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What Criminologist Knows?

A Compilation of
Questions and Answers in
Criminal Law and
With Criminologist Licensure Examination
Tips, Methods and Techniques
Volume 1
Charlemagne James P. Ramos
“You may be good but it could not stand still, do not give limits and make a difference”.
-Charlemagne James P. Ramos

Philippine Copyright, 2016




No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means or incorporated into any
information retrieval system, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, mimeograph, and
recording or any other form, without the written permission of the copy right owner.
All inquiries should be addressed to:
What Criminologist Knows? Antipolo City Pride (Facebook page)
Charlemagne James P. Ramos (Facebook Page) (Yahoo mail)
Sitio Sumilang Brgy. San Jose Antipolo City, Philippines 1870 or at
Block 25 Lot 6 Sampaguita St. Pembo, Makati City, Philippines 1218

ISBN ___________________


This Opuscule was designed in such way that will guide the Criminology Students and
Candidates of Criminology Licensure Examination. As the author realized that there are many
books that are available, but none have conceptualized as a book-friendly that presents tips,
methods and techniques in hurdling the prestigious Criminology Licensure Examination.
This book is differ from the others. As it will provide you with much more than just
information but also includes effective and dynamic tips, methods and techniques to become an
exceptional Registered Criminologist. It will also motivate you on the process of reviewing to use
those said tips, methods and techniques each and every day.
The author endeavored to sub-classify the topics covered in subject area of Criminal Law
and Jurisprudence for easy understanding, application and recollection. Previous board questions
are also reproduced and included herein to acquaint the candidates with the question asked in the
past. The questions that call for controversial answers are incorporated and suggested answers
given can be adopted.
The author began this opus by compiling data from years of lecturing in a different review
centers and coaching candidates and he used the techniques included in this opus with vast of
students now are Registered Criminologists.
The book “What Criminologist Knows? A Compilation of Criminal Law and Jurisprudence
Questions and Answers” with Tips, Methods and Techniques is only a piecemeal that could not
stand and needed to be amplified. As time goes by the author hope that this opus would not be an
end of the studying process and will continue though in scripted. May this work be a humble piece
in enlightening minds of the criminology students and candidates of Criminology Board
Examination, and more importantly this work may never be done without the help of ALMIGHTY
MAKER. Mabuhay Criminology Pilipinas!



This work is dedicated to all Criminology Students, Professors and to the Author’s Alma
Mater Sumulong College of Arts and Sciences, College of Criminal Justice Education.

To all the my teams that I’d set my heart and who filled my soul, Team LAPAY (Batch
2013 SCAS-IU-CJE), Team AIDA (Batch 2014 SCAS-CJE), Team ALPHA (Batch 2015 SCAS-
WCC-TCC-CJE), and Team BRAVO (Batch 2015 SCAS-CJE). To my Mentor Dr. Rommel K.
Manwong I will be forever indebted for you of what I am now.


About the Author
Charlemagne James P. Ramos obtained his Bachelor of Science in
Criminology from Sumulong College of Arts and Sciences College of
Criminal Justice Education in 2013 and subsequently passed the
October 2013 Criminologist Licensure Examination with the rating of
88.05. At the young age he became a professor at the same school and
a national lecturer to various review centers in the Philippines. He is
currently completing his degree in Juris Doctor at the Polytechnic
University of the Philippines College of Law. His experience for being
a lecturer and striker in every session of the Criminologist Licensure
Examination makes him specialized in training candidates of the
Criminology Licensure Examination evidence are the Registered
Criminologist of various schools he had produced in the first row of years in the practice as a

I am a future Criminologist!
By Charlemagne James P. Ramos

Today, I am preparing my heart, mind, body and soul for the

final battle. I am a warrior, I can overcome any obstacles. I will
be a Professional and I will be raising my hand and stating my
name on the oath taking ceremony.

I know I can, I will act as a Criminologist, I will think as a

Criminologist. I am ready to hurdle all the challenges on my
way, I will give pride to my parents, love ones, and everyone
who believes in me. Yes! I am willing to sacrifice everything for
my future profession, this is the dream I’ve been waiting for.

This is the opportunity and I will not fail. I do believe in myself

that I could read a lot of books and focus on my review. I know
that victory belongs to the most persevering. Yes! I will make

Today I will strive to achieve it! I will begin each day believing in
success and end it with success. I will act positively to attract my
dream success. I will embrace and love the things I am doing
every day. I will approach everything and be humble to accept
that I need to learn everything. I am craving for knowledge. Yes
I do believe that I will be the one! I will be an exceptional
Registered Criminologist with the help of the ALMIGHTY

Table of Contents

Preface i
Dedication ii
About the Author iii
I am a Future Criminologist (A Reviewee’s Daily Scroll) iv
A brief history of Criminology in the Philippines 1
Practice of Criminology in the Philippines 2
Board of examiners for Criminologist in the Philippines 3
Power vested and term of office 3
The Board of Examiner for Criminology 4
Knowing the mechanics of the Criminologist Licensure Examination
The Criminologist Licensure Examination 5
The Multiple Choice Question System 8
Tips, Methods and Techniques
A Goal 17
The no.1 problem “Laziness” 17
Failure always has its alibi, but success requires no explanation 17
Poor reading habit 18
Poor relationships 18
Negative personality traits 18
Excessive worrying 19
Unnecessary activities 19
Develop a desire 19
You are a potential 20
How to hurdle the Board Examination
Ask for divine intervention 20
Prepare your heart, body and soul for the final battle 20
Financial constraints and capability 21
Selection of materials 21
Make your own review schedule 21
Consider my review materials 22
The Criminologist Licensure Examination Syllabus 23
Searching for guidance 57
Comprehension and speed of reading 57
Dream your way to success (A Quotation) 58
Compilation of Question and Answer in Criminal Law and Jurisprudence
Criminal law 1
Set 1
Answer Key Set 1
Set 2
Answer Key Set 2
Set 3
Answer Key Set 3
Set 4
Answer Key Set 4
Set 5
Answer Key Set 5
Criminal law 2
Set 1
Answer Key Set 1
Set 2
Answer Key Set 2
Set 3
Answer Key Set 3
Set 4
Answer Key Set 4
Set 5
Answer Key Set 5
Criminal Procedure
Set 1
Answer Key Set 1
Set 2
Answer Key Set 2
Set 3
Answer Key Set 3
Set 4
Answer Key Set 4
Set 5
Answer Key Set 5
Rules on Evidence
Set 1
Answer Key Set 1
Set 2
Answer Key Set 2
Set 3
Answer Key Set 3
Practice Court
Set 1
Answer Key Set 1
Set 2
Answer Key Set 2
R.A. 6506
Board resolution no. 3
Answer sheet (500 items)
Sample Answer Sheet (PRC)


CRIMINOLOGY was offered as a course in Plaridel College now known as Philippine

College of Criminology located at Sta. Cruz, Manila. Criminology in the Philippines merely
focuses on describing, analyzing, and explaining the operations of the Criminal Justice System,
namely the Police, Prosecution, Courts, and Correctional facilities. However in the curriculum
promulgated by Commission on Higher Education only five (5) out of Six (6) subjects dealt with
Criminology proper the Crime Etiology and Psychology and Theories, while the rest focused on
Law Enforcement Administration, Criminal Law and Jurisprudence, Criminal Detection and
investigation, Criminalistics and Correctional Administration. That’s the result why no Filipino
Criminologist advances in the theories of Crime causation.

CRIMINOLOGY PROGRAM was one of the parcels of the Criminal Justice Education
(CJE) in the country in accordance with CHED Memorandum Order no.
21 series of 2005. The latter inclusions of other degree programs such as
Law Enforcement Administration, Correctional Administration, Industrial
Security Administration, and Forensic Science as interdisciplinary fields
in criminal justice were rationalized in order to meet the demands of
globalization and dynamics in the field of the study. Among others the
policies and standards are set, which primarily “focuses” on criminology
program. In year 1972 July First Republic Act no. 6506 was authored by
“Cong. Teodulo Natividad” a Criminologist, the law that paves the way to the professionalism of
the Criminology course herein the Philippines and as a result he was entitled as the Father of
Criminology in the Philippines.


The practice of criminology in the Philippines was defined by sec. 23 of R.A. 6506

“SECTION 23. Practice of Criminology Defined. — A person

is deemed to be engaged in the practice of Criminology if he
holds himself out to the public in any of the following capacities:

1. As a professor, instructor or teacher in Criminology in any

university, college or school duly recognized by the government
and teaches any of the following subjects: (a) Law Enforcement
Administration, (b)Criminalistics, (c) Correctional
Administration, (d) Criminal Sociology and allied subjects, and
(e) other technical and specialized subjects in the Criminology
curriculum provided by the Department of Education.

2. As law enforcement administrator, executive, adviser,

consultant or agent in any government or private agency.
3. As technician in dactyloscopy, ballistics, questioned
documents, police photography, lie detection, forensic chemistry
and other scientific aspects of crime detection.

4. As correctional administrator, executive supervisor, worker

or officer in any correctional and penal institution.

5. As counselor, expert, adviser, researcher in any government

or private agency on any aspects of criminal research or project
involving the causes of crime, juvenile delinquency, treatment of
offenders, police operations, law enforcement administration,
scientific criminal investigation or public welfare

The provisions of sec. 23 R.A. 6506 subparagraph 1 to 5 vividly indicate the practices
and professions of being a criminologist. Notwithstanding the person desiring to engage on it
must meet out some certain criteria and must pass the prestigious Board Examination for
Criminologist. No person shall practice or offer to practice as a criminologist in the Philippines
without having previously obtained a certificate of registration from the Board except those who

1. Criminologists from other countries called in for consultations or for a special project
related to Criminology not requiring more than five months” residence in the
Philippines in any twelve months” period: Provided, That such criminologists are
legally qualified to practice as such in their own State or country.

2. Foreigners employed as technical officers, professors or consultants in such

special branches of Criminology or may, in the judgment of the President of the
Philippines, be necessary and indispensable for the country: Provided, however, that
they are internationally recognized experts and that they do not engage in private
practice during their stay in the Philippines.

Take note that a criminologist is any person who is a graduate of the Degree of Criminology,
who has passed the examination for criminologists and is registered as such by the Board of


Qualification and Composition of Board Examiners

The Board of Criminology accordingly shall be composed of composed of a Chairman and

two members and must meet the following qualifications:

“Section 3. Qualifications of Board Members.- The

Members of the Board shall at the time of their
appointment be:
1. Natural-born citizens of the Philippines:

2. Holders of the degree of Bachelor of Science in

Criminology (B.S. Crim.) or Master of Criminology
(M.S.Crim.), conferred by a reputable and legally
constituted College or Institute of Criminology
recognized by the Government;

3. At least thirty years of age;

4. Registered criminologists with at least ten years

o f experience in the profession: Provided, That the
requirements of registration shall not apply to
appointments to the first Board;
5. Non-members of the Faculty of any school, college
or institute where a regular course in Criminology is
taught, nor have any pecuniary interest in such
institution; and
6. Not connected with any government agency which
operate an academy, training school or institute for the
education or training of peace officers or law
enforcement agents”.

Powers Vested and Term of Office

The said Board of Criminology shall be vested with authority conformably with the
provisions of RA 6506, to administer the provisions, to issue, suspend or revoke certificates of
registration for the practice of criminology and to administer oaths and they shall hold office for
a term of three years after their appointments unless sooner removed for neglect of duty or
incompetency or for unprofessional or dishonorable conduct, after having given the member
concerned an opportunity to defend himself in the proper administrative investigation. In which
case their successors shall be appointed immediately and duly qualified, who shall serve the
unexpired term only. Each member of the Board shall qualify by taking the proper oath of
office prior to entering upon the performance of his duties.

The Board is also hereby authorized to conduct examinations in the Cities Manila,
Baguio, Cagayan de Oro, Cebu, Davao, Iloilo, Legazpi, Lucena, Tacloban, Tuguegarao,
Zamboanga and Pagadian whenever practicable at least twice a year and on such Schedule
date and place as the Board may fix with the approval of the Commissioner of Civil Service.
Written or printed notice of examination shall be published in newspapers and copies mailed
to each candidate who has filed his name and address with the Secretary of the Board, at least
thirty days prior to the date of examinations.


Atty. Ramil Gabao

Member Member

Hon. Ruben A. Sta. Teresa Hon. George Q. Fernandez



Professional Regulation Commission’s (PRCs) system of implementing the Board


PRC administers the Criminology Board Examination

a. twice a year
b. proctoring system
c. Computerized checking.
d. Exams are all presented in a multiple-choice type of examination (MCQ)

Qualifications for Examination

Any person applying for examination and for a certificate, shall, prior to admission to
examination, establish to the satisfaction of the Board that:

a. He is at least eighteen years of age and a citizen of the Philippines;

b. He must be a person of good moral character, as certified to by at least three persons of
good standing in the community wherein he resides;
c. He must not have convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude; and
d. He has a graduated in Criminology from a school, college or institute recognized by
the Government after completing a four-year resident collegiate course leading to the
degree of Bachelor of Science in Criminology (B.S. Crim.): Provided, That holders of
Bachelor of Laws degree may, within five years after the approval of this Act, take
this examination after completing at least ninety-four (94) units of Criminology, Law
Enforcement, Police Science and Penology subjects.

Scope of Examination

According to RA 6506 as amended by the Board Resolution no. 3 the examination

shall be in writing and shall cover the following subjects with their respective relative weights

Criminal Jurisprudence and Procedure (20%)

1. Criminal Law Book 1
2. Criminal Law Book 2
3. Criminal Procedure
4. Criminal Evidence
5. Practice Court

Law Enforcement Administration (20%)

6. Police Org & Admin
7. Patrol Org & Operation
8. Police Operational Planning
9. Police Intelligence and Secret Service
10. Industrial Security Management
11. Comparative Police Systems

Criminalistics (20%)
1. Police Photography
2. Personal Identification
3. Forensic Medicine
4. Lie Detection & Interrogation
5. Forensic Ballistics
6. Questioned Documents
7. Forensic Chemistry & Toxicology

Crime Detection, Investigation and Prevention (15%)

8. Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation
9. Special Crime Investigation
10. Fire Technology and Investigation
11. Drug Addiction and Vice Control
12. Traffic Operation and Accident Investigation
13. Technical English
14. Practice Court and Special Laws

Criminal Sociology, Ethics and Human Relations (15%)

15. Introduction to Criminology
16. Criminal Justice System
17. Juvenile Delinquency
18. Human Behavior and Crisis Management
19. Police Ethics and Community Relation, and
20. Seminar on Contemporary Police Problems
21. Criminological Research

Correctional Administration (10%)

1. Penal Management
2. Correction and Rehabilitation
3. Probation

The Board Exam Schedule

The Board Examination for Criminologist which consist of six (6) subject areas are
scheduled for three (3) consecutive days and each day is divided for two (2) subject area, one (1)
for morning session and another one (1) for afternoon session. The illustration below provided will
best describe.


Subject Area Weight Area

Morning session (8:30 AM – 11:30 AM)

Criminal Law and Jurisprudence 20%
Afternoon session (1:30 PM – 4:30 PM)
Law Enforcement Administration 20%


Morning session (8:30 AM – 11:30 AM)

Criminalistics 20%

Afternoon session (1:30 PM – 4:30 PM)

Crime Detection and Investigation 15 %


Morning session (8:30 AM – 11:30 AM)

Criminal Sociology and Human relation with Ethics 15%

Afternoon session (1:30 PM – 4:30 PM)

Correctional Administration 10%

Ratings in the Examination

In order to pass the examination, a candidate must obtain a general average of at least
seventy-five percent with no rating below fifty percent in any of the subjects. The three (3)
illustrations provided will best describe.

Computation of rating
what should be the examinees target rate?



Area Raw Score Weight

Average Score
CLJ 80 .20 (20%) 16
LEA 80 .20 (20%) 16
CRIMINALISTICS 74 .20 (20%) 14.8
CDI 66 .15 (15%) 9.9
CRIM SOCIO 68 .15 (15%) 10.2
CA 80 .10 (10%) 8

Overall Score = 74. 9

Note: FAILED the passing grade is 75 and remember there is no rounding-off of grade in the
board examination.


Area Raw Score Weight

Average Score
CLJ 90 .20 (20%) 18
LEA 89 .20 (20%) 17.8
CRIMINALISTICS 86 .20 (20%) 17.2
CDI 88 .15 (15%) 13.2
CRIM SOCIO 89 .15 (15%) 13.35
CA 85 .10 (10%) 8.5

Overall Score = 88.05




Area Raw Score Weight

Average Score
CLJ 96 .20 (20%) 19.2
LEA 94 .20 (20%) 18.8
CRIMINALISTICS 96 .20 (20%) 19.2
CDI 90 .15 (15%) 13.5
CRIM SOCIO 90 .15 (15%) 13.5
CA 49 .10 (10%) 4.9

Overall Score = 89.10

Note: The Raw score of examinee C in the area Correctional Administration appears to be below
50 points which is a cut-off grade in the Board Exam.

Note: “If you really wanted to become exceptional the Target grade should be 85 points and


The Professional Regulation Commission administer the Criminologist Licensure Examination

by a multiple type of question which composed of 600 questions to be hurdle for three (3) days, a
100 item each subject area. In the actual battle the examinee will answer 200 items each day one
for morning session and another 100 for afternoon session.

There are two general classifications of a multiple choice question

First is the statement form.

1. Autoptic photography refers to the taking of photographs of _______
A. Scenic views C. Cadavers
B. Film making D. Sexy dancers

Answer: C

2. In murder case, the photograph should include the close-up shots of _______
A. Ingress and Egress C. Goods stolen
B. Cohorts of the suspects D. Assailants escape car

Answer: A

Second is the question form.

3. Who should be dispatched be dispatched by the police to the crime scene to search for
physical evidence?
A. Evidence technician C. Legal officer
B. Criminal investigator D. Foot patrol

Answer: A

4. Which of the following is inseparable from the principle of delegation?

A. Training C. Role Modeling
B. Development of Subordinate D. Order Giving

Answer: D

Multiple choice question items have two parts namely: the stem and the options. The stem is
the first part of the statement that poses a problem. The options are the choices from which the
examinees have to select the answer. The options have two parts; the correct answer and the



Direct question

1. What type of police leader is one who tells his/her subordinates what to do, allowing no
A. Command presence leader
B. Free-rein leader
C. Democratic leader
D. Autocratic leader

Answer: D
2. It comprises all documents, reports and all recorded information that pertains to a single
personality or subject. Contained in a folder for storage convenience
A. Document
B. File
C. Information
D. Dossier

Answer: D

Incomplete Statement Form

3. In particular, “chain of custody” refers to the marking, labels, and records made on the
specimen, from the crime scene to the forensic laboratory and to ______
A. Courts personnel C. Evidence custodian
B. Investigation D. Prosecutor’s office

Answer: C

4. In carnapping cases, the best evidence to pin down the suspect is the recovery of _______
A. Registration papers C. driver as witness
B. Stolen car D. car key

Answer: B

Best Answer type

5. In forgery, using simulating method, the best equipment to use in detecting it is the?
A. Low powered microscope C. large magnifying glass
B. Graphic camera D. high-powered microscope

Answer: C

6. One method of organizing a complex organization is to subdivide the work into small units,
with each staff specializing in one phase of the operation. Which of the following is a likely
disadvantage of this subdivision of work?
A. More difficult coordination of work
B. More costly operation
C. More training requirements
D. Poorer quality of work

Justifying Methods or Procedures

7. Why does the US and European Union tagged the Philippines CPP-NPA as terrorist.
A. Because they are engaged in killing what sectors civilian of our society
B. Because they are engaged in killing what sectors religious of our society
C. Because they are engaged in killing what sectors political of our society
D. Because they are engaged in killing what sectors gay of our society

Answer: A

Knowledge of Terminology

8. Under existing drugs law (RA 9165), the other term of ecstasy is what?
A. Methyl barbital
B. Methylenedioxy methamphetamine
C. Methamphetamine peroxide
D. Methydioxymenthamphetamine

Answer: B

9. What is the other term for scalar principle?

A. Line of authority
B. Chain of command
C. Unity of command
D. Unity of direction

Answer: B

10. A means to describe and compare different forms of criminal behavior is called:
A. Psychology
B. Anthropology
C. Typology
D. Psychiatry

Answer: A

Knowledge of Specific Facts

11. All nations including the USA are vulnerable to terrorists attack. So far, the MOST
successful terrorists offensive that hit the most powerful nation on earth was the one that
occurred in New York City smashing the twin towers in less than a couple of hours. When
did it happen?
A. September 21, 2000 C. October 21, 2001
B. October 11, 2001 D. September 11, 2001
Answer: D

12. The date of effectivity of the Revised Penal Code is January 1, _____
A. 1932 C. 1931
B. 1929 D. 1930

Answer: A

13. Who was the one who said “Let no one despise the ridges on account of their smallness,
for they are in some respect, the most important of all anthropological data”?
A. Francis Galton C. Ridge Cook
B. Cesare Lombroso D. John Howard

Answer: A

Measuring Outcomes at the Understanding and Application Levels

14. The main and common symptoms of coma not only in crime incident is:
A. Paleness of the lips
B. Unconsciousness
C. Intermittent pulse rates
D. Blackening of the eyelids

Answer: B

15. If responding to a fire, you as an arson prober arrived there with the fire still in progress,
what would you do FIRST?
A. Help putt- off the fire
B. Cordon the area
C. Start interviewing witnesses
D. Observe the kind of smoke

Answer: A

16. If you cannot prosecute a drunken driver because for example, the level intoxication does
not exceed 10% what is your recourse as a respected traffic prober?
A. Compel to attend seminar
B. Recommended license revocation
C. Prohibit to take liquor
D. Confiscate the license

Answer: D
Interpreting Cause-and-Effect Relationships

17. Is humidity a factor in the presence or absence of gunpowder?

A. never C. it depends
B. yes D. no

Answer: B


Yes or No/True or False/Correct or Incorrect type of question (Positive-Negative)

18. Are search warrants by the courts of law always issued in the name of the Philippines?
A. no C. possible
B. it depends D. yes

Answer: D

19. The robbery in this case may be considered to have been committed by a band because
there are four (4) malefactors. This statement is:
A. Partly true C. false
B. Partly false D. true

Answer: C

20. All criminal actions, whether commenced by filing of complaint or information, are
under the direct control of the public prosecutor. This statement is _______.
A. Correct C. not correct
B. Partially correct D. it depends

Answer: A

Enumeration Type

21. Which of the following are pre-licensing training programs?

I. Basic security guard course
II. Security training officer course
III. Private security training trainors course
IV. Basic security supervisory course
V. Security supervisor development course
A. I, II, and III
B. V, I, and II
C. II, III, and IV
D. IV, V, and I
Answer: A

22. What test are conducted by the UN selection assistance team for PNP applicants who
passed the initial screening process conducted by the PNP selection Committee?
I. English test
II. Weapon handling and proficiency test
III. Driving test
IV. Intelligence quotient (IQ) test
A. I, II and III
B. III, IV, and I
C. IV, I and II
D. II, III and IV

Answer: B

Fill in the blanks

23. The National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) is ______ the department of the interior
and Local Government (DILG) for policy and program coordination
A. Attached to
B. Under
C. Connected to
D. Equal to

Answer: A

Essay Type

24. Mar, Digong & Jun-Jun raped Grace in that when Mar was having sex with Grace,
Digong & Jun-Jun were holding the legs and arms of Grace. When it was Digong's turn,
Mar & Jun-Jun were the ones holding Grace's legs and arms. When Jun-Jun was the one
having sex with Grace, the ones holding Grace arms and legs were Mar & Digong. Later,
Mar succeeded in courting Grace and later Mar contracted marriage with Grace. Is the
criminal liability for rape committed by Mar, Digong & Jun-Jun extinguished?
A. No, because marriage of the offended party with the offender does not apply to
multiple rapes.
B. Yes, the marriage of the offender with the offended party shall extinguish the
criminal action or remit the penalty already imposed
C. No, because marriage by the offended party with the offender does not apply to
accomplices and accessories.
D. Yes, because a husband cannot be guilty of the crime rape upon his wife because of
the matrimonial consent.
Answer: A

25. Charlemagne with intent to kill shot James using an unlicensed firearm as a result James
died instantly. Now, future Criminologist what crime or crimes was committed by
A. Homicide, the unlicensed firearm will be appreciated only as an aggravating
B. Separate crime of Homicide and illegal possession of firearms under PD 1866
amended by RA 8294.
C. Murder, the use of unlicensed fire will be appreciated as a qualifying aggravating
D. Separate crime of Murder and illegal possession of firearms under PD 1866
amended by RA 8294.

Answer: A

Matching type

26. If Shabu is Methamphetamine Hydrochloride, Ecstasy is :

A. Methylene dioxymethamphetamine
B. Methylene dioxyethylamphetamine
C. Methylene dioxychlorideamphetamine
D. Methylene dioxymecsineamphetamine

Answer: A

Identification type

27. It is that branch of municipal or public law that defines crime treats of their nature and
provides punishment for their commission thereof.
A. Criminal law
B. Criminal procedure
C. Evidence
D. Civil law

Answer: A

Definition of terms type

28. DNA means

A. Dioxyrobi Nucleic Acid
B. Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
C. Dioxyribo Nucleic Acid
D. DixyRobi Nucleic Acid

Answer: B
Note: not all of the questions asked in the board exams are correctly phrased. There are
unintended errors as per observance of previous board question.


-DNE means
A. Dioxyrobi Nucleic Acid
B. Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
C. Dioxyribo Nucleic Acid
D. DixyRobi Nucleic Acid

It should be:

- DNA means
A. Dioxyrobi Nucleic Acid
B. Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid
C. Dioxyribo Nucleic Acid
D. Deoxyrobi Nucleic Acid

Answer: B

ONE simply means that one is not included or does not belong to the group.

NEITHER means NEGATIVE, none of these or none of the above while

EITHER means POSITIVE, all of these or all of the above.

AND MY TIP “Aside from reading a lot of books but because the type of the examination is
Multiple Choice Question you must at least target 9,000 question then, I will guarantee you that
you are going to see you name on the list of board passers”.

These two quotations

“Victory belongs to the most persevering” (for Board passers)


“Hard work makes a difference” (for Topnotchers)


“There are no limitations to the self. There are no limitations to its potential. You can adopt
artificial limitations through ignorance.”
-Jane Roberts


“Dream to be a Criminologist and a Topnotcher”

Are you dreaming to become a Criminologist? I am a criminologist and I am one of the

living proof and yes I will give you the burden, the burden are herein stated you just need to follow
through it. A glace of my past before I became a Criminologist, when I was dreaming to top the
Licensure exam I often asked from most of my seniors, professors and most of them told me “go
aim to top the board” you have the potential as the board exam came too soon I was not able to
maintain my goal because of many factors and unfortunately I failed to top the board but
fortunately I’d just passed and now I am a criminologist. As I learned that this saying is worth of
credit “Go aim for the stars and if you failed so you will still land on the moon”.

Most of the candidate for licensure exam aim only to pass the grueling exam and as a result
if they got out of luck on that goal they will fail. Believe me you, it is important to dream big as a
reviewee will exert more effort than the normal. Jut down this one if you only dream of trivial
matter or just passing the board exam, expect that the effort that will be exerted will be also trivial.
So now! Future Criminologist. Dream to top the board exam!


“Laziness as one of the deadly sin”

Laziness is often the no. 1 problem of every reviewees, laziness is a habit which can
compromise everything even the most promising profession. Laziness is congenial it stems from
our surroundings such as lazy friends or unsupportive relatives, and even yourself because of lack
of a definite goals.

Decide and Act, it is the only way to conquer it. The unwillingness to make a decision and
none commitment to follow through with it will result to failure. Commit yourself by achieving
your goals and dreams, then you can expect success. Many reviewees have made a strong decision
on what they want. But the commitment to those goals is as important as establishing them. It’s
not enough to say “I want to become a CRIMINOLOGIST”. You’ll need to say, “I want to become
a Criminologist and will do it. I will read 10 hours a day and I will do everything to pass it if that’s
what it takes”. Now future Criminologist be ready to conquer laziness!



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