………………………… 2

13. Demonstrating appropriate understandings of accountability……………………………………………….. 3

B. The Minister-In-Training as Music and Worship Minister

1. Worship is informed by a clear theology of worship………………………………................................... 3

2. Interprets biblical texts faithfully in worship………………………...................................................... 3

3. Effective leading in prayer .......................................................................................................... 2

4. Demonstrating poise and presence in role of worship leader…………………………………................. 3

5. Using appropriate language in worship (e.g. grammar, abstractions, slang) .............................. 4

6. Using effective voice in leading worship (volume, clarity, inflection).......................................... 4

7. Appropriate use of facial and bodily gestures ............................................................................. 4

8. Pays attention to congregational/community context in worship leadership............................. 4

9. Organizing worship leading with clarity....................................................................................... 3

10. Effectively using verbal introductions to songs during worship.................................................. 3


C. The Minister-in-Training as Evangelist

1. Understands the theology of the church’s evangelistic task ...................................................... 3

2. Ability to articulate and promote a missional vision................................................................... 2

3. Helping to create a welcoming atmosphere .............................................................................. 2

4. Visitation with prospective members ......................................................................................... 2

5. Visitation with inactive members ...................................................................... ……………………….2

6. Willing and able to witness a personal faith ................................................................................ 2

7. Teaching and implementing other outreach strategies .............................................................. 1

D. The Minister-in-Training as Teacher

1. Planning for effective teaching (clear goals/objectives, logical sequencing of activities, appropriate allotment
of time) ............................................................................................................................................. 4

2. Presenting concepts in ways appropriate for learners’ ages and needs ..................................... 4

3. Selecting and utilizing appropriate educational resources .......................................................... 4

4. Using appropriate variety of teaching methods .......................................................................... 4

5. Using well-stated questions to stimulate learning ..................................................................... 3

6. Involving learners in the educational process ............................................................................. 3

7. Leading group discussions in a purposeful way .......................................................................... 4

8. Creating an appropriate physical environment for teaching ...................................................... 4


E. The Minister-in-Training as Servant in the World

1. Identifying and analyzing social or community issues ................................................................. 3

2. Relating biblical and theological insights to community/world issues ........................................ 2

3. Using the resources of the church to deal with social issues or community problems ............... 3

4. Balancing concern for personal faith/ethics with concern for social justice ............................... 2

5. Identifying with and caring for needy persons in the community ............................................... 2

6. Enabling members to become aware of and participate in the ministry of the congregation to the
community and world ...................................................................................................................... 3

7. Facilitating constructive conversation on controversial issues .................................................... 1

F. The Minister-in-Training as Steward

1. Knows and articulates a solid biblical theology of stewardship.................................................... 2

2. Demonstrates awareness of time management as a stewardship issue .................................... 2

3. As applicable, cares daily for spouse and nurtures God’s gift of family ..................................... N/A

4. Continues to care for and nurtures relationships with parents, relatives, and friends............... 3

5. Models a healthy financial stewardship including proportionate giving to at least the tithe
level ........................................................................................................................................................... 2

6. Actively inquires how others manage the balance of personal, familial and professional
concerns ...........................................................................................................................................................

7. Gives evidence of advocacy and practice of a wider stewardship of the ecology .................... 3

8. Shows concern for other evidences of responsible self-care in relation to exercise, nutrition, rest and
play ........................................................................................................................................................... 3


G. The Minister-in-Training as Administrative Leader

1. Making positive contributions in working with groups and committees ................................... 3

2. Helping groups and committees define and communicate their goals ...................................... 3

3. Ability to articulate a theology of administration ....................................................................... 3

4. Managing the care and cultivation of volunteers ........................................................................ 2

5. Managing her or his time effectively .......................................................................................... 2

6. Dealing constructively with change and conflict ......................................................................... 3

7. Accepting constructive criticism .................................................................................................. 3

8. Analyzing dynamics of the congregation’s decision-making processes ...................................... 3

9. Exercising authority in appropriate ways .................................................................................... 3

10. Supporting the total ministry of the congregation with enthusiasm and a cooperative spirit... 3
11. Demonstrating a positive, constructive attitude about the denomination creating trust rather than
suspicion ........................................................................................................................................................... 3

12. Learning from her or his experience .......................................................................................... 3

13. Appropriate use of congregational publications and information systems ............................... 2



Part II: Narrative Evaluation

A. How do you evaluate your sense of “call to ministry” at this point in your pilgrimage?

I am a teacher. I can see that my experience in teaching school children of varying grades has been invaluable
and meaningful. But having a greater understanding of my personality and inclinations, I understand that I am
not so completely suited to teaching school children. I can observe that I thrive more in learning much about
church music and in helping others learn about church music.

B. How effective were you in accomplishing your learning/serving goals as outlined in the Covenant for

I have thrived in relearning old lessons as well as in learning new lessons, not just about Church Music but also
about other aspects of ministry, especially in relating to people both in local cultures and other cultures.

C. What happened in your life at the level of personal faith?

God has allowed me to go through a period of testing, the struggle of which I still feel even until now. It is a
journey that has helped me discover the need to be completely honest with God and has even tested my faith
and trust in Him. The struggle can be so hard and so real at times; but the very amazing thing about it is that for
every time I hear God’s Word through messages from His messengers, whether in chapel or church service, I get
the assurance that He knows and completely understands what I am going through. In His grace, He helps me
understand that I can pour out in total honesty what is going inside my heart to Him, but I must also never
forget that He is God and that His ways and purposes will prevail. He cannot and will not be dictated or boxed in
by how I would want Him to work upon the testing and trial. He still reminds me that His grace is sufficient for
me and that I can and must trust in His unchanging character, His ways, and His timing.
D. Comment on your preparedness for the realistic demands of ministry, taking into account family
considerations (as appropriate).

I continue to learn that it is a humbling thing to serve with other people and serve people in the ministry. Yes,
the people I serve with in the ministry share the same faith as I, which is a beautiful thing. But we are all still
different people with our own personal convictions, failings, and sinful tendencies. We all still tend to clash with
each other and have conflicts with each other. Serving God is a lifetime process of sanctification and humbling
and refining.

I am still learning what it means to stand by my personal spiritual convictions without having to impose them on
others who do not share the exact same convictions I have, especially on issues that don’t necessarily affect our
true salvation in Jesus Christ.

E. Describe the nature and quality of your relationships:

With your pastor: It’s a bit hard to have a regular time of contact and fellowship with our senior pastor because
of his many ministry schedules. But I am grateful that in the few times I get to talk with him he gives much
encouragement and short but helpful insights on how to minister better.

With the church staff: We have a generally courteous and friendly relationship with each other. One dynamic I
must be attentive to is the staff’s attention to church administration policies that guide and shape certain
processes in the church and ministries. Careful attention to these policies and procedures enables me to know
how to accomplish certain tasks for the ministry, as well as address key persons appropriately that are related to
the tasks being accomplished.

With the church members: I generally have a courteous relationship with most of the members in my church. I
have a closer relationship with the people I serve with in the Choir ministry since I am almost always with them.

F. How would you describe your temperament/disposition as experienced by others (e.g., angry, nervous,
confident, casual, careless, serious, joyful, flexible, controlling, adaptive to change, warm, and so forth)?

I am pleasant and easy to get to know. I do not necessarily become very close friends with everyone I meet, but
there are a few people with whom I will readily become close friends with. In times when it is necessary to be
serious I will be serious. In times when it’s okay to relax I will relax. I like to make plans for particular programs
but I have also learned there will always be need for flexibility and humility when working with other people.

G. How would you describe your level of maturity? (Include your ability for self-awareness and self-criticism.)

I have a strong sense of what I like to accomplish in certain programs; but there are times when there are
certain details that I am not aware of that should be taken into consideration and planned for. In the moment
where I am focused on the task at hand I have the expectation that everyone else should also have the same
focus and concentration as I do. But I am being made aware to not lose my sensitivity to other people’s feelings
and capacity to accomplish the task at hand. I have also come to learn that clear communication and clear and
specific planning helps a lot in helping everyone understand their roles and what is expected of them.
H. Describe your ability to integrate theory and practice, theology and ministry.

It helps a lot when there are others who see my blind spots and give me constructive critiques. The more I
engage in ministry the more I can see what things I have learned are applicable and appropriate to use in

I. How would you describe your personal work habits (e.g., appearance, punctuality, self-discipline, ability to
establish realistic work objectives, tact, time management, and so forth)?

It is a challenge for me to move fast when I am physically exhausted, which affects my punctuality at times. But
for most events I make sure to prepare for the event/class. When it comes to sensitive matters within the group
I do not get myself involved if I am not directly affected by it. If my position calls for me to be involved I try to
seek the help and counsel of other people who can be of help in resolving the matter.

J. Please summarize what you perceive to be your greatest strengths for ministry.

I am passionate about serving through music. I have learned much and am able to serve others through it.

K. Please identify and comment on areas in which you need further growth. What new insights, knowledge, or
skills do you need to develop in preparation for further ministry?

I still need to grow in patience and in my relationship with Jesus Christ.

Minister-in-Training’s signature Yda Moredo Date March 6, 2020


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