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Portfolio 2019-20

Personal Artifact
Future career interests (if known): Chef

Targeted soft skills you chose for this year:

1.Ability to work independently

2.Ability to follow directions

Description of Artifact (*The personal artifact may be anything that demonstrates growth, skills, interests, discoveries, and/or
abilities from your experience this last year -- can be school-related or not.)

My time capsule is an activity I do for the English class.

How did your experience with this artifact change or impact you?
It has made me know you more and see my memories and see all the things I have
lived and the power to one day open that capsule and read how my mind will change in
the future.

Did you see growth in your targeted soft skills through the course of working on this artifact?
I could say that only my ability to create my personal goals

Provide an example of how the skills you practiced or the knowledge you gained via this artifact
may also be used in a career in which you are interested.

Please provide an example of how the skills you practiced or the knowledge you gained through
this artifact can also be used in a career you are interested in.

Well, it would be useful to create goals to be a good chef or even get to work in a good position
or work in a good restaurant, even having your own place as a restaurant.

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