VIII. Discharge Plan

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Discharge Plan

Medication  Instruct the patient to take the following home

medication as ordered by the physician.

Exercise  Inform patient that there are no restrictions in

activity as long as her condition becomes okay.
She can go back to her daily activities whenever
she thinks she can.

Treatment  Remind patient that following mole extraction, she

should have a baseline pelvic examination, a chest
x-ray, and a serum test for the subunit of hCG.
The hCG is analyzed every 1-2 weeks until levels
are again normal.
 Encourage patient’s parents to follow the doctor’s
order for any post-operative treatment given.
 Advise patient to use contraceptive method such
Health Teaching as oral contraceptive agent for 6-12 months so that
a positive pregnancy tests (the presence of hCG)
resulting from a new pregnancy will not be
confused with increasing levels and a developing
 Inform patient that she should delay her
childbearing plans for half to one year because her
hCG is still been monitored. A higher chance of
having another molar pregnancy can occur if she
will become pregnant during these times.
 If the hCG levels are within the normal limits and
the patient decides to get pregnant again, advise
her to have early screening with ultrasound during
a second pregnancy to prevent another molar
Out Patient (check-up)  Instruct patient to have a follow up checkup as
advised by her doctor.
 No special diet is required especially that the
Diet patient has no allergies but encourage the patient
to eat more healthy foods (e.g. fruits and
vegetables and high protein foods) and avoid junk
 Encourage the family to strengthen spiritual
Spiritual connection to God by prayers and attending mass.
 Encourage the family to mediate to peaceful body
and soul.

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