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1. Something to improve in your daily routine
A well composed daily routine must always be considered when it comes to maintaining a healthy body system.
Something that you do everyday should be beneficial to you, hence, it must improve your functionality and your
capabilities. Habits and activities are part of a daily routine that influences a person’s attitude and lifestyle. A good lifestyle
results to a good composure which would eventually result to a better life.
By this, I’m more convinced that my daily routine before is not as helpful as it is. I don’t usually eat breakfast, do
physical activities or even sleep well enough. It is indeed stressing to be in college but this kind of routin of mine is more
frustrating. I must improve it, and now that I’m in lockdown at home, I should use this opportunity to correct or even
change my routine. I started sleeping as early as 10:00 pm then wake up at 6:30. At 7:00am I do exercise such as Zumba
or playing Badminton. Eating more on breakfast than in dinner is also helpful. Having these kind of daily routine would
most probably boost my immune system and would protect me from acquiring any diseases.

2. Something to do for my goal
As a person who has many aspirations in life, aiming my goal is something that I prioritize. Besides of graduating,
passing board examination and having a decent work, my main goal in life is to give back to my parents. I want them to
be happy and to have a comfortable life.
With that, I should focus on studying. It may be hard, stressful, or even depressing, I must endure all of this in
order to achieve my goal. There may be times that I would fail or fall down, but my determination is more dominant than
my fear. I must do this and that because after all, hard work and perspiration will eventually pay off. Nothing’s easy in life,
but nothing’s impossible if you would believe in yourself.

3. Something to change in my lifestyle
In my everyday life, I always encounter circumstances, especially in my school life, that are out of my control.
These things tend to cause a lot of hard times and troubles for me. And for some reason, it makes me doubt and discourage
my own self that I can do well. This kind of lifestyle is very unhealthy for me.
By this, I must change my weak and discouraged self in to a more positive and determined self. I must always
stand up whenever I fail, I must move forward even at times of breaking down. There’s no point on worrying too much
about failing, instead, O must focus on aiming success and make my lifestyle go according to it. I should pay attention to
my health by constantly exercising to improve my mental capacity, thus, resulting to a more brighter perspective in life.

4. Something to look forward for the outcome of my goal
I have a lot of goals in life, but paying back to my parents is my main goal in life. I want to give back everything
they have done for me. I want to make sure that they would live a comfortable life with my help. I want to do it because
they are the most precious persons in my life.
Something that I look forward for the outcome of my goal is my parents’ happiness. If they would be happy, then
I would be the happiest daughter in the planet. But, alongside of that, I want to make sure that they are healthy and being
taken care of. I will make sure that they will focus on their physical health by also exercising and doing sort of activities.

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