Template Suny Canton Lesson Activity Plan Fill-In July 2019 MM

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SUNY Canton Early Childhood Program

Lesson Activity Plan Template 2019

Name: ​Liyah Johnson ​Date: ​October 8,2019

Curriculum Theme: ​Insects
Age​: Preschool
Group #: ​Small Group, 4-6 Children
Subject​: Language and Literacy
HSELOF Domain: ​Language and Communication
HSELOF Sub-Domain: ​Attending and Understanding
Title of Lesson: ​Bug on a Bike Adventure
I. Lesson Goal Statement
The children will enhance their understanding of language and communication by engaging in a reading
activity of “Bug on a Bike” by Chris Monroe.

II. Skills, Objective Statements, HSELOF Codes and Goals

Skill 1: ​Expression
Lesson Objective 1: ​The children will develop communication skills by telling their favorite part of the story.
HSELOF Code and Goal: ​P-LC1 Child attends to communication and language from others.
Skill 2: ​Responding
Lesson Objective 2: ​The children will develop receptive skills by communicating with classmates and the
teacher about the story they’ve read together.
HSELOF Code and Goal: P​-LC2 Child understands and responds to increasingly complex communication and
language from others.
Skill 3: ​Communication
Lesson Objective 3: ​The children will gain the ability to express themselves by giving their opinion about the
events that occurred in the story.
HSELOF Code and Goal: ​P-LC5 Child expresses self in increasingly long, detailed, and sophisticated ways.
III. Materials Needed:

Book: “Bug on a Bike” by Chris Monroe.

1 Butterfly
1 ladybug
1 ant
1 frog
1 bear
1 cow

IV. Directions / Steps / Process [Parts A & B, C, D]:

A. Visual Motivation
Plastic bugs and animals from the story (ladybug, ant, butterfly, bear etc.)

B. Verbal Motivation / Introduction

1. I will introduce the book to the class.
2. I will point to the bugs on the front cover and ask if they’ve ever seen bugs like this before.
3. Together, we will read the book and identify the bugs and animals throughout.
4. After reading the book, I will have the children tell me their favorite part of the story.
5. After telling me their favorite part, they can draw their favorite part or demonstrate to the class.

C. Detailed Steps

1. I will tell the children about the book that we will be reading in class for the day.
2. I will point to the bug on the cover on the book and ask if they’ve ever seen a bug like this before.
3. I will explain that our main character is a ladybug.
4. As we’re reading along, I will ask the children to point to the bugs and animals that they see and ask if
they can identify by name.
5. I will use the plastic animals to help the children identify the bugs and animals from the story.
6. When the story ends, I will ask the children how they felt about the story.
7. I will ask the children what their favorite animal/ bug was.
8. Depending on what animal or bug they chose, they will do the action of that animal/bug to transition
to the table (crawl, hop, flutter).
9. At the table, I will give each child a piece of plain paper.
10. I will tell the children to draw their favorite part of the story.
11. When the children are done drawing, each child will stand and tell their peers what they drew.
12. After each child presents, I will ask them to hang up their drawings.
13. I will explain to the children that in order to hang up their drawing, they must find a word that rhymes
with the animal/ bug that they chose.
14. One by one, each child will hang up their drawings.

D. Conclusion
The children can assist me by hanging up their Bug on a Bike Adventure Illustrations.
V. Assessment / Outcomes
Objective 1 : Child attends to communication and language from others.
Objective 2: Child understands and responds to increasingly complex communication and language from
Objective 3:Child expresses self in increasingly long, detailed, and sophisticated ways.

Supplemental Materials
Word Log  
Ladybug   hug 
Ant  dance 
Frog  dog 
Butterfly  cry 
Bear  chair 
Cow   down 

08-12-2016 MM/CM
Revised: July 2019 MM

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