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Dr.Tilden’s Epigrams


"Epigrams are the result of a subconscious earnestness generated by the importance of the subject in
mind. I think no one makes epigrams consciously. They come from stimulation of the subject being
discussed; therefore, if some of these epigrams do not please you, just understand that I may have been
somewhat inebriated with the anxiety of putting my messages across. These epigrams were selected from
my writings of the last twenty-five years." Dr. J.H. Tilden

Victoria's Notes to Health Seekers Everywhere:

#1... Dr. Tilden was an early 1900s' Hygienist and the leader of The Natural Hygiene Movement at that
time. He is best remembered for his Hygiene Landmark -- TOXEMIA EXPLAINED and for his Seven
Stages of Disease Paradigm. I review his Seven Stages of Disease in all my introductory teachings. He
wrote many books: all rare and most all now out-of-print. Here, I reproduce for you epigrams from a 4"
x 5" and palm-sized, adorable, little  50-page book: Dr. Tilden's Health Epigrams. In publishing this rare
and inspirational, little gem, I have spent many hours editing it for capitalization, punctuation, bold-
facing, and the like to make his archaic writing style more readable. Within a few epigrams, I have
actually edited his words to bring the full Natural Hygiene teachings to their clearest, greatest glory for
you! If you can appreciate this great teacher's moralizing style, these epigrams give you answers!

#2... The definition of an "epigram" is as follows: "a witty, ingenious or pointed saying, tersely expressed;
a short, concise statement intended to have great impact; a well-worded and short expression, often with
a satirical note or with a twist." Then remember the poetic comment on wit: "Brevity is the soul of wit."
These epigrams hold all the answers to your health quest!

#3... Dr. Tilden was a Christian. His TOXEMIA EXPLAINED and this adorable, little booklet both
succeed in teaching us to look to what lies within our souls for finding the health-destroying habits that
have brought on disease. The word "soul" is highly abstract and lofty. It needs my practical definition:
"the collective conscious and the subconscious, the thoughts of the mind, the feelings of the heart, and the
choices of the free will." You will profit most from most of these epigrams if you do a soul-search!

#4... Many today do not like someone moralizing to us. Dr. Tilden was a man ahead of his times, and his
teaching style was to moralize his messages. But his heart is pure, his Hygiene is correct, his speculations
of how "perverted" medical routes and commercialism are at their worst hold true today -- even more
than in his times! In the 1900s, who anticipated the stronghold that advertising would erect in the human
psyche? Who felt the kill-steal-&-destroy grip that addiction would take on The People? Who gave
"correct, physiological living" as the best answer to thrill-seeking via the senses that builds disease in the
blood and tissues? And who had all the answers? Dr. Tilden is who. In a time when the terms "addiction"
and "eating disorder" and "dysfunctional behavior" and "spiritual bankruptcy" were not yet in our
cultural mindset -- let alone in our vocabulary, Dr. Tilden speaks to us with Natural Hygiene solutions to
these issues, nonetheless -- and all-powerfully! I hope you find a Health Epigram for you, amongst these
few, as precious as any present you unwrap tomorrow!

Your Wilderness Woman & The HighJoy Horse
in The Cascade Mountains of Washington State
in The United States of America
 1
 If morality is not health with  resultant responsibilities and concomitants, then there
is no such thing as morality.
 2
 Victoria's Note: If Dr. Tilden and I sound like "health moralists" and this turns you
off, it will be all the worse for your edification. If you read Dr. Tilden's epigrams and
my occasional contributions to his epigrams and are eager and willing to profit from his
six decades of helping The People get well and stay well because of his "health moralist"
approach, it will be all the better for your edification! Read on, Dear
livefoodfactorfriends  of ours!
 3
 If we break health laws, we are warned of it by discomfort or pain. What is the true
meaning of that warning? In health, the community of organs that make up the body
are rhythmically adjusted. Each has its own work to perform, and the amount of work
each performs is gauged by the amount every other one performs. "Health" means
"every part of the body is performing its duty." If the body receives the proper
treatment -- if worked, exercised, fed, and otherwise given what it needs -- there will be
the comfort and pleasure of living. Health brings comfort and happiness. There can be
no greater happiness than the feeling one has in perfect health!

 4
 Nothing frees the blood of disease-producing material so surely as pure air.
 5
 Thorough self-training brings poise. Poise gives possession of oneself. No man or
woman is poised who has not full control of self.
 6
 Humanity's daily upkeep, like daily bread, must be earned by the sweat of the brow;
and if not, its lack becomes one's bane.
 7
 Any irregularity in a complicated machine requires maintenance men to stop the
machine and remove the cause. A human body is different: It is a machine that removes
its own obstruction -- if given the opportunity. And all the opportunity the body needs
when obstruction comes is to stop giving it new work until it has finished housecleaning
and repairs.
 8
 Long life is given to the man and woman who know the laws of life and obey them!
 9
 Disease is the legitimate offspring of ignorance. And I want to go on record as
saying: "Permanent health -- a health that can be relied upon to carry one through to a
reasonable, old age and thereby save the aged from driveling senility -- cannot be
procured from palliation doctors nor from cures, except those nature cures that cure
 10
 Victoria's Contribution to this Dr. Tilden Epigram: There is but one tonic, and that
is food -- a rightly adjusted and administered dietary -- encouraged in its assimilation
by The 10 Energy Enhancers (Cleanliness, Pure Air, Pure Water, Adequate Rest &
Sleep, The Ideal Diet, Right Temperatures, Regular Sunshine, Regular Exercise,
Emotional Balance, & Nurturing Relationships).
 11
 There is no tonic, stimulant, or builder of health like a strong purpose IN LIFE!
 12
 When the leaders of the world get wise enough, they will compel its finishing schools
to establish a health department where the students will be instructed in proper living.
 13
 A morbid mind, in time, will so reduce the physical resistance as to bring on any and
all kinds of disease.
 14
 Fasting is the only remedy in some cases that will permit the system to throw off
disease and come to a physiological equilibrium, but it is a mistaken idea that fasting
cures disease. The cure is to come after the fast, for the disease was brought on by
wrong living, and fasting will not cure errors of life any more than any other so-called
 15
 Nature has wisely provided inlets to the body, and they are guarded on purpose to
prevent the intrusion of enemies. When poisons enter the body the regular way, the
system has an opportunity to defend itself. But when the hypodermic or drugs are used,
the system has no possible show of fortifying itself against these outrages!
 219
 To work, to think, to eat, to emote, to play -- all cause a wearing out of the organism.
And man's and woman's duty to themselves is to know how to do all the things with the
least expenditure of energy so that they may live long, enjoy much, and accomplish
 220
 Victoria's Contribution to this Dr. Tilden Epigram: Everybody wants grand health!
That is, just so long as it does not cost too much in personal effort, does not require too
much in private sacrifice, and does not demand too much in relinquishing of too many
(and preferably none ) of one's cherished indulgences.
 221
 Victoria's Contribution to this Dr. Tilden Epigram: A "cure" really requires a
correct education out of hundreds of little, bad habits -- little habits that do not amount
to a hill of beans. Yet, most individuals are breaking down in health after four decades
of living. And it is safe to declare that these same "little nothings" have as much to do
with keeping the disease in evidence as anything else.
 222
 Life is greatly perverted and would have to be corrected through several generations
of people, correctly following their instincts before desires would be a safe guide in the
selection of food and the quantity taken.
 223
 Victoria's Contribution to this Dr. Tilden Epigram: We must learn the laws of life
and health and keep them. This is the price one must pay for life, liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness. And unless we pay this price with common health sense living, we
will weaken, sicken, and die. Correct knowledge and disciplined living are all we need to
enjoy life to its fullest and to bring the greatest good in health care to the greatest
number of people.
 224
 Eat just enough to serve the purposes of the body. This can be known by being able
to maintain normal weight, normal and wholesome feelings, comfort of mind and body,
a reasonable amount of energy, and the absence of unnatural and therefore harmful
desires and inclinations.
 225
 The development of a disease is an evolutionary process that travels through 7
distinct stages named by these mutually exclusive terms: Enervation, Toxemia,
Irritation, Inflammation, Ulceration, Induration, and Chronic, Irreversible Disease.
 226
 What is called "disease" is best defined simply as "health that is laboring under a
handicap." And all the remedy needed, and all that can be used to advantage, is to
understand the cause of the lowered health standard and to remove it and to
simultaneously provide all the conditions for health.
 227
 Victoria's Contribution to a Dr. Tilden Epigram: There are no such things as
"cures" outside of the natural, God-given tendencies of the body to assume the normal
health for which it was created when, from any cause, it is forced out if its natural,
healthy state.
 228
 Victoria's Contribution to this Dr. Tilden Epigram: We have learned from
experience to know that we live in a world governed by exact laws. We owe our
existences to those laws. And we shall enjoy or be sad, we shall be well or sick, we shall
be productive members of society or burdens, we shall live or die, just as we learned
how to adjust ourselves to the natural, physiological laws of life. If men and women are
ignorant or disrespectful of these laws, either way, and break them, they shall suffer
and die early. If we are vigilant of these laws and obey them, however, we shall live long,
be productive, enjoy the fruits of our labors, and prosper in ways unimaginable to the
sick and suffering.
 229
 We are found fault as we persist in associating health and morals. We insist, despite
criticism, "Health and morality are different points of viewing but one and the same:
how to get well and stay well."
 230
 The time is now here when a knowledge of health and how to keep it is demanded.
Intelligence sees that it is one of the most important acquisitions and tools with which to
live long and prosper.


& WHY?


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