Worldwide Kids PER Childcare in Leisure and Tourism Tier 2 2020

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Tier 2



21 April 2020
WK Childcare in Leisure & Tourism: Tier 2 PER Assessment Questions

No Question
1. Choose one document and one practice and explain how you ensure that your kids
1 club is correctly implementing these safety fundamentals.
1. List the steps you would follow for either an Emergency Evacuation or Lockdown
2 situation and explain exactly how you would implement this is in your kids club.
1. Complete a risk assessment for either an arts and crafts or cooking activity in your
3 kids club.
Research a teamwork theory and explain it briefly.
1. With this theory in mind, explain how it relates to your team, giving an example of a
5 time when you have observed aspects of the theory happening.
2. Describe an interaction you have had with a toddler and one you have had with a 9-
1 12-year-old. How did you act differently? What is the main difference between these
2. Choose one aspect from the UNICEF ‘Rights of A Child Charter’ and explain how it is
2 relevant to your job.
2. Choose an activity that you do in your kids club and explain 3 things that a child can
3 learn from doing that activity.
2. Choose one additional need that you have learned about. Research and explain the
4 indicators and symptoms of this.
2. Explain the specific steps you could take to ensure that a child with this particular
5 need will enjoy themselves at kids club and have the best experience possible.
3. Explain one thing you do in your kids club to meet the standards expected by luxury
1 guests.
3. Describe what you would do in a situation where a parent wanted their child to
2 remain in your care, but they were too young? How would you explain your reasoning
and what other solutions you might offer?
3. Describe a situation in which you would consider excluding a child from kids club.
3 What steps would you take before doing this?
3. Choose an example of a time you have used one of the ‘5 Es’ in your childcare setting
4 and explain how it helped you create a positive interaction.
3. Choose a policy relevant to safeguarding and explain how it helps us to keep children
5 safe.
4. Choose a theme to create a day’s activity plan around. Ensure you cover all of the
1 required points for developing an activity timetable e.g. a combination of cognitive,
creative and physical activities.
Choose two activities and describe what the learning outcome or aim is for each.
Choose an activity and enhance it by adding a strong introduction.
Using the same activity, describe at least 2 other ways you could improve it.
4. Choose either ‘the environment’ or ‘mental health’ and explain why it is important to
5 cover this in your kids club/ creche. Name an activity you do that relates to the topic.

Worldwide Kids GmbH
WK Childcare in Leisure & Tourism: Tier 2 PER Assessment Questions

Document: Medical Information Form

How is it implemented?
Parents are requested to inform a member of the kids club of any known allergies
their child has at the time of booking and then the register their child at the first kids
club session. This information must be documented medication in relation to their
allergy, this must be documented on the medical form at thhe start of the first session

Practice: The Following Element Should be on a Medical Information Form

How is it implemented?
 Full name of child
 Name of medication:
- Dose
- Times (times to be given)
 Medication prescribed for:
- Start of course
- End of course
 Allergies
 Special considerations

The relevant form for this policy are:

 Registration form
 Medical information form
 Allergy board information form
 Medication form
 Incident form


Worldwide Kids GmbH
WK Childcare in Leisure & Tourism: Tier 2 PER Assessment Questions

one document and one practice and explain how you ensure that your kids club is
correctly implementing these safety fundamentals.

1.2 List the steps you would follow for either an Emergency Evacuation or Lockdown
situation and explain exactly how you would implement this is in your kids club.

Chosen Policy: A tool to give staff confidence in a potentially life threatening situation

Steps to follow
1. Run
- Escape if possible
- Consider safest options
- Do not expose you self to greater danger
2. Hide
- Activity should cease immediately
- Doors and windows to be locked
- Head count
3. Tell
- Alert as many people as you safety can
- Shout (lock down) for password
- Call emergency
4. Turn of light
5. Staying quiet


Worldwide Kids GmbH
WK Childcare in Leisure & Tourism: Tier 2 PER Assessment Questions

1.4 Research a teamwork theory and explain it briefly.

Name of Theory: GRPI Theory

1. Goals: clear direction, shared values, sense of purpose
2. Roles: defined responsibilities, understanding
Worldwide jobs chain of command
Kids GmbH
3. Processes: clear communication, policies and producers expectations
WK Childcare in Leisure & Tourism: Tier 2 PER Assessment Questions

1.5 Explain how this theory relates to your team, giving an example of a time
when you have observed aspects of the theory happening.

Worldwide Kids GmbH
WK Childcare in Leisure & Tourism: Tier 2 PER Assessment Questions

2.1 Describe an interaction you have had with a toddler and one you have had
with a 9-12-year-old. How did you act differently? What is the main difference

Toddler (1-4): staff should interact with toddlers, give them to express themselves
and then should be engaged in a discussion about what they were feeling. This
technique is aimed at aiding child encouraging them to recognize and relate what
they feeling and in doing so, learn to regulate their emotions appropriately.
Late Middle Childhood (9-12): staff should interact with late middle childhood (9-12)
must promote positivity and inclusion at this age as children may feel awkward, be
concerned with body image and face conflict within friendship groups. A sense of
responsibility should be encouraged, and staff should be aware that children may
begin to feel pressure e.g. with schoolwork, at this age

Main differences between two age groups and how this changed your behaviour.
 Playing and interacting with other children
 Draw a circle , write their name
 Use scissors
 Take turn, role play
 5 or 6 word sentence
Late Middle Childhood
 Can do most things independently
 Has specific hobbies and interests
 Influenced by peers and social media wont to “fit in”
 Learning how to portray themselves thought speech and language
 Self conscious

between these ages?

Worldwide Kids GmbH
WK Childcare in Leisure & Tourism: Tier 2 PER Assessment Questions

2.2 Choose one aspect from the UNICEF ‘Rights of A Child Charter’ and explain
how it is relevant to your job.

Article: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights (Article 1,
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948)

How does this apply to you in your job?

The purpose of the Rights of a Child Charter is to promote the idea that a child
is person and, although they don’t have the same abilities as an adult, their
position in society is important and should be protected. The main aim of the
charter is to safeguard and promote the wellbeing and development of all
- Every child has the right to meet with other children and to join groups
and organisations.
- Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities
to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as
well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the
- To be registered, have a name, nationality, to know and be cared for by

Activity: Fun Planting

1: Record
Children can see and record the activities we show them the staff must
provide an explanation and examples in advance

2: Seek Support
This activity will also get support from each parent, children care about
the environment and respect for nature

3: Be Curious
This activity encourages them to learn various types of plants and
direct practice how to plant them, making, the environment look green
and comfortable to live in

Worldwide Kids GmbH
WK Childcare in Leisure & Tourism: Tier 2 PER Assessment Questions

2.3 Choose an activity that you do in your kids club and explain 3 things that a
child can learn from doing that activity.
2.3 Choose one additional need that you have learned about. Research and
explain the indicators and symptoms of this.

Additional Need: Dyslexia

Indicators/ Symptoms:
 Backwards letter or numbers
 Confusing the order of letter/words.
 Slow writing
 In consistent spelling
 Poor handwriting
 Avoiding writing and reading
 Difficulty with or looking interest in letters/reading

Worldwide Kids GmbH
WK Childcare in Leisure & Tourism: Tier 2 PER Assessment Questions

2.4 Explain the specific steps you could take to ensure that a child with this
particular need will enjoy themselves at kids club and have the best
experience possible.
3.1 Explain one thing you do in your kids club to meet the standards expected
As we are delivering a luxury service, if it is not possible to include a child in activities
due to severe additional needs/disability, staff should work to find an alternative e.g.
allowing the family to use facilities outside of normal hours.

by luxury guests.
3.2 Describe what you would do in a situation where a parent wanted their
child to remain in your care, but they were too young? How would you explain
your reasoning and what other solutions might you offer?

 Share the parent’s strategies for calming down

Situation: Children who always swearing at other children (whether intentionally or
 Be consistent
 Try to create an area that is calm, not too stimulating or overcrowded and with
familiar routines and objects

Steps to take:
 Talk with her/him
- Talk to the child separately
 Open a question
- Why are you doing that?
 Listen
- Listen to the child what is the problem

 All staff must be giving the same explanations to suck question from families
 Kids club staff must be polite, confident in explaining to parents that we have
rules, policies and procedures
The solution is that we provide baby sitters who can supervise children while participating
in the activities we have

Worldwide Kids GmbH
WK Childcare in Leisure & Tourism: Tier 2 PER Assessment Questions

3.3 Describe a situation in which you would consider excluding a child from
kids club. What steps would you take before doing this?

3.4 Choose an example of a time you have used one of the ‘5 Es’ in your
childcare setting and explain how it helped you create a positive interaction.

Example: Engagement and Enjoyment

When we do activities we have to interact with children with enthusiasm, smile,
self-confidence, they also become passionate, in that play ,there will be closeness and
enjoy the game together. If they are happy with the activity they will not be able to wait
for tomorrow to do it again.

Explain: our positive interactions with the children in our care are the first steps to
managing their behavior. Role modeling, promoting and recognizing positive behavior,
and giving options to children, allow a positive, engaging eviroment

3.5 Choose a policy relevant to safeguarding and explain how it helps us to

keep children safe.

Policy: Child protection policy

The kids club team have a legal duty to work with other agencies in order to protect
children from harm and respond to child abuse. Any member of the member of the
kids club team who has knowledge of or suspicion that a child is suffering significant
harm or is at risk of significant harm has a duty to refer their concern to the kids club
manager. The kids club manager will then relay the information to the hotel manager
and relevant authorities where necessary

How does this policy keep children safe?

This policy is part of our commitment to safeguard the children in our care. Ito believe
that lays the procedures that will be followed if we have any reason to believe that a
child in our care is subject to either emotional, physical or sexual abuse or neglect.

Worldwide Kids GmbH
WK Childcare in Leisure & Tourism: Tier 2 PER Assessment Questions

4.1 Choose a theme to create a day’s activity plan around. Ensure you cover
all of the required points for developing an activity timetable e.g. a
combination of cognitive, creative and physical activities.

Theme: Under the sea

Activity Details

Fun swimming Physical activities: move your body in the

morning, healthy life style

Making Ariel friends Creative activities: support children’s creativity

(art & craft) and imagination

Bubble making Cognitive activities: children in processing

sensory information eventually learning to

Beach walk of Eric Physical activities: support children’s gross &

fine motor skills explore around the beach

Worldwide Kids GmbH
WK Childcare in Leisure & Tourism: Tier 2 PER Assessment Questions

Crabby hunts Cognitive activities: relate to the brain and

support children’s attention, memory & thinking.
The could get to know the sea animals they
found at that time

(Dress up & dance) Creative activities: encouraging them to express

Under the sea party themselves openly and there to build confidence

4.2 Choose two activities and describe what the learning outcome or aim is for

Activity 1: Balinese dance lesson

Aim/ Learning Outcome

 Children learn other culture
 Children get new knowledge
 Learn movements that they have never done
 More fun because we do with other children

Activity: Recycle art & craft

Introduction: today we will carry out recycling activities from paper magazines and
cups. Why do we do recycling activities? Because we can use materials that are not
useful so useful

How this will improve the activity:

 Our resort promotes a “Green” “Eco” or “Sustainability”
 No 2: Kids yoga
 We used eco cups

Aim/ Learning Outcome

 Learn about correct posture
 How to regulate breathing
 Children learn different funny animal movements
 Learn to calm you self from relaxation

Worldwide Kids GmbH
WK Childcare in Leisure & Tourism: Tier 2 PER Assessment Questions

4.3 Choose an activity and enhance it by adding a strong introduction. Explain

how this will make it better

4.4 Using the same activity, describe at least 2 other ways you could improve

 Minimize the amount of waste is disposed in the environment, by converting a

variety of unused
 Shopping bags with cloth, this reduces plastic waste
This activity cam also encourage children to do real activities to maintain cleanliness by
recycling waste. With recycling we save the world from the danger of garbage. Lets
participate to preserve the environment


Worldwide Kids GmbH
WK Childcare in Leisure & Tourism: Tier 2 PER Assessment Questions

4.5 Choose either ‘the environment’ or ‘mental health’ and explain why it is
important to cover this in your kids club/ creche. Name an activity you do that

I have chosen… Mental health

It is important to cover this because…

Mental health is currently a very prominent topic and it is important that childcare
staff have an overview of this and how it may affect our job. It is also relevant as we
work to support positive development in children and attempt to change the way
mental health is viewed by society as a whole. Our role as child a child carers means
that we should encourage children to recognize and talk about their emotions

A relevant activity on our timetable: Kids yoga

Yoga allows us to interact with children in a fun way, by triggering the imagination
and their great desire for life. Kid yoga makes children healthy, excited and feel like
knowing, while still being educational. Over time, consistent and social skills, among
many other mental and physical benefits.

relates to the topic.

Worldwide Kids GmbH

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