Mobilink Ok

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Project Report on

Organizational behavior

Submitted by:
Dazzling Stars
Submitted to:

Miss Sadia


A (morning)

Group Members

Group Members:
Ali usman
Mohammad sohaib
Nida naeem
Aysha ameen (leader)


We are thankful to Allah Almighty that He has given us such wisdom that enabled all of us
capable of making this report. We pay our humble regards to Madam Sadia Honorable Teacher
of the subject organizational behavior, who gave us the opportunity to do the project and make
this report. My attributes then go to Mr.Amjad, for their kind interview and guidance. We are
also thankful to the whole team of Franchise for providing information.

We are thankful to our parents who provided us the resources and opportunities that helped us to
make this report because their co-operation is support for us. Our colleagues and friends also give
suggestions for improving this report. At the end, we once again thankful to all of these people
and pray to God for their prosperity in the life and better future in their careers.

Project Report on...........................................................................................1
Submitted to: ...............................................................................................1
About the company.........................................................................................6
ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE:.......................................................................7
Mobilink's Values:...........................................................................................9
The HR Department:.....................................................................................10
OB PARACTICES IN MOBILINK:.......................................................................11
POWER AND POLITICS:..............................................................................13
Attitude and Job Satisfaction at MOBILINK:...................................................14
Working environment:................................................................................15
TEAMS AND GROUPS:................................................................................16
Conflict management:................................................................................17
Recruitment and selection...........................................................................22

About the company
Mobilink GSM (PMCL), a subsidiary of Orascom Telecom, started its
operations in 1994, and has become the market leader both in terms of growth as well as having
the largest customer subscriber base in Pakistan - a base of over 31 million and growing. It prides
itself on being the first cellular service provider to operate on a 100% digital GSM technology in
Pakistan that also provides state-of-the-art communication solutions to its customers.Mobilink
offers exclusively designed tariff plans that cater to the communication needs of a diverse group
of people, from individuals to businessmen to corporate and multinationals. To achieve this
objective, it offers both postpaid (Indigo) and prepaid (JAZZ) solutions to our customers.
Compared to Mobilink’s competitors, both the postpaid (Indigo) and prepaid (JAZZ) brands are
the largest brands of their kind in the Pakistan cellular industry. In addition to providing advanced
voice communication services that makes the lives of millions that much easy, it also offers a host
of value-added-services to its prized customers. At the same time, Mobilink places high
importance to its coverage, which is why it covers 10,000+ cities and towns nationwide as well as
over 130 countries on international roaming service. In other words, it speaks language of its
customers, everywhere.



Mission Statement
“To be the unmatchable mobile system of communications in Pakistan which
provides the best value to its customers, employees, business partners and

Mobilink's Vision
"To be the leading Telecommunication Services Provider in Pakistan by offering innovative
Communication solutions for our Customers while exceeding Shareholder value & Employee

“Reshaping lives” (Official)

“Hum bolain mohabbat ki zaban” (In TV commercials)

“Aur Sunao” (In TV commercials)

“Jazz Apna Hai” (In TV commercials)


The Company structure is in 5 Layers, comprising Associates,
Specialists, Managers, Directors and Chief Officers (For Instance CCO-Chief Commercial
Officer, CIO-Chief Information Officer and CFO-Chief Financial Officer).



Executive Committee Internal Audit

President and Chief


Corp. Banking & Operating and Retail Banking

credit group Regions Credit Cards
Fin. Inst. Group Group

Rawalpindi Planning and

International Credit /Islamabad Asset Products Corporate affairs

Electronic Investment Human

Treasury North
Technology products Resource

Corporate and Systems and Lahore Finance

Merchant Operations

Data Reporting East

South I
Legal Affairs

South II

Mobilink's Values:

Total Customer Satisfaction:

Customers are at the heart of Mobilink’s success. They have placed their trust and confidence in
it. In return, it strives to anticipate their needs and deliver service, quality and value beyond their

Business Excellence:

Mobilink strive for excellence in all that they do. They aspire to the highest standards and raise
the bar for themselves everyday. This commitment to delivering world-class quality translates
into unmatched service and value for their customers and all stakeholders.

Trust & Integrity:

At Mobilink, they take pride in practicing the highest ethical standards in an open and honest
environment, and by honoring our commitments. They take personal responsibility for their
actions, and treat everyone fairly, and with trust and respect.

Respect for People:

Relationships drive the business at Mobilink. They respect and esteem their employees and all
stakeholders. They believe in teamwork, empowerment and honor.

Corporate Social Responsibility:

As the market leader, they recognize and fulfill their responsibility towards the country and the
environment in which they operate. They contribute to worthy causes and are dedicated to the
development and progress of the society.

The HR Department:
The human resources function at Mobilink comprises four main areas

• Staffing and compensation

• Organizational Development
• HR Operations
• Employee excellence

The responsibilities of these departments are as follows:

The staffing and compensation function is responsible for meeting the company’s recruitment
requirements along with developing, implementing and maintaining companywide compensation
and incentive plans. The function is also the custodian of the HR Employer Brand.

 Recruitment:
• Recruitment is done through Human Resource Department. An Applicant’s knowledge,
skill and aptitude is related to the position, Education, Experience, Intelligence test,
Interviews, References, Medical test.
• People at Mobilink, work hard to ensure an effective and efficient method of recruitment
and selection. It is aimed that hiring should be done without any discrimination based on
race, colour, sex, nationality, ancestry, religion or disability.

Organizational Development is primarily responsible for initiatives tied to employee development

and organizational capability enhancement.

 Training:
• The purpose of training is to upgrade the capabilities and efficiency of all the employees
and prepare them for more responsible positions in future.
• Provide employees with greater opportunity to grow and succeed within the company.
• Both managers and non-managers receive help from training and developmental program
but mostly non-managers are concerned with training while the managers are concerned
with developmental programs.

HR Operations looks after employee services and employee relations. It also maintains and
updates employee records.

The employee excellence function aims to enhance HR performance through value creating
activities focusing on wellness and diversity management initiatives.



The organization properly communicates its strategies to its employees to carry

good results efficiently and effectively. Only few people have ready access to important
information like the CEO and top managers. The communication between the employees is good
and that drives them to do outstanding achievement in work. In Mobilink the employees are
listened, respected, trusted, and valued that gives them a sense of self worth and belonging.
In Mobilink several activities are undertaken by the top management at facilitating
communication within the organization to promote all the employees the opportunity to voice
their opinion directly to the president and top managers. Good communication with the
employees is important for the success of the business and in this ways employees will actively
seek out new and creative ideas to advance the organization and will share those ideas with the

Downward Communication:
In Mobilink downward communication take place in which communication flows
from managers to the employees. Managers and group leaders assign goals , provide job
instructions , inform employees of policies and procedure ,point out problems that need attention
and offer feedback about performance to the employees.


Leadership is the manner and approach of providing direction, implementing

plans, and motivating employees in the organization. A Manager's leadership style contributes, to
the subordinates' incentive, work fulfillment, and the work growth in the organization. Leadership
plays a vital role for the success of organization. Lack of leadership leads to increased employee
turnover, absenteeism, dissatisfied customers from poor customer service.

In Mobilink 53% of the employees feel that their managers are employee oriented leaders and
remaining 47% feels that their managers are task orientated leaders. So this shows that the
Mobilink has got the combination of leaders that are task oriented and leadership oriented.
This shows that Mobilink have the leaders that perform better in all situations and can manage
their teams more effective.


A manager with a task-oriented style will have work results as his major concerns and therefore,
he will enlarge rigid policy that would lead the subordinates to reach the preferred results.


A manager with an employee-oriented behavior objective is to improve the employee’s

confidence and influence them to work jointly and to resolve the problems.

In Mobilink the leadership style is participative in which the leader involves one or more
employees in the decision making process (determining what to do and how to do it). The leader
allows the employees to make the decisions. However, the leader is still responsible for the
decisions that are made. This is used when employees are able to analyze the situation and
determine what needs to be done and how to do it.
Positive leaders use rewards, such as education, independence, etc. to motivate employees. While
negative employers emphasize penalties such as loss of job, days off without pay.


Power is a potential ability and influence for a people which direct other people in
desired direction to do something. In an organization managers use normally two types of power
interpersonal and formal. Formal power is based on an individual position in the organization
and personal power comes from an individual unique characteristics.

Legitimate Power:

Legitimate power is used in Mobilink as it is based on the power a person receives as a

result of his or her position in the formal hierarchy of an organization. The employee has the
authority to control and use the organizational resources.

Expert Power:
Expert power is the influence based on special skills, knowledge or expertise. Expertise
has become on of the most powerful sources. As jobs have become more specialized the
organizations have become increasingly dependant on experts to achieve goals.


In Mobilink learning is done to make the employees skilled at creating, acquiring,

transferring knowledge, and to enhance their skills. In an Organization learning is a long-term
activity that builds competitive advantage over time and requires sustained management
attention, commitment, and effort. In Mobilink collaboration with team members give the
employees opportunity for learning social, technical and creative skills. When learning is
effective the organization is highly aware of how to motivate its employees in the best ways.

Rewards, such as education, bonuses are given to motivate employees. There are different kinds
of rewards MOBILINK gives to their employees which are as follows:

 Cash bonuses
 Promotions
 Make team leader
 Increments in salaries
 Allowances like ( fuel allowance, mobile allowance)

Attitude and Job Satisfaction at MOBILINK:

Overall employees are somewhat satisfied with their jobs but not completely. There is need of
improvement to make employees more satisfied so that they can perform well.


Mobilink is providing to its employees. The employees have access to company sponsored
training programs and seminars.

• The purpose of training is to upgrade the capabilities and efficiency of all the employees
and prepare them for more responsible positions in future.
• Provide employees with greater opportunity to grow and succeed within the company.

Both managers and non-managers receive help from training and developmental program but
mostly non-managers are concerned with training while the managers are concerned with
developmental programs.

Career Advancement:

Mobilink is providing clear path for career advancement to its employees,.
Company gives full support to its employees in this context.


According to employees, they face or experiences not any form of discrimination in

Mobilink.They are fairly treated by their boss.

Working environment:

Almost all the employees are satisfied with their physical working of employees. Mobilink aim’s
to ensure a workplace that necessitates open and respectful communication between the
employees’ abilities.

Relationship with supervisors:

Mostly employees somewhat agree that their supervisors communicates with them properly and
also provides counseling. They believe that their managers effectively lead the department.

Supportive colleagues and coworkers:

The morale of the employees at Mobilink is satisfactory and the have teen spirit in their work
environment. They are satisfied with their professionalism of their coworkers.


According to employees their performance is individually recognized and they are appreciated
according to the performance.


A group whose individual efforts result in performing that is greater than the sum of the
individuals input. At Mobilink, employees work in team and they have a team of over 4,500
unique individuals who make it Pakistan’s largest cellular network. Being exposed to best
practices and an enabling environment, they are the best minds in the industry today. By working
in teams, employees bring their collective skills and knowledge to bear on problems and to
develop innovative ideas for the organization. To be effective, teams should be formed with
employees from a variety of functional areas. Work satisfaction relates to personal satisfaction of
team members for the work they have done.
In Mobilink their team consists of individuals who have technical expertise, problem solving,
decision making and interpersonal skills. And the work team members do provide them freedom,
the opportunity to use different skills, the ability to complete it and that work has a substantial
impact on others.

Guideline for team leaders set by Mobilink:

Effective behavior indicator Less effective behavior indicator

More of this Less of this

Communicates frequently so that
employees know what has to be done and Takes independent decision and asks the
why? employees to take the decions without
Arrives at decision by consensus, where questioning,.
appropriate to gain team commitment.
Waits for team to ask for information
Is supportive of the team/Individuals that instead of proactively keeping them
help in overcoming problems to achieve informed of the big picture.

Conflict management:

Mobilink compromised self managed work teams according to employees response

they feel greater level of responsibility on their shoulders and they measure the things like
planning ,scheduling of work, and assigning tasks to the members of team, control the place of
the work, make decisions through discussion between the team members, take actions to solve the
problems and also interact with their customers and we found that the employees called their
colleagues relationship officer rather than sales officer.


The people working at Mobilink have Type A personality they are strong leaders
and can work well under pressure. They are independent and are excellent problem solvers. They
ensure that all work is accomplished in a timely manner. Type A’s are very decisive and once a
decision is made they are quick to work towards its implementation. Gaining insights into your
personality is an important key in understanding your employees what motivates them and where
they do their best work. The leader should maximize its employee’s strengths and enhance their

effectiveness as individuals. Type A’s enjoy receiving recognition for their
work and they desire to advance in all areas, especially those related to their work. In general,
Type A’s are able to work quickly and are often seen as high-achievers holding increasingly high-
powered positions

In Mobilink employees having Type A behavior often includes:

• Competitiveness
• Strong Achievement-Orientation
• Multi-tasking
• Aggressiveness
• Strive to think or to do more things at once.
• A commitment to achieve goals and an intense desire to compete.
• Always in a hurry


After studying various issues related to the organizational behavior within the organization I
analyzed that

 Mobilink is working globally and is also operating in Pakistan. The organization behavior
regarding goal setting for employees I have analyzed that the management of Mobilink is
effective in setting goals according to the competition in the communication sector of

 The management style in Mobilink is kind of participative management in which

employees are given chance to share their ideas for decision making.

There are different kinds of rewards MOBILINK gives to their employees which are as follows:

 Cash bonuses
 Promotions
 Make team leader
 Increments in salaries
 Allownces like ( fuel allowance, mobile allowance)

I found very different kind of reward in MOBILINK that they motivate their employees whose
performance is not up to the mark by giving them the salaries equivalent to the market value of
the any other employee of same rank so as to motivate their employees.
Many of the employees are being rewarded after accomplishment of their sales target in such a
way that their management take them to the picnic or invite them for dinner frequently.

And another very interesting fact which I found in MOBILINK is that their management does not
fire their employees even their performance level is not up to the mark.

 Overall employees are satisfied with their company and jobs.

 To some extent they are given empowerment to do their work. Most of them agree that
their jobs are not creating any physical or mental problems for them.

 But according to my opinion employees are facing job stress. It is a fact that cannot be
denied. Because we know that stress is inevitable. it can only end up with the end of life
But the company deals with this problem and provides them proper counseling.

 Most of the employees have positive attitude toward their jobs.

If we see an overall picture, then it is clear that they are somewhat satisfied with their jobs and
they don’t have a lot of stress on them. But still there is a need of improvement in strategies of
MOBILINK to make workforce more productive.

Mobilink asses the employee’s performance on:

• Leadership.
• Communication skills.
• Team work and Co-operation.
• Problem solving & decision making.
• Flexibility.
• Customer focus.

In Mobilink training to the employees is given for the current improvement in the job while
developmental program is for improving the skill which will be used in the future. Both
managers and non-managers receive help from training and developmental program but mostly
non-managers are concerned with training while the managers are concerned with developmental

Mobilink aim’s to ensure a workplace that necessitates open and respectful

communication between the employee’s abilities. Almost all the employees are satisfied with
their physical working of employees.

Mobilink has got the combination of leaders that are both task oriented and leadership oriented.
This shows that Mobilink have the leaders that perform better in all situations and can manage
their teams more effective and efficiently.

The organization properly communicates its strategies to its employees to carry good results
efficiently and effectively. The communication between the employees is good and that drives
them to do outstanding achievement in work. In Mobilink the employees are listened, respected,
trusted, and valued that gives them a sense of self worth and belonging.

Mobilink is providing clear path for career advancement to its employees,.
Company gives full support to its employees in this context.

At Mobilink, employees work in team and they have a team of over 4,500 unique individuals who
make it Pakistan’s largest cellular network. Being exposed to best practices and an enabling
environment, they are the best minds in the industry today. By working in teams, employees
bring their collective skills and knowledge to bear on problems and to develop innovative ideas
for the organization.


Mobilink seems its future bright by forecasting its demand & supply to the ultimate customers.
This forecast includes the following points.
Forecasting Employee Demand:-

• Setting Up New Technology

• Changes in customer demands

• New Services

• Determine demand and supply of employees

• and forecasting through arranging transfers,

• internal movements,

• rotations,

• overtimes,

• contractual & permanent hiring,

• and fulfilling the shortages of employee. Askari Bank does this with the help of HRD.

Forecasting Employee Supply:-

• Transfers

• Rotations

• Overtimes

• Temporary / Contractual

Recruitment and selection
Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them
to apply for jobs in the organization.
If anyone wants to work with Mobilink, and have the right capabilities and experience,
there process will ensure that all candidates are provided with equal opportunities to
secure a position. Like

 Entry level fresh Induction:

 Management Trainee Officers:
 Hiring of experienced professionals:

After the recruitment the selection of the most reliable and efficient persons is done at
Mobilink under the supervision of HR personals.

The selection process at Mobilink is sequenced as follows:

• Entry Level Test

• First Interview

• Second Interview

• Medical Test


To increase goodwill and positive impression of Mobilink among

employees and customers Company should adopt the following things:

• Enhance more promotion opportunities for their employees.

• Encourage employees to participate in decision making.

• We would suggest that specific job related training should be imparted to employees this
would give an additional benefit to employees for improving their skills.

• Professional counseling programmes should also be started to provide
employees with the information, regarding future prospects at Mobilink and in the mobile

• Although Mobilink is covering whole Pakistan but is call rates are high they can lower its
call rates, SIM charges, GPRS charges in order to capture a larger market and this way
they can capture the customers of low income group.

• They should be establishing and maintaining effective communication with each

employee, sharing of ideas and employee involvement in decision making process.

• The employer should show a greater trust to employees and employees should feel good
about their employer.

• Their should be no artificial barriers between employees and management.


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