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Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture

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A Review on Japanese Eel (Anguilla japonica)

Aquaculture, With Special Emphasis on Nutrition

Ali Hamidoghli, Jinho Bae, Seonghun Won, Seunghan Lee, Dae-Jung Kim &
Sungchul C. Bai

To cite this article: Ali Hamidoghli, Jinho Bae, Seonghun Won, Seunghan Lee, Dae-Jung
Kim & Sungchul C. Bai (2019): A Review on Japanese Eel (Anguilla�japonica) Aquaculture,
With Special Emphasis on Nutrition, Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture, DOI:

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Published online: 19 Mar 2019.

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A Review on Japanese Eel (Anguilla japonica) Aquaculture, With Special

Emphasis on Nutrition
Ali Hamidoghlia, Jinho Baea, Seonghun Wona, Seunghan Leea,b, Dae-Jung Kimc, and Sungchul C. Baia
Department of Marine Bio-materials and Aquaculture/Feeds & Foods Nutrition Research Center, Pukyong National University, Busan,
Republic of Korea; bUniversity of Idaho, Hagerman Fish Culture Experiment Station, Hagerman, Idaho, USA; cJeju Fisheries Research
Institute, National Institute of Fisheries Science, Jeju, Republic of Korea

Aquaculture has experienced tremendous growth over the last few decades as global pro- Japanese eel; aquaculture;
duction has increased from 16 million tons in 1990 to 110 million tons in 2016. Meanwhile, nutrition; nutritional
the modern aquaculture industry is interested in the production of endangered species with requirements
great economic potential. Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) is one of the most valuable
species in East Asia with high market demand. But, unfortunately, this fish is critically endan-
gered largely due to excessive harvesting at early life stages and deteriorating environmen-
tal conditions. Therefore, a sustainable aquaculture strategy is necessary to conserve and
rehabilitate Japanese eel stocks while meeting market demand. In order to achieve this
goal, efficient artificial breeding of Japanese eel and knowledge of nutritional requirements
during every life stage is critical. The present review will cover recent research and technol-
ogy in the areas of aquaculture and artificial breeding, and provide comprehensive informa-
tion regarding the nutrition of Japanese eel. The information provided in this study is
intended for researchers working on the aquaculture of Japanese eel by identifying the cur-
rent knowledge and research gaps. This review is also helpful to feed manufacturers in pro-
ducing practical diets for different life stages of Japanese eel.

1. Introduction million tons in 2016. Nowadays, aquaculture produc-

tion provides about 50% of the global fish supply
Fish are rich sources of nutrients and contain essential
while the other half is provided by fisheries (FAO,
amino acids and fatty acids (such as long-chain fatty
acids) as well as micronutrients such as vitamins and 2018). Sustainable aquaculture can provide worldwide
minerals. These nutrients, often lacking in many diets nutritional security, reduce the pressure on the envir-
can be found in fish flesh. Therefore, fish consump- onment and wild fisheries, help with the preservation
tion aids in the development of organs and prevents and rehabilitation of endangered species, and contrib-
the degeneration of muscle tissue, mitigates the effects ute to the economic development of countries.
of aging, cardiovascular diseases such as strokes and Meanwhile, the modern aquaculture industry is inter-
myocardial infarctions, neurological diseases, diabetes ested in the production of endangered species with
and blood pressure (Olsen, 2003; Raatz and Bibus, great economic potential.
2016). This has led to the increase of global fish con- Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) is one of 16 species
sumption up to 20 kg per capita as of 2014, which is of freshwater eel belonging to the Anguoilla genus
16% of all animal proteins (cattle, pork, and chicken) (Watanabe, 2003). In East Asian countries such as
consumed. Due to the predicted world population China, Japan, and Republic of Korea, A. japonica is
increase to more than 9 billion in 2050, fish is consid- commonly cultured and consumed as a luxury food
ered to be one of the main protein sources for satisfy- item. This fish is also naturally distributed in fresh-
ing the forecasted rise demand (FAO, 2016). waters of Taiwan, China, Korea, and Northern Japan
Aquaculture has experienced tremendous growth (Tesch, 2003). Mitochondrial DNA sequencing of
over the last several decades as the global production A. japonica did not show any evidence of genetic
has increased from 16 million tons in 1990 to 110 subdivisions between different populations in these

CONTACT Sungchul C. Bai Department of Marine Bio-materials and Aquaculture/Feeds & Foods Nutrition Research Center,
Pukyong National University, Busan 48513, Republic of Korea.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
ß 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

countries (Sang et al., 1994; Ishikawa et al., 2001). developing organs such as intestine, gills and kidneys
Unfortunately, according to the International Union they get prepared for migration to freshwaters in early
for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources winter or late spring (Otake, 2003). Kawakami et al.
(IUCN), Japanese eel is listed as endangered under (2013) were able to link the profiles of thyroid hor-
the red list of threatened species (Jacoby and Gollock, mone receptors to the developmental stages of
2014). Currently, the wild population size of this fish Japanese eel, thereby revealing the extensive role of
is so low that it is on the brink of extinction. thyroid hormones in metamorphosis. Small colorless
Although the precise reasons for this decline are eels that arrive in freshwater from the sea are referred
uncertain, some researches have related it to habitat to as “glass eel”, because of their transparent skin. In
modifications and impediments to upstream migration the freshwater, glass eel goes through some physio-
such as dam construction (Itakura et al., 2015). logical and morphological changes, such as pigmenta-
According to Tatsukawa and Matsumiya (1999) and tion, and are then called “elvers”. Elvers migrate
Tatsukawa (2003), there is a direct correlation upstream with outstanding climbing abilities and turn
between the decline in eel catch and population size into “yellow” eels along the way. With further pro-
to the construction date, height and water volume of gress in the freshwater growing phase, they turn into
dams. Other reasons such as pollution, disease, “silver” eels which stop eating and growing, then
oceanic climate change and habitat losses could also migrate downstream toward the oceans for reproduc-
be involved (Arai, 2016a). But, the reliance of eel tion (Arai et al., 2001; Rousseau et al., 2014). This is
aquaculture on wild-caught juveniles or glass eel when the second metamorphosis happens, and with
seems to be more significantly influencing the abun- “silvering”, eels become adapted for their transition
dance of the Japanese eel population (Tsukamoto, to saline waters when sexual maturation begins. The
2013). Also, a great number of Japanese eel popula- sexual maturation of Japanese eel will be completed
tions are harvested as bycatch in shrimp nets (Lin and during the thousands of kilometers they migrate to
Tzeng, 2010). This has led to the shortage of A. japon- reach the waters near the western part of the Mariana
ica fry and a major problem for farmers of this fish Islands in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean (Tsukamoto
(Arai, 2014a). et al., 2003, 2011). It is supposed that adult A. japonica
The aforementioned situation highlights the find their way toward the spawning sites (western part
importance of a standardized aquaculture procedure of Mariana Islands) by reversing the geomagnetic direc-
for Japanese eel. This can only be achieved by success- tion which was followed in the glass eel stage (Nishi
ful artificial breeding technology with minimal and Kawamura, 2005). Stable isotope analysis by Chow
dependence on wild stocks and understanding the et al. (2010) showed that Japanese eel will not attempt
optimal nutritional requirements in order to maximize feeding during reproductive migration. Chow et al.
production. Therefore, the overall objectives of this (2009) and Tsukamoto et al. (2011) found eggs, larvae
review are to deliver comprehensive information and mature eels near these spawning locations that
regarding the nutritional requirements of Japanese eel, helped with the understanding of reproductive charac-
A. japonica while covering the progress in recent teristics and spawning conditions of this species.
aquacultural and artificial breeding research of this Japanese eel, as is the case with other members of
valuable species. the Anguilliformes order, have an elongated body, but
have a longer dorsal fin that helps to distinguish it
from other members (Arai, 2016b). The vertebrae
2. Lifecycle and physiology
number in this fish is normally 114–118 while this
In the complex lifecycle of Japanese eel two metamor- number for a fish such as common carp (Cyprinus
phoses occurs, one in saline waters and the other in carpio) is 36–37 (Kottelat and Freyhof, 1972;
freshwater (Haro, 2003; Rousseau et al., 2012). The Okamura et al., 2002). In contrast to the elongated
marine stages of Japanese eel are egg and larvae which body, the Japanese eel has a narrow head that gives it
are called leptocephalus. The leptocephalus has a the ability to burrow inside the sediment of lakes and
laterally compressed and nearly transparent body, rivers and enter small holes in order to search for
making it well adapted to marine life (Miller, 2009; food. The operculum is relatively small but the bran-
Miller et al., 2015). At this stage, the total length of A. chiostegal ray, located below the operculum, is well
japonica leptocephali increases from 10.0 to 58.4 mm developed. Therefore, this fish can benefit from
with a growth rate of 0.15–0.90 mm day1 (Arai et al., pressure induction during feed intake and suck food
2001). Larval eels undergo metamorphosis and by particles or prey inside its mouth which is facilitated

by a set of teeth arranged in the upper jaw the freshwater environment during night time. In this
(Alexander, 1970). The gastrointestinal tract of stage of lifecycle, the olfactory system acts by assisting
Japanese eel, as in other physostome fish, has a con- the eel in the detection of prey (Moriarty, 2003). In
nection between the esophagus and the swimbladder. the silver eel stage, because of the prolonged migra-
Pyloric ceca do not exist in the gastrointestinal tract tion to saline waters and fasting, the stomach gets
of this fish, such as those that can be found in other smaller. These morphological changes are in line with
teleost fish. In the larval stage, the stomach can easily the thickness and thinness of gastrointestinal tract
be distinguished from other parts of the alimentary muscular layer. Generally, the stomach and intestine
tract, but when the fish are mature it is hard to differ- in eel are close to one another, and after feed intake,
entiate the stomach and gut from one another. the stomach becomes expanded and compresses the
The initiation of first feeding highly depends on intestines. Therefore, continuous feeding seems to be
temperature, and at 5  C or 10  C, no feeding is impossible due to this physiological characteristic. The
observed (Fukuda et al., 2009). The digestive enzyme eel diet in natural environments includes various
activity of larvae, on the other hand, is highly depend- organisms such as small fishes (e.g., Gobiidae), inver-
ent on pH, where trypsin, chymotrypsin, amylase and tebrates (snails and mussels), crustaceans (prawns and
lipase activity, are higher in pH ranging between 7 crabs), worms, insect larvae, and zooplankton (Tesch,
and 9 (Murashita et al., 2013). Kurokawa et al. (1995) 2003). The olfactory organ in the paired nostrils plays
described the ontogeny of the Japanese eel larvae an important role in the detection, as well as accept-
digestive tract during 13 days post hatch (DPH). At 3 ance or rejection of food. At the oropharyngeal and
DPH the pancreas and liver started to develop, and at mouth, there are special taste buds that look like
6 DPH the pancreas started to synthesize digestive raised papillae which act as sensory receptors. In bony
enzymes. In the larval stage, the digestive function of fish, taste buds assess the palatability of food and
pancreas and digestive enzymes play a major role in respond to special prey items or nutritional require-
nutrition. After 7 DPH, the anterior mouth opening is ments (Caprio et al., 1993; Hunt et al., 2014). Yoshii
formed, the intestine is developed and larvae are ready et al. (1979), revealed the high electrophysiological
to receive initial feeding. The pancreas probably syn- sensitivity of Japanese eel in response to essential
thesizes trypsinogen, amylase, and lipase at 8 DPH amino acids and carboxylic acids. Further research on
with the beginning of exogenous feeding, while digest- the digestive enzyme activity and changes according
ive capacity progressively increases. It was shown that to environmental conditions during all life stages of
after feeding an artificial diet to Japanese eel larvae Japanese eel is necessary in order to achieve practice
the trypsin activity increases by twofold. At the lepto- feed formulations.
cephali stage, the composition of some bacteria and
mucosal cells in the gut and midgut rejected the pre-
3. Aquaculture of Japanese eel
vious hypothesis of epidermal nutrient uptake (Hulet
and Robins, 1989; Mochioka and Iwamizu, 1996; Global demand for Japanese eel is mostly met by
Tsukamoto, 1999). Gut content and composition of aquaculture production with a significant increase in
stable nitrogen isotopes of Japanese eel leptocephali recent decades. According to FAO (2018), total pro-
showed evidence of fine detrital particles and aggrega- duction of Japanese eel in 1991 was 178 thousand
tions, with no phytoplankton or zooplankton food tons that reached 278 thousand tons in 2016
items (Otake and Mochioka, 1994). This shows lepto- (Figure 1). The price trend of Japanese eel has been
cephali have relatively low nutritional demands, and unstable throughout this period due to market
they feed on suspended organic matter in the sea, demand and fluctuations in stocks. As it is shown in
known as marine snow. During the long metamorphic Figure 1, an unusual decrease in price happened in
period, A. japonica undergoes many changes in body 2001 but in recent years the market value seems to be
morphology and digestive tract physiology (Otake, more stable. In the Republic of Korea, glass eel
2003). In the glass eel stage, the mid-gut and stomach imports have experienced a fourfold growth over the
become more developed, along with a change to an past decade (Table 1), while the export of glass eel has
omnivorous regime. Amphipods, copepods, insect lar- nearly ceased; likely due to high demands for seed by
vae such as chironomids, polychaetes, oligochaetes, the growing eel aquaculture industry in Korea. Also,
and detrital particulate organic matter are considered significant decreases in silver eel export show growing
as the glass eel diet (Tesch, 2003). Yellow eels are domestic consumption (MOF, 2017). Japanese eel is
known to search for any prey that can be ingested in among the most expensive fish species, making the

300 Production Value 2500 1400

250 1200
Production (mt × 1000)


Value (Million Dollars)

200 1000

Capture (tons)
150 800
50 500
0 0
1991 1996 2001 2006 2011 2016 200
Year 0
Figure 1. Global annual production (metric tons, mt) and 1991 1995 2001 2006 2011 2016
value (dollars) of Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica). Data is Year
based on FAO (2018). Figure 2. Global capture (metric tons, mt) of Japanese eel
(Anguilla japonica). Data is based on FAO (2018).
Table 1. Export and import weight (kg) of glass eel and silver
eel in the Republic of Korea from 2004 to 2016. pregnen-3-one (DHP) was the most potent steroid.
Import (kg) Export (kg) Other steroids such as 17a-OHP, 20b-S and deoxycor-
Year Glass eel Silver eel Glass eel Silver eel ticosterone (4-pregnen-21-o1-3,20-dione) had lower
2004 7,041 5,485,239 4,140 38,621 induction potential (Ijiri et al., 1995; Kagawa et al.,
2007 5,108 587,043 0 62,103 1995; Kim et al., 2016). Ohta et al. (1996), applied
2010 10,153 3,235,367 283 460
2013 54,492 946,933 0 10,785 DHP hormone for maturation and ovulation of A.
2016 31,689 988,406 138 5,511 japonica and achieved satisfying results by improved
Data is presented from the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MPO 2017). fertility and hatching rates. Later on, larvae of
Japanese eel were reared for two weeks until they
economic value of eel aquaculture considerable. But reached 7 mm in total length (Yamauchi et al., 1976).
the major impediment to Japanese eel aquaculture is Survival of normally hatched larvae is highly depend-
that artificial reproduction has not been successful at ent on rearing conditions, diet and maternal derived
an industrial level. Nearly all Japanese eel farms in the nutritional substances such as protein, fat, carbohy-
Republic of Korea use harvested glass eel from the drates, vitamins, and hormones in the egg (Adachi
wild population for stocking. This is also true for big- et al., 2003). It usually takes 9 DPH for the Japanese
ger producers such as Japan and China. In each coun- eel larvae to absorb the yolk sac, and if no external
try, dramatic losses in stocks of A. japonica (Figure 2; feeding exists they will grow thin and finally die after
FAO, 2018) have resulted in the high price of seed for two weeks (Tanaka, 2003). A slurry-type diet made of
farms. On the other hand, the intense competition powdered shark egg was successfully used for feeding
between the major A. japonica producers (China, larvae until they reached 22.8 mm in total length
Japan, Republic of Korea, and Taiwan) has forced (Tanaka et al., 2001). The problem was that leptoce-
them to lower prices. This has drawn the world indus- phali could not grow and water was extremely pol-
try to the same conclusion; that artificial reproduction luted using a slurry as feed. Increasing physiological
of Japanese eel is the solution. knowledge and investigation of natural spawning
Generally, any successful aquaculture activity grounds facilitated more commercial success in
requires knowledge and control over physiology, arti- Japanese eel aquaculture. Shark egg powder was sup-
ficial breeding, and nutrition of the target species. The plemented with krill, soybean peptide, vitamins, and
attempts for artificial reproduction of A. japonica ini- minerals which resulted in the cultivation of glass eel
tiated by Japanese scientists with the successful pro- (Tanaka et al., 2003). Artificial breeding of Japanese
duction of fertilized eggs and viable larvae eel was accomplished and glass eel was obtained 131
(Yamamoto and Yamauchi, 1974). These scientists days post hatch (Masuda et al., 2011). Thereafter, Ijiri
induced the sexual maturation by injecting salmon et al. (2011) reported the successful production of F2
pituitary extract to Japanese eel. Later on, effects of generation larvae and Kuroki et al. (2014), stated that
various types of hormones were tested for in vitro the F3 generation is also ready to be produced. But
maturation of oocytes in Japanese eel, where germinal with low egg quality and extremely low survival rates
vesicle break down (GVBD) was considered as an of larvae, the production techniques for Japanese glass
indicator for maturation. The results of these incuba- eel require more modifications. The progress in artifi-
tion techniques showed 17a, 20b-dihydroxy-4- cial production of Japanese eel was reviewed by

Tanaka (2015) and strong hopes were given to the typical hatchery. Results indicated that intermediate
development of a stable mass production method for salinity (50% sea water) enhances growth, survival,
this species. and activity of five-day-old larvae. Also, under culture
The culture method of A. japonica has transformed conditions, the optimal temperature for Japanese eel
from earthen ponds to modern intensive culture and was reported to be between 24  C and 28  C and at
recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). But less com- temperatures below 12  C feeding was ceased (Usui,
plex systems with minimal investment are always pre- 1999). Eggs and larvae of Japanese eel are known to
ferred. Generally, eels have a great potential for develop normally at temperatures around 25  C with-
intensive culture as long as water quality, especially out the occurrence of physiological deformities
oxygen, is at an optimal state (Peters et al., 1980). In (Kurokawa et al., 2008; Okamura et al., 2007; Kim
pond culture, oxygen can be supplied by any instru- et al., 2014). Fukuda et al. (2009), examined the influ-
ment mixing air with water while in RAS, pure oxy- ence of water temperature on otolith growth of A.
gen is injected in the culture water. In countries such japonica, and results showed that under 10  C otolith
as Taiwan, RAS is not popular, and currently surface growth of glass eel and elvers stopped. All the previ-
waters in most parts of the country are polluted. This ously mentioned studies prove that the efficiency of
has forced eel aquaculturists to utilize well water; aquaculture systems highly depends on the mainten-
exceeding the aquafers rate of annual refill (Chen ance of water temperature within the optimum rage
et al., 2006). The other major problems in eel aquacul- of the target species.
ture are the physiological deformities occurring at dif-
ferent developmental stages. Deformities such as open
4. Feeding and nutritional requirements
jaw, jaw dislocation, and pericardial edema are occur-
ring at the first feeding and leptocephalus stages. In natural environments, the diet of A. japonica both
Several reasons are associated with these deformities in freshwater and brackish water stages mostly con-
but unfavorable physiochemical conditions such as sists of shrimp, fish, bivalve clams, and crayfish
water temperature, salinity, and rearing conditions (Itakura et al., 2015). Due to the special feeding
such as non-standard tanks are the main reasons behavior of Japanese eel, which relies largely on odor,
(Okamura et al., 2007, 2009). Okamura et al. (2011), feed stimulants and attractants play a key role in the
described the notochord abnormalities such as dorsal diet. At the glass eel stage, intake of commercial feed
curvature in leptocephalus of Japanese eel as one of comes with difficulties as physiological regulators of
the major problems possibly related to an imbalance appetite have not developed properly (Lee et al.,
in the diet, water chemistry, or temperature. Kim 2003). Attempts to produce practical artificial diets to
et al. (2014), demonstrated that water flow and tem- support all the nutritional needs of young Japanese eel
perature are important in Japanese eel leptocephalus have not succeeded. The type of commercial diet used
metamorphosis timing. Nonetheless, eels have an for juvenile and adult Japanese eel is paste feed that
amazing ability to survive when exposed to air due to normally contains 20–45% dry matter. Paste feed is
cutaneous respiration (Berg and Steen, 1966). Gousset the mixture of commercial ingredients in powder
(1992), reported that the culture of A. Japonica in a form which is mixed with water and oil on farm site.
greenhouse and pond system could result in 8–10 and Extruded and pelleted feeds are also used in some
1 kg m2 of production per year, respectively. This is farms. With the great dependence of Japanese eel sup-
while water consumption in a greenhouse system is ply on aquaculture, understanding the nutritional
lower than pond culture. Although, stress in eel farms requirements becomes critical. Although, a great deal
is a major concern influencing specific aspects of of research has focused on the development of opti-
physiology, osmoregulation, immune system, repro- mized artificial diets for cultured Japanese eel, the
duction, feeding and growth (Wilson, 2014). Stressors industry lacks standard diets covering all economic
such as environmental factors, starvation or malnutri- and environmental aspects.
tion, handling or transport and high stocking density
directly impact the brain and result in hormonal
4.1. Protein and amino acids
imbalances (Ellis et al., 2012). Kamiya (1972), reported
that ion regulation is directly influenced by cortisol, Proteins are the major components of the fish body,
increasing branchial Naþ/Kþ-ATPase activity in adult containing more than 65% of its dry weight.
A. japonica. Okamura et al. (2009), investigated the Depending on the sequence of amino acids and the
effects of salinity on Japanese eel larvae reared in a resulting secondary, tertiary, and quaternary

structuring, a vast array of biomolecules and structural Table 2. Essential amino acid requirements (% of dry-matter
components are produced; which is a continual pro- basis) in Japanese eel compared with rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss) and channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus).
cess in living organisms. Due to the necessity of pro-
Japanese eel Rainbow trout Channel catfish
tein, especially in the larval stage of fish, daily Amino acid (%) (Nose 1979) (NRC2011) (NRC2011)
consumption of protein is essential for growth, repro- Arginine 1.7 1.5 1.2
duction, and healing (Webster and Thompson, 2015). Histidine 0.8 0.8 0.6
Isoleucine 1.5 1.1 0.8
The physiology of protein digestion in A. japonica lar- Leucine 2.0 1.5 1.3
vae was studied by Pedersen et al. (2003). In this Lysine 2.0 2.4 1.6
Methionine 1.2 0.7 0.6
study, the augmentation of trypsin activity was clearly Phynylalanine 2.2 0.9 0.7
observed in relation to the increase in age (8–18 Threonine 1.5 1.1 0.7
Tryptophan 0.4 0.3 0.2
DPH) and length of larvae. After day 18, a decrease in Valine 1.5 1.2 0.8
trypsinogen synthesis was observed that could be
related to inadequate artificial feed used in this experi-
Therefore protein-to-energy (P/E) ratio requirement
ment. Pepsin is another critical enzyme for breaking
of juvenile Japanese eel could be 24.1 mg protein kJ1
down protein molecules. Studies have shown that this
based on growth parameters.
gastric-specific enzyme appears at early stages of glass
It seems that Japanese eel requires all ten essential
eel development, being influenced by the metamor-
amino acids, as the absence of these amino acids in
phosis and changes in dietary habits (Kurokawa et al.,
the diet will cause growth depression. The percentage
2011). In another study by Murashita et al. (2013), it
of amino acid requirements were compared with rain-
was demonstrated that the activity of protein digestive
bow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and channel catfish
enzymes such as trypsin and chymotrypsin is highly
(Ictalurus punctatus) as freshwater carnivorous fish
dependent on water temperature and pH. Therefore,
species and presented in Table 2. Overall essential
it seems that the feed quality and environmental con-
amino acid requirements do not differ significantly
ditions are considerably important in the synthesis
between rainbow trout and Japanese eel, but Japanese
and secretion of protein-digesting enzymes, especially
eel requires more methionine and phenylalanine in
at early life stages, which consequently will influence the diet, whereas differences in essential amino acid
the digestion performance of adults. requirements are more obvious between Japanese eel
As mentioned previously, Japanese eel is a carniv- and channel catfish. Japanese eel requires a higher
orous fish with a high protein requirement. It was portion of each amino acid in the diet comparing to
previously reported that the dietary protein require- channel catfish, especially with regard to isoleucine,
ment of juvenile Japanese eel, as indicated by growth leucine, phenylalanine, threonine, and valine. The
using a purified casein-based diet, is more than 45% main protein sources used in the diet of Japanese eel
(Satoh, 2002). This is comparable to the protein should be able to cover the amino acid requirements
requirement of rainbow trout which is known to be while at the same time have a reasonable price and
42–48% for fingerlings (Hardy, 2002). In a study by good digestibility. Fishmeal has been the main protein
Okorie et al. (2007), dietary protein and protein to source and ingredient in Japanese eel diet (Satoh,
energy ratio requirements of Japanese eel were eval- 2002) because of its well-balanced amino acids, essen-
uated using a 2  3 factorial design. In this study, six tial unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, and mineral
experimental diets with two protein levels (45 and compositions (Bendiksen et al., 2011). Yet, due to the
50%) and three energy levels (16, 17, and 19 kJ g1) fast expansion of global aquaculture production,
were used to feed glass eel (0.1 ± 0.02 g) and juvenile increasing demands for this valuable ingredient are
(15.0 ± 3.0 g) Japanese eel. A slurry-type feed was used being frustrated by limited supplies. This has led to
for the glass eel and sinking pellets were used for over-exploitation and high fishmeal prices which
juvenile fish with brown fishmeal and blood meal as eventually brought about the need to replace this
protein sources, fish oil and corn oil as lipid sources, scarce ingredient with more sustainable alternatives
and corn starch and wheat meal to modify the energy (e.g., plant proteins). Probably Lee and Bai (1997),
levels of diets. Results showed no significant differen- started the first attempts in reducing the amount of
ces in weight gain (WG), specific growth rate (SGR), fishmeal in Japanese eel diet. In this study, juvenile
feed efficiency (FE), and protein efficiency ratio (PER) Japanese eel were fed ten isonitrogenous diets with
of Japanese glass eel fed all the experimental diets. decreasing levels of fishmeal being replaced with
Although, juveniles fed diets with 50% protein and blood meal. In higher replacement levels, supplemen-
19 kJ g1 energy had a higher WG, SGR, and PER. tary amino acids (methionine, isoleucine, and

arginine) were added to the diet to account for the mixture of cod-liver oil and maize oil (1:2) has
deficiencies. The results demonstrated that fishmeal resulted in a favorable growth (Satoh, 2002). More in-
can replace up to 50% and 70% by blood meal with- depth lipid and fatty acid requirement studies are
out and with the supplementation of essential amino focusing on the EFAs and their deficiency signs on
acids, respectively. Considering the feed conversion growth, immunity, and reproduction. Most fish spe-
ratio of 1.13 in this study and the amount of fishmeal cies require n  3 and n  6 polyunsaturated fatty
(66%) used in commercial Japanese eel diet, fish in- acids (PUFA). In a study by Takeuchi et al. (1980),
fish out (FIFO) ratio could be 3.28 for Japanese eel young A. japonica were fed different ratios of linoleic
aquaculture. This is while FIFO ratio for salmon and acid (18:2, n  6, LOA) and a-linolenic acid (18:3,
shrimp are considered to be 2.27 and 1.36, respect- n  3, ALA) which reported that for maximum
ively (Jackson, 2009; Tacona and Metian, 2008). Due growth, diets should include 0.5% of each fatty acid
to the aforementioned, future studies should focus on or 1% of 18:3, n  3. Different oil sources (corn oil
replacing the amount of fishmeal with sustainable and ollack oil) with variable EFA levels fed to
protein sources. Japanese eel broodstock demonstrated that PUFA are
necessary for reproduction and growth (Furuita et al.,
4.2. Lipid and fatty acids 2007). The biologically active forms of LOA and ALA
with a higher number of carbons are classified as
Classification of lipids can be made either based on
highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA). These fatty
their solubility in organic solvents or their functional
acids are arachidonic acid (20:4, n  6, ARA), ecosa-
roles. Phospholipids, which are polar lipids, have
pentaenoic acid (20:5, n  3, EPA) and docosahexae-
structural roles and triglycerides are classified as neu-
noic acid (22:6, n  3, DHA; Tocher, 2010). Bae et al.
tral lipids and responsible for energy storage. Lipids
(2010), conducted an experiment to evaluate different
have critical roles in energy production, cellular struc-
levels of dietary ARA in the diet of juvenile Japanese
ture, and metabolism regulations. Essential fatty acids
eel. Six semi-purified diets, using casein, defatted fish-
(EFAs) are functional lipids that cannot be synthe-
meal and gelatin with the same levels of protein
sized in the body and must be included in the diet in
(55%) and lipid (15%) were made with 0.07, 0.22,
order to meet the dietary requirements. Therefore,
0.43, 0.57, 0.78, and 1.23% of ARA. After 12 weeks of
lipid requirement does not simply mean the percent-
feeding trial, diets consisting of 0.57, 0.78, and 1.23%
age of fat in the diet, but it refers to all EFAs, sterols,
ARA had the highest WG, SGR, and FE. Broken line
and phospholipids being provided in a well-balanced
diet. Generally, lipid digestion, absorption, oxidation, regression analysis also showed that the optimum
and lipogenesis of fish is similar to mammals. For dietary ARA requirement of Japanese eel could be
example, intestine is the main place of lipid digestion 0.69–0.71% of the diet. Japanese eel has the ability for
through the aid of digestive enzymes (lipase and HUFA biosynthesis from PUFA as proven by the
phospholipase) secreted from the pancreas or hepato- activity of the key enzymes elongase and desaturase,
pancreas. Fatty acids are products of lipid digestion which is similar to that of Atlantic salmon, Salmo
that are transported by the blood and deposited in the salar. But the capacity of biosynthesis depends on
tissue (Bai, 2012; Tocher and Glencross, 2015). environmental and nutritional factors in the larval
Carnivorous fish species, such as Japanese eel, can- stage (Wang et al., 2014). Shahkar et al. (2016), fed
not efficiently utilize carbohydrates as an energy sub-adult A. Japonica (157 ± 2.5 g) with diets contain-
source and thus depend on lipids in the diet to meet ing different levels of ARA (0, 0.33, 0.71, 1.06, and
this requirement (Hemre and Deng, 2015). An opti- 1.65% of diet). Results for WG, SGR, and FE showed
mal balance of lipid in the diet can have a protein- significantly higher values when fish were fed 0.71%
sparing effect with regard to its utilization as an of ARA in the diet. These results were supported by
energy source. In this way, protein can be made avail- non-specific immune response analysis such as super-
able for other important metabolic activities. For oxide dismutase and lysozyme activity. The broken
example, as previously mentioned in the study by line regression indicated that the optimum ARA
Okorie et al. (2007), 15.3% of mixed oil (5.1% fish oil requirement in sub-adult A. japonica could be greater
and 10.2% corn oil) providing 18.4 kJ g1 energy than 0.71% but less than 0.92% in the diet. Based on
resulted in better growth. Even though fish oil has the mentioned studies, ARA was proposed as an
been considered as the primary lipid source in essential fatty acid in Japanese eel diet (Table 3).
Japanese eel diets, some other studies reported that a There is still much to learn about the quality and

quantity requirements of EFA and the biosynthesis lead to fin and skin hemorrhages as well as other
capacities of Japanese eel. physical disorders. Vitamins such as pyridoxine,
pantothenic acid, niacin and biotin can also cause
neurological disorders, abnormal swimming and hem-
4.3. Vitamins
orrhaging, when not supplemented in sufficient
Vitamins are complex organic compounds needed in amounts (Halver, 2002; Satoh, 2002). In addition, vita-
very small quantities that cannot be synthesized mins play vital roles in the reproductive performance
endogenously to sufficient amounts, thus being of adult broodstock Japanese eel. Previously it was pro-
required in the diet. They are essential for normal ven by Furuita et al. (2003), that a-tocopherol influen-
metabolism, growth, and development. Deficiencies ces the egg quality of Japanese eel thus increasing the
lead to diseases that are often characteristic of the par- fertilization and hatching rate. Later on, a comparison
ticular vitamin in deficit. The general classification of between vitamin A, C and E content of high and low-
vitamins is based on their solubility in water or fat. quality eggs in Japanese eel was performed (Furuita
Fat soluble vitamins are retinol (vitamin A), calciferol et al., 2009). In this study, high and low quality eggs
(vitamin D), tocopherol (vitamin E), and menaquin- were defined as eggs that produce larvae with 80% sur-
one (vitamin K) which are absorbed with dietary fat. vival at 8 DPH and eggs with no hatching, respectively.
Water soluble vitamins consist of thiamin (vitamin Results indicated that high quality Japanese eel eggs
B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), pan- ought to have high levels of vitamin C and E and con-
tothenic acid (vitamin B5), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), tain optimal levels of vitamin A.
biotin, folacin, cobalamin (vitamin B12), vitamin C Quantification of vitamin requirements is essential
(ascorbic acid), choline, and myo-inositol (Bai, 2012; to maximize growth and prevent disease, while at the
McDowell, 2000). It is well known that environmental same time, reduce the costs of practical diets by opti-
factors (e.g., temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, mizing vitamin incorporation. Quantitative vitamin
and pH) and nutrient interactions affect this require- requirement studies for Japanese eel likely began in
ment, while the exclusion of any vitamin in fish diet the mid-1970s and were continued by other research-
will produce signs and symptoms of deficiency (Shiau ers (Table 4). Yamakawa et al. (1975), fed Japanese eel
and Lin, 2015). Furthermore, species type, digestive with vitamin-free casein and fatty acid methyl esters
physiology, life-stage, and size also have a major influ- as protein and fat sources, respectively, to understand
ence on fish vitamin requirements. Simillar to all the optimum a-tocopherol requirement. Based on
other fish species, Japanese eel is susceptible to defi- growth, FE and disease signs; the minimum require-
ciencies of fat and water-soluble vitamins. Deficiencies ment of a-tocopherol was concluded to be 200 mg
in thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin C, and a-tocopherol kg1. In another study by Bae et al. (2013), juvenile
Japanese eel (15 g) were fed semi-purified diets con-
Table 3. Optimum energy (lipid) and essential fatty acid taining 0, 15, 30, 60, and 120 mg of DL-a-tocopherol.
requirements (% of dry-matter basis) in Japanese eel in differ- Five experimental diets were fed two times a day up
ent life stages.
to satiation (starting with 3% of body weight and
Optimum level (%) Fish size (g) Reference
Lipida 15.3 15 Okorie et al. (2007)
reducing to 2%) for 12 weeks. Results for growth and
18:2, n  6 0.5 1.39 Takeuchi et al. (1980) feed efficiency using broken line regression showed
18:3, n  3 0.5–1 1.39 Takeuchi et al. (1980) that 21.2–21.6 mg of DL-a-tocopheryl is required per
20:4, n  6 0.69–0.71 27 Bae et al. (2010)
20:4, n  6 0.71–0.92 157 Shahkar et al. (2016) kg of Japanese eel diet. In a more recent study by
Fish oil 5.1% and Corn oil 10.2% Shahkar et al. (2018), the vitamin E requirement of

Table 4. Quantitative vitamin requirements of Japanese eel at different life stages.

Optimum level
Vitamin (mg kg1) Fish size (g) Parameters Reference
a-Tocopherol >200 NK Growth, appetite, disease signs Yamakawa et al. (1975)
DL-a-Tocopheryl 21–22 15 Growth, feed efficiency Bae et al. (2013)
a-Tocopherol 213 360 Hematology, tissue concentration, non-specific immune responses Shahkar et al. (2018)
L-Ascorbic acid >27 11 Growth, hematology, serum bacterial activity, tissue concentration Ren et al. (2005)
Ascorbic acida 762 75.5 Liver accumulation, hematology, immune responses Ren et al. (2007)
L-Ascorbyl-2-monophosphate 41–44 15 Growth, feed efficiency Bae et al. (2012a)
L-Ascorbic acid 411–912 360 Tissue accumulation, immune response, gonad histology Shahkar et al. (2015)
NK, not known
500 mg kg1 bovine lactoferrin was also used in the diet

adult Japanese eel (360 g) was investigated based on 4.4. Minerals

hematology, tissue a-tocopherol concentration and
Minerals are inorganic elements required for various
non-specific immune responses. Japanese eel were fed
physiological processes in the body. They can be
sinking pellets with 32, 112, 158, 212, and 428 mg of absorbed into the body through the diet or through
a-tocopherol per kg of diet. Significant differences in skin or gills from the aquatic environment. Minerals
hemoglobin, white blood cell, plasma glucose, aspar- are classified in two major groups, one of which are
tate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, lyso- required in relatively large amounts (macrominerals)
zyme, and superoxide dismutase activity along with and the other group are required in very small
broken-line regression for liver a-tocopherol concen- amounts (microminerals). The macrominerals are cal-
tration demonstrated that Japanese eel require cium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chloride, and
212.9 mg kg1 of vitamin E. Vitamin C requirement magnesium while microminerals can include chro-
of juvenile Japanese eel was determined in an eight- mium, cobalt, copper, fluoride, iodine, iron, molyb-
week experiment with diets containing 3, 10, 27, 126, denum, manganese, selenium, sulfur, and zinc (NRC,
645, and 3135 mg L-ascorbic acid per kg of feed. Based 2011; Webster and Lim, 2015). Research on mineral
on growth, liver and brain vitamin C concentrations, requirements come with some difficulties because
hemoglobin content, serum total protein, and bacterial some of the minerals are required in such small
activity, more than 27 mg L-ascorbic acid is required amounts that it is hard to make purified diets without
per kg of Japanese eel diet (Ren et al., 2005). Ascorbic these minerals. It is also difficult to clear the water
acid in the form of ascorbyl-2-monophosphate and body from the investigated minerals, as to prevent
bovine lactoferrin were incorporated in the experi- their absorption from the water. It was previously
mental diets of juvenile Japanese eel for three weeks. shown that Japanese eel, as is the case with other fish,
Evaluation of parameters such as liver ascorbic acid, exhibit signs of mineral deficiency. Insufficient cal-
hematology and non-specific immune responses cium, phosphorus, and magnesium in the diet of
showed that 762 mg ascorbic acid with 500 mg bovine Japanese eel leads to reduced growth, poor feed con-
lactoferrin per kg of feed could be beneficial for version or anorexia (Lall, 2002). While shortages in
juvenile Japanese eel (Ren et al., 2007). Although, in iron could cause hypochromic microcytic anemia in
this study, growth performance was not evaluated and Japanese eel. It has been mentioned that Japanese eel
only a 3-week feeding trial was conducted. The reeval- require 2700, 400, 2500–3200, and 170 mg of calcium,
uation of optimum vitamin C requirement in juvenile magnesium, phosphorus, and iron, respectively, per kg
Japanese eel (15 g) was performed using 0, 30, 60, 120, of diet (Satoh, 2002). Park and Shimizu (1989a),
and 1200 mg L-ascorbyl-2-monophosphate in five investigated the quantitative requirements for alumi-
num and iron in Japanese eel. Results for growth and
semi-purified diets. After a 12-week feeding trial,
feed efficiency demonstrate that 15 and 100 mg kg1
results for growth performance, FE, and broken-line
of aluminum and iron, respectively, were the most
regression demonstrated that the dietary vitamin C
optimal amounts for young Japanese eel. They also
requirement could range from 41.1 to 43.9 mg kg1 in
reported that 50–100 mg kg1 of zinc could be benefi-
the diet of juvenile Japanese eel (Bae et al., 2012a).
cial in the diet of Japanese eel (Park and Shimizu,
Shahkar et al. (2015), evaluated the effects of dietary
1989b). There is still a lot to know about the mineral
vitamin C on tissue concentration, hematology, non-
requirements of Japanese eel in different life stages,
specific immune response and gonad histology of
providing many research opportunities in this area.
male Japanese eel broodstock (360 g). Different levels
of L-ascorbyl-2-monophosphate were added to the
basal diet and were fed (2% of body weight) to 4.5. Feed additives
Japanese eel for 16 weeks. The optimal vitamin C Feed additives are ingredients added to aquafeed for
requirement was estimated to be between 410.8 and specific purposes other than meeting the nutritional
911.8 mg kg1 diet based on broken-line regression requirements. The purpose could be an improvement
analysis for liver and testes vitamin C concentration. of the growth and immunity of fish, physical or chem-
The aforementioned studies demonstrated how vital ical quality of the feed, quality of the final product
vitamins are for general growth and health of (fish) or the environmental condition. Feed additives
Japanese eel. The lack of research for other fat and consist of feeding stimulants and palatability
water-soluble vitamin requirements is a pressing enhancers, antioxidants, pigmentation agents, anti-
research need. microbial agents, organic acids, immunostimulants,

Table 5. Administration of different feed additives and their effects on the diet of Japanese eel.
Feed additive Optimum level Fish size (g) Parameters Reference
Lactobacillus pentosus 108 CFU g1 24.63 Growth, hematology, immune response, challenge test Lee et al. (2013)
Bacillus subtilis 108 CFU g1 8.29 Growth, immune response, histology, challenge test Lee et al. (2017)
B.subtilisþ MOSa 108 CFU g1þ5 g kg1 9.00 Growth, immune response, gene expression, histology, challenge test Lee et al. (2018)
Korean mistletoeb 5 g kg1 200 Immune response, disease resistance Choi et al. (2008)
Propolis 5 g kg1 7.7 Growth, feed utilization, immune response, disease resistance Bae et al. (2012a,b)
Yellow loess 20 g kg1 11.5 Growth, immune response, disease resistance Lee et al. (2017)
Viscum album

enzymes, and hormones (Bai et al., 2015). Each feed experimental diets were prepared by adding three
additive has a specific purpose in the diet, therefore, graded levels of B. subtilis and L. plantarum to the
they are sometimes referred to as functional diet of Japanese eel and comparing them with a con-
feed additives. trol (no additive) diet. Parameters such as growth per-
Most of the feed additive research for Japanese eel formance, feed utilization, non-specific immune
has focused on immunostimulants and enhancing dis- responses and immune related genes were measured.
ease resistance in this fish (Table 5). Due to consumer Also, experimental fish were challenged with Vibrio
demands for high-quality fish products and the con- anguillarum and anterior intestinal histological exam-
cern for using antibiotics and drugs in the diet, alter- ination was performed. Results indicate that oral
native strategies for safeguarding fish immunity are administration of B. subtilis at 108 CFU g1 could be
essential (Kiron, 2012). Probiotics are microbial feed an effective probiotic for Japanese eel. Later on, the
supplements which can beneficially influence the fish same authors incorporated different levels of B. subti-
by producing antimicrobial substances, competing lis WB60 (0.0, 0.5, and 1.0  107 CFU g1 diet) and
with harmful bacteria, modulating enzyme activity, mannanoligosaccharide (MOS, 0 and 5 g kg1 diet) in
and increasing antibody activity. Their application in the diet of juvenile Japanese eel (9 g) and compared it
feed can lead to improved growth performance, feed with dietary oxytetracycline (OTC). Growth perform-
utilization and immune responses (Iwashita et al., ance, feed efficiency, non-specific immune responses,
2015). The probiotic Lactobacillus pentosus PL11 was immunoglobulin M (IgM) and heat shock protein 70
isolated from the intestinal tract of Japanese eel and mRNA expression levels were higher in fish fed diets
supplemented in the diet by Lee et al. (2013). This containing both the probiotic and prebiotic (ymbi-
study used five experimental diets and challenged otic). Histological analysis, such as intestinal villi
Japanese eel with an etiological agent (Edwardsiella length and muscular layer thickness, showed that
tarda) that causes several pathogenic symptoms. ymbiotic diets resulted in healthier gut for the
Results proved that L. pentosus PL11 improved the Japanese eel. Additionally, probiotic, prebiotic and
growth and health performance of Japanese eel. In ymbiotic diets resulted in higher survival rate when
another study by Lee et al. (2015), sixteen Lactobacilli Japanese eel were challenged with V. anguillarum.
species were isolated from the intestine of Japanese eel These results showed the synergistic effects of B. subti-
and were screened by their ability to produce digestive lis WB60 and mannanoligosaccharide in diets of
enzymes such as amylase, cellulase, protease, and phy- Japanese eel (Lee et al., 2018). But probiotics are not
tase. Among all bacteria, L. pentosus PL11 showed the the only immunostimulating feed additives success-
highest production of these enzymes, with improved fully tested in the diet of Japanese eel. Korean mistle-
tolerance against pH and antimicrobial activity against toe, a parasitic plant that grows on certain trees, was
pathogens. Therefore, this bacterium could be a shown to have immunostimulating effects and
potential probiotic in Japanese eel diet. Meanwhile, in increased non-specific immune response and disease
vitro experiments with Japanese eel macrophages, and resistance of Japanese eel (Choi et al., 2008). Also,
the effects of L. pentosus on transcription of cytokine propolis is a compound produced by bees and con-
genes related to immune response (interleukin-1b, tains polyphenols, sesquiterpene, quinones, coumarins,
interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor-a) showed steroids and amino acids (Bonvehi et al., 1994). This
that L. pentosus plays an important role in immuno- compound was used at 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 4.0%
modulation (Birhanu et al., 2016). Lee et al. (2017), of Japanese eel diet by Bae et al. (2012b). Results indi-
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