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Letter of Motivation

By fact, I am socially active person with friendly nature, a good communicator indeed who is
blessed with many friends. I keep a keen view to the reality of life thus approach people with
positive mind and attitude and always prove to be helpful with honest efforts and true
dedication. Besides that I always feel very joyous and fortunate to meet and greet people
belonging to different backgrounds and cultures. As such meetings are always important
because they prove to be beneficial in future also it makes things easy to cope whether one
works or studies in his own country or outside the country. I have completed my
undergraduate studies in Bachelor of Science in Electrical/Electronic from “Sarhad
University of Information and Technology”, Peshawar, Pakistan, in December 2014, with a
CGPA of 3.0 out of 4.00. I was an active somehow indulgent student among others during
my undergraduate studies, very often involved in many curricular and co-curricular activities.
In fact, I was up to the mark and honored in the top 10’s list of 50 students in my
undergraduate class. If observed by the meritorious efforts I remain very competent and I
have passed all entrance tests conducted by the academic institution of my education with
high achievements and secured overall 4th place in the whole district. I did my final year
thesis project on “Line-Follower and RF-Controlled UGV with Live-Video-Transmission”
with the group of Two members in which I was made the Group Leader. While working on
this project I found strong motivation in myself towards graduate study and research in the
area of power system automation. I took up Electronics and Communication Engineering
as my master major as it had tremendous potential to becomes a dominate force in this
Millennium affecting all walks of human life. The range of subjects and Research that I was
exposed to during the my Master course fascinated me to great extents, but it did not take me
long to realize my proclivity towards information and communication systems .The field of
Communication Engineering has undergone a significant paradigm shift in the last decade it
varies. From being a technology that had its greatest utilization in defense and military based
applications, it is currently in the forefront as a fundamental technology in wireless
communications and other industrial, medical and commercial applications.

I feel that graduate study alone does not provide the specialized academic exposure essential
to reach higher professional levels in the present day technology-driven world. Moreover the
scarcity of highly qualified personnel and the amount of research work done in the field of
communication engineering in Pakistan; together with the never quenching thirst to serve my
country with the best of my abilities motivates me to go in for higher studies. As Europe
country is one of the developed countries, providing research in communication with
excellent research facilities to compete all over the world, I think study and research at
Europe is practically ideal.

My motto is to work in an international field related to Electronics Engineering. Therefore, I

would like to gain deeper theoretical and practical knowledge in starting and managing most
innovative projects. During my studies, with great hidden abilities in myself I will try to
come up with the best of everything; to accompany the professors and university colleagues
in carrying out research and exploring for immense exciting industrial mysteries in the field
of power system Automation. After completion of my master’s studies I hope to be able to
take part in maximizing my country’s research technology in such fields to benefit its
economy and enhance the living standards of my compatriots. I hope that I can gain more
experience in dealing with situations, peoples, systems and demands which will be of a great
help in my future career.

My ultimate academic goal is to earn a PhD to explore my various interests. As far as long-
term plans, I hope to get a position at a university or other institution where I can indulge my
primary impulse, which is to be involved in scientific research. I have to continue my study to
enrich my skills and broaden my knowledge. I believe that I have the qualities to be a good
researcher. Being able to identify patterns and relationships that are not obvious to others is
perhaps my greatest strength. This will prove very valuable because an integral part of being
a researcher is to perceive the balance between theory and practice, analytical rigor and
intuition. My communication skills are good and I like to express ideas and concepts both in
oral and written form for the dissemination of knowledge in my chosen field of
specialization. I am aware that a career in research requires strong motivation, hard work,
discipline, maturity and perseverance, and I am confident that I possess these qualities. I
yearn to play an active role in advancing the intellectual frontiers of communication
engineering and move towards my goal of contributing more effectively to the society as an
Engineering Scientist. I look forward to your positive response for admission.

Tahir Arshad

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