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Child craves meat – Calc-p ,Mag-carb.
Child cries all day , sleeps all night – Lyco
Child cries and scream as if in great pain just before passing urine – Lyco, Sanic, Sars, Lach, Nux vom.
Child cries day and night – Ipecac,Stram,Mag phos
Child cries from slightest cause – Nat mur
Child cries towards evening – Zincum metPARKINSONS DISEASE
Parkinson’s disease, also called paralysis agitans or shaking palsy is a movement disorder. Cases of PD are
reported at all ages, though it is uncommon in people younger than 40.
This disease is more common among men and usually occurs after 60 years.
The average age at which symptoms begin in the USA. is 58-60.
The nerve cells in the part of the brain which control movements are mainly affected. The nerve cells (neurons)
which make the chemical called dopamine either don’t work sufficiently or are completely destroyed. The real
cause behind this had never been identified. Though, many risk factors have been enumerated in literature.
Homeopathy for Parkinson’s Disease
Information about parkinson’s disease, causes, symptoms, homeopathy treatment, or homeopathy medicine for
the cure of parkinson’s disease.
Parkinson’s disease (also known as Parkinson disease or Parkinson’s Disease) is a degenerative disorder of the
central nervous system that often impairs the sufferer’s motor skills and speech.
History of Parkinson’s Disease
Symptoms of Parkinson’s disease have been known and treated since ancient times. However, it was not formally
recognized and its symptoms were not documented until 1817, in An Essay on the Shaking Palsy. by the British
physician James Parkinson. Parkinson’s disease was then known as paralysis agitans, the term “Parkinson’s
disease” being coined later by Jean Martin Charcot. The underlying biochemical changes in the brain were
identified in the 1950’s, due largely to the work of Swedish scientist Arwid Carlsson, who later went on to win a
Nobel prize.
Parkinson’s disease is a disorder that affects nerve cells, or neurons, in a part of the brain that controls muscle
movement. In Parkinson’s, neurons that make a chemical called dopamine die or do not work properly. Dopamine
normally sends signals that help coordinate your movements. Parkinson’s is a disease that causes a progressive
loss of nerve cell function in the part of the brain that controls muscle movement. Progressive means that this
disease’s effects get worse over time.
What Causes Parkinson's Disease?
The main cause of Parkinson’s disease is attributed to degeneration of dopamine producing cells in brain.
No one knows for sure what makes these nerve cells break down. But scientists are doing a lot of research to look
for the answer. They are studying many possible causes, including aging and poisons in the environment.
Abnormal genes seem to lead to Parkinson's disease in some people. But so far, there is not enough proof to
show that it is always inherited.
What Are Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease (PD)?
Parkinson’s Disease does not affect everyone the same way, and the rate of progression differs among patients.
Tremor is the major symptom for some patients, while for others; tremor is nonexistent or very minor.
Parkinson’s Disease symptoms often begin on one side of the body. However, as it progresses, the disease
eventually affects both sides. Even after the disease involves both sides of the body, the symptoms are often less
severe on one side than on the other.
The Four Primary Symptoms Of Parkinson’s Disease Are
TREMOR:- The tremor associated with Parkinson’s Disease has a characteristic appearance. Typically, the tremor
takes the form of a rhythmic back-and-forth motion at a rate of 4-6 beats per second. It may involve the thumb
and forefinger and appear as a “pill rolling” tremor. Tremor often begins in a hand, although sometimes a foot or
the jaw is affected first. It is most obvious when the hand is at rest or when a person is under stress. For example,
the shaking may become more pronounced a few seconds after the hands are rested on a table. Tremor usually
disappears during sleep or improves with intentional movement.
RIGIDITY:–. Rigidity, or a resistance to movement, affects most people with Parkinson’s Disease. A major principle
of body movement is that all muscles have an opposing muscle. Movement is possible not just because one
muscle becomes more active, but because the opposing muscle relaxes. In Parkinson’s Disease, rigidity comes
about when, in response to signals from the brain, the delicate balance of opposing muscles is disturbed. The
muscles remain constantly tensed and contracted so that the person aches or feels stiff or weak. The rigidity
becomes obvious when another person tries to move the patient’s arm, which will move only in ratchet-like or
short, jerky movements known as “cogwheel” rigidity.
BRADYKINESIA.:– Bradykinesia, or the slowing down and loss of spontaneous and automatic movement, is
particularly frustrating because it may make simple tasks somewhat difficult. The person cannot rapidly perform
routine movements. Activities once performed quickly and easily — such as washing or dressing — may take
several hours.
POSTURAL INSTABILIT:.- Postural instability, or impaired balance, causes patients to fall easily. Affected people
also may develop a stooped posture in which the head is bowed and the shoulders are drooped.
A number of other symptoms may accompany Parkinson’s Disease. Some are minor; others are not. Many can be
treated with medication or physical therapy. No one can predict which symptoms will affect an individual patient,
and the intensity of the symptoms varies from person to person.
DEPRESSION:- This is a common problem and may appear early in the course of the disease, even before other
symptoms are noticed. Fortunately, depression usually can be successfully treated with antidepressant
medications. Hallucinations,delusions and paranoia may develop.
EMOTIONAL CHANGES:- Some people with Parkinson’s Disease become fearful and insecure. Perhaps they fear
they cannot cope with new situations. They may not want to travel, go to parties, or socialize with friends. Some
lose their motivation and become dependent on family members. Others may become irritable or
uncharacteristically pessimistic.
DIFFICULTY WITH SWALLOWING AND CHEWING:- . Muscles used in swallowing may work less efficiently in later
stages of the disease. In these cases, food and saliva may collect in the mouth and back of the throat, which can
result in choking or drooling. These problems also may make it difficult to get adequate nutrition. Speech-
language therapists, occupational therapists, and dieticians can often help with these problems.
SPEECH CHANGES:- About half of all Parkinson’s Disease patients have problems with speech. They may speak too
softly or in a monotone, hesitate before speaking, slur or repeat their words, or speak too fast. A speech therapist
may be able to help patients reduce some of these problems.
URINARY PROBLEMS OR CONSTIPITION:- In some patients, bladder and bowel problems can occur due to the
improper functioning of the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for regulating smooth muscle
activity. Some people may become incontinent, while others have trouble urinating. In others, constipation may
occur because the intestinal tract operates more slowly. Constipation can also be caused by inactivity, eating a
poor diet, or drinking too little fluid. The medications used to treat Parkinson’s Disease also can contribute to
constipation. It can be a persistent problem and, in rare cases, can be serious enough to require hospitalization.
SKIN PROBLEMS:- In Parkinson’s Disease, it is common for the skin on the face to become very oily, particularly on
the forehead and at the sides of the nose. The scalp may become oily too, resulting in dandruff. In other cases,
the skin can become very dry. These problems are also the result of an improperly functioning autonomic nervous
system. Standard treatments for skin problems can help. Excessive sweating, another common symptom, is
usually controllable with medications used for Parkinson’s Disease.
SLEEP PROBLEMS:- Sleep problems common in Parkinson’s Disease include difficulty staying asleep at night,
restless sleep, nightmares and emotional dreams, and drowsiness or sudden sleep onset during the day. Patients
with Parkinson’s Disease should never take over-the-counter sleep aids without consulting their physicians.
DEMENTIA OR OTHER COGNATIVE PROBLEMS:- Some, but not all, people with Parkinson’s Disease may develop
memory problems and slow thinking. In some of these cases, cognitive problems become more severe, leading to
a condition called Parkinson’s dementia late in the course of the disease. This dementia may affect memory,
social judgment, language, reasoning, or other mental skills.
ORTHOSTATIC HYPOTENSION:- Orthostatic hypotension is a sudden drop in blood pressure when a person stands
up from a lying-down position. This may cause dizziness, lightheadedness, and, in extreme cases, loss of balance
or fainting. Studies have suggested that, in Parkinson’s Disease, this problem results from a loss of nerve endings
in the sympathetic nervous system that controls heart rate, blood pressure, and other automatic functions in the
body. The medications used to treat Parkinson’s Disease also may contribute to this symptom.
MUSCLE CRAMPS AND DYSTONIA:- The rigidity and lack of normal movement associated with Parkinson’s Disease
often causes muscle cramps, especially in the legs and toes. Massage, stretching, and applying heat may help with
these cramps. Parkinson’s Disease also can be associated with dystonia — sustained muscle contractions that
cause forced or twisted positions. Dystonia in Parkinson’s Disease is often caused by fluctuations in the body’s
level of dopamine. It can usually be relieved or reduced by adjusting the person’s medications.
PAIN:- Many people with Parkinson’s Disease develop aching muscles and joints because of the rigidity and
abnormal postures often associated with the disease. Certain exercises also may help. People with Parkinson’s
Disease also may develop pain due to compression of nerve roots or dystonia-related muscle spasms. In rare
cases, people with Parkinson’s Disease may develop unexplained burning, stabbing sensations. This type of pain,
called “central pain,” originates in the brain. Dopaminergic drugs, opiates, antidepressants, and other types of
drugs may all be used to treat this type of pain.
FATIGUE AND LOSS OF ENERGY:- The unusual demands of living with Parkinson’s Disease often lead to problems
with fatigue, especially late in the day. Fatigue may be associated with depression or sleep disorders, but it also
may result from muscle stress or from overdoing activity when the person feels well. Fatigue also may result
fromakinesia – trouble initiating or carrying out movement. Exercise, good sleep habits, staying mentally active,
and not forcing too many activities in a short time may help to alleviate fatigue.
SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION:- Parkinson’s Disease often causes erectile dysfunction because of its effects on nerve
signals from the brain or because of poor blood circulation. Parkinson’s Disease-related depression or use of
antidepressant medication also may cause decreased sex drive and other problems. These problems are often
Impaired visual contrast sensitivity , spatial reasoning, colour discrimination, convergence insufficiency
(characterized by double vision ) and oculomotor disturbances.
Dizziness and fainting; usually attributable to orthostatic hypotension, a failure of the autonomous nervous
system to adjust blood pressure in response to changes in body position
Impaired propriception (the awareness of bodily position in three-dimensional space)
Reduction or loss of sense of smell (microsmia or anosmia) – can occur years prior to diagnosis,
Pain: neuropathic, muscle, joints and tendons, attributable to tension, dystonia, rigidity, joint stiffness, and
injuries associated with attempts at accommodation
Why Parkinson's Disease occurs, no one knows. These are some factors that scientists believe predisposes
individuals to PD.
• Genetic factors: About 15 to 25 percent of people with Parkinson's report having a relative with the disease.
This means that if your parent has Parkinson's, your chances of developing the disease are slightly higher than the
risk in the general population.
• Studies have revealed that there may be more of a genetic basis to young-onset PD (that is, the 10 percent or so
of people with Parkinson's for whom onset occurs at or before age 50) than to later-onset PD.
• The vast majority of Parkinson's cases are not directly inherited, but researchers have discovered several genes
that can cause the disease in a small number of families. Genetic diseases occur when important genes contain
mutations, which result in abnormal proteins that in turn cause disease.
• Environmental factors: Scientists have suggested that Parkinson's disease may result from exposure to an
environmental toxin or injury. Research has identified several factors that may be linked to PD, including rural
living, well water, herbicide use and exposure to pesticides. Pesticides are thought to adversely affect the brain by
inhibiting energy production resulting in brain cell death.
Studies have also shown that smoking and caffeine use appear to protect against the development of PD.
However, it is universally agreed that the health risks associated with smoking are worse than any incidental
benefits that might be gained by this habit.
Also, a synthetic narcotic agent called MPTP can cause immediate and permanent Parkinsonism if injected.
• Head trauma: Past episodes of head trauma are reported more frequently by sufferers than by others in the
• Drug induced: Antipsychotics, which are used to treat schizophrenia and psychosis, can induce the symptoms of
Parkinson's disease (or parkinsonism) by lowering dopaminergic activity.
The main causes could be graded under four headings:
Head injury
Drug induced
Parkinson’s disease occurs when nerve cells, or neurons, in an area of the brain known as the substantia nigra die
or become impaired. Normally, these neurons produce an important brain chemical known as dopamine.
Dopamine is a chemical messengerresponsible for transmitting signals between the substantia nigra and the next
“relay station” of the brain, the corpus striatum, to produce smooth, purposeful movement. Loss of dopamine
results in abnormal nerve firing patterns within the brain that cause impaired movement. Studies have shown
that most Parkinson’s patients have lost 60 to 80 percent or more of the dopamine-producing cells in the
substantia nigra by the time symptoms appear. Recent studies have shown that people with Parkinson’s Disease
also have loss of the nerve endings that produce the neurotransmitter nor epinephrine. Nor epinephrine, which is
closely related to dopamine, is the main chemical messenger of the sympathetic nervous system, the part of the
nervous system that controls many automatic functions of the body, such as pulse and blood pressure. The loss of
nor epinephrine might help explain several of the non-motor features seen in Parkinson’s Disease, including
fatigue and abnormalities of blood pressure regulation.
Scientists have identified several genetic mutations associated with Parkinson’s Disease, and many more genes
have been tentatively linked to the disorder. Studying the genes responsible for inherited cases of Parkinson’s
Disease can help researchers understand both inherited and sporadic cases. The same genes and proteins that are
altered in inherited cases may also be altered in sporadic cases by environmental toxins or other factors.
Although the importance of genetics in Parkinson’s Disease is increasingly recognized, most researchers believe
environmental exposures increase a person’s risk of developing the disease. Even in familial cases, exposure to
toxins or other environmental factors may influence when symptoms of the disease appear or how the disease
progresses. There are a number of toxins, such as 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1, 2, 3, 6-tetrahydropyridine, or MPTP
(found in some kinds of synthetic heroin), that can cause Parkinson Ian symptoms in humans. Other, still-
unidentified environmental factors also may cause Parkinson’s Disease in genetically susceptible individuals.
Viruses are another possible environmental trigger for Parkinson’s Disease. People who developed
encephalopathy after a 1918 influenza epidemic were later stricken with severe, progressive Parkinson’s-like
symptoms. A group of Taiwanese women developed similar symptoms after contracting herpes virus infections. In
these women, the symptoms, which later disappeared, were linked to a temporary inflammation of the substantia
Several lines of research suggest that mitochondria may play a role in the development of Parkinson’s Disease.
Mitochondria are the energy-producing components of the cell and are major sources of free radicals —
molecules that damage membranes, proteins, DNA, and other parts of the cell. This damage is often referred to as
oxidative stress. Oxidative stress-related changes, including free radical damage to DNA, proteins, and fats, have
been detected in brains of Parkinson’s Disease patients.
Other research suggests that the cell’s protein disposal system may fail in people with Parkinson’s Disease,
causing proteins to build up to harmful levels and trigger cell death. Additional studies have found evidence that
clumps of protein that develop inside brain cells of people with Parkinson’s Disease may contribute to the death
of neurons, and that inflammation or over stimulation of cells (because of toxins or other factors) may play a role
in the disease. However, the precise role of the protein deposits remains unknown. Some researchers even
speculate that the protein buildup is part of an unsuccessful attempt to protect the cell. While mitochondrial
dysfunction, oxidative stress, inflammation, and many other cellular processes may contribute to Parkinson’s
Disease, the actual cause of the dopamine cell death is still undetermined.
Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosis
The period of effectiveness after each dose may begin to shorten, called the wearing-off effect. Another potential
problem is referred to as the on-off effect — sudden, unpredictable changes in movement, from normal to
Parkinson Ian movement and back again. These effects probably indicate that the patient’s response to the drug is
changing or that the disease is progressing.
Dopamine agonists –
Less motor fluctuations
Dyskinesis (twisting / turning) movements
In rare cases, they can cause compulsive behavior, such as an uncontrollable desire togamble, hyper sexuality, or
compulsive shopping. Bromocriptine can also causefibrosis, or a buildup of fibrous tissue, in the heart valves or
the chest cavity. Fibrosis usually goes away once the drugs are stopped.
MAO-B inhibitors. These drugs inhibit the enzyme monoamine oxidase B, or MAO-B, which breaks down
dopamine in the brain. MAO-B inhibitors cause dopamine to accumulate in surviving nerve cells and reduce the
symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease. Selegiline, also called deprenyl, is an MAO-B inhibitor that is commonly used to
treat Parkinson’s Disease. Studies supported by the NINDS have shown that selegiline can delay the need for
levodopa therapy by up to a year or more. When selegiline is given with levodopa, it appears to enhance and
prolong the response to levodopa and thus may reduce wearing-off fluctuations. Selegiline is usually well-
tolerated, although side effects may include nausea, orthostatic hypotension, stomatitis or insomnia. It should not
be taken with the antidepressant fluoxetine or the sedative mepiridine, because combining seligiline with these
drugs can be harmful.
COMT inhibitors. COMT stands for catechol-O-methyltransferase, another enzyme that helps to break down
dopamine. Two COMT inhibitors are approved to treat Parkinson’s Disease in the United States: entacapone and
tolcapone. These drugs prolong the effects of levodopa by preventing the breakdown of dopamine. COMT
inhibitors can decrease the duration of “off” periods, and they usually make it possible to reduce the person’s
dose of levodopa. The most common side effect is diarrhea. The drugs may also cause nausea, sleep disturbances,
dizziness, urine discoloration, abdominal pain, low blood pressure, or hallucinations. In a few rare cases,
tolcapone has caused severe liver disease. Because of this, patients taking tolcapone need regular monitoring of
their liver function.
Amantadine. An antiviral drug, amantadine, can help reduce symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease and levodopa-
induced dyskinesia. It is often used alone in the early stages of the disease. It also may be used with an
anticholinergic drug or levodopa. After several months, amantadine’s effectiveness wears off in up to half of the
patients taking it. Amantadine’s side effects may include insomnia, mottled skin, edema, agitation, or
Hallucinations. Researchers are not certain how amantadine works in Parkinson’s Disease, but it may increase the
effects of dopamine.
Anticholinergics. These drugs, which include trihexyphenidyl, benztropine, and ethopropazine, decrease the
activity of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and help to reduce tremors and muscle rigidity. Only about half the
patients who receive anticholinergics are helped by it, usually for a brief period and with only a 30 percent
improvement. Side effects may include dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention, hallucinations, memory loss,
blurred vision, and confusion.
Homeopathy Treatment & Homeopathic Remedies for Parkinson’s Disease
Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a
person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic medicines are selected after a full individualizing
examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution
etc. A miasmatic tendency (predisposition/susceptability) is also often taken into account for the treatment of
chronic conditions. The medicines given below indicate the therapeutic affinity but this is not a complete and
definite guide to the treatment of this condition. The symptoms listed against each medicine may not be directly
related to this disease because in homeopathy general symptoms and constitutional indications are also taken
into account for selecting a remedy. To study any of the following remedies in more detail, please visit our
Materia Medica section.
Persons suffering from Parkinson’s disease need not present with every common symptom. The number of
symptoms and their intensities are known to vary with every individual. Most common signs & symptoms of
Parkinson’s include:
• Tremors felt in the fingers, hands, arms, legs, jaw and face. Initially these tremors are mild and visible only while
resting. Eventually they become visible even during routine movements.
• Rigidity is another symptom. Persons suffering often feel stiffness or inflexibility in their muscles. Muscles
normally stretch when they move, and then relax when they are at rest. In rigidity, the muscle tone of an affected
limb is always stiff and does not relax, sometimes resulting in a decreased range of motion.
Muscular movements like walking, running, dancing, sitting, grasping objects with fingers all seem very stiff.
Rigidity can cause pain and cramping. The sense of fluidity in these movements is lost. In advanced conditions,
even the facial muscles become very rigid, thus giving an appearance of an expressionless face, something akin to
wearing a mask.
• Bradykinesia or slowness of movements usually accompanies the sensation of stiffness and rigidity. A person
with bradykinesia will probably also have incomplete movements, difficulty initiating movements and sudden
stopping of ongoing movement.
There is increasing inability to perform tasks which require rapid alternating movements.
• Loss of balance and in coordination of movements results in frequent falls when beginning to walk or run.
• Gait: There is a ‘shuffling’ gait characterized by short steps, with feet barely leaving the ground, producing an
audible shuffling noise. Small obstacles tend to trip the patient.
• Decreased arm swing.Turning ‘en-bloc’, rather than the usual twisting of the neck and trunk and pivoting on the
toes, PD patients keep their neck and upper body rigid, requiring multiple small steps to accomplish a turn.
Stooped, forward-flexed posture both when sitting and standing. Festination: a combination of stooped posture,
imbalance, and short steps. It leads to a gait that gets progressively faster and faster, often ending in a fall.
• Dystonia: abnormal, sustained, painful twisting muscle contractions, usually affecting the foot and ankle,
interfering with gait. However, dystonia can be quite generalized, involving a majority of skeletal muscles; such
episodes are very painful and completely disabling.
They may go through periods of "freezing", which is when a person feels stuck to the ground and finds it difficult
to start walking. The slowness and incompleteness of movement can also affect speaking and swallowing.
o Speech: the voice becomes very soft. Later, the sound turns hoarse and monotonous. Occasionaly, the speech
becomes excessively rapid, soft, and poorly-intelligible.
Gradual progress in the disorder causes an inability to understand the meaning & essence of speech. Also, there is
difficulty in deciphering the facial expressions seen on others when conversing.
o Drooling: Weak swallowing and stooped posture causes drooling of saliva.
More symptoms which are seen in PD are:
• Small, cramped handwriting (micrographia)
• Dementia and confusion
• Fear or anxiety
• Slow thinking & memory problems
• Sexual dysfunction
• Fatigue and body aches
• Compulsive behaviors
• Loss of energy
• Sleep disturbances: excessive daytime sleepiness; insomnia; vivid, disturbing dreams.
These symptoms certainly vary in intensities in different persons. They are seen as the disease progresses and
everyone do not suffer from all of them.
The primary symptoms of Parkinson's disease are usually very mild and subtle usually mistaken for age related
changes which progress over time. Some individuals are more affected than others.
Studies have shown that by the time that primary symptoms appear, individuals with Parkinson's disease will have
lost 60% to 80% or more of the dopamine-producing cells in the brain.
Parkinson Disease symptoms can be classified as:
• Motor (movement related)
• Non-Motor (Neuropsychiatric)
• Others
Motor :
These are the cardinal or the characteristic symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (PD)
• Tremors :It is usually noticed in fingers, hands, arms, feet, legs, jaw, or head. Tremors most often occur while
the individual is resting, but not while involved in a task. Tremors may worsen when an individual is excited, tired,
or stressed.
• Rigidity : Stiffness of the limbs and trunk, which may increase during movement. Rigidity may produce muscle
aches and pain. Loss of fine hand movements can lead to cramped handwriting (micrographia) and may make
eating difficult.
• Bradykinesia : Slowness of voluntary movement. Over time, it may become difficult to initiate movement and to
complete movement. Bradykinesia together with stiffness can also affect the facial muscles and result in an
expressionless, "mask-like" appearance.
• Postural instability : Impaired or lost reflexes can make it difficult to adjust posture to maintain balance. Postural
instability may lead to falls.
• Parkinsonian gait : Individuals with more progressive Parkinson's disease develop a distinctive shuffling walk
with a stooped position and a diminished or absent arm swing. It may become difficult to start walking and to
make turns. Individuals may freeze in mid-stride and appear to fall forward while walking.
Non-Motor (Neuropsychiatric) :
While the main symptoms of Parkinson's disease are movement-related, progressive loss of muscle control and
continued damage to the brain can lead to non-motor symptoms, which include autonomic dysfunction, cognitive
and neurobehavioral problems, and sensory and sleep difficulties. These vary in severity, and not every individual
will experience all of them.
Cognitive symptoms in PD include the following:
• Loss of decision-making ability
• Inflexibility in adapting to changes
• Disorientation in familiar surroundings
• Problems learning new material
• Difficulty concentrating
• Loss of short- and long-term memory
• Difficulty putting a sequence of events in correct order
• Problems using complex language and comprehending others’ complex language
• Depression
• Anxiety, insecurity, stress
• Psychosis
Persons with PD, with or without dementia, respond slowly to questions and requests. They become dependent,
fearful, indecisive, and passive. As the disease progresses, they become increasingly dependent on spouses or
Other Symptoms:
In addition to cognitive and motor symptoms PD can impair other body functions
• Sleep disturbances
• Constipation
• Difficulty swallowing and excessive salivation
• Diminished sense of smell
• Increased sweating
• Male erectile dysfunction (Impotence)
• Skin problems
• Slowed, quieter speech, and monotone voice
• Urinary frequency/urgency
• Ophthalmological abnormalities such as decreased blink rate
Who Is at The Risk Of Developing Parkinson’s Disease?
• Age is the largest risk factor for the development and progression of Parkinson's disease. Most people who
develop Parkinson's disease are older than 60 years of age.
• Men are affected about 1.5 to 2 times more often than women.
• A small number of individuals are at increased risk because of a family history of the disorder.
• Head trauma, illness, or exposure to environmental toxins such as pesticides and herbicides may be a risk factor.
• Depression, agitation, disorientation, or psychotic behavior when treated with the PD drug levodopa
• Exposure to severe psychological stress
• Cardiovascular disease
• Low socioeconomic status
• Low education level
How Is Parkinson’s Disease Diagnosed (PD)?
There is no definitive medical test that confirms the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease.
Imaging Studies : Generally, brain scans such as CT scan and MRI are of little use in diagnosing dementia in people
with PD. Positron-emission tomographic (PET) scan may help distinguish dementia from depression and similar
conditions in PD
What Is the Role Of Homoeopathy In Parkinson’s?
As described in the article above Parkinson’s disease has multifactor ail causes. Homoeopathy follows an
individualistic approach towards patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease we believe that every individual is
different and thus a full in-depth case study is the first step. The usual conventional treatment provides only
palliation. On the other hand our deep acting constitutional medicine help by controlling the disease. A broad
criterion of how the homoeopathic medicines act in cases of is Parkinson’s disease mentioned below. The
response to treatment can differ from one individual to another patients are advised to consult so that the mode
of treatment can be discussed pertaining to their particular case
Relieving Symptoms : Homoeopathic treatment helps in relieving symptoms like.
• Weakness of the body
• Tremors
• Rigidity
• Numbness
• Unsteady gait.
Controlling The Underlying Disease Process :- Parkinson’s disease as described in the article above is an
autoimmune disease; Homoeopathy with its deep acting constitutional medicines act on the altered immune
system thus helps by controlling the disease process and preventing any further loss to the nerves.
• If homoeopathic treatment is sought early it helps in preventing the progress of disease and preventing any
• We at DRSS provide our patients with diet charts, exercise schedules and guide them how to modify their
lifestyle so that better results can be achieved.
• Our medicines can be started with conventional treatment depending upon the disease state and case.
• Homoeopathic medicines if taken under proper guidance from a well-qualified professional are extremely safe
and have no side effects.
The four main symptoms of Parkinson's are:
• Tremor, which means shaking or trembling. Tremor may affect your hands, arms, or legs.
• Stiff muscles.
• Slow movement.
• Problems with balance or walking.
Tremor may be the first symptom you notice. It's one of the most common signs of the disease, although not
everyone has it.
More importantly, not everyone with a tremor has Parkinson's disease.
Tremor often starts in just one arm or leg or on only one side of the body. It may be worse when you are awake
but not moving the affected arm or leg. It may get better when you move the limb or you are asleep.
In time, Parkinson's affects muscles all through your body, so it can lead to problems like trouble swallowing or
In the later stages of the disease, a person with Parkinson's may have a fixed or blank expression, trouble
speaking, and other problems. Some people also lose mental skills (dementia).
People usually start to have symptoms between the ages of 50 and 60. But sometimes symptoms start earlier.
How Is It Treated?
At this time, there is no cure for Parkinson's disease. But there are several types of medicines that can control the
symptoms and make the disease easier to live with.
You may not even need treatment if your symptoms are mild. Your doctor may wait to prescribe medicines until
your symptoms start to get in the way of your daily life. Your doctor will adjust your medicines as your symptoms
get worse. You may need to take several medicines to get the best results.
Levodopa (also called L-dopa) is the best drug for controlling symptoms of Parkinson's. But it can cause problems
if you use it for a long time or at a high dose. So doctors sometimes use other medicines to treat people in the
early stages of the disease.
The decision to start taking medicine, and which medicine to take, will be different for each person. Your doctor
will be able to help you make these choices.
In some cases, a treatment called deep brain stimulation may also be used. For this treatment, a surgeon places
wires in your brain. The wires carry tiny electrical signals to the parts of the brain that control movement. These
little signals can help those parts of the brain work better.
There are many things you can do at home that can help you stay as independent and healthy as possible. Eat
healthy foods. Get the rest you need. Make wise use of your energy. Get some exercise every day. Physical
therapy and occupational therapy can also help.
How Will Parkinson's Disease Affect Your Life?
Finding out that you have a long-term, progressive disease can lead to a wide range of feelings. You may feel
angry, afraid, sad, or worried about what lies ahead. It may help to keep a few things in mind:
• Usually this disease progresses slowly. Some people live for many years with only minor symptoms.
• Many people are able to keep working for years. As the disease gets worse, you may need to change how you
• It is important to take an active role in your health care. Find a doctor you trust and can work with.
• Depression is common in people who have Parkinson's. If you feel very sad or hopeless, talk to your doctor or
see a counselor.
• It can make a big difference to know that you're not alone. Ask your doctor about Parkinson's support groups, or
look for online groups or message boards.
• Parkinson's affects more than just the person who has it. It also affects your loved ones. Be sure to include them
in your decisions.
Parkinson's Disease And Nutrition
Most people with Parkinson's disease can eat the same healthy, balanced diet recommended for anyone. This
includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, grains, cereals, legumes, poultry, fish, lean meats, and low-fat dairy products.
Early in the disease, it might be helpful to take pills with food to help with nausea, which may be caused by some
medicines. Later in the disease, taking the medicines at least one hour before meals (and at least two hours after
meals) may help them work better.
Protein may interfere with the absorption of levodopa and make the effects of the medicine less predictable. It
may be helpful to spread your protein intake evenly throughout the day or to consume most of your daily protein
requirements in the evening, rather than during the daytime, so that you have a more predictable absorption of
and response to levodopa during the day when you are more active.
Follow your doctor's specific recommendations on diet and medicine. Eating a low-protein diet should be done
only with the help of a dietitian or doctor.
Symptoms of Parkinson's disease and side effects of medicines used to treat the disease can change your appetite
and ability to eat. Factors that can affect nutrition include mood, dementia, chewing and swallowing problems,
tremors, immobility, and inactivity. It is important to find ways to eat a nutritious diet despite these things.
Parkinson's disease affects the movement of intestinal muscles, which contributes to constipation in many
people. Many medicines used to treat the disease may make constipation worse. To reduce constipation:
• Include fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains in your diet each day. These foods are high in fiber.
• Drink plenty of fluids, enough so that your urine is light yellow or clear like water.
• Get some exercise every day, if possible.
• Take a fiber supplement, such as Citrucel or Metamucil, every day if needed. Start with a small dose and very
slowly increase the dose over a month or more. Your doctor may suggest you use a medicine such as polyethylene
glycol (for example, Miralax) to help with constipation.
• Schedule time each day for a bowel movement. Having a daily routine may help. Take your time and do not
strain when having a bowel movement.
Why Is Fiber Important?
Eating a high-fiber diet is thought to help prevent constipation and its related problems. It may lower blood
pressure, improve cholesterol levels, and help control blood sugar levels. And it may help with reaching and
staying at a healthy weight.
What is the recommended daily amount of fiber?
The daily adequate intake amount for fiber has been calculated by the U.S. Institute of Medicine. Men ages 19
and older should strive for 38 grams a day and women ages 19 and older should aim for 25 grams a day.
Goal for daily fiber intake (grams/1,000 kcal/day)1
Age (years) Women (grams a day) Men (grams a day)
1–3 19 19
4–8 25 25
9–13 26 31
14–18 26 38
19–50 25 38
51 and older 21 30
Pregnant, age 19 and older 28
Breast-feeding, age 19 and older 29
How Can You Get More Fiber?
Fiber is in many foods, including beans, peas, other vegetables, fruits, and whole grain products. You can figure
out how much fiber is in a food by looking at the nutrition facts label If a food has fiber, it will be listed under the
total carbohydrate on the label. The food label assumes the daily value (DV) of fiber is 25 grams a day (g/day) for
a 2,000 calorie diet.
Grams of fiber (estimates) in certain foods2
Food Serving size Dietary fiber (grams)
Beans (navy, pinto, black, kidney, lima, white, great northern), cooked ½ cup 6.2–9.6
100% bran cereal ½ cup 8.8
Split peas, lentils, chickpeas, or cowpeas, cooked ½ cup 5.6–8.1
Pear 1 medium 5.1
Bulgur, cooked ½ cup 4.1
Berries (blueberries, blackberries, raspberries) ½ cup 1.75–4.0
Almonds 1 ounce 3.5
Apple with skin 1 small 3.3
Whole wheat spaghetti, cooked ½ cup 3.1
Brown rice, cooked ½ cup 1.8
Be sure to increase the amount of fiber in your diet slowly so that your stomach can adjust to the change. Adding
too much fiber too quickly may cause stomach upset and gas.
Some doctors recommend adding bran to your diet to help boost the fiber content. If you do this, start slowly
with 1 teaspoon a day. Gradually increase the amount to several teaspoons a day.
Are there any risks from fiber?
Some people who have diverticulitis avoid nuts, seeds, berries, and popcorn (because of the hulls). They believe
that the seeds and nuts may get trapped in the diverticula and cause pain. But there is no evidence that seeds,
nuts, and berries cause diverticulitis or make it worse.3
Does fiber help digestion?
If your diet is high enough in fiber, your stools should become softer, larger, and easier to pass.
• Changing your diet may relieve constipation, but it may not help relieve abdominal (belly) pain.
• If you don't have any improvement within a week or two, talk to your doctor about your diet.
• Talk to your doctor if constipation continues or gets worse. Another medical problem or a medicine may be
causing constipation.
Drink enough fluids every day to help keep your stool soft. High-fiber diets need enough fluid in the body to work
How do you get started on healthy eating?
Healthy eating starts with learning new ways to eat, such as adding more fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole
grains and cutting back on foods that have a lot of fat, salt, and sugar.
A change to healthier eating also includes learning about balance, variety, and moderation.
• Aim for balance. Most days, eat from each food group—grains, protein foods, vegetables and fruits, and dairy.
Listen to your body. Eat when you're hungry. Stop when you feel satisfied.
• Look for variety. Be adventurous. Choose different foods in each food group. For example, don't reach for an
apple every time you choose a fruit. Eating a variety of foods each day will help you get all the nutrients you need.
• Practice moderation. Don't have too much or too little of one thing. All foods, if eaten in moderation, can be
part of healthy eating. Even sweets can be okay.
Why pay attention to what you eat?
Healthy eating will help you get the right balance of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. It will help you feel
your best and have plenty of energy. It can help you handle stress better.
Healthy eating is one of the best things you can do to prevent and control many health problems, such as:
• Heart disease.
• High blood pressure.
• Type 2 diabetes.
• Some types of cancer.
Is healthy eating the same as going on a diet?
Healthy eating is not a diet. It means making changes you can live with and enjoy for the rest of your life.
Diets are temporary. Because you give up so much when you diet, you may be hungry and think about food all the
time. And after you stop dieting, you also may overeat to make up for what you missed.
Eating a healthy, balanced variety of foods is far more satisfying. And if you match that with more physical
activity, you are more likely to get to a healthy weight—and stay there—than if you diet.
How do you make healthy eating a habit?
First, think about your reasons for healthier eating. Do you want to improve your health? Do you want to feel
better? Are you trying to set an example for your kids?
Next, think about some small changes you can make. Pick ones you can keep doing.
• Don't try to change everything at once.
• Set an easy goal you can reach, like having a salad and a piece of fruit each day.
• Make a long-term goal too, such as having one vegetarian dinner a week.
Where can you get support?
Having support from others can be a huge help. The more support you have, the easier it will be to make changes.
Ask family and friends to practice healthy eating with you. Have them help you make meals, and share healthy,
delicious recipes and cooking tips.
If you need more help, talk to your doctor or a registered dietitian. Look online for groups that support healthy
eating and share success stories.
We now know that many of the signs and symptoms of Parkinson's disease develop when certain nerve cells
(neurons) in an area of the brain called the substantia nigra are damaged or destroyed. Normally, these nerve
cells release dopamine — a chemical that transmits signals between the substantia nigra and another part of the
brain, the corpus striatum. These signals cause your muscles to make smooth, controlled movements.
As a normal part of aging everyone loses some dopamine-producing neurons.
People with Parkinson's disease lose half or more of neurons in the substantia nigra. Although other brain cells
also degenerate, the dopamine-containing cells are critical for movement and so their damage takes center stage.
Currently no blood or laboratory tests that have been proven to help in diagnosing PD. It is difficult to diagnose
PD accurately. Thus, medical history and a neurological examination alone guide the physician in diagnosing.
The Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) is a rating scale used to follow the longitudinal course of
Parkinson's disease.
Related conditions: There are a number of disorders that mimic Parkinson’s disease in some of their symptoms.
On close examination though, they are distinguisale from the idiopathic PD. These conditions fortunately have
additional symptoms which do not occur in PD.Such disorders need to be ruled out before establishing a diagnosis
of PD.
• Multiple System Atrophy(MSA)
o Cerebellar ataxia
o pyramidal weakness
o autonomic failure (previously known as Shy-Drager syndrome)
o nocturnal stridor
• Progressive Supranuclear Palsy(PSP)
o failure of voluntary vertical eye movements
o early dementia
• Corticobasal degeneration(CBD)
o cognitive impairment
o apraxia
o myoclonus
• Dementia with Lewy bodies(DLB)
o early cognitive impairment
o hallucinations
• Olivopontocerebellar Atrophy(OPCA)
o ataxia
o dysarthria
• Wilson’s Disease
• Torsion dystonia
These Parkinson-plus syndromes are usually more rapidly progressive and less likely to respond to anti-
parkinsonian medication than Parkinson's disease. However, the additional features of the diseases may respond
to medications not used in Parkinson's disease.
Conventional treatment
There is no permanent cure for PD. Though many patients show dramatic response to medications initially, with
gradual progress, the benefits of drugs diminish.
Treatment usually comprises of: -
• Medications
• Councelling
• Physical therapy
• Surgery
Medications: medications help control the problems faced in walking, movements and tremor. However, they
need to be taken in various combinations which need to be changed after every little while. The medicines used
• Levodopa and Carbidopa: Levodopa had been the ‘gold standard’ for treating PD since its introduction in 1960.
levodopa is a naturally occuring substance in nature. It is a precursor of the chemical dopamine which gets
converted to dopamine by the nerve cells in the brain. There is a fine meshwork-like structure in the brain which
acts like a filter that allows only selective substances to cross through and enter the brain. This structure is called
the blood-brain barrier. Dopamine itslef cannot cross this barrier, but levodopa can. Hence, dopamine itself is
never prescribed in PD.
Unfortunately, though the side-effects of these drugs(nausea; postural reduction in blood pressures) are not
major, their doses need to be frequently regulated. The quantity of each dose as well as its frequency of
repetition keeps increasing lifelong.
These medicines nevertheless allow persons suffering to extend the period for which they can lead a normal life.
• Dopamine agonists: though not levodopa, these drugs mimic the action of levodopa and cause neurons to
behave as though they are receiving dopamine.
This class of drugs includes:
o Bromocriptine (Parlodel),
o Apomorphine (Apokyn),
o Pramipexole (Mirapex) and
o Ropinirole
• Selegiline: This drug helps prevent the breakdown of dopamine.
• Catechol-O-methyltransferase: These drugs prolong the actions of levodopa and carbidopa by preventing an
enzyme from breaking down dopamine.
• Anticholinergics: These are used to control the tremors. But, often the side effects (loss of memory,
hallucinations, confusions, dry mouth, nausea, urine retention, severe constipation) make their use undesirable.
• Amantadine: Provides short-term relief from early, mild Parkinson’s disease. Side-effects (swollen ankles, purple
mottling of skin) are not very severe.
• Co-enzyme Q10: The majority of the energy utilized by the cell is produced within the mitochondria. This is a
substance present within the mitochondria of the cells. Co-enzyme Q10 is responsible for electron transport by
which the cell derives energy from Oxygen during respiration. Surgery
o Thalotomy: destroys a few tissues within the thalamus (a major centre in the brain handling the relay of
messages and transmitting sensations. This procedure reduces tremors in some people. Though, it can cause
slurring of speech and lack of coordination in movements.
o Pallidotomy: this procedure consists of removing tissues within the pallidus (a part of the brain responsible for
causing PD). Tremors, rigidity and slowness of movements are all controlled by this procedure. Though the
procedure provides relief, the effects are not long-lasting and the condition usually recurs. Slurred speech, vision
problems, severe weaknesses are some of the side-effects.
o Deep brain stimulation: A small device that transmits electrical impulses is planted deep within the brain from
where it stimulates the sub-thalamic nucleus which controls many motor functions. This procedure however runs
the risk of developing a bleed (hemorrhage) like a stroke. There are high incidences of developing an infection as
well. Hence, this procedure is a last option.
Certain changes in diet and life style can go a long way in improving a persons coping skills with PD.
Healthy eating
Eat more of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
These foods are high in fiber, which is important for helping prevent constipation. Also, drink plenty of water and
increase fibre intake through supplements.
Healthy Exercise
Regular exercise is extremely important if you have Parkinson's disease. It helps improve mobility, balance, range
of motion and even emotional well-being. Your doctor or physical therapist may recommend a formal exercise
program, but any physical activity, including walking, swimming or gardening, is beneficial. Weight-bearing
exercises, such as walking, jogging and dancing, may be helpful.
Keep in mind that your energy level may go up and down, and you'll sometimes need to pace yourself. If you're
tired, try doing one part of your routine at one time of day and adding another segment later. Choose a time to
exercise when your medicines are working well and you feel strong.
Be sure to stretch before and after you exercise. Stretching warms up your muscles, helps prevent stiffness, and
improves your flexibility and balance.
Walking With Care
Parkinson's disease can disturb your sense of balance, making it difficult to walk with a normal gait. These
suggestions may help:
• If you notice yourself shuffling, slow down and check your posture. It's best to stand up straight with your head
over your hips and your feet eight to 10 inches apart.
• Buy a good pair of walking shoes. Avoid running shoes.
• Practice taking long steps and exaggerate lifting your legs and swinging your arms.
• If you become stuck in place — known as freezing ¾ rock gently from side to side or pretend you're stepping
over an object on the floor.
Avoiding Falls
In the later stages of the disease, you may fall more easily. That's because Parkinson's disease affects the balance
and coordination centers in the brain. In fact, you may be thrown off balance by just a small push or bump. The
following suggestions may help:
• Ask your doctor or physical therapist about exercises that improve balance, especially Tai chi. originally
developed in China more than 1,000 years ago, tai chi uses slow, graceful movements to relax and strengthen
muscles and joints.
• Wear rubber-soled shoes. They're less likely to slip than are shoes with leather soles.
• Remove all area rugs from your home and make sure carpeting is secured firmly to the floor.
• Install handrails, especially along stairways.
• Keep electrical and telephone cords out of the way.
• Install grab bars around your tub and beside the toilet.
• Make sure you can reach the telephone from your bed and carry a cordless phone with you during the day.
Dressing can be the most frustrating of all activities for someone with Parkinson's disease. The loss of fine motor
control makes it hard to button and zip clothes, and even to step into a pair of pants. A physical therapist can
point out techniques that make daily activities easier. These suggestions also may help:
• Allow plenty of time so you don't feel rushed.
• Lay clothes nearby.
• Choose clothes that you can slip on easily, such as sweat pants, simple dresses or pants with elastic waistbands.
• Look for clothes and shoes with fabric fasteners, such as Velcro, or replace buttons on clothes you have with
fabric fasteners.
Even in the early stages of Parkinson's disease, your voice may become very soft or hoarse. To communicate more
• Face the person you're talking to, and deliberately speak louder than you think is necessary.
• Practice reading or reciting out loud, focusing on your breathing and on having a strong voice.
• Speak for yourself — don't let others speak for you.
• Consult a speech-language pathologist who is trained to treat people with Parkinson's disease.
Movement Therapies
May help people with Parkinson's improve motor skills and balance, and help them walk better.
• Music therapy: A recent study showed symptoms improved with music and dance therapy compared to physical
• Alexander Technique: emphasizes posture and balance. May help improve mobility and gait
• Feldenkrais Method: aims to re-educate the body about movements that are difficult. May improve gait
Nutritional supplements:
Many supplements may interact with medications you take for Parkinson's, or may only be effective at particular
doses, do not take any supplements, even vitamins, without your doctor's guidance.
Homeopathic Treatment for Parkinson’s disease:
Murphy: Diseases: Paralysis-agitans.
Clarke: Paralysis agitans.
Boericke: Nervous system: Paralysis-Type – agitans
Agar., Am Gr., Arg-n., Aur., Bufo.,Cocc., Con., Gels., Helo., Hyos. ,Lathyr., Mag-p., MERC., Nux-v., Phos., Plb., Puls.,
RHUS-T., Stam., Tarent., Thuj., ZINC.,
Mercurius Sol:- Weakness of limbs, trembling of extremities, especially hands. Paralytic agitans. Lacerating pain in
joints. Cold and clammy sweat on limbs. Oily perspiration.Tremors everywhere in body. Weakness with trembling
from least exertion. All symptoms are aggravated at night, warmth of bed, Damp, cold, rainy weather and during
perspiration. Complaints increase during sweating and rest. All symptoms always associated with weariness,
prostration and trembling.
Slow in answering questions. Memory weakened and loss of will power. Skin alwaysmoist and freely perspiring.
Itching worse warmth of bed.
Zincum Metallicum:- Violent trembling (twitching) of the whole body especially after emotions. Twitching in
children. Chorea. Paralysis of hands and feet. Trembling of hands while writing. Lameness, weakness, trembling
and twitching of various muscles. Feet in continued motion, cannot keep still. Worse touch, between 5-7 pm.,
after dinner, better eating, discharges.
Rhus Tox:- When the tremors start with pain which is relieved by motion. There is stiffness of the parts affected.
Numbness and formication, after overwork and exposure. Paralysis; trembling after exertion. Limbs stiff and
paralysed.All joints hot and painful. Crawling and tingling sensation in the tips of fingers. Worse during sleep, cold,
wet rainy weather and after rain, night, during rest, drenching and when lying on back or right side. Better warm,
dry weather, motion, walking, change of position, rubbing, stretching out limbs.
Gelsemium:- MCenters its action on nervous system, causing various degrees of motor paralysis…Dizziness,
drowsiness, dullness and trembling are the hallmark of this remedy. Trembling ranks the highest in this remedy,
weakness and paralysis, especially of the muscles of the head. Paralysis of various groups of muscles like eyes,
throat, chest, sphincters and extremities. Head remedy for tremors. Mind sluggish and muscular system relaxed.
Staggering gait. Loss of power of muscular control. Cramps in muscles of forearm. Excessive trembling and
weakness of all limbs. Worse by dampness, excitement, bad news. Better by bending forwards, profuse urination,
continued motion and open air.
Argentum Nitricum:- It is complimentary to Gelsemium. Memory impaired; easily excited and angered; flatulence
and greenish diarrhea.Inco-ordination, loss of control and imbalance with trembling and general debility. Paralysis
with mental and abdominal symptoms. Rigidity of calves. Walks and stands unsteadily. Numbness of body.
Specially arms.
Agaricus Muscarius:- Trembling, itching and jerking, stiffness of muscles; itching of skin over the affected parts
and extreme sensitiveness of the spine. Cannot bear touch. Jerking and trembling are strong indications. Chorea
and twitching ceases during sleep. Paralysis of lower limbs with spasmodic conditions of arms. Numbness of legs
on crossing them. Paralytic pain in left arm followed by palpitation. Stiffness all over with pain over hips.
Cocculus iND:- Head trembles while eating and when it is raised higher. Knees sink down from weakness. Totters
while walking with tendency to fall on one side. Cracking of the knee when moving. Lameness worse by bending.
Trembling and pain in limbs. One-sided paralysis worse after sleep. Intensely painful, paralytic drawing. Limbs
straightened out and painful when flexed.
It shows special affinity for light haired females especially during pregnancy.
Lathyrus:- Tremors of the upper extremities with paralytic weakness of the lower limbs. Feels as if limbs are hard
and contracted; limbs feel heavy. Feels as if floor is irregular and is obliged to keep his eyes on the ground to
guide his feet. Affects the lateral and anterior columns of cord. Does not produce pain. Reflexes always increased.
Lateral sclerosis and Infantile paralysis. Finger tips numb. Tremulous, tottering gait. Excessive rigidity of legs with
spastic gait. Knees knock against each other while walking. Cannot extend or cross legs when siting.Stiff and lame
Physostigma:- Marked fibrillary tremors and spasms of the muscles, worse from motion or application of cold
water. Palpitation and fluttering of the heart felt throughout the body. Depresses the motor and reflex activity of
the cord and causes the loss of sensibility to pain, muscle weakness and paralysis. Paralysis and tremors, chorea.
Meningeal irritation with rigidity of muscles. Pain in right popliteal space. Burning and tingling in spine. Hands and
feet numb with sudden jerking of limbs on going to sleep. Crampy pain in limbs.
Ambra Grisea:- Tremors with numbness, limbs go to sleep on the slightest movement, coldness and stiffness of
limbs. The finger nails become brittle and are shriveled. Cramps in hands and fingers. Worse grasping anything.
Cramps in legs. Extreme nervous hypersensitiveness. Dread of people and desire to be alone. Music causes
weeping. One sided complains call for it.
Heloderma:- Trembling along nerves in limbs. Tired feeling, very weak and nervous, fainting, numb sensation. It
causes locomotor ataxia. The eyes become more prominent and corneal opacities visible. Very depressed and
sensation as if would fall on right side. Sensationas if walking on sponge. As if the feet were swollen. When
walking, lifts feet higher than usual and puts down heel hard. Stretching relieves pains in muscles and limbs.
Trembling; shaking of hands, involuntary. Paralysis agitans. Cramps in calves, feet very tender. Twitching, Chorea,
cramps. Numbness of finger tips. Worse right side, cold, touch, night. Better warmth, bending double, pressure
and friction.
Bufo Rana:- Special action on nervous system. Painful paralysis. Pain in loins, numbness and cramps. Staggering
gait. Feels as if a peg is driven into joints. Worse—Warm room. Better bathing or cold air. Putting feet in cold
Tarentula:- Remarkable nervous phenomena. Chorea, extreme restlessness and Paralysis agitans.Must keep in
constant motion even though walking aggravates. Numbness of legs with twitching and jerkings.Extraordinary
contractions and movements.
Plumbum Metalicum:- Paralytic agitans. Paralysis of single muscles. Cannot raise or lift anything. Extension is
difficult. Paralysis from over-exertion of extensor muscles in piano players. Wrist drop. Loss of patellar reflex. Pain
in right big toe at night. Hands and feet cold. Infantile paralysis and neuritis.
Conium m:- Heavy, weary and paralyzed limbs. Trembling and unsteady hands. Muscular weakness especially of
lower extremities. Perspiration of hands. Putting feet on chair relieves.Ascending paralysis ending in death by
failure of respiration. Worse by lying down, turning or rising in bed, cold, exertion. Better by darkness, limbs
hanging down, motion, pressure

Child cries when eating – Carb an,Staph

Child demands different things with vehemce and cries – Rheum
Child desires light & company, cannot bear to be alone, < in the dark room & solitude – Puls; Stram.
Child does not want to go to school – Calc phos,Nat mur ,Mag phos.
Child doesn’t drink water unless sweetened – Sulph.
Child doesn’t want to play – Baryta-carb
Child doesn’t want to talk or to be touched or to be looked at – Ant-tart, Ant carb Silicia , Staph ,Ars,
Child dreads downward motion, clings to nurse – Borax,Gels,Saniquila.
Child enjoys cold water bath – Puls ,Nat m, Apis
Child fears to go bed alone – Causticum.
Child gets fussy about examinations in school – Gels.
Child good all day ,cries all night – Jalapa ,Syph
Child has a great aversion to strangers – Baryta carb , Ambra gr, Kali-phos,Tuberculinum.
Child is fond of sugar which leads to diarrhea – Argentinum nit.
Child is in claimed to laugh at serious matter – Nat mur, Graph
Child is not inclined to study. Study brings on sleep – Mag phos.
Child is obstinate to the extreme. Even if she wants a certain thing she will oppose it if proposed by
someone else – Caps.
Child is slow in learning to talk – Nat mur
Child is slow in learning to talk & walk – Nat mur
Child is slow in learning to walk – Calc c ,Baryta carb, Calc phos
Child is very irritable , gets angry with everything – Baryta
Child kicks off clothing even in the coldest weather – Sanic, Hep sulph,Sulph
Child laughs involuntarily – Nat mur.
Child learns with difficulty – Calc phos, Nat mur , Bary carb
Child likes dancing – Phos, Sep,Tarent-h
Child morose in day time – Cina.
Child pretends weeping without tears – Staphy
Child quiet only when carried – Chammomila
Child repeats all questions before answering – Zinc-met.
Child rubs his face while coughing – Caust, Puls
Child shrieks during stools – Kreosote.
Child sleeps better on abdomen – Cina , Cal phos , Medorr
Child sleeps in knee chest position – Tuber ,Phos, Lyco, Cina, Medorr
Child suffer from dentitional diarrhea – Cham, Podophyllum, Belladonna
Child suffers from dentitional diarrhea – Cham; Podo; Bell.
Child sympathetic to others – Puls; Nat-mur ; Caust ; Phos; Carls.
Child tosses from side to side. Kicks off clothes, never sleeps long at a time – Cina.
Child wakesChandran Homoeopath:
from sleep, piercing cries & trembling all over – Ign✒


Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a condition characterized by stiffness and pain in
your shoulder joint.
Signs and symptoms typically begin gradually, worsen over time and then resolve, usually within 1 to t3
Your risk of developing frozen shoulder increases if you're recovering from a medical condition or
procedure that prevents you from moving your arm — such as a stroke or a mastectomy.
It's unusual for frozen shoulder to recur in the same shoulder, but some people can develop it in the
opposite shoulder.

Symptoms:Frozen shoulder typically develops slowly, and in three stages. Each stage can last a number
of months.
Freezing stage. Any movement of your shoulder causes pain, and your shoulder's range of motion starts
to become limited.
Frozen stage. Pain may begin to diminish during this stage. However, your shoulder becomes stiffer, and
using it becomes more difficult.
Thawing stage. The range of motion in your shoulder begins to improve.For some people, the pain
worsens at night, sometimes disrupting sleep.
CAUSES:The bones, ligaments and tendons that make up your shoulder joint are encased in a capsule of
connective tissue. Frozen shoulder occurs when this capsule thickens and tightens around the shoulder
joint, restricting its movement.

RISK FACTORS:Age and sex,People 40 and older, particularly women, are more likely to have frozen
shoulder., Immobility or reduced mobility, People who've had prolonged immobility or reduced mobility
of the shoulder are at higher risk of developing frozen shoulder.,Immobility may be the result of many
factors, including:Rotator cuff injury,Broken arm,Stroke,Recovery from surgery,Systemic
diseases,People who have certain diseases appear more likely to develop frozen shoulder. Diseases that
might increase risk include:Diabetes, Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism), Underactive thyroid
(hypothyroidism),Cardiovascular disease,Tuberculosis,Parkinson's disease.

FERRUM METALLICUM 30-- Ferrum metallicum is one of the top Homoeopathic medicines for frozen
shoulder. There is pain and stiffness in the shoulders along with swelling are predominant. The patient
complains that he is unable to raise his arms as he feels he has no power left for any movement. He could
also have violent pain in the shoulder and muscles on both sides of the shoulder could exhibit violent pain
that travels along the arm. The patient feels boring or pinching pain.

RHUS TOXICODENDRON 30-Rhus tox is an excellent remedy for frozen shoulder with pain and
stiffness in between shoulders. The patient feel that the pain is relieved by moving or even when he lies
on a hard platform but it gets worse when he sits. There is stiffness in the base of the neck with pain that
feels as if the skin is being torn. The forearm and arm of the patient also have pain and they feel weak and
paralysed. There is great stiffness that comes after rest and in the morning.

RUTA GRAVEOLENS 30-Ruta graveolens is effective in frozen shoulder due to tendon strain and
sprains . The patient complains of pain in the neck that is relieved by lying on the back as it applies
pressure. The patient feels that the pain is so violent as if his shoulder is getting torn. Or that the shoulder
feels bruised as if he has had an injury. When you come across such symptoms, Ruta can be relied on to
cure them.Ruta also cures frozen shoulder after injury or after bruises . In some cases, people complain of
frozen shoulder after an injury or after bruises .

CAUSTICUM –Causticum is prescribed when pain especially in the left shoulder occurs with numbness.
Contracted tendons with tearing in the shoulder joints and weakness. Better by warmth , especially of bed

CALCAREA PHOS 30-Calcarea phos is prescribed for frozen shoulder when there is pains in shoulder
and arm, with swelling of the affected part. There is ulcerative pain especially in roots of finger nails of
right hand and in middle finger.

MAGNESIUM CARBONICUM 30-Magnesium carb is another effective remedy for frozen shoulder
with tearing pain in shoulders as if dislocated . Right shoulder is more affected , cannot raise it.

SYPHILLINNUM 10M-Syphillinum is used as an intercurrent remedy.

Along with homeopathic remedies, professional homeopaths at Homeocare International also suggest
some joint exercises which help in controlling pain effectively and quickly.
Along with homoeopathic medicines,some shoulder exercises should be recommended for complete

Above medicines keep in mind only after complete Homoeopathic case taking and proper repertorisation,
when your remedial totality matches with the totality of symptoms of the patient

3. Rheumatoid Arthritis

_Homoeopathic mother tinctures are very effective for controlling Rheumatoid Arthritis._*
_Some of them are given below_ .

*AZADIRACTA INDICA Q-* Rheumatic pain in lower extremities. Burning of the sole or palm.
Numbness associated with rheumatic pain. Forgetfulness and depression.Thirstlessnesss. Soreness
marked in the left side of throat. Fever with chill or without chill from 4. 30 pm to 7.30 pm. Sweat on
upper part of body but no sweat in the lower part.

*BELLADONNA Q-* In stiffness and acute affections when the pains come and go like electric shocks,
worse on touch and movement.

*CALOTROPIS GIGANTEA Q-* Indicated for chronic rheumatism. Crampy pain in the centre of the
right palm while grasping any object which lasts for many days. Pain in the wrist joint aggravates on
movement. Swelling with soreness of left foot which compels the patient to move always in the bed. Pain
aggravates on rest and is relieved by taking coffee.

*CURCUMA LONGA Q-* A specific remedy for acute rheumatism.

*EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM Q-* Aching in bones of extremities with soreness of flesh. Pain in
arms and wrist. Swelling of left great toe.

*GAULTHERIA OIL-* Useful for pain due to rheumatic arthritis.

*GINSENG Q-* For rheumatism, lumbago and sciatica . Joints become stiff and contracted and there is
an increase of urine.

*GUAICUM Q-* Inflammatory rheumatism. It is useful in chronic rheumatism of the upper extremities
and in lumbago after abuse of mercury or dependent on syphilis.

*HYDROPHILIA SPHINOSA Q-* A specific remedy for acute rheumatism

*HYMOSA Q-* In acute febrile stage. It neutrilises the acidity of blood, removes deposites from joints
and cures all disorders due to the disease.

*MIMOSA HUMILIS Q-* Lancinations in legs and arms. Numbness of arm and right hand , ceasing on
movement. Inflammatory swelling of left hand. Swelling of left ankle with redness, tension and pain.

*PASSIFLORA INCARNATA Q-* Reduce rheumatic pain and induce sleep.

*PROPYLAMINUM Q* - Palliates fever and pain in a day or two in acute rheumatism.Rheumatic pains
change their place especially in heart lesions. Pain in wrist and ankles , worse by least motion. Fingers
cannot hold things . Tingling and numbness of fingers.

*RHAMNUS CAL. Q* - For muscular pain and rheumatism . There is constipation.

*STELLARIA MEDIA Q-* Chronic rheumatic pains.

*TINOSPORA CORDIFOLIA Q-* Acute rheumatism with fever.

*URTICA URENS Q-* Pain in ankles and wrist.

*VISCUM ALBUM Q-* Rheumatism of joints of gonorrhoeal origin, especially in women.




1. KALI BI. 30
Seperately in 30 Potency or if COMBINED then below 6 Potency. THREE TIMES A DAY FOR 5_7


2. Allium CEPA 30 For allergic coryza from pollen, Much SNEEZING, copius, watery and extreme acrid
discharge. Coryza with cough and HEADACHE.



-Verruca plana
-Verruca vulgaris
-Plantar warts
-Condyloma acuminatum
-Molluscum contagiosum (water warts)
-Homoeopathic medicines
-Thuja : Warts in crops, on back of hand's and head
-Nit. acid : Large jagged easily bleeding, cauliflower-like , upper lip, inching and pricking
-Cal. Carb. : Numerous, small, honey, stinging, itching and inflamed.
-Nat. carb. : Ulcerative, sensitive, to touch.
-Ferrum picrate : Multiple, pedunculated lupoid warts
-Sulphur : Hard, painful, throbbing warts
-Causticum :. A crop of small, soft (at base) warts,but horny on surface,on arms hands, eyelids and face
-Antim tart.: Warts at the back of glans penis
-Nat mur.: Warts on the Palm
-Sepia : Large,hard, black wards on the margin of prepuce or on the body.
Other remedies : Ant.crud., Dul., Sil.,
Take 2_3 drops of each MEDICINE and mix in your desired oil and use for 40 days and get wanted


10 Drops three times a day




1. PULSATILLA NIG Q : Cold and Coryza, LOSS OF smell, Green crusts from nose with bad odour, old
and chronic cold and coryza.
2. ANTIM TART 3 X Respersttatory diseases with rattling sound in chest. Expectoration of mucos very
less, hoarseness, continuous cough, fear of paralysis in lungs etc.
4. IPECAC Q cough with nausea and MUCUS expelled by some efforts, suffocative cough, child
becomes stiff and blue in the face.
5. BRYONIA ALBA Q dry cough worse on movements with pain in head and chest. Cough at night
making the patient sit up to avoid suffocation. COUGH WITH HEADACHE.
6. DROSARA ROTANDIFOLIA Q No cough throughout the day but it starts as soon as head touches the
pillow, WHOOPING COUGH, paroxysms of cough follow each other very rapidly.

5_6 drops three times a day.

It is for relief in above ailment but don't treat it a full remedy in case of BRONCHITIS. In such a case, get
hospitalization promptly

8. Some Useful hints:-

Selenium : Pain external throat extending to eye.
Oxalic acid: Pain under left scapula.
Nux Moschata: Drowsiness.
Chelidoneum: Desire for hot drinks.
Badiaga : Pain worse going up and down in Osteoarthritis.
Kalmia : Rheumatic Carditis.
Valeriana : Pain in sole of the feet.
Thuja : Sore throat after vaccination
Teucrium : Nasal obstruction, green discharge.
Sabadilla : Desire for honey and pastry.


10 Drops four times a day thereafter as per improvement.

 Chronic suppurative otitis media where silicea is indicated is hastened by LAPIS ALBA..Lapis Alba
(calcarea silico flourata) is a metamorphic rock commonly known as WHITE STONE , the region
where the water flows over this metamorphic rock is abound with goitre and cretinism.It has
characteristic glandular affections where the glands are Relatively elastic to palpate (whereas stony
hard in Calc flour and cistus)Other summarical features of lapis alb - Cretinism. Dysmenorrhea.
Epithelioma. Fibroma. Glands, enlarged. Goitre. Leucorrhea. Pruritus. Scirrhus. Scrofula.
Tuberculosis. Tumours .carcinoma

9. Night-Sweats

 Homeopathic treatment

 Sweat perspires from the body at the time sleeping at night. Besides it, indigestion, fever and
tuberculosis because of the excess of bile in the body can be the causes of this problem.

 Use of different drugs in the condition of night sweats:-

 1. Acetic acid- If the T.B. patient has been suffering from profuse sweat in the night while sleeping
and the entire body gets wet; the red marks appear on the left cheek, coming cold sweat, etc., Acetic
acid is very useful. This drug should not be given again and again.

 2. Calcarea-carb- In the symptoms like- profuse sweating in the chest, neck and head (especially in
the children) in the night during sleep; if sweat comes in a particular organ or in the entire body; the
glands are swollen up; the patient condition becomes like rickets, etc., Calcarea-carb 6x or 30 or 200
is very useful in such symptoms.

 3. China- China 30 is very useful in the symptoms like- sweating in the night that causes weakness,
the entire body gets wet after doing a little work especially of an organ.

 4. Merc-sol- If profuse sweat comes during the night in the case of fever due to bilious attack or
indigestion but yet, fever is not fall down, Merc-sol 30 is very useful in such symptoms.

 5. Pylocarpus- 30 potency of this drug is beneficial in the condition of sweating on the whole face, in
all the parts of the body. This drug can be also given to the T.B. patient in the condition of profuse
sweating in the night.

 6. Picrotoxin- If profuse sweat comes in the night due to fits or paralysis, 3 potency of this drug is
very useful at this time.

 7. Salix-nigra- If a person has been suffering from profuse sweating and different drugs make no
impression, giving 20-25 drops of the juice of Salix-nigra is very effective in such condition.

10.Homeopathic Medicines for Diverticulitis

.Colocynthis – For abdominal pain in diverticulitis, pain is present in the lower part of the abdomen. The
pain may be colicky, cramping, griping, sharp, cutting in nature. The pain from abdomen may radiate to
thighs or small of the back. The abdomen may also be distended, sensitive and painful to touch. Eating
and drinking make the pain worse. Relief appears by bending over double or on lying on the abdomen.
Passing flatus may also relieve the pain. Above symptoms may be attended with nausea, vomiting and
frequent loose stools.

Magnesium Phos – For abdominal pain relieved by warm applications and by applying pressure. The
pain is cramping in nature and there is a lot of flatus present. Better in abdominal pain by pressure. The
abdominal pain may be accompanied by watery diarrhea.

Nux Vomica – For constipation arising in cases of diverticulitis, frequent, ineffectual urge to pass stool.
Every time the person goes for stool only a little is passed, and the urge is renewed again. The stool is
dry, scanty and always unsatisfactory. It may also be blood streaked sometimes. Abdominal pain may be
felt before passing stool that gets better after passing stool.

Bryonia – For constipation in diverticulitis. For hard, dry, tough, large stool. Sometimes stool is so dry
and dark that appears to be burnt. The stool is passed with difficulty only after much straining. Burning at
the anus may be felt. A pinching abdominal colic may also be present. Motion tends to worsen the
abdominal pain where Bryonia is indicated.

Arsenic Album – For Diverticulitis with Nausea and Vomiting, vomiting appears soon after eating or
drinking. Vomiting consists of ingesta or yellow-green liquid and sometimes clear water. It is attended
with excessive nausea. Along with these features, abdominal pain with anxiety and restlessness may be
present. Sometimes watery and offensive diarrhea appears. Marked fatigue and weakness arises with the
above symptoms.

Nitric Acid – For Diverticulitis where blood in Stool appears, The blood is bright red. The stool is hard,
dry, difficult and irregular and may alternate with thin, liquid stools. Splinter-like pain may be felt in the
rectum during stool. The lower part of the abdomen is distended and painful to touch.

Aloe – For diarrhea in diverticulitis. The stool is frequent, thin, yellow and may have undigested food
particles. An urgency to pass stool is marked. In most cases, urge to stool appears soon after eating. A
constant bearing down in the rectum is felt. There is abdominal pain with bloating (especially left side
abdomen). There is also a discharge of much offensive flatus that relieves the abdominal pain.

China – For diverticulitis where there is abdominal pain, bloating and excessive flatus. The abdomen
feels tight with rumbling and moving of flatus. Bending over double gives relief in pain. Along with this
profuse, watery, offensive stool may appear frequently. A marked debility arises due to frequent loose

Ipecacuanha Amebic dysentery with tenesmus; while straining pain so great that it nauseates; little thirst.
Cutting, clutching; worse, around the navel. Body rigid; stretched out stiff.

Whether you are addicted to heroin, cocaine, nicotine, alcohol or the compulsive desire to have the
window open at 45 degrees, there is a homeopathic remedy which can help:

A person having visions of animals following drug use may need the remedy
*Stramonium* or *Opium*, while someone who becomes violent after alcohol consumption may need
*Syphilinum* may diminish the predisposition to alcoholism in some individuals, while the remedy
*Sulphur* can reduce alcohol cravings in others.
*Belladonna* may help with fear of darkness and visions of ghosts following the use of narcotics, while
*Avena Sativa* can assist with weaning off morphine or heroin.
Remedies *Plantago* or *Tabacum* have been known to help with kicking the nicotine habit.
Homeopathy can also help with symptoms of substance withdrawal, such as mood swings, excessive
perspiration, anxiety and depression
no bird (she looked at me, not through the window at the sky animal which loves running, is shy, eats
meat and needs freedom.- Lac lupinum 200

No snake – for sure – there is no snake trickiness


(WHITE VAGINAL DISCHARGE)Symptoms, Causes and Homoeopathic treatment.

Leucorrhoea or leucorrea, vaginal discharge is a universal problem of all women. Most secretions are
regarding life style physiological and warrant no medical interventions. But it is significant if it is blood
stained, profuse, foul smelling or with changes in its colour. Usually the normal secretions are slimy and
slightly sticky. It is something like nasal secretion. Normally the quantity of vaginal secretions varies
throughout the menstrual cycle, peaking at ovulation and also increasing when under emotional stress.

Leucorrhoea usually shows symptoms in association with other illness. Wide variety of reasons are
encountered in its causation. Commonly fungal, parasitic, bacterial and sexually transmitted diseases are
the prime causative factors.

Lower abdominal pain,Painful sexual act, Backache and pain in the leg, especially thigh and calf
muscles,Intense itching with oedema of vagina, Soreness and burning in the genital tract Burning
urination and frequent urge to pass very little urine, Irritability and lack of concentration in work due to
consciousness of discharges, Digestive disturbances like constipation or diarrhoea or vomiting, General
tiredness due to loss of vital fluids as discharges, Soreness and dryness, Strong smelling or frothy
discharge,Dark colored discharge
Rashes or sore spots on the genitals.

Homeopathy Treatment & Homeopathic Remedies

Calcarea Carbonica ::6 / 200Indicated by its general symptoms, and these are always the more
important in this affection. More prominent of these are morning hunger, acidity of the stomach, cold and
damp feet. It corresponds especially to scrofulous persons with enlarged cervical glands. The leucorrhoea
is profuse, milky, persistent or yellow and accompanied by itching and burning. It suits leucorrhoea in
infants and young girls often recurring before puberty, leucorrhoea before menses or in recurring attacks
between the menses. Calcarea phosphorica is a fine remedy in the scrofulous diathesis; it has a profuse
milky bland leucorrhoea. Sulphur is another remedy suitable to scrofulous subjects; it has a leucorrhoea
which makes the parts sore. It is rather indicated by the general than the local symptoms. Caulophyllum
has leucorrhoea in little girls which is very profuse and weakens the child very much. Cimicifuga. Dr.
Dyce Brown praises this remedy in leucorrhoea, especially in nervous, neuralgic and hyperaesthetic

Pulsatilla ::30 /200 produces a cures a milky leucorrhoea which becomes watery, acrid and burning from
being retained in the vagina. It is a mucous, thick, creamy, white leucorrhoea sometimes replacing
menses, with chilliness, disposition to lie down and lowness of spirits. It corresponds to a disposition to
leucorrhoea and suits leucorrhoea in chlorotic subjects. Helonin. Southwick recommends this remedy in
the 1X or 2X trituration for profuse,yellow, thick leucorrhoea with some irritation and itching. In anaemic
sallow patient with much prostration and general debility, worse from slight colds and exertion, it is a
most useful remedy.
Sepia ::6 / 200Cures a leucorrhoea which is yellowish green color, somewhat offensive and often
excoriating, due to pelvic congestion of a passive type. It is milky, worse before menses with bearing
down; there are pains in the abdomen and pruritus. The patient has a sallow, pimply face, and it is most
suitable to those of dark complexion who are feeble and debilitated and who have a sensation of
emptiness at the pit of the stomach. It leads all other remedies in leucorrhoea of little girls, though
Mercurius pro-iodide should not be forgotten if the discharge be yellow. Lilium tigrinum has an
excoriating, watery, yellowish or yellowish brown leucorrhoea, which is profuse and is accompanied by a
depression of spirits and bearing down in pelvic region. Hydrastis suits a tenacious, thick, ropy
leucorrhoea with erosion of the cervix; a mucous leucorrhoea which is profuse and debilitating
corresponds to Hydrastis. Kali bichromicum has a yellow, ropy, stringy leucorrhoea. It is suitable to fat,
light-haired persons.

Kreasote :6 / 30 / 200 Few medicines have the same power in leucorrhoea as Kreasote. It cures a profuse
watery, sometimes a yellowish leucorrhoea. The acridity is marked; it causes excoriating of the parts
which come in contact with it, causes soreness and smarting and red spots and itching on the vulva,
always with great debility; leucorrhoea preceding menses. It is so acrid that it causes the pudenda and
thighs to swell and itch. Nitric acid. Highly recommended by Jahr in a corrosive leucorrhoea; it being
one of our best remedies, and one too often neglected. In fact, all of our remedies are prone to be
neglected in leucorrhoea, and their place taken by far less efficient local applications. Nitric acid suits a
greenish, foetid, obstinate leucorrhoea; the presence of fig warts and condylomata will further indicate the
remedy. Platinum. Periodical, thin watery leucorrhoea with very sensitive organs. Albuminous
leucorrhoea in the daytime. Iodine has an acrid,corrosive leucorrhoea accompanied by right ovarian

Borax ::6 / 30 suits a clear, copious and albuminous leucorrhoea having an unnatural heat to it.
Leucorrhoea midway between menses with great nervousness, white as starch, perfectly bland without
pain. Dr. Hughes recommends this remedy in the 2X trituration for a chronic vaginal catarrh, which is
sometimes mistaken for uterine leucorrhoea. Graphites cures a leucorrhoea associated with pains in the
lower abdomen and weakness of back in pale young girls. It is profuse, very thin, white mucus, occurs in
gushes; the menses are delayed, scanty and pale. Leucorrhoea more profuse in morning when rising,
especially indicates Graphites.

Alumina ::6 / 30 Leucorrhoea in chlorotic girls which is transparent or of yellow mucus, which is very
profuse and ropy, and greatly exhausting, as it is very rich in albumen. It occurs chiefly in the daytime;
the great profuseness is its characteristic. It is apt to be acrid. Causticum. Leucorrhoea occurring chiefly
at night.

Mercurius ::30:Acrid excoriating leucorrhoea smarting and burning, swelling of external genital organs.
Purulent greenish yellow leucorrhoea worse at night; heat, tenderness and pain involving nabothian
glands, form good indication for Mercurius. Scrofulous and syphilitic subjects with yellow and thick
leucorrhoea also indicate the remedy.

Belladonna ::30corresponds to recent or acute attacks of leucorrhoea dependent upon pelvic

inflammation and congestion; oftentimes bearing down in pelvis. Thin, odorless, bland leucorrhoea.
Sensitive cervix and bearing down pains. Stannum. Profuse bland leucorrhoea, yellowish, with great
debility, backache; patients are weakened and sallow.

Arsenicum ::30Leucorrohoea from exhausting diseases; cancer, etc. It is best suited to weak persons, old
women, especially the chronic form with much weakness; the discharge is acrid, corrosive and yellow.
Dictamnus was one of Hahnemann's remedies for leucorrhoea. It is of tenacious mucus, attended with
painful erosions of the pudendum and itching of the anus. Secale. Brownish and offensive leucorrhoea,
with metrorrhagia, especially in thin scrawny women who suffer from excessive menstruation and
Aesculus hippocastanum ::6 / 30Old cases of leucorrhoea with great pain in the back, patient can hardly
walk due to pain in the back, worse walking and stooping. Leucorrhoea after menses. Patient has piles,
constipation. Feels better in cool open air.

Agnus castus ::6 / 30Leucorrhoea staining the underwear yellow, leucorrhoea after scanty menses, with
relaxation of genitals. Patient has sterility, sad mood, mental depression, loss of nervous energy,
premature old look due to excessive sexual intercourse. Feeling of speedy death. Patient has obesity
(because of sterility), feels better in cool open air (as it is gonorrhoeal remedy).

Aletris farinosa ::Q / 65 drops in half cup of water in uterine atony (weakness) with profuse, premature
menses or leucorrhoea pressing down due to prolapsus of uteri. Leucorrhoea during pregnancy or after
nervous dyspepsia. Defective nutrition, after protracted illness or frequent abortions. Patient is tired all the
times, feels faint, and vertigo with constipation. She is better in cool open air.

Ambra grisea ::Q / 6Leucorrhoea bluish-white, worse at night, in old women. Leucorrhoea is excessive
in scrawny women. Itching and swelling in vagina. Patient is very nervous, weak, limbs go to sleep.
Worse in any type of warmth, better in cool open air.

Apis mellifica ::6 / 30 / 200 Leucorrhoea due to pelvic cellulitis. Ovaritis, metritis, endocervicitis,
vaginitis, swelling of labia, fallopian tubes-are the examples of swelling in the pelvis causing pelvic
cellulitis with pressing down pains. Patient has joint pains, worse for touch, jar and motion, feels better in
cool open air. Leucorrhoea acrid, corroding, with burning itching, better by washing with cold water.
Patient has no thirst, and is worse in hot weather.

Argentum metallicum ::6 / 30Leucorrhoea with eroded, spongy cervix, and bearing down pain.
Leucorrhoea foul and excoriating. Palliative in cancer of uterus, with joints pain, and pain in limbs, worse
by touch, descending motion, at noon and in closed room, better in open air.

Argentum nitricum :: 6 / 30Purulent or bloody, profuse leucorrhoea with yellow stains in the underwear.
Leucorrhoea due to cervical erosion that bleeds easily and makes the discharges bloody. Mental
exhaustion, weak memory, vertigo, general debility, much flatulence and distension of abdomen, better
from eructations. Patient cannot tolerate warmth, feels better in cool open air.

Bovista lycoperdon ::Q / 6 / 30 Leucorrhoea is worse in old women, with diarrhoea, palpitation of heart,
and with skin symptoms like tettery (herpetic) eruption or urticaria all over the body. Worse on least
excitement, or walking in cold morning air and from cold water bathing.

Calcarea phosphorica ::6x / 30Leucorrhoea in emaciated schoolgirls with anaemia, great lassitude,
weak digestion, numbness and crawling sensation in cold hands and feet. Patient has scrofulous history in
the family. Feels better in dry warm weather, worse in cold damp air.

Carbo animalis ::6 / 30Leucorrhoea followed by great exhaustion. Stains yellow. Offensive leucorrhoea
during pregnancy. Menses too early, frequent and long-lasting, with great weakness and exhaustion,
worse with motion, in the morning. Leucorrhoea has offensive smell, night sweat. Patient desires to be
alone and avoids conversation. Sour water in mouth with weak digestion.

Carbo vegetabilis ::6 / 30Leucorrhoea before menses, thick, greenish, milky or excoriating. Premature
and too copious menses, pale blood, great weakness and debility, coldness in body with thirst. Burning in
hands, eyes and soles during menses. Patient is worse in open cold air, from coffee, milk, fat, and warm
damp weather, better from eructations and fanning. Leucorrhoea is worse in the morning when rising
from bed.

Caulophyllum thalictroides ::6 / 30 Menses and leucorrhoea are profuse. Leucorrhoea after habitual
abortion from uterine debility (Helon, Puls, Sab). Extraordinary rigidity of os with needle prick sensation
in the cervix. Dysmenorrhoea with pains flying to other parts of the body. Pain in small joints, patient is
tired and exhausted, irritable due to pain. Brown spots over face. Leucorrhoea in nervous, debilitated
women with relaxed, flabby uterus. Leucorrhoea of young girls, weakening them greatly. Patient is worse
in too cold and too hot weather.

Cimicifuga racemosa ::Q / 6 / 30 Leucorrhoea during climacteric period, with pain in back, heat in the
head, debility and rheumatic pains in the body. Leucorrhoea in hysterical, nervous and rheumatic patients
or during pregnancy. Leucorrhoea due to vaginal swelling or endo-cervicitis, ovaritis and swelling of the
adjoining tissue with bearing down pains. Patient is worse in cold season.

China officinalis ::6 / 30 Purulent, offensive and bloody discharges from the vagina with heavy, bearing
down pains in the pelvis extending to vulva and anus. Leucorrhoea instead of menses, or profuse
menstrual flow attended with great debility, weakness and prostration. Leucorrhoea due to endometritis
and endocervicitis with itching of vagina. Patient has weak digestion, loose offensive stools containing
undigested food particles. Better from warmth and in cool open air.

Cocculus indicus ::30 Purulent, gushing leucorrhoea between the periods. Menses are too early, profuse,
dark and clotted. Patient is too weak to walk and stand during menses or leucorrhoea, with painful
pressing down in the uterine region. Coldness, numbness and trembling of lower legs; paralytic pain and
weakness in small of the back and lower limbs, arms go to sleep. Chilliness, with perspiration, and heat of
the skin, i.e. , coldness of lower extremities and heat of head. Leucorrhoea during pregnancy, with
morning sickness. Useful for light-haired females, unmarried and childless women, sensitive and
romantic girls.
Leucorrhoea instead of menses. Inchorous (watery) leucorrhoea, gushes out when rising from sitting
position, and stepping down- stairs. Patient is worse in cold weather, or becoming cold from cold water.
Nausea from smell of food. Better from quiet, rest, slight warmth and sleep.

Graphites ::30 / 200 Leucorrhoea pale, thin, profuse, white and excoriating with great weakness in back.
Gushing leucorrhoea when walking or stepping down stairs. Leucorrhoea between the periods, before or
after the menses which are late and scanty. Patient has rawness, soreness or suppuration of vagina,
congestion of cervix with lancinating pain and heavy weight in the uterine region, constipation, distension
of abdomen. Patient is fat, chilly and takes cold easily, or she is worse from warmth.

Helonias dioica ::Q / 6 Leucorrhoea in old or feeble women, who have great languor (tiredness of mind,
lack of strength or will), prostration, backache and debility. Pain and weight in back, burning across the
lumbar region. Vulva is red, hot, swollen, burning and itching terribly. Burning heat on top of the head.
Feels better when mind is kept busy. Patient is very irritable and cannot bear least contradiction.
Leucorrhoea and debility during menopause and pregnancy. Patient is better when doing something,
worse from motion. Discharge is watery, offensive, due to erosion or ulceration of cervix. Chronic
leucorrhoea with chronic swelling of legs. Feet feel cold and numb.

Hepar sulphur ::200Leucorrhoea very offensive, like smell of old cheese. It is acrid, corroding with
burning and smarting in the vagina due to abscess or ulceration of cervix, os or vaginal passage. Patient
feels chilly, better in dry warm weather. Profuse perspiration at the climacteric with menses late or scanty.

Hydrastis canadensis ::Q / 6 / 30 / 200Leucorrhoea worse after menses, with menorrhoea (abnormally
heavy bleeding at menstruation which may or may not be associated with abnormally long period).
Pruritus of vagina with profuse acrid, corroding, shreddy leucorrhoea. Leucorrhoea due to erosion and
excoriation of the cervix. Gleety discharges from vagina, look like thick, viscid leucorrhoea. Patient has
weak digestion, constipation and aphthae in mouth. Better in open air, worse in too cold and too hot

Joanesia asoka ::Q5 drops 3 times a day during leucorrhoea, amenorrhoea or delayed menses, or
irregular and painful menses with pain in ovaries, back and down legs. Obstinate constipation,
haemorrhoids, excessive thirst, craving for sweet, pain in eyes, loss of smell. Feels better in open air.
Lilium tigrinum ::QA useful remedy for profuse, brownish leucorrhoea and for early, scanty, dark,
clotted, offensive menses, flows only when moving about, with bearing down sensation or with constant
desire for stool, or pressure in rectum worse on standing, ceases when resting. Constant desire to support
the parts (vulva or anus) externally, as if everything would escape from them. Patient has profound
depression of spirits, worse in warm weather, feels better in cool open and fresh air. Patient has rheumatic
arthritis, pain in back, spine, right arm and hip. Pain in legs, ankle joint, with burning of palms and soles.
Irregular, rapid pulse; palpitation, feeling of load in chest, pain in cardiac region, suffocating feeling in
crowded, warm room and angina pectoris with pain in right arm, cold feeling around heart, and patient
weeps anxiously due to fear of some organic and incurable disease within her body.

Murex purpurea ::Q / 6 Leucorrhoea green or bloody. Patient has nymphomania and sexual desire.
Dysmenorrhoea and chronic endometritis. Menses are irregular, profuse, frequent with large clots of
blood. Prolapse of uterus with pressing-down pain on one spot in the pelvis, worse by least touch, and
when lying down. Pain in the breasts from hard knots or during menstrual periods. Urine frequent at night
or has constant urging during day. It is useful in nervous, sad, anxious and affectionate women with weak
body and gone feeling in stomach.

Ovi gallinae pellicula::3x, 6x Leucorrhoea milky white, profuse, with backache or a feeling as if back-
bone were broken into two pieces. Patient has great exhaustion, weakness and tired feeling. Chilliness,
better from external warmth. Leucorrhoea due to malignant ulcer in the cervix or vaginal passage.

Psorinum::200 One dose or two every week as an inntercurrent remedy for leucorrhoea, offensive, lumpy,
with much backache and debility, or asthmatic breathing with dyspnoea, eruption of boils or pimples over
skin, around finger and joints with itching, worse from warmth of the bed. Profuse offensive night sweat
which is oily in nature. Worse from least cold, draught of air, feels better by wrapping the body warmly
even in hot summer.

Sabina::6 / 30 Leucorrhoea after menses. Menses profuse and bright due to pelvic cellulitis, ovaritis,
chronic endometritis and after abortion. Leucorrhoea due to increased sexual desire. Uterine pain extends
down thigh or from sacrum to pubis and vagina. Haemorrhage or menorrhagia in women who abort
readily. Worse from least motion or due to atony of the uterus from heat, and feels better in cool fresh air.
Arthritic pain in joints, distension of abdomen with wind, taste, thirst for water and lemonade.

 Note :Chronic leucorrhoea takes more time to cure. Because the cause of leucorrhoea takes much time
to be eradicated from the body.

Bio chemic treatment for Leucorrhoea::

Kalium muriaticum 6x: Discharge of milky-white, non-irritating mucus, mild, profuse.Excellent in long-
standing cases.
Kalium phosphoricum _ 6x:Leucorrhoea, scalding and acrid, yellowish, blistering, orange colored.
Kalium sulphuricum _ 6x Leucorrhoea, discharge of yellow, greenish, slimy or watery secretions.
Natrium muriaticum _ 6x:Leucorrhoea, a watery, scalding, irritating discharge, smarting after or
between the periods.Greenish, after walking, in the morning, with headache, colic, itching of vulva, and
bearing-down pressure. After topical application of nitrate of silver.
Natrium phosphoricum _ 6x Leucorrhoea, discharge creamy or honey-colored, or acid and watery,
discharges from the uterus sour-smelling, acrid.
Natrium sulphuricum _ 6x Leucorrhoea, acrid, corrosive, inflames part.
Calcarea phosphorica _ 6x Leucorrhoea, as a constitutional tonic and intercurrent with the chief remedy;
a discharge of albuminous mucus.Leucorrhoea worse after menses, looks like white of egg, with feeling
of weakness in sexual organs, worse after stool and urination.Parts pulsate with voluptuous
feelings.Patient takes cold readily.
Silicea terra _ 6x Leucorrhoea instead of the menses, preceded by colicky pains, also during micturition
and following obstinate constipation. Deficiency of animal heat. Especially for over-sensitive, weakly
women, whose constitutions are imperfectly nourished owing to deficient or imperfect assimilation.
::::: >>>>> Management:<<<<< :::::

1.Apply the pulp of a ripe mango to the vaginal area and leave it on for a while, before rinsing it off with
2.Eat one or even two ripe bananas on a daily basis Drink a glass of fresh cranberry juice, preferably
without any sugar, once a day
3.Soak some coriander seeds in water overnight and drink the water, after straining it, on an empty
stomach, first thing in the morning.
4.Consume the lady finger vegetable, preferably in the raw form, or lightly steamed
5.Clean the vaginal area with freshly squeezed lemon juice and water.


Walking With Care

Parkinson's disease can disturb your sense of balance, making it difficult to walk with a normal gait.
These suggestions may help:
• If you notice yourself shuffling, slow down and check your posture. It's best to stand up straight with
your head over your hips and your feet eight to 10 inches apart.
• Buy a good pair of walking shoes. Avoid running shoes.
• Practice taking long steps and exaggerate lifting your legs and swinging your arms.
• If you become stuck in place — known as freezing ¾ rock gently from side to side or pretend you're
stepping over an object on the floor.
Avoiding Falls
In the later stages of the disease, you may fall more easily. That's because Parkinson's disease affects the
balance and coordination centers in the brain. In fact, you may be thrown off balance by just a small push
or bump. The following suggestions may help:
• Ask your doctor or physical therapist about exercises that improve balance, especially Tai chi. originally
developed in China more than 1,000 years ago, tai chi uses slow, graceful movements to relax and
strengthen muscles and joints.
• Wear rubber-soled shoes. They're less likely to slip than are shoes with leather soles.
• Remove all area rugs from your home and make sure carpeting is secured firmly to the floor.
• Install handrails, especially along stairways.
• Keep electrical and telephone cords out of the way.
• Install grab bars around your tub and beside the toilet.
• Make sure you can reach the telephone from your bed and carry a cordless phone with you during the
Dressing can be the most frustrating of all activities for someone with Parkinson's disease. The loss of
fine motor control makes it hard to button and zip clothes, and even to step into a pair of pants. A physical
therapist can point out techniques that make daily activities easier. These suggestions also may help:
• Allow plenty of time so you don't feel rushed.
• Lay clothes nearby.
• Choose clothes that you can slip on easily, such as sweat pants, simple dresses or pants with elastic
• Look for clothes and shoes with fabric fasteners, such as Velcro, or replace buttons on clothes you have
with fabric fasteners.
Even in the early stages of Parkinson's disease, your voice may become very soft or hoarse. To
communicate more easily:
• Face the person you're talking to, and deliberately speak louder than you think is necessary.
• Practice reading or reciting out loud, focusing on your breathing and on having a strong voice.
• Speak for yourself — don't let others speak for you.
• Consult a speech-language pathologist who is trained to treat people with Parkinson's disease.
Movement Therapies
May help people with Parkinson's improve motor skills and balance, and help them walk better.
• Music therapy: A recent study showed symptoms improved with music and dance therapy compared to
physical therapy
• Alexander Technique: emphasizes posture and balance. May help improve mobility and gait
• Feldenkrais Method: aims to re-educate the body about movements that are difficult. May improve gait
Nutritional supplements:
Many supplements may interact with medications you take for Parkinson's, or may only be effective at
particular doses, do not take any supplements, even vitamins, without your doctor's guidance.
Homeopathic Treatment for Parkinson’s disease:
Murphy: Diseases: Paralysis-agitans.
Clarke: Paralysis agitans.
Boericke: Nervous system: Paralysis-Type – agitans
Agar., Am Gr., Arg-n., Aur., Bufo.,Cocc., Con., Gels., Helo., Hyos. ,Lathyr., Mag-p., MERC., Nux-v.,
Phos., Plb., Puls., RHUS-T., Stam., Tarent., Thuj., ZINC.,
Mercurius Sol:- Weakness of limbs, trembling of extremities, especially hands. Paralytic agitans.
Lacerating pain in joints. Cold and clammy sweat on limbs. Oily perspiration.Tremors everywhere in
body. Weakness with trembling from least exertion. All symptoms are aggravated at night, warmth of
bed, Damp, cold, rainy weather and during perspiration. Complaints increase during sweating and rest.
All symptoms always associated with weariness, prostration and trembling.
Slow in answering questions. Memory weakened and loss of will power. Skin alwaysmoist and freely
perspiring. Itching worse warmth of bed.
Zincum Metallicum:- Violent trembling (twitching) of the whole body especially after emotions.
Twitching in children. Chorea. Paralysis of hands and feet. Trembling of hands while writing. Lameness,
weakness, trembling and twitching of various muscles. Feet in continued motion, cannot keep still. Worse
touch, between 5-7 pm., after dinner, better eating, discharges.
Rhus Tox:- When the tremors start with pain which is relieved by motion. There is stiffness of the parts
affected. Numbness and formication, after overwork and exposure. Paralysis; trembling after exertion.
Limbs stiff and paralysed.All joints hot and painful. Crawling and tingling sensation in the tips of fingers.
Worse during sleep, cold, wet rainy weather and after rain, night, during rest, drenching and when lying
on back or right side. Better warm, dry weather, motion, walking, change of position, rubbing, stretching
out limbs.
Gelsemium:- MCenters its action on nervous system, causing various degrees of motor paralysis…
Dizziness, drowsiness, dullness and trembling are the hallmark of this remedy. Trembling ranks the
highest in this remedy, weakness and paralysis, especially of the muscles of the head. Paralysis of various
groups of muscles like eyes, throat, chest, sphincters and extremities. Head remedy for tremors. Mind
sluggish and muscular system relaxed. Staggering gait. Loss of power of muscular control. Cramps in
muscles of forearm. Excessive trembling and weakness of all limbs. Worse by dampness, excitement, bad
news. Better by bending forwards, profuse urination, continued motion and open air.
Argentum Nitricum:- It is complimentary to Gelsemium. Memory impaired; easily excited and angered;
flatulence and greenish diarrhea.Inco-ordination, loss of control and imbalance with trembling and
general debility. Paralysis with mental and abdominal symptoms. Rigidity of calves. Walks and stands
unsteadily. Numbness of body. Specially arms.
Agaricus Muscarius:- Trembling, itching and jerking, stiffness of muscles; itching of skin over the
affected parts and extreme sensitiveness of the spine. Cannot bear touch. Jerking and trembling are strong
indications. Chorea and twitching ceases during sleep. Paralysis of lower limbs with spasmodic
conditions of arms. Numbness of legs on crossing them. Paralytic pain in left arm followed by palpitation.
Stiffness all over with pain over hips.
Cocculus iND:- Head trembles while eating and when it is raised higher. Knees sink down from
weakness. Totters while walking with tendency to fall on one side. Cracking of the knee when moving.
Lameness worse by bending. Trembling and pain in limbs. One-sided paralysis worse after sleep.
Intensely painful, paralytic drawing. Limbs straightened out and painful when flexed.
It shows special affinity for light haired females especially during pregnancy.
Lathyrus:- Tremors of the upper extremities with paralytic weakness of the lower limbs. Feels as if limbs
are hard and contracted; limbs feel heavy. Feels as if floor is irregular and is obliged to keep his eyes on
the ground to guide his feet. Affects the lateral and anterior columns of cord. Does not produce pain.
Reflexes always increased. Lateral sclerosis and Infantile paralysis. Finger tips numb. Tremulous,
tottering gait. Excessive rigidity of legs with spastic gait. Knees knock against each other while walking.
Cannot extend or cross legs when siting.Stiff and lame ankles.
Physostigma:- Marked fibrillary tremors and spasms of the muscles, worse from motion or application of
cold water. Palpitation and fluttering of the heart felt throughout the body. Depresses the motor and reflex
activity of the cord and causes the loss of sensibility to pain, muscle weakness and paralysis. Paralysis
and tremors, chorea. Meningeal irritation with rigidity of muscles. Pain in right popliteal space. Burning
and tingling in spine. Hands and feet numb with sudden jerking of limbs on going to sleep. Crampy pain
in limbs.
Ambra Grisea:- Tremors with numbness, limbs go to sleep on the slightest movement, coldness and
stiffness of limbs. The finger nails become brittle and are shriveled. Cramps in hands and fingers. Worse
grasping anything. Cramps in legs. Extreme nervous hypersensitiveness. Dread of people and desire to be
alone. Music causes weeping. One sided complains call for it.
Heloderma:- Trembling along nerves in limbs. Tired feeling, very weak and nervous, fainting, numb
sensation. It causes locomotor ataxia. The eyes become more prominent and corneal opacities visible.
Very depressed and sensation as if would fall on right side. Sensationas if walking on sponge. As if the
feet were swollen. When walking, lifts feet higher than usual and puts down heel hard. Stretching relieves
pains in muscles and limbs.
Trembling; shaking of hands, involuntary. Paralysis agitans. Cramps in calves, feet very tender.
Twitching, Chorea, cramps. Numbness of finger tips. Worse right side, cold, touch, night. Better warmth,
bending double, pressure and friction.
Bufo Rana:- Special action on nervous system. Painful paralysis. Pain in loins, numbness and cramps.
Staggering gait. Feels as if a peg is driven into joints. Worse—Warm room. Better bathing or cold air.
Putting feet in cold water.
Tarentula:- Remarkable nervous phenomena. Chorea, extreme restlessness and Paralysis agitans.Must
keep in constant motion even though walking aggravates. Numbness of legs with twitching and
jerkings.Extraordinary contractions and movements.
Plumbum Metalicum:- Paralytic agitans. Paralysis of single muscles. Cannot raise or lift anything.
Extension is difficult. Paralysis from over-exertion of extensor muscles in piano players. Wrist drop. Loss
of patellar reflex. Pain in right big toe at night. Hands and feet cold. Infantile paralysis and neuritis.
Conium m:- Heavy, weary and paralyzed limbs. Trembling and unsteady hands. Muscular weakness
especially of lower extremities. Perspiration of hands. Putting feet on chair relieves.Ascending paralysis
ending in death by failure of respiration. Worse by lying down, turning or rising in bed, cold, exertion.
Better by darkness, limbs hanging down, motion, pressure

13. Swine Flu virus

Considering that the Swine Flu virus produces symptoms similar to the human influenza virus, the
following homeopathy medicines may prove useful in cases of swine influenza:
#Gelsemium. [Gels]
This remedy corresponds to the commencement of the trouble, when the patient is weak, tired and aches
throughout the body. It removes speedily the intense aching and muscular soreness. There is constant
chilliness and the patient hugs the fire; the fever is less acute than that of Aconite, and the cough is hard
and painful. There are paroxysms of sneezing with excoriating discharge, and great torpor and apathy.
Extensive experience with this remedy in the great Epidemic of 1918 proved its usefulness. Simple cases
were speedily cured. Aconite will sometimes prove the better remedy for children, but the drug will never
be a prominent one in influenza. Still it may be prescribed when indicated; it will, perhaps, soothe and
moderate the subsequent attack, but its action is not quick here as in simple fevers, as we have to deal
with a blood affection.
Influenza with marked gastro-intestinal symptoms may need this remedy, especially when there are putrid
diarrhoea stools. Clarke considers this remedy the nearest specific for the disease; he prefers the 30th
potency. Hughes also praises it, but uses it in the 1x and 2x dilutions, which seem to have more extensive
testimony as to their efficacy.
#Eupatorium perfoliatum.
This remedy has much soreness and aching of the entire body; hoarseness and cough, with great soreness
of the larynx and upper respiratory tract. Coryza with thirst. Drinking causes vomiting. The cough is a
very shattering one, hurts the head and chest, and as in Drosera, the patient holds the chest with the hands.
The breakbone pains are characteristic of the remedy. Add to these symptoms acute bilious derangements,
and it is all the more indicated. Many physicians rely on this remedy in influenza / flu almost exclusively
in the early stages.
#Sabadilla. [Sabad]
Sneezing is the great keynote of this remedy. Sneezing and lachrymation on going into the open air. The
throat is swollen and the pain is worse on empty swallowing; the sneezing is excessive, shaking the whole
body. Shudderings, with gooseflesh chills creeping upwards, are also prominent symptoms. Frontal
headache, dryness of mouth, without thirst and cough, worse on lying down, are additional symptoms. It
suits well many cases of the catarrhal form of flu; other remedies having sneezing are Cyclamen and
#Arsenicum. [Ars]
This remedy covers more phases of flu than perhaps any other remedy. Hughes believes that it will cut
short an attack, especially when there is a copious flow, prostration and paroxysmal coryza. Its periodicity
makes it suitable to epidemics, and it suits the early symptoms when the affection is in the upper portion
of the respiratory tract. The burning dryness and copious watery excoriating secretion and the
involvement of the conjunctiva are unmistakable indications. Langour and prostration are prominent
#Arsenicum iodide.
Chills, flushes of heat and severe fluent coryza, discharge irritating and corrosive, sneezing and
prostration. It corresponds to true influenza and is highly recommended by Hale. Sanguinaria nitrate is
especially valuable when the trachea and larynx are affected. Phytolacca is specific when the throat is
inflamed and spotty, with great hardness and tenderness of the glands.
#Dulcamara. [Dulc]
This is one of our best remedies in the acute form; the eyes are suffused, the throat is sore and the cough
hurts because of the muscular soreness. If brought on by damp, cold changes in the weather, so much the
surer is Dulcamara indicated.
The trouble here is largely bronchial and going downward. When a person is very grumpy and feels
miserable with the flu, wanting only to lie still and be left alone, this remedy is likely to be useful.
Headache, muscle aches, and cough or stomach pain may be the major symptoms. Everything feels worse
from even the slightest motion. The person’s mouth usually is dry, with a thirst for large cold drinks.
#Phosphorus may be indicated, especially when the trouble moves towards the chest. It is a very useful
remedy for the debility following la grippe, as it is usually of the pure nervous type. It is the great post-
influenza “tonic.”
#Rhus toxicodendron. [Rhus-t]
Influenza, with severe aching in all the bones, sneezing and coughing. The cough is worse evenings and is
caused by a tickling behind the upper part of the sternum. Especially is it useful in cases brought on by
exposure to dampness. There is much prostration and depression, and the patient may have some
symptoms which are suspicious as pointing towards typhoid fever, such as burning tongue, stupor and
delirium. Aching pains and nightly restlessness are keynotes symptoms. Causticum, like both Rhus and
Eupatorium, has a tired, sore, bruised sensation all over the body and soreness in the chest when
coughing, but it has in addition involuntary urination when coughing.
#Allium cepa. [All-c]
Profuse catarrhal coryza; the nose runs freely, there is sneezing, irritability cough, the face is swollen and
looks inflamed. Camphora. This remedy is often sufficient at the outset to cut short an attack, or at least
modify the severity.
#Sticta. [Stict]
Nasal catarrh; headache, thirst, nightly expectoration, great watering of eyes, running at nose, hoarseness
of voice, frontal headache and depression of whole system. Tuberculous subjects attacked by influenza.
“There is no better remedy,” says Dr. Fornias,”for the incessant wearing, racking cough of this class of
patients.” Tuberculinum is an excellent prevention of recurring attacks of influenza / flu in those who
have annual attacks.
Adapted to cases where the gastric symptoms predominate; tongue clean or slightly coated. Nausea: with
profuse saliva; vomiting of white, glairy mucus in large quantities, without relief; sleepy afterwards;
worse from stooping. Low thirst. Cough: dry spasmodic, constricted, asthmatic. Difficult breathing from
least exercise; violent dyspnoea, with wheezing and anxiety about the stomach. Cough, with rattling of
mucus in bronchi when inspiring; threatened suffocation from mucus. Pains as if bones were all torn to
#Veratrum album
Adapted to diseases with rapid sinking of the vital forces; complete prostration; collapse. Cold
perspiration on the forehead (over entire body, Tab. ) with nearly all complaints. Thirst: intense,
unquenchable, for large quantities of very cold water and acid drinks; wants everything cold. Diarrhoea:
frequent, greenish, watery, gushing: mixed with flakes: cutting colic, with cramps commencing in hands
and feet and spreading all over; prostrating, after fright; < least movement; with vomiting, cold sweat on
forehead during and prostration after. Vomiting: excessive with nausea and great prostration: < by
drinking ( Ars. ); by least motion ( Tab. ); great weakness after.

14. Homeopathic Medicine for Thalassemia

Antipyrinum 2x: Red blood cells are of different shapes.

Arsenicum alb. : Abnormally large red cells. Anemia on account of degenerative changes in the blood.
Butyricum acidum 1x : A salt orester of Butyric acid can cure cell anemia – thalassemia.
Calcarea ars. : Its use increases hemoglobin and red blood cells.
Ferrum met. 1x : It is useful for the treatment of thalassemia major, hereditary or genetically transmitted
abnormalities with familial or racial incidence – mostly found in children. The trouble is worse in winter.
Lachesis 200 Repeat after a week: After transfusion of blood, this remedy will stop its further
decomposition. The interval between the blood transfusion is increased and the progress of the disease is
Natrium cacodyl. 1x : It increases the number of red blood cells almost to double.
Phosphorus 30-200 (One dose only) Repeat after a week: It stops further disorganization of blood. The
skin is very pale and jaundice maybe present.
Picricum acidum (Thrice a day): Progressive abnormality of red cells which become larger than normal
resulting in pernicious anemia.
Plumbum met. (Thrice a day): Rapid reduction in number of red blood cells causing great paleness of the
skin. Cramps in the calves. Twitching of muscles.
Thiosinaminum (Thrice a day): This may prove useful in the treatment of the disease as it cures wasting
of the spinal marrow – tabes dorsalis.
Thyreoidinum 3x (Thrice a day): It is useful in the treatment of this disease when there is anemia,
emaciation, muscular weakness and some thyroid trouble.
Vanadium ;- 6 Its action is that of an oxygen carrier , Increases amount of Hemoglobin.

15. Specific Remedies and Potencies

1. Aurum Metallicum200 – 10M. is a “pathological” remedy for undescended testicle, providing the
testicle is not ectopic.

2. Coccus Cacti 3x – 30, 200 is almost a specific for later stages of whooping cough or at any stage when
there is a paroxysmal cough accompanied by vomiting of thick glairy mucous (like white of egg)

3. Kali Bromatum200 may cure acne when apparently indicated remedies fail.
4. Helleborus 200, 1M, 10M. is a “pathological” remedy for the after effects of head injury. It is useful
when individual indications are difficult to obtain.

5. Mancinella 200. “Fear of insanity” – probably the main remedy.

6. Pyrogenium 6, 30, 200, 10m. Apart from the symptomatic indications, Pyrogen may be prescribed
pathologically when there is a septic focus and toxaemia, bacteraemia or maybe even septicaemia, when
there is either a swinging temperature, or a tachycardia out of proportion to the temperature.

7. Causticum 200 is the chief remedy for loss of voice from whatever cause. For children who stop
growing after a burn, Causticum may be an invaluable remedy.

8. FerrumMetallicum 30. For vomiting after tonsillectomy. A dose of Ferrummetallicum 30 given after
each vomit usually causes rapid improvement.

9. Tongo 200. All type of toothache

10. Secale Cor 200. Blood fails to stop from injury

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