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John Michael Vincent E.



Activity #1

1. How would you characterize yourself?

- I like to keep things organized and well under control but I’m more of a follower than a leader, I’m bad at putting my feelings
and thought process into words and as well as actually articulating them so I strive to be a good listener to make up for it, I
based my decisions and claims on facts and evidences a little more than emotions and intuitions, I try solving problems with an
analytical and efficient approach. All of these scientific like lifestyle, but I also have an artistic side on me. I listen to different
type of music, I used to draw, and I love watching or reading written and animated works. I’m both an introverted and a shy
individual, I have pessimistic attitude more than an optimistic one, and sometimes when days go bad I might go full existentialist.

2. What makes you stand out from others? What makes you special?

- While I was still a kid, it’s so easy for me to think that I have such talent for drawing and gaming and that I’m better than the
rest of the kids when it comes to those, but as I grow up, I gradually realize that I was only comparing myself to a small number
of sample and in truth, myriad of kids around the globe do a lot better than me. So if there’s anything that makes me stand out, I
think it’s not skill or talent based, I think what makes me stand out is that I can stay silent for a very long period of time. I can go
days, weeks, and so without feeling uncomfortable or bored.

3. How has yourself transform to itself?

- For me, what turns someone into what they are includes the environment they lived and live in, experiences they have gone
through and interactions they have done with other people. So I think these are the reasons why I am what today.

4. How is yourself connected with your body?

- How you think, how you behave, and your overall lifestyle, reflect to your physical appearance and well-being. In my case, I
have always enjoyed being engaged to what I’m playing, reading, or watching. Sometimes I might overlook meals or sleep just to
lend more time to whatever got me addicted. And because of that, I assume I don’t have a very good health.

5. How is yourself related to other selves?

- I’m both an introvert and a shy individual at the same time, so it should make sense that I would only have few friends. I might
find it hard to ask others for favors considering that I would have not established a good relationship with them where they can
just do me a favor. But other people might choose to associate with me when they seek a serious work only related.

6. What happens when you die?

- The brain shuts down and you gradually lose consciousness, the beating of heart ceases, the circulation of blood stops, your
body slowly cools off and your muscle stiffens, and then you start decomposing. And your next destination after death? Well
either you simply stop living or your soul departs from your body, no one really knows for sure. But if anything, parts of you will
remain to people’s heart, especially your significant others. People will mourn on you and they will remember the times they are
with you. The influence you gave to others, be it a positive or negative, can affect how they live. Even in death, you continue
affecting others.
It’s easy to characterize yourself
1. ✔ because you know who and what
you are.
I’ve always been the quietest in an
2. ✔ environment where everyone is
I know my habits well and I
3. ✔ understand how these habits affect
my body.
I know the external factors that
affect the personality of a person,

4. but it’s hard to specifically find
what exactly turn you into what
you are today.
Even if you know what you do to
5. ✔ others, it’s hard to actually know
how you influence them and what
they have about you.
The topic is too broad, and it can
6. ✔ tackle anything at all.

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