Quantum Mechanics

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a particle does not actually possess well-defined position and momentum and that our

inability to determine these quantities is not simply a limitation in our ability to make
Thus we see that for a matter wave which is a wavepacket of a given width, the position
of the particle is not well defined - the particle does not actually possess a single position
- it can be anywhere within the wavepacket.
The standard modern interpretation is that the intensity of the wave (measured by the
square of its amplitude) at any point gives the relative probability of finding the particle
at that point.
the width of the wavepacket is inversely proportional to the range of frequencies which
are used to construct that particular wavepacket. This result is the basis of the
Heisenberg uncertainty principle. We will see later that the width of the wavepacket is
proportional to the uncertainty in the position of a particle and the range of frequencies
is proportional to the uncertainty in its momentum

The process of the change in the wavefunction resulting from a measurement is called
“wavefunction collapse”
The particle simply does not have a well-defined position until a measurement is made
at which point the wavefunction of the particle is changed into one representing a
particle of well-defined position

We recall that the width of the wavepacket, ∆x, is inverse to the width of the distribution
of A(λ) whose width is ∆ (1/λ), i.e for a wavepacket with large width, ∆x, representing a
particle with a large uncertainty in its position, the distribution A(λ) is narrow implying
a small uncertainty in the quantity 1/λ. On the other hand for a wavepacket with small
width, ∆x,, representing a particle with a small uncertainty in its position, the
distribution A(λ) is wide implying a large uncertainty in the quantity 1/λ

until its momentum is measured to a given accuracy,10 at which point the wavefunction
changes to a much broader wavepacket but with a much narrower distribution in
wavelength and hence a narrower distribution in momentum

 Thus, |ψ(x,t)|^2dx is the relative probability of finding the electron in a small interval

of length Δx near point x at time t.

The speed of the wave is half the speed of the electron?

turns out that the Schr¨odinger equation only allows solutions for which the system has
one of a discrete set of allowed energies

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