14 - Findings Conclusion and Suggestion

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a) From the study, it has been found out that the Human Resource practices

and policies adopted by the Company have served the goals of not only the

Company but also of its employees, shareholders and the society at large.

The Company has a good strength of employees as they have been able to

maintain a sound and healthy Industrial Relation scenario.

b) The Compensation Management policies adopted in OIL have been

adequate in the fulfillment of the expectations of employees to a great


c) Experiences of the employees are very crucial for the betterment of the.

organization. Many important decisions can be easily handled by

experience and guidance of the veteran employees. While conducting the

survey it has been found that most of the employees i.e., 68.6% had more

than 15 years of experience in the company.

d) Communication system between the employers and the employees or

between the management and the trade union helps in maintaining a healthy

working relationship. When the employees can easily and directly

communicate with the management about work related issues, leave,

compensation packages, about promotion etc, they have a feeling of

belongingness in the organization which improves the morale of the

employees.66.9% of the respondents felt that the communication system

was good in Oil India Limited and only 1.6% was not satisfied with the


e) Most of the problems of the employees are psychological in nature. When

their seniors respond to their problems immediately, they have a feeling that

the interest of the employer and the employees is the same. This motivates

the employees to work for achieving the self as well as organizational goals.

While conducting the survey it was found that 99.2% of the employees felt

that the seniors respond to their problems as and when they arise.

f) Training is a pre-requisite for development of one’s own skill. 95.1% of the

respondents have undergone training programme that has been conducted

by the organization itself. Most of the respondents felt that the training

programme imparted to them has been quite effective. While conducting the

survey it was further found that majority of the training programme that the

employees have undergone was for a -very less duration i.e., between 1-15


g) In some cases, employees may be required to work, in some other

department also, if need arises. Moreover, in the high tech era, knowledge

of computer application has become very essential. Thus, imparting

computer knowledge to the employees has become the need of the hour.

h) Performance appraisal leads to better employee engagement. From the

study it has been found that performance appraisal in most of the

departments were conducted annually. Appraisal of employees’

performance was related to enhancement of salary, Promotion and further

requirement of training. 41.8% felt that the basic purpose for performance

appraisal was promotion, while 22.5 % believed it was for enhancement in

salary. This motivates the employees for self-development to suit

themselves to work with the needs of the organization for growth and


i) Grievances of the employees relates to the complaints or dissatisfaction of

the employees. If the grievances of the employees are not settled in due

time, it leads to disputes. In most of the cases, grievances of tire employees

are settled at lower level by giving a patient hearing. Any genuine

grievance, if can be explained or resolved leads to better office atmosphere

which is conducive in nature.

j) Grievance management mechanism of the company is to provide an easily

assessable platform where the employees’ complaints could be resolved and

to adopt measures that would ensure quick settlement of the aggrieved

employees which will ultimately lead to satisfaction and high morale of the

employees* which results in increasing productivity and efficiency of the


k) Trade Union helps to protect and promote the welfare of the workers. Indian

Oil Workers Union (IOWU) is the Company’s recognized Union with

highest number of employees as its member. 52.9% of the respondents feel

that the Trade Union is Strong, while 32.8% felt it is Quite Strong. 74.6% of

the respondents are of the view that they are invited by the Trade Union for

discussion while 25.4% disagreed on the matter.

1) Employees can be a part of management decisions that leads to Inclusive

Management which makes things easier for the management to implement.

In case of sectional decisions all sectional employees are taken into

confidence. Whereas, recognized union is involved relating to issues having

larger impact. 41.6% of the respondents said that the form of Participative

Management that the company has is Joint Management Council, 40.8%

said it was Works Committee, 6.1% of the respondents said it was Joint

Council while 3.3% of the respondents said it was Quality circle and

only.8% said it was both Works Committee and Joint Management Council.


a) It has been observed from the study that the Management wants the Union to

be strong. It is a wrong notion that the Management suppresses the Union on

the other hand the Management feels that if the Union is strong then the

grievances of the employees can be settled within themselves without

interfering the management.

b) Moreover the Employees are not well acquainted with the Formal Channel of

Grievances. They expect their grievances to be settled immediately without


c) A Help-Desk has been set up in the ER Department. It is set up with a view to

provide a single window platform to solve grievances.

d) The organization lacks the formal feedback mechanism as well as the

Suggestion scheme is non-functional.

about CSR amongst the people to make CSR initiatives more effectual. CSR

activities should not be undertaken only for the sake of it; rather a proper CSR plan

should be designed to productively contribute to the society.

e) The Preventive Machinery should be such that prior to disputes the grievances

should be handled.

f) In addition, the organization should review the health and safety policies in the

light of their own experiences and changing technologies. The organization should

conduct safety campaigns and safety programs to promote safety awareness

amongst the employees. Meetings should be arranged and follow up actions should

be monitored so that safety standards are improved.

g) The period of training program for the employees should be extended compared to

the present period so as they can understand the content of the training program

properly and implement in their workplace.

h) Frequency of training should be increased among the employees in specialized

programs. Moreover, emphasis should be given to practical oriented training rather

than only theoretical ones. Training and Development department should initiate

measures to make the employees aware that training helps them to attain personal

as well as organizational benefits.

i) The Suggestion scheme of the organization is non-functional. Formal feedback

mechanism should be introduced so that the management can get an overview of

the expectations of the workers. These will, to a great extent, redundant the

unwanted call for strikes.

j) As a substantial number of people have opted for VRS in order to join new

organizations, the OIL should arrange for Exit Interviews when their service was

very much essential for the organization and follow up action should be adopted on

the basis of the findings of the Exit interview.


OIL located in the Upper Assam belt, is one of the only industries in this part of

the country , which is catering to the socio-economic development of the residents in its

operational areas. More and more unemployed youth consider OIL as an important source

of direct/ indirect recruitment. Thus, the Government, too, should be committed to the

reforms adopted by the company and help in bringing the unions and the management

together to play the cooperative game and thereby gather support for the reforms. In the

new context, it is the duty of the Government to see that Industrial Relation system helps to

enlarge the area of cooperation. The objective of Human Resource Management (HRM) is

to nurture an environment sustaining the positive culture and core values which would

continuously inspire human resources to achieve excellence in all endeavors and maximize

stakeholders' value. In the present scenario of competition and striving for excellence,

human resource plays a pivotal role in an organization's success. The Employees Union

have played a great role in extending full co-operation with the management and also

participated with the same in sorting out the problems and grievances of the employees’.

No employees resorted to strikes due to industrial relations problem. The company firmly

believes that the prosperity of their business depends on successfully developing an

integrated community of motivated and innovative employees, who possess a high level of

morale by availing opportunities for challenging work, personal development, growth and

recognition. The Company’s vision is to move forward by enlarging its contribution and

strengthened by the internal dynamics of its own being. The Company is propelled to the

fruitful operations combined with an overall improvement in efficiency. However, due to a

dynamic Industrial Relation scenario and a strong Trade Union being operative, the

Company has been practicing and operating under a cohesive Industrial Relation Scenario.

Development is possible in disciplined and harmonious environment. Therefore,

healthy industrial relation is required to ensure Human Resource Development


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