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CHS Portfolio

College Presentation
Date of presentation: 6/17/20 Location or presentation: ukiah

College(s) involved: ​UC Berkeley, San Jose State, Santa Clara

What did you learn about the admissions process? ​There is a lot of work but most of it is the
same for multiple schools.

List five things you learned about this college/these colleges. ​Big classes, tutors, small class no
tutor, chance to talk to the teacher during office hours.

What are some reasons you might want to attend this college? ​Because they offer quite a bit of
what I'm looking for.

What are some reasons you might not want to attend this college? ​The reason would have to be
brought if they don't have what I'm looking for.

After having seen this presentation, are you planning on applying to this school? Why or why
not?​ I was planning on applying but didn't meet the requirements.

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