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Fiesta(Social Outing Manager)

Stakeholders: -Professionals and students.

Task Force: -Shashank, Junaid, Muralidharan

Document Modification History

Version Date Author Description
1.0 05/12/2019 Shashank First Draft
1.1 00/00/0000 Junaid Second Draft will be
done soon
1.2 00/00/0000 Muralidharan Third Draft will be
done soon

Project Description: -
Fiesta is a social outing manager aimed at managing and coordinating parties, hangouts and
celebrations. It is aimed at professionals and the young generation so that they can make
the most out of their time. It will allow celebration and touring plans to be executed in an
efficient way. Similarly, non-touring people can also make spontaneous plans to hangout
with their friends.

Service Need
Most of the professionals and workers are not able to execute party and touring plans
because of lack of coordination and poor time efficiency. This project is aimed at providing
quick solution to this issue. People can now go on any tour, relax with their friends indoors
or plan parties.

Project Purpose & Scope

The main purpose of this project is to connect the party members and groups that are
interested in touring, partying or relaxing together.Wasting minimum time on coordination
and maximum time in enjoyment.

Technical Challenges/Issues
Complex algorithm implementation for friendlist and integrated messaging system.Building
Lightweight User Interface.
Review of Products December 5, 2019
Install, Development and Internal Testing December 5, 2019
Beta Roll-Out December 5, 2019
Production Roll-Out December 5, 2019
Annual Review December 5, 2019

Functional Requirements
 Wide variety of plans and celebrations.
 Anyone can make plans on the go
 Live status notifications
 Friendlist and blicking feature
 Login/sign up system
 More organized

Technical Requirements

 For UI – Bootstrap
 Backend – mysql
 front end – php
 Memory: 8GB
 OS Type: Windows 10

Policy Requirements
The project functionality will be driven by policy whenever possible. The same policy will be
applied to desktop or mobile version.

Usability Requirements
System will be fully functional in mobile version. It will support desktop user in partial way.
Project Constraint
Time Constraint
We need a Fiesta Website for our end user before February, 2019.

Cost Constraint
Right now, we do not have any cost constraint.

Scope Constraint
Limited to develop a desktop-based application only.

Communication Plan
Internal Communication
Monthly analysis of project will be done by developers, any type of bugs will be resolved as
soon as possible.

External Communication
We are planning to take regular public survey in order to enhance the performance of our

It will consist of installation details along with a digital guide to use the application.

Reference and Related Documents


[To survey on google map]

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