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Demonstration Steps for Module 3: Configuring

Mailbox Server Roles

Demonstration: What Is the Exchange Management Console?

Ensure that the 5047B-SYD-DC1 and 5047B-SYD-EX2 virtual machines are running.
Log on to the virtual machines as Administrator with the password of Pa$$w0rd.

Important: When you start the virtual machines, ensure that you start 5047B-SYD-
DC1 first and that it is fully started before starting any other virtual machines. If you
receive a notification that one or more services failed to start when starting a virtual
machine, open the Services console on the virtual machine and ensure that all
Microsoft Exchange services that are configured to start automatically are started.

 Demonstration Steps for Using Exchange Management Console

1. On SYD-DC1, click Start, point to All Programs, click Microsoft Exchange
Server 2007, and then click Exchange Management Console.
2. In the left pane, expand Server Configuration, and then click Mailbox. MMC 3.0
allows a snap-in to create up to four different panes. They are:
 Console tree. The console tree is in the left pane and provides a hierarchical view
of the Exchange Server organization and servers. As you select different objects
in the console tree, the other three panes provide details and configuration

Tip: Mention to the students that the console is split into work areas based on
server role. This will help them find what they are looking for in the user interface.

 Result pane. The result pane is in the top-middle pane and displays the object
available under the object that you have selected in the console tree. You can
filter and sort objects here.
 Work pane. The work pane is in the lower-middle pane and displays child objects
of the result pane. For example, when you select a Mailbox server in the result
pane, the work pane displays the storage groups and databases located on that
 Action pane. The action pane exposes different administrative tasks in response
to your selection in the result and work panes. The tasks listed in the action pane
are also available when you right-click an object.
3. In the result pane, click SYD-DC1, and then read the contents of the action pane.

4. In the work pane, click Mailbox Database. Notice that the options in the action pane
5. In the console tree, expand Organization Configuration, and then click Mailbox.
The Organization work center is used to configure organization-wide settings. For
example, the Mailbox settings here apply to all Mailbox servers in the Exchange
Server organization. These settings include address lists, managed folders, and
mailbox policies.
6. In the console tree, click Server Configuration. The Server Configuration work
center is used to configure server-specific settings. All computers running Exchange
Server 2007 are listed here, and you can manage any role that is installed on each
7. In the result pane, click SYD-DC1, and then in the action pane, click Properties.
This shows you the server properties related to all roles assigned to the server.
8. Click Cancel.
9. In the console tree under Server Configuration, click Mailbox.
10. In the result pane, click SYD-DC1, and then in the action pane, click Properties.
This shows you the server properties that relate only to the Mailbox server role.
11. Click Cancel.
12. In the console tree, expand Recipient Configuration, and then click Recipient
Configuration. The Recipient Configuration work center allows you to manage all
of recipients for your Exchange Server organization.
13. In the console tree under Recipient Configuration, click Mailbox. You can quickly
filter recipients based on mailboxes, distribution groups, contacts, and disconnected
mailboxes by selecting the appropriate object under Recipient Configuration.
14. In the action pane, click New Mailbox. This starts a wizard to help you complete the
mailbox creation process.
15. Click Cancel.
16. In the console tree, click Toolbox. The Toolbox work center contains the following
 Best Practices Analyzer. A wizard-driven tool that checks your Exchange Server
configuration against defined best practices.
 Details Template Editor. Used to modify the details templates that Exchange
Server 2007 uses to display information. This tool is new in Exchange Server
2007 SP1.
 Public Folder Management Console. Used to manage public folders using a
graphical user interface (GUI) rather than using the Exchange Management
Shell. This tool is new in Exchange Server 2007 SP1.

 Database Recovery Management tool. Manages database disaster recovery
 Database Troubleshooter. Troubleshoots mailbox and public folder database
 Mail Flow Troubleshooter. Troubleshoots mail-flow and transport-related
 Message Tracking tool. Used to view message tracking logs.
 Queue Viewer. Loads as a separate management tool that allows you to view and
manage message queues within the organization.
 Routing Log Viewer. Used to view the routing log tables on Hub Transport or
Edge Transport servers. This tool is new in Exchange Server 2007 SP1.
 Performance Monitor. Loads the Windows Performance console and displays
appropriate objects and counters to monitor your Exchange server.
 Performance Troubleshooter. Troubleshoots server performance issues.
17. Close the Exchange Management Console.

Demonstration: Exchange Management Shell Commands

Ensure that the 5047B-SYD-DC1 and 5047B-SYD-EX2 virtual machines are running.
Log on to the virtual machines as Administrator with the password of Pa$$w0rd.

 Demonstration Steps for Using Exchange Management Shell

1. On SYD-DC1, click Start, point to All Programs, click Microsoft Exchange
Server 2007, and then click Exchange Management Shell. Notice that some basic
information about the Exchange Management Shell is displayed on startup.
2. Type get-help, and then press ENTER. Scroll to the top of the Help file and quickly
review the information.
3. Press the up arrow. Notice that you can retrieve the last command by pressing the up
arrow. The Exchange Management Shell keeps a history of recent commands that
you can browse through by using the up and down arrows. This is useful for fixing
errors in long commands.
4. Complete the command by typing about_*, and then press ENTER. The command
get-help about_* lists all Help topics starting with “about_”.
5. Type get-user, and then press ENTER. This displays a list of users in Active
Directory, showing those that do not have a mailbox. Notice that one of the users in
the list that is not a mail-enabled user is Don Hall.

6. Type get-excommand, and then press ENTER. This displays a list of Exchange-
specific commands. Scroll to the bottom of the list and quickly review the
commands. Notice that one of the commands is Update-AddressList.
7. Type get-help update-addresslist, and then press ENTER. This displays the Help
file for the Update-AddressList command.
8. Type get-help update-addresslist –full and then press ENTER. This displays the
complete help information for the Update-AddressList cmdlet.
9. Type enable-mailuser –identity “Don Hall” –ex, press TAB, press the Space bar,
and type, and then press ENTER. More complex commands
require parameters to give all of the required information. In this case, the user Don
Hall is configured as a mail-enabled user with the external e-mail address of After the action is complete, the updated status of Don Hall as
a mail-enabled user is displayed. Also notice that you can use the TAB key to
complete both parameter and cmdlet names.
10. Type disable-mailuser –id “Don Hall”, press ENTER, and then press Y and
ENTER again. You can abbreviate many parameters. In this case, the identity
parameter is abbreviated as id.
11. Type enable-mailuser and then press ENTER. When required parameters are
missing you may be prompted for the missing information.
12. Type, press ENTER, type Jose Lugo, and then press ENTER.
13. Type get-user | sort-object name, and then press ENTER. You can use this pipe
command to redirect output from one command to another. In this case, the output of
the get-user command is sorted based on name.
14. Type get-user | where-object {$ –ilike “k*”} | sort-object name and then
press ENTER. You can redirect output with this pipe command multiple times. In
this case, the output of the get-user command is filtered to include only names that
begin with the letter “k” and are then sorted.
15. Type get-user | where-object {$_.distinguishedname –ilike
“*ou=sales,dc=adatum,dc=com”} | enable-mailbox –database “SYD-
DC1\mailbox database” and then press ENTER. This command enables a mailbox
for all users in the sales OU of the domain.
16. Type get-distributiongroupmember finance | set-mailbox –MaxReceiveSize 1MB
and then press ENTER. This command sets the maximum receive message size for
all mail-enabled users in the finance distribution group to 1 MB.
17. Type quickref and then press ENTER. This displays the Exchange Management
Shell Quick Reference Guide for performing common tasks. You can print this for
future use.
18. Type exit, and then press ENTER.

19. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, and
then click Exchange Server Help.
20. On the Contents tab, expand Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, expand Technical
Reference, and then click Exchange Management Shell (SP1). The Exchange
Server 2007 Help file contains a reference guide that you can use to learn about the
commands required to accomplish specific tasks.
21. Expand Exchange Management Shell (SP1), expand Mailbox and Recipient
Commands, expand Recipient cmdlets, and then click Get-User.
22. Scroll to the bottom of the Get-User help and then notice the Copy Code option in
the example area. This copies the examples to clipboard, so you can paste them into a
script, or the Exchange Management Shell.
23. Close Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Help.
24. On SYD-DC1, click Start, point to All Programs, click Microsoft Exchange
Server 2007, and then click Exchange Management Console.
25. In the Console tree, expand Recipient Configuration and then click Mailbox.
26. Right-click Mailbox and then click New Mailbox.
27. Click User Mailbox and then click Next.
28. Click Existing user, click Add, click Tony Wang, and then click OK.
29. Click Next. On the Mailbox Settings page, click Browse, and then click OK to
accept the default mailbox database.
30. Click Next, and then click New. Notice that when the task is complete, you are
shown the Exchange Management shell command that performed the task. You can
copy this command by using Ctrl+C, and paste it into a script or the Exchange
Management Shell.
31. Click Finish and then close the Exchange Management Console.

Demonstration: How to Configure Mailbox Server Role Configuration

Ensure that the 5047B-SYD-DC1 and 5047B-SYD-EX2 virtual machines are running.
Log on to the virtual machines as Administrator with the password of Pa$$w0rd.
 Demonstration Steps
1. On SYD-DC1, click Start, point to All Programs, click Microsoft Exchange
Server 2007, and then click Exchange Management Console.
2. If necessary, in the console tree, expand Server Configuration, and then click
3. In the result pane, right-click SYD-DC1, click Properties, and then if necessary,
click the General tab. The General tab displays the version and edition of Exchange
Server, installed roles, and product ID.
4. Click the System Settings tab. The domain controllers and global catalog server
being used by the DSAccess component of Exchange Server are displayed. In most
cases, you want DSAccess to select a domain controller and global catalog
automatically by using Active Directory sites.
5. Click the Messaging Records Management tab. This tab enables you to schedule
when messaging records management occurs on this server to remove and journal
content from user mailboxes.
6. Click Cancel.
7. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, and
then click Exchange Management Shell.
8. Type get-help set-exchangeserver -detailed, and then press ENTER. Read the Help
file displayed. Some options relate to configuring the domain controller and global
catalog servers for a computer running Exchange Server. These options can be used
to configure static domain controllers and global catalog servers when you want to
dedicate a global catalog server or domain controller to servicing Exchange Server:
 StaticConfigDomainController. Sets a single domain controller to be used by
DSAccess. If a single domain controller is configured, and that domain controller
is unavailable, some functions in Exchange Server will not function properly.
 StaticDomainControllers. Configures a list of domain controllers to be used by
DSAccess. Using this list gives you fault tolerance, so that if one domain
controller is unavailable, an alternate domain controller can be used.

 StaticExcludedDomainControllers. Configures a list of domain controllers not to
be used by DSAccess. Use this property to prevent computers running Exchange
Server from overwhelming a particular domain controller.
 StaticGlobalCatalogs. Configures a list of global catalog servers to be used by
DSAccess. By using this list, you can dedicate global catalog servers to
Exchange Server
9. Type exit, and then press ENTER.
10. In the Exchange Management Console, if necessary, expand Organization
Configuration, and then click Mailbox. This area allows you to configure Mailbox
server settings that apply to the entire organization.
11. Click the Managed Default Folders tab. This tab shows the folders that are managed
by default. These are all folders that automatically appear in all versions of Outlook.
You cannot add or remove folders from this list.
12. Double-click the Sent Items folder.
13. In the Display box, type Messages will be deleted from sent items after 90 days,
and then click OK. This message is displayed to users in Outlook.
14. In the action pane, click New Managed Content Settings. This opens a wizard that
helps you create configuration settings for content management.
15. In the Managed content settings name box, type Sent Items Deletion.
16. In the Message type box, select All Mailbox Content. Other options include voice
mail, faxes, calendar items, meeting requests, contacts, and documents.
17. Select the Length of retention period (days) check box, and then enter 90.
18. In the Action to take at the end of the retention period box, select Delete and
Allow Recovery, and then click Next.
19. Click Next to accept not journaling items that are deleted.
20. Click New to create the new managed content settings.
21. Read the results of the completion, and then click Finish. By reading the completion
results, you verify that the new managed content settings were completed.
22. In the result pane, expand Sent Items. You can see that the new managed content
settings are there.
23. Click the Managed Custom Folders tab. Any new folders added to this tab can be
added to the mailbox of Outlook users. You also can apply managed content settings
to managed custom folders.
24. Click the Managed Folder Mailbox Policies tab. The policies created here group
managed folders into groups for easier application to user mailboxes. Managed folder

mailbox policies are applied to user mailboxes by using the Exchange Management
25. Close the Exchange Management Console.

Demonstration: Configuring Database and Storage Group Options

Ensure that the 5047B-SYD-DC1 and 5047B-SYD-EX2 virtual machines are running.
Log on to the virtual machines as Administrator with the password of Pa$$w0rd.
 Demonstration Steps
1. On SYD-DC1, click Start, point to All Programs, click Microsoft Exchange
Server 2007, and then click Exchange Management Console.
2. If necessary, in the console tree, expand Server Configuration, and then click
3. If necessary, in the result pane, click SYD-DC1. You will manage the databases and
storage groups on this Mailbox server.
4. In the work pane, right-click First Storage Group, and then click Properties. The
only option you can configure here is to enable circular logging. Circular logging
reduces disk space usage by reusing transaction log files. However, this limits
recoverability. When circular logging is enabled, you can only restore a message
database up to the point of the last backup. When circular logging is disabled, you
can restore a message database up to the moment before the failure.
5. Click Cancel.
6. In the work pane, right-click Mailbox Database, and then click Properties. On the
General tab, your options are:
 Journal Recipient. Allows you to configure a recipient to receive a copy of all
messages received by this mailbox database.
 Maintenance Schedule. Allows you to configure the time of day when automatic
database maintenance is performed. Ideally, this time should not conflict with
backup operations.
 Do not mount this database at startup. Used during recovery operations.
 This database can be overwritten by a restore. Used during recovery operations.
7. Click the Client Settings tab. The options on the client settings tab are:
 Default public folder database. Specifies the public folder database used by
default for all mail-enabled users in this mailbox database. Often the public
folder database is on the same server.
 Offline address book. Specifies the offline address book used by all users with
mailboxes in this mailbox database.
8. Click Cancel.

9. Right-click Mailbox Database, and then click Move Database Path. This starts the
wizard for moving the mailbox database.
10. Click Browse, click Computer, and then double-click Local Disk (C:).
11. Click New Folder, type MailDB, press ENTER, and then click Save. The Exchange
database file path box now contains C:\MailDB\Mailbox Database.edb.
12. Click Move and then click Yes to dismount the mailbox database. This process
disconnects any users with mailboxes in this database and should not be performed
during production hours.
13. Read the completion results, and then click Finish. The mailbox database file
(Mailbox Database.edb) and its associated index folder moved to the C:\MailDB
folder. This process was fast because the mailbox database is small. Large mailbox
databases may take hours to move, so plan accordingly.
14. Right-click First Storage Group, and then click Move Storage Group Path. When
you move a storage group you have the option to move the transaction logs, the
system files, or both.
15. Click Browse for the log files path, click Local Disk (C:), click Make New Folder,
type SG1Logs, press ENTER, and then click OK. The Log files location box now
indicates C:\SG1Logs.
16. Click Move and then click Yes to dismount all of the databases in the storage group.
17. Read the completion results, and then click Finish. The transaction logs and reserve
logs for First Storage Group are moved to the C:\SG1Logs folder. The checkpoint
file and temporary database files are still in the original location.
18. Close the Exchange Management Console.

Demonstration: How to Manage Mailbox Size Limits

Ensure that the 5047B-SYD-DC1 and 5047B-SYD-EX2 virtual machines are running.
Log on to the virtual machines as Administrator with the password of Pa$$w0rd.
 Demonstration Steps
1. On SYD-DC1, click Start, point to All Programs, click Microsoft Exchange
Server 2007, and then click Exchange Management Console.
2. If necessary, in the console tree, expand Server Configuration, and then click
3. If necessary, in the result pane, click SYD-DC1.
4. In the work pane, right-click Mailbox Database, and then click Properties.

5. Click the Limits tab. This tab allows you to specify limits for all mailboxes in a
mailbox database. The Warning message interval option configures when the
mailboxes are scanned to see if they are past the warning interval, and warning
messages are sent.
6. Clear the Prohibit send and receive at (KB) check box. Most organizations do not
use this setting because of the risk of missing important business information.
7. In the Issue Warning at (KB) box, type 102400. This issues a warning at
approximately 100 MB.
8. In the Prohibit send at (KB) box, type 112640. This prevents the users from sending
new messages when their mailboxes are approximately 110 MB.
9. Click OK.
10. In the console tree, expand Recipient Configuration, and then click Mailbox.
11. In the result pane, right-click Katarina Larsson, and then click Properties.
12. Click the Mailbox Settings tab, click Storage Quotas, and then click Properties.
You can override the storage quotas for an individual user. For some users, such as
executives, you may choose to eliminate quotas entirely.
13. In the Storage Quotas box, clear the Use mailbox database defaults option, and
then click OK.
14. Click OK to close the Katarina Larsson Properties dialog box.
15. Close the Exchange Management Console.
16. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, and
then click Exchange Management Shell.
17. Type get-mailboxdatabase, and then press ENTER. This command obtains a list of
all the mailbox databases in the Exchange Server organization. You can limit this to a
server or storage group by using different parameters.
18. Type get-mailboxdatabase | set-mailboxdatabase –prohibitsendreceivequota
unlimited, and then press ENTER. This command removes the prohibit send and
receive at quota function for all mailbox databases in the Exchange Server
organization. The command displays a message for any databases that were not
19. Type exit, and then press ENTER.

Demonstration: How to Configure Public Folders

Ensure that the 5047B-SYD-DC1, 5047B-SYD-EX2, and 5047B-SYD-CL1 virtual
machines are running. Log on to the virtual machines as Administrator with the
password of Pa$$w0rd.
 Demonstration Steps
1. On SYD-EX2, click Start, point to All Programs, click Microsoft Exchange
Server 2007, and then click Exchange Management Console.
2. In the console tree, expand Server Configuration, and then click Mailbox.
3. In the result pane, click SYD-EX2. You can see that no public folder databases exist
on SYD-EX2. To perform replication, you must create a public folder database on
4. In the action pane, click New Storage Group.
5. In the Storage Group Name box, type PF Storage, and then click New. This creates
a new storage group in the default location on SYD-EX2.
6. Read the completion results, and then click Finish.
7. In the work pane, right-click PF Storage, and then click New Public Folder
8. In the Public folder database name box, type PF DB2, and then click New.
9. Read the completion results, and then click Finish.
10. In the work pane, right-click PF DB2, click Properties, and then click the
Replication tab. You can see how often folders in this database are replicated.
11. Click the Limits tab. You can also configure storage limits and deletion settings in
the Exchange Management Console. However, you cannot create or manage
individual public folders by using the Exchange Management Console.
12. Click the Public Folder Referral tab. You can use this tab to configure a custom list
of Exchange Servers that clients will connect to when accessing public folders in
other Active Directory sites.
13. Click Cancel.
14. In the Exchange Management Console, click Toolbox and then double-click Public
Folder Management Console.
15. Click Default Public Folders, right-click Default Public Folders and then click
New Public Folder.
16. In the Name field, type EMS Docs and click New. Click Finish.
17. Right-click EMS Docs, and click Properties.

18. On the Replication tab, click Add.
19. Click Public Folder Database and click OK. Click OK.
20. On SYD-CL1, log on as Administrator with a password of Pa$$w0rd.
21. Click Start, and then click E-mail.
22. At the bottom of the left pane, click Folder List.
23. In the folder list, expand Public Folders, and then expand All Public Folders.
Notice that EMS Docs is available to be used.
24. Right-click All Public Folders, and then click New Folder.
25. In the Name box, type Outlook Docs, and then click OK. Notice that here you can
easily specify the type of content the folder will contain. However, you do not have
the option to select the server on which this folder will be stored or configure
26. Close Outlook.


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