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Hello, my name is Angelica Hernández Acosta, I live in Cartagena

de Indias, but I am from Magangue, Bolívar and grew up there. I

am going to talk about some of my anecdotes. First, he used to
play street games like "el quemado", "el escondido", "el
fusilado", etc. Then, one day I fell down and hit my leg when I
was playing with my friends in a park, there I met several guys
that I really liked and I thought about ask someone out, then I
said to a friend ask around who they like ice cream, add up to
something to these. She always back something up me in
everything, helped me find out the positive side of life, catch up
my dreams and blow up my talents. One day, I went to her house
and I asked her for something to drink and she brought me water
in a glass and I broke it down, it was very terrible, I was very
scared and tried to break out and she counted on me that his
mother put out the remains of the glass and I did not want to go
home anymore, but she cheer up me, then she told me that she
was bringing up 2 cats that she found in the Park The Americas in
Magangué. Sometimes, cats got on  in the old chairs, which I
cleaned up very carefully, we did several chores around the
house and we ended up mafter several hours. Later, we found
out a chest with money, we dressed up and we eat out and we
decided chip in,
, we got together in a good restaurant and started get along
again. When we returned home, she passed out because she was
allergic to salmon, since she mix up it with a cup of wine, (think
of something) we thought over about getting home fast so she
could rest and feel better.
On the other hand, unfortunately her grandmother passed away
to die and in her will there are some clauses that must be
executed, since they were her last wishes. My friend had to slept
over her studies sort out some family matters.

Good bye!

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