Mid - Year Academic Reflection

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Portfolio 2018-19

Mid--Year Academic Reflection
You have finished your senior fall semester and are only a few months away from graduation!
Having had nearly four years of high school, take some time to reflect on your experience.

Thinking about your efforts and experiences in core classes since you were a freshman, what are
some of the ways you’ve evolved as a student? What has been your biggest challenge(s) in your
core classes? What are some of the most rewarding experiences you’ve had academically?
Consider examples that you may remember long after high school.

I have DEFINITELY evolved as a student. I started here as a freshman knowing no English, with
no friends, and absolutely no idea where to start. If it wasn’t for my mom I wouldn’t be where I
am right now. I was in ELD for 2 years and I learned quite a bit, but it was my mom that really
put my butt into gear. She has taught me everything I know, and would not let up on me until I
reached my full potential. My biggest challenge was definitely learning English, my bio parents
never taught me anything in English or pushed me to watch videos to learn during my time in
Mexico, so I knew nothing when I arrived.

Now my biggest challenge is just trying not to stress out about homework and going to college,
but these things are minimal compared to how I felt at first. My most rewarding experience
academically has been, being on the honour roll and the principal's honour roll. I was very proud
of myself, and my parents were extremely proud of me, my mom even took pictures of them and
posted them on social media. She posted them on social media saying “look what I did!”
Jokingly of course, but also because of everything she has helped me to become, so I acredit
everything to her.

The most rewarding experience is for sure getting my diploma, and working hard for it. I have
enjoyed school, I have enjoyed learning, and I am happy to be able to continue my education
beyond high school. I have been rewarded in many ways, whether it’s going to a new classroom
with a new teacher, or just having some fun with a hacky sack in the hallway, I am rewarded
well all of the time. I know I will always remember being on the honour roll and the principal's
honour roll, I will always remember how proud I was and am and how my parents were so proud
of me.
Portfolio 2018-19


Looking ahead, what do you need to do during your last semester to accomplish your goals?

What I need to do for this last semester is to continue to do my homework and turn it in
on time. I need to continue to work hard because if I don’t, everything will be for nothing. I do
not want to do everything I am capable of and have it be for nothing. I will be disappointed in
myself, and my parents will be as well. I despise when they are disappointed in me.

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