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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Guinzadan Central, Bauko, Mountain Province


Guinzadan National High School celebrated the Career Guidance Week with the
different activities.
One of the activities done was the career pathing of the Grade 10 Arcturus on July
24, 2019 and Grade 10 Canopus on July 25, 2019 with Sir Chester Culla-ag as the
resource speaker. He started the activity with a short discussion by asking the students
regarding their interest. He emphasized to the students that knowing one’s interest can
help make career enjoying not enduring. After which, the learners were tasked to answer a
test that would help them identify what career that is best for them based on their
On July 26, 2019, Sir June Kiblasan, the speaker during the culminating activity of
the Nutrition Month gave updates on the enrolment policy to colleges especially at the
MPSPC. He also shared some inspiring incidents about his journey and experiences in his
career as a Registered Nurse and as an Educator. In his speech, he shared a story to
inspire learners about the Filipino nurses whom he met working abroad. The nurses
graduated from different schools but when he asked them about their salary and these
nurses told him that they were receiving the same salary. From the story shared, he
advised the learners that it is not the school where they enroll that matters but their
performance in their studies towards their career.
On August 2, 2019, the Guidance Day celebration was scheduled due to some school
activities. It started with a parade of the guest, faculty, and the learners with their career
attires. After the parade, preliminaries followed.
Aristotle Calical, a Faculty Member, gave updates about the State, Universities and
Colleges enrolment policy followed by the orientation on the different scholarship offered
and the requirements given by Bernadeth Aliping.
The invited speakers had their Career talk sharing their experiences in their chosen
career. Fr. Mathew Joey Napat-a, shared about his journey as a priest. FO1 Bonnie Allen
Ladiong, inspired the students by sharing his experiences in the Bureau of Fire Protection.
Renalyn Codod, Youth Formation Coordinator, also shared her journey as a guidance
counselor. Engr. Jayson Banaken, also inspired the learners specially the learners who
wanted to become engineer to pursue on their studies until they will achieve their dreams.
PCPT Yojean Cabay of Bauko Municipal Police Station and the International Culinary Chef
Nonyvic Langan shared their endeavor and encouraged the learners to do their best in
pursuing their dreams no matter what circumstances may come.
After the career talk, the students had their inspiring intermissions encouraging the
learners through their song and dance saying that all things are possible.
The program ended with the awarding of the certificates to the speakers and to the
winning students followed and giving of acknowledgement.
In the afternoon session, the student had their career planning in their class while
the Grade 10 students had their interpretation of their NCAE result. Ma’am Renalyn Codod
explained and helped the learners interpret the results of their NCAE which were
distributed. She emphasized that learners should consider the result of their NCAE in
choosing their career aside from their interest.
After all the activities, the students were asked to do their career plan. The Oral
Communication teacher in the Senior High and the English teachers in the Junior High
collected the student’s output for correction for future reference.

Prepared by:


Junior HS Guidance Designate SENIOR HS Guidance Designate


School Principal

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