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Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture

Article · January 2010

37 491

8 authors, including:

Thierry Chopin Max Troell

University of New Brunswick Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien


G.K. Reid D. Knowler

Centre for Marine Applied Research Simon Fraser University


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SeaWin View project

Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) View project

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Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture
Part I. Responsible Practice Provides Diversified Products, Biomitigation
Suspension Extractive
Fed Aquaculture Aquaculture
(Finfish) Organic Inorganic Dr. Thierry Chopin
(Shellfish) (Seaweeds) University of New Brunswick
Canadian IMTA Network
P. O. Box 5050
Saint John, New Brunswick
E2L 4L5 Canada
Dr. Max Troell
The Royal Swedish Academy
of Sciences
Beijer International Institute
of Ecological Economics
Stockholm, Sweden
Dr. Gregor K. Reid
Deposit Extractive University of New Brunswick
Aquaculture Canadian IMTA Network
Dr. Duncan Knowler
Simon Fraser University
This diagram of an integrated multi-trophic aquaculture operation illustrates School of Resource
a combination of trophic levels that share the environment and take advantage and Environmental Management
of organic and inorganic nutrients made available by the various organisms. Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
Dr. Shawn M. C. Robinson
Consequently, it is imperative to design Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Biological Station
Summary: the responsible aquaculture practices of
St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada
Integrated multi-trophic aqua- tomorrow that maintain the integrity of
culture involves cultivating fed ecosystems while ensuring the viability of Dr. Amir Neori
species with extractive species that this sector and its key roles in food provi- Israel Oceanographic and Limnological
sion, safety and security. Research Ltd.
utilize the inorganic and organic
The majority of aquaculture produc- National Centre for Mariculture
wastes from aquaculture for their Eilat, Israel
growth. The mix of organisms of tion still originates from relatively sus-
different trophic levels mimics the tainable extensive and semi-intensive sys- Dr. Alejandro H. Buschmann
functioning of natural ecosystems. tems. However, the rapid development i-mar
All the cultivation components throughout the world of intensive Universidad de Los Lagos
marine-fed aquaculture of carnivorous Puerto Montt, Chile
have commercial value, as well as
key roles in recycling processes and finfish and shrimp, and to a lesser extent Dr. Shaojun Pang
biomitigating services. Some of the some shellfish aquaculture, is associated Institute of Oceanology
externalities of fed monoculture are with concerns about the environmental, Chinese Academy of Sciences
internalized, increasing the overall economic and social impacts that these Qingdao, China
sustainability and long-term profit- often monospecific practices can have,
ability of aquaculture farms. especially where activities are highly geo-
graphically concentrated or located in – are often geographically separate, rarely
suboptimal sites whose assimilative balancing each other out at the local or
The global seafood industry is at a capacities may be poorly understood and, regional scale, and, thus, any potential
crossroads. As capture fisheries stagnate consequently, prone to being exceeded. synergy between the two is lost. To avoid
in volume, they are falling increasingly pronounced shifts in coastal processes, the
short of a growing world demand for sea- Monoculture Concerns solution to nutrification by fed aquaculture
food. It is anticipated that by 2030, there For many marine aquaculture opera- is not dilution, but extraction and conver-
will be a 50-mmt to 80-mmt seafood def- tions, monoculture is, spatially and mana- sion of the excess nutrients and energy
icit. This gap will likely not be filled by gerially, often the norm. Species are culti- into other commercial crops produced by
capture fisheries, but by aquaculture vated independently in different bays or extractive aquaculture.
operations, which already supply almost regions. Consequently, the two different To continue to grow, the aquaculture
50% of the seafood consumed worldwide. types of aquaculture – fed versus extractive sector needs to develop more innovative,
38 September/October 2010 global aquaculture advocate
fact that the extractive component of an
IMTA system not only produces a valu-
able multi-purpose biomass, but also
Mussels Mussels Mussels simultaneously renders waste reduction
Seaweed Seaweed services to society.
It is particularly important to recognize
that once nutrients have entered coastal
IMTA sites in Canada, incorporate rows of salmon cages, mussel rafts and seaweed rafts. ecosystems, not many removal options are
available. The use of extractive species is
responsible, sustainable and profitable ability and competitiveness. one of the few realistic and cost-effective
technologies and practices, which should From an ecological point of view, options. The economic values of the envi-
diversification also means cultivating ronmental services of extractive species
be ecologically efficient, environmentally
more than one trophic level, i.e., not just should, therefore, be counted in the evalu-
benign, product-diversified and societally
raising several species of finfish in poly- ation of IMTA components.
beneficial. Maintaining sustainability, not
only from an environmental, but also culture, but adding into the mix organ-
isms of different and lower trophic levels,
Nutrient Trading Credits
economic, social and technical perspec- To improve the sustainability of
tives, has become a key issue, increased such as seaweeds, shellfish, crustaceans,
anthropogenic nutrient-loading practices
by the enhanced awareness of demanding echinoderms, worms and bacteria chosen
such as aquaculture, incentives such as
consumers regarding quality, traceability according to their complementary roles in
nutrient trading credits (NTCs) should be
and production conditions. the ecosystem and their established or
established as a means to promote nutrient
potential commercial value. This approach
load reduction or nutrient recovery. Dur-
IMTA: Flexible, Functional mimics natural ecosystems.
ing the last few years, there has been much
Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture
Ecosystem Approach talk about carbon credits. However, within
(IMTA) has the potential to play a role
Evolving aquaculture practices will coastal settings, the concerns have largely
in reaching these objectives by cultivating
require a conceptual shift toward under- been with nitrogen, due to the fact that its
fed species (e.g., finfish fed sustainable
standing the working of food production typical role as a limiting nutrient is no lon-
commercial diets) with extractive species,
systems rather than focusing on techno- ger the case in some regions.
which utilize the inorganic (e.g., sea-
logical solutions. One of the innovative The potential effects of carbon load-
weeds) and organic (e.g., suspension and
solutions promoted for environmental ing in the marine environment should
deposit feeders) excess nutrients from
sustainability, economic stability and also be considered. Localized benthic
aquaculture for their growth.
societal acceptability is IMTA. anoxia and, consequently, hydrogen sul-
The IMTA concept is extremely flex-
The aim is to increase long-term sus- fide release can occur when solid waste
ible. To use a musical analogy, IMTA is
tainability and profitability per cultivation deposition rates exceed aerobic decompo-
the central/overarching theme on which
unit, not per species in isolation, as is done sition rates. Ocean acidification due to
many variations can be developed accord-
in monoculture. The wastes of a fed ani- increased dissolved carbon dioxide levels
ing to the prevailing environmental, bio-
mal crop are not lost but recaptured and has also prompted serious new concerns.
logical, physical, chemical, societal and
converted into fertilizer, food and energy With an appropriate composition of
economic conditions where the IMTA
for the other crops (extractive plants and co-cultured species, IMTA has the
systems are operating. It can be applied
animals). These, in turn, can be harvested potential to reduce the amounts of dis-
to open-water or land-based systems, and
and marketed as healthy seafood, while solved inorganic and solid organic forms
marine or freshwater systems (sometimes
biomitigation takes place through partial of nitrogen, carbon and phosphorus,
called “aquaponics” or “partitioned aqua-
removal of nutrients and carbon dioxide, making extractive aquaculture a good
culture”). Integration should be under-
stood as cultivation in proximity, not and production of oxygen. candidate for NTCs or another suitable
considering absolute distances but con- In this way, all the cultivation compo- approach to deal with the pressing issues
nectivity in terms of ecosystemic func- nents have commercial value, as well as of coastal nutrient loading.
tionalities. The IMTA concept can be key roles in recycling processes and Interestingly, the removal of nitrogen
extended within very large ecosystems. biomitigating services. Some of the exter- could be about 100 times more lucrative
nalities of fed monoculture are internal- than that of carbon. The cost of remov-
Diversification Needed ized, hence increasing the overall sustain- ing nitrogen is not clearly defined, but
The saying “Do not put all your eggs ability, long-term profitability and studies may help define a range of possi-
in one basket,” which applies to agricul- resilience of aquaculture farms. ble prices for economic evaluation of the
ture and many other businesses, should NTC concept. The cost of removing 1 kg
also apply to aquaculture. Having excess Biomitigation Value of nitrogen varies between U.S. $3 and
production of a single species leaves a A few economic analyses have indi- $38 at sewage treatment facilities,
business vulnerable to sustainability issues cated that the outlook for increased prof- depending on the technology used and
because of fluctuating prices in what itability through IMTA is promising. the labor costs in different countries. The
become commodity markets and the pos- However, these analyses were based solely municipality of Lysekil in Sweden is pay-
sibility of catastrophic crop destruction on the commercial values of harvested ing approximately $10/kg removed by the
due to diseases or damaging weather. biomass and used conservative price esti- filter-feeding mussel, Mytilus edulis, to
Consequently, diversification of the aqua- mates for the co-cultivated organisms the farm Nordic Shell Produktion A.B.
culture industry is advisable for reducing based on known applications. One aspect
economic risk and maintaining sustain- not factored into these analyses was the
global aquaculture advocate September/October 2010 39
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