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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science for Learners with Special Needs

by: Rysshiel Trizzia S. Lampauog

I. Objectives: At the end of a 60-minute class, the learners will be able to:
a. describe the different means of communication
b. sketch the different means of communication
c. express their views on the uses of the different kinds of communication

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Means of communication
Reference: Wonders of Integrated Science, p. 2
Materials: Picture puzzle, pictures, dice, emoji sticks

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity
A. Preparation

Before we start let us pray,

Repeat after me
I hold my hand
I close my eyes
And say a little prayer
“Angel of God, “Angel of God,
my guardian dear, my guardian dear,
to whom God’s love commits me here. to whom God’s love commits me here.
Ever this day be at my side Ever this day be at my side
to light and guard to rule and guide. to light and guard to rule and guide.
Amen” Amen”

“Good morning kids!” Good morning, Teacher!

“How are you today?” We’re fine, Teacher!

“Okay that’s nice! Before you will sit let us

sing first. I will teach you then you will
sing with me after.”
“Hello, Hello, Hello, (Kids are singing)
Hello, How do you do?
I'm glad to be with you,
And you, and you, and you.
la la la la la...
Hello, Hello, Hello,
Hello, How do you do?
I'm glad to be with you,
And you, and you, and you.
la la la la la...”

Thank you, you may now sit down. Thank you Teacher!
B. Motivation
Now I have a question, do you want to play? Yes Teacher!
I have here puzzle pictures and I want you to
solve this puzzles for 3 minutes only. Ready?
Ready Teacher!

C. Presentation
Are you familiar with those puzzle pictures?
Those picture puzzles are examples of the Yes Teacher!
means of communication. Those are the things
we use in receiving and sending messages.
Today we will learn about the things we use in

D. Lesson Proper
We will start our discussion about the means
of communication. I have here a dice and box
with different colors and I named it a mystery
Do you want to see what’s inside this mystery
In order to see what’s inside this box I want a
volunteer who will roll the dice so that we will
know which color we will pull.
Okay let’s start! Yes Teacher!

Justin and Ella come here, and roll the dice!

The dice chose color pink!
(Pulls the pink paper)

The first one is computer

It helps us to connect with people all around

the world.

We can use computer by sending emails or

messages and we can also use this for video
calls but of course with an internet.
Example when you want to talk with your
friend who’s in far away place.
What is this again? And how can we use it?

Who wants to roll the dice?

Kyrha and Joshua!
Computer! We can use it when we sent
emails or messages with the use of internet.
(Raise hands)
Its color blue! Let’s open now the blue box (Roll the dice)
and it’s letter!

We write and put it inside an envelope, write

the address of the receiver.

We send letter by post, this man here is called

mailman his duty is to send letters to the
Another example of letter is when you give
excuse letter to your teacher.
This what?
Next to roll the dice are Yna and Yana!
Color yellow! It’s radio! (Roll the dice)

We listen here news, music and other


For example this is listening om the radio and

it says that the classes are suspended due to
the heavy rain. So by the radio we will some
news about our city.
This is called?

Ben and Anna please roll the dice. Radio!

(Roll the dice)

Color white! The television

Through this we can watch and hear news all

over the world. Television
This is called what?

Now let’s go to the last which is the color

orange, the mobile phones.

It is use to make calls, send and receive

messages to your friends or family. It also
allows you to send videos and pictures.
Mobile phone!
This is what we call?

All of that are the different means of

Yes Teacher!

E. Enrichment/Reinforcement
This time we will play again, the name of our
activity is MATCH IT! I have here pictures of
people who use means of communication and
the picture of means of communication alone,
so I want you to match the right means of
communication these people are using.
Yes Teacher!

Another activity is I will give you some happy

and sad emoji sticks. If do you think the uses
of each means of communication we
discussed is good you will raise the happy
emoji stick if it’s not good raise the sad emoji

(Raise their emoji sticks)
(Raise their emoji sticks)
(Raise their emoji sticks)
(Raise their emoji sticks)
Mobile phones
(Raise their emoji sticks)
F. Generalization
So did you learn something from our lesson
today? Yes teacher
What did we discussed? About? Means of Communication
What are the means of communication?
Is it useful for us? Computer, Letter, Radio, Television, and
Okay very good because you have learned Mobile phone
from our lesson today.

IV. Evaluation
I will give each of you a piece of bond paper
and draw at least 2 means of communication
that you want to use everyday.

V. Assignment
I have worksheets here answer these at home,
you will identify the means of communication
in each number and put an X if it’s not means
of communication and put a check if it’s a
means of communication. Okay?

Yes Teacher!

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