Extracurricular Experience

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CHS Portfolio

Extracurricular Experience

Describe the activities you have participated in. These might include sports, ASB, clubs,
theater, church groups, or other organized activities outside of regular school hours.

(All through Interact Club)

● Jefferson Carnival (worked at a stand at the carnival for elementary school kids)
● Russian River Clean up (cleaned Russian River)
● Carb Feed (helped as a server at the crab feed which is a Rotary event)
● Homeless kits (put together kits for the homeless)
● Coat drive (received clothing donations)
● Christmas caroling ( sang Christmas carols for elders at the Cloverdale Healthcare
● Citrus Fair exhibit (helped make an exhibit at the Citrus Fair)
● Funding three Guatemalan students education (Interact club funds the students)

On average, how many hours do you dedicate to your extracurricular life each week or
The amount of time that I spent on extracurriculars varied each month. I took up as much
activities as I could/were offered.

Have you enjoyed your extracurricular experiences so far? Why or why not?
Yes, I have enjoyed my extracurricular activities, because I leave them feeling satisfied and

What kinds of soft skills, academic skills, and/or specialized training have you needed to
use to participate fully in these experiences?
There aren't specifically any skills you need, although I found communication skills to be very

How might these skills be used in a career or college environment?

Communication skills are always important. They could be used in a career or college
environment, because with good communication skills you can network, which could help you
get a job, into college or advance in your job/college.
CHS Portfolio

What have you learned about yourself so far by participating in extracurricular activities?
I have learned that doing small things for other can make you feel fulfilled/gratified.

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