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A Study on Effectiveness of Training and Development for Future Group

Employees in Big Bazaar at

future group
Summer Training Report Submitted
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree
Submitted by
Neha Kumari
Admission No. 2013MB0035


Mrs. Silva Sarkar
Deputy Manager (HR)
Future Group, People Office, Kolkata.



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I hereby declare that the Project Report entitled “A Study on EFFECTIVENESS of

TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT for Future Group Employees in Big Bazaar”
submitted to the Company in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Master of
Business Administration is a record of original project done by me during the Summer Training
under the guidance of Mrs. Silva Sarkar, Deputy Manager (HR) – Mentor at Future Group
(Zonal Office)-Kolkata.

PLACE: Dhanbad

DATE: 18/08/2014


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It is difficult to express in words and thoughts our gratitude for the people who has helped me to
complete this Project successfully. Nevertheless, an attempt is made to acknowledge a few of
them, without whom, this Project would not have been completed.

I also express my thanks from the bottom of my heart to our beloved and respectful Head of
Department Prof. J. K. Pattnaik for having provided me this excellent opportunity to do
Summer Internship Project (SIP) at Future Group.

I am very much grateful to my Project Mentor Mrs. Silva Sarkar, Deputy Manager (HR) who
not only gave me invaluable suggestion and guidance, but also a source of encouragement
throughout my project work.

I express my Gratuity towards the BB-Salt Lake and BB-Diamond City Store HRs for helping
me in completion of my Survey and sharing their valuable experiences.

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Chapter Contents Page No.

1. 1.1 Introduction 8
1.2 Purpose of the Study 9
1.3 Research Methodology 10
1.4 Literature Review 10
 1.4.1 Theoretical aspect of T&D 10
 1.4.2 Objective of Training 12
 1.4.3 Classification of Training 12
 1.4.4 How to make Training Effective 15
 1.4.5 Difference between T&D 15
 1.4.6 Reason for Employee Training 16
 1.4.7 Topics covered under T&D 16
 1.4.8 Benefit of T&D 17
 1.4.9 T&D process at Future Group 19
2. 2.1 About the Company 25
3. 3.1 Research Methodology 32
 3.1.1 Objective of the Study 32
 3.1.2 Research Design 32
 3.1.3 Sampling Design 32
3.2 Data Collection Process 33
 Method of Data Collection 33
 Questionnaire Design 34
3.3 Research Hypothesis 34
3.4 Data Analysis Process 35
 3.4.1 Procedure of Analysis 35
3.5 Limitation of the Study 35
4. Analysis and Interpretation

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4.1 Descriptive Analysis 36
4.2 Inferential Analysis 57
5. 5.1 Conclusion 59
5.2 Recommendation 60
References 61
Appendix 62

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The Research project entitled “The study on effectiveness of Training and Development for
Future Group Employees at Big Bazaar” is an attempt to study and analyze the Training and
Development programs provided by the company to all Band employees from Band 1 to Band 4.
It will help me to study the enhancement of knowledge and skills of employee to perform the job
better and feedback on its effectiveness.

It also aims to understand the benefit received to the employees for undergoing the various
training and development programs in Zonal as well as in-store for the better performance of the

The research design consists of the Descriptive research as it analyzes the effectiveness of T&D
using statistical tools. The data was collected through well structured questionnaires including
both open ended and closed ended (5 point Likert Scale) questions. The questionnaire is divided
into two parts (Avatar Training program and Unnati Training program). About 50 employees
were considered for the sample size out of 80 employees from BB-Salt Lake and BB-Diamond
City in Kolkata.

In the course of the study, it was found that almost 100% of the employees are benefitted from
the Training and Development Program and the entire Band 1 employees are satisfied with the
Avatar and Unnati Training programs. More importantly, the Alternate Hypothesis taken in the
study proves to be true, i.e. there is a significant relationship between the effectiveness in T&D
and Job Performance of the workforce.

The study gives some great recommendations to create innovation in the training programs to
make a competitive edge over its competitors. These ideas are mainly provided by the Band 1
employees during the Survey period. Hence, this Report provides an overall insight about the
topic related to Future Group and gave great experience to me in the Human Resource
Development and Human Resource Management field.

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Chapter 1

As organizations strive to compete in the global economy, differentiation on the basis of the
skills, knowledge, and motivation of their workforce takes on increasing importance. According
to a recent industry report by the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD), U.S.
organizations alone spend more than $126 billion annually on employee training and
development (Paradise 2007). “Training” refers to a systematic approach to learning and
development to improve individual, team, and organizational effectiveness (Goldstein & Ford
2002). Alternatively, development refers to activities leading to the acquisition of new
knowledge or skills for purposes of personal growth.
I believe that training in work organizations is an area of applied psychological research that is
particularly well suited for making a clear contribution to the enhancement of human well-being
and performance in organizational and work settings as well as in society in general.

Training: the systematic approach to affecting individuals’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes in
order to improve individual, team, and organizational effectiveness.
Development: systematic efforts affecting individuals’ knowledge or skills for purposes of
personal growth or future jobs and/or roles.

Training is the acquisition of the technology which permits employees to perform to standard.
Thus training may be defined as an experience, a discipline, or a regimen that causes people to
acquire new, predetermined behaviors. Whenever employees need new behaviors, then we need
a training department.

Why have a T&D department? Because to achieve desired results, organizations need to appoint
employees responsible for:
 Training people to do their present tasks properly.
 Educating certain employees so they can assume greater responsibilities in the future.
 Developing people and entire organizations for the foreseeable and Unforeseeable future.

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 Training to facilitate both individual and organizational performance.

Identification of training needs is important from both the organizational point of view as well as
from an individual's point of view. From an organization's point of view it is important because
an organization has objectives that it want to achieve for the benefit of all stakeholders or
members, including owners, employees, customers, suppliers, and neighbours. These objectives
can be achieved only through harnessing the abilities of its people, releasing potential and
maximizing opportunities for development. Therefore people must know what they need to learn
in order to achieve organizational goals. Similarly if seen from an individual's point of view,
people have aspirations, they want to develop and in order to learn and use new abilities, and
people need appropriate opportunities, resources, and conditions. Therefore, to meet people's
aspirations, the organization must provide effective and attractive learning resources and
conditions. And it is also important to see that there is a suitable match between achieving
organizational goals and providing attractive learning opportunities.
As we know Retail Sector is an emerging concept in India where Future Group has made its
place in the market. Most of the people (employees) are unaware of its working, so they face
problems in carrying out their work in a most effective way. To help them and also to meet the
organizational goals, Future Group has focused into its HRD and made Training and
Development Department named “Future Learning and Development Centre”. In my report, I
will further highlight the effectiveness of Training and Development and how it helps the
employees to perform their job effectively.


This research guides me with an opportunity to explore in the field of Human Resources
Development. This research provides the feedback of people involved in the Training and
Development Programs and its process. Apart from that it would provide me a great deal of
exposure to interact with the employees of the company and identify their needs and wants.

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It helps to provide insights to support future research regarding strategic guidance for
organizations that are both providing and using different programs in Training and Development
for the workforce in a most effective way.
It will also help me to study the enhancement of knowledge and skills of employee to perform
the job better and feedback on its effectiveness.


This report deals with Descriptive research design because it describes data and characteristics
about the phenomenon being studied. According to this study investigation was conducted for
some definite purpose with the help of a structural Questionnaire distributed to 50 Band 1
(TM/TL) employees using Simple random sampling method to gather Primary information as
much as possible. Primary data is also collected from Live Training Programs conducted.

Secondary information is collected through the company’s portal, journal, and annual report and
research papers.

Data Analysis is done through statistical tool using Column graphs, Pie charts, and T-test for
Hypothesis testing as it is a descriptive research.


1.4.1 Theoretical aspects of Training and Development

Organizations are systems designed to achieve a goal or perform a particular function such as
delivering a completed product to a customer. To illustrate our point, we will use a cafeteria
analogy to describe the systematic nature of organizational processes. Although the organization
as a whole is a system, it is also comprised of built-in subsystems and sub-processes. The
subsystems and sub-processes are designed to achieve the sub-goals that are necessary to
produce the overall output. For instance, the process of delivering the receipt to the customer is a
sub-process of the overall goal of the cafeteria.

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To continue with our analogy, imagine yourself in line at a cafeteria. You come to the coffee urn
and turn the spigot. Out comes some coffee. Presumably, when the liquid went into the machine,
it was water—not coffee. When the coffee grounds were put into the machine, they weren’t in
consumable, drinkable form. The water and the coffee are the material “inputs” to the system
called a coffee machine; the “output” is drinkable coffee. But someone had to add the water and
the coffee grounds. This person is also an input.
The organizational processes are another component of the organizational systems. Processes
represent the series of planned steps involved as an organization progresses toward its final
output. The work performed within the system and subsystems transforms the inputs into
The ability to recognize the systems and subsystems of an organization is an important element
in all training and development activities. Training and development exists to promote individual
and organizational excellence by providing opportunities to develop workplace skills. The design
and implementation of effecting training interventions cannot be accomplished without first
identifying the various processes operating within the system. The Human Resource
Development (HRD) or Training and Development Department are a familiar subgroup in most
organizations because the people of any organization are like the water put into the coffee
machine: for their output to be acceptable, they must change from what they were when they
reported for work. At that time, they neither knew what a proper output looked like nor were
they familiar with the technology by which to achieve it. They must be prepared—trained—to do
their jobs.
It is a learning process that involves the acquisition of knowledge, sharpening of skills, concepts,
rules, or changing of attitudes and behaviours to enhance the performance of employees.

Training also helps a person cultivate appropriate and desired behavior and attitude towards the
work and people.

Training is a process through which a person enhances and develops his efficiency, capacity and
effectiveness at work by improving and updating his knowledge and understanding the relevant
skills relevant to his or her job. Unless training is provided, the jobs and lives of employees in
organizations are at stake.

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Training is about knowing where you stand (no matter how good or bad the current situation
looks) at present, and where you will be after some point of time. Training is about the
acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA) through professional development.

1.4.2 Objectives of Training:

 Preparing both the old & new employees to meet the present as well as the changing
requirements of the job & the organization.
 Preventing obsolescence.
 Preparing employees for the higher-level tasks.
 Ensuring smooth & efficient working of the department.
 Ensuring economical output of the required quality.
 Imparting knowledge & skills for new entrants.
 Induction
 Updating
 Preparing for future assignments
 Competency development.

1.4.3 Classification of Training:

There are a number of training methods available; Use of a particular method depends on
the type of trainees’ viz. worker, supervisor and manager. Basically these methods can be
classified into following categories:

1. Induction training:
Here, training is given to newly joined employees. The main objective of this training is
to give an idea to the employee about the particular work. It is concerned with orienting a new
employee to a new environment.

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2. On-the-job training:

Here, the individual is placed on a regular job and taught the skills necessary to perform
that job. The trainee learns under the supervision and guidance of a qualified worker or
instructor. It gives firsthand knowledge and experience under the actual working conditions.

3. Apprenticeship training:

Apprenticeship training is normally given to artisans, electricians, plumbers and a like.

The duration is mainly 6 months to 2 years; this is carried out under the guidance and intimate
supervision of master craftsman, expert worker and supervisor. During training period the trainee
is paid less than that of a qualified worker.

4. Job Rotation:

This involves the movement of the trainee from one job to another. The trainee receives
job knowledge and gains experience from his supervisor or trainer in each of the different job
assignments. This method gives an opportunity to the trainee to understand the problems of
employees on other jobs.

5. Coaching:

The trainee is placed under a particular supervisor who functions as a coach in training
the individuals. The supervisor provides feedback to the trainee on his performance and offers
him some suggestions for improvements. But the trainee may not have the freedom or
opportunity to express his own ideas.

6. Job Instruction:

This method is also known as training through step by step. The trainer explains to the
trainee the way of doing the jobs, job knowledge and skills and allows him to do the job. The
trainer appraises the performance of the trainee, provides feedback information and corrects the

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7. Committee Assignments:

A group of trainees are given and asked to solve an actual organizational problem. The
trainees solve the problem jointly. It develops teamwork.

8. Off the job training:

The trainee is separated from the job situation and his attention is focused upon learning
the material related to his future job performance. Since the trainee is not distracted by job
requirements, he can place his entire concentration on learning the job rather than spending his
time in performing it. There is an opportunity for freedom of expression for the trainees.

9. Vestibule training:

Actual work conditions are simulated in the classroom. Material, files and equipments,
which are used in actual job performance, are also used in training. This type of training is
commonly used for training personal for clerical and semi-skilled jobs. Theory can be related to
practice in this method.

10. Role-playing:

It is a method of human interactions that involves realistic behavior in imaginary

situations. This method of training involves certain characters. This method is mostly used for
developing inter-personal interactions and relations.

11. Lecture Method:

The instructor organizes the material and gives it to a group of trainees in the form of a
talk. To be effective, the lecture must motivate and create interest among the trainees. This
method is direct and can be used for a large group of trainees. Costs and time involved are

12. Conference or discussion:

This method involves a group of people who pose ideas, examine and share facts, ideas
and data, test assumptions and draw conclusions, which contribute to the improvement of job

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13. Programmed instruction:

The subject matter to be learned is presented in a series of carefully planned sequential

units. These units are arranged from simple to more complex levels of instruction. The trainee
goes through these units by answering questions or filling the blanks.

14. Internship Training:

Here, the organization makes arrangements with technical institutes to get its employees
duly trained in the latest theoretical knowledge and other developments relating to trade, this
training is provided to the employee in such a way as to bring balance between theory and

15. Professional skill training:

Here, training is given to Professional staff such as Accountants, Surveyors, Auditors,

and Architects etc. Organization provides this training to newly joined professionals to gain the
professional qualification and it is also given to the existing professionals.


 Determine the training needs through job description, performance appraisal, potential
appraisal and discussion with employees.

 Prepare a training calendar in discussion with the managers concerned.

 Define the training objectives specifically.

 Select the efficient faculty


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Training Development

1. Training is often referred to as importing 1. Development on the other hand is

specific skills. often focused at overall development of
2. The focus is on improvement in personality.
performance after training. 2. 2.They focus on aspects like leadership
3. The impact of training be experienced and skills, managing teams, problem solving,
assessed by the organization. decision making , people skills, time
4. Usually, administrative, supervisory and management, etc.
technical workforce may be exposed to
training program.


Training and development can be initiated for a variety of reasons for an employee or group of
employees, e.g.:

 When a performance appraisal indicates performance improvement is needed

 To "benchmark" the status of improvement so far in a performance improvement effort
 As part of an overall professional development program
 As part of succession planning to help an employee be eligible for a planned change in
role in the organization
 To "pilot", or test, the operation of a new performance management system
 To train about a specific topic.


1. Communications: The increasing diversity of today's workforce brings a wide variety of

languages and customs.
2. Computer skills: Computer skills are becoming a necessity for conducting
administrative and office tasks.

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3. Customer service: Increased competition in today's global marketplace makes it critical
that employees understand and meet the needs of customers.
4. Diversity: Diversity training usually includes explanation about how people have
different perspectives and views, and includes techniques to value diversity
5. Ethics: Today's society has increasing expectations about corporate social responsibility.
Also, today's diverse workforce brings a wide variety of values and morals to the
6. Human relations: The increased stresses of today's workplace can include
misunderstandings and conflict. Training can people to get along in the workplace.
7. Quality initiatives: Initiatives such as Total Quality Management, Quality Circles,
benchmarking, etc., require basic training about quality concepts, guidelines and
standards for quality, etc.
8. Safety: Safety training is critical where working with heavy equipment , hazardous
chemicals, repetitive activities, etc., but can also be useful with practical advice for
avoiding assaults, etc.
9. Sexual harassment: Sexual harassment training usually includes careful description of
the organization's policies about sexual harassment, especially about what are
inappropriate behaviors.


There are numerous sources of online information about training and development. Several of
these sites (they're listed later on in this library) suggest reasons for supervisors to conduct
training among employees. These reasons include:

 Increased job satisfaction and morale among employees

 Increased employee motivation
 Increased efficiencies in processes, resulting in financial gain
 Increased capacity to adopt new technologies and methods
 Increased innovation in strategies and products
 Reduced employee turnover

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 Enhanced company image, e.g., conducting ethics training (not a good reason for ethics
 Risk management, e.g., training about sexual harassment, diversity.



Future Group believes that the development and growth of its people is directly related to the
development of its businesses. A trained employee is more confident and content and therefore
more productive and performs better at work.

Types of Training

Zonal Office In-Store

Training Training

Prarambh Ex

(like LOB, FBB
Style Genie)

18 | P a g e AVATAR PROGRAMS (1-3 days/ program): These programs are provided
to all the band of employees after the induction (Prarambh Ex) program. It consists of a series of
programs carried out during the working period of an employee such as:

Band 1- Team Member (TM) (Learning Plan):

1. GYAAN YATRA (0-6 months):

 Product knowledge
 Cashiering for Cashiers
 Sales and Customer Service Excellence
 Rang De Zindagi
2. GYAAN KOSH (6-12 months)
 Advanced Product Knowledge
 Cashiering for Non-Cashiers.
 Gurukul (Self Development)
3. GYAANODAYA (12-18 months):
 Cross Category knowledge.
 Customer Delight.
 Inventory Management.

Band 1-Team Leader (TL) (Learning Plan):

1. UTTAM (0-6 months):

 Rang De Zindagi.
 Sales and Customer Service Excellence
 Team Management
2. UTKRUSTHA (6-12 months):
 Gurukul
 Customer Resolution
 Inventory and Shrinkage Management.
3. SHRESTHA (12-18 months):
 Retail Excellence.

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 Experience in other LOB Training.

Band 2 – Department Manager (DM)/Asst. DM (Learning Plan):

1. PRATISTHAN (0-6 months):

 Personal Effectiveness and Values
 Store Guru
 Sales and Customer Service Excellence.
2. SASTRAVIDYA (6-12months):
 Operational Effectiveness
 Business Analytics
 People Management.
3. UDAAN (12-18 months):
 Understanding P&L.
 Cross-Functional Category orientation.
 Orientation to Audit and Reviews.

Band 3 – Karta Mastery (Store Manager (SM)/Asst. SM)

1. KARTAVYA (0-6 months):

 Business Acumen.
 Karta orientation and Values.
 Customer Experience Management.
2. SASTRAVIDYA (6-12 months):
 Analytical and Synthesizing Skills
 Performance Development
 Business Presentation.
3. SARVASTRA (12-18 months):
 Environment Management.
 Cross functionality.
 Entrepreneurship.

20 | P a g e UNNATI PROGRAMMES (2-3 hrs/program): These programs are
conducted in the store of Big Bazaar (BB) while performing the current job. Such programs

 Store Basics and Customer Service.

 Shrinkage Management.
 Maintain Grooming Standards.
 KRA Understanding and Grooming the Concerned Areas.
 Software Application and Products (SAP).

A range of delivery methods are offered by the Group to provide the relevant and most effective
training solution in the most cost effective manner.
These are as follows:

1. Classroom Trainings & Seminars – The participants/ employees congregate at one

place where the training is imparted to them by the means of lectures and activities.

2. Outbound Experiential Trainings – Outbound Experiential Trainings are used to

enhance the performance of the organization to achieve business goals through experiential
learning. These programs usually revolve around leadership, change management, planning and
organizing and team work to name a few.
3. Use of Technology‐ The use of technology for imparting knowledge to the employees is
encouraged by the Group. Various technological tools, such as Web Ex, Learning Videos and
Movies are utilized to provide the information & knowledge from Home Office to Zonal Offices
and to various Future Group Stores and vice versa.

4. Store Guru ‐ Store Gurus are responsible to deliver training on Process Excellence and
Product Knowledge in the Store and help store Karta’s to turn the store into a centre of

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excellence for retail knowledge and skills, and building self sufficiency at the store level. Not
only has this mode of learning extremely cost effective but also enhances employee engagement
and motivation to a great extent within the environment of the store.

5. On Job Training – Some aspects of a job are best understood while actually performing it.
Future group promotes the practice of Unnati – On the Job learning simultaneously while
working to facilitate employees to understand and gain the knowledge skills and attitude required
to perform the given task at hand in the most effective manner.

6. Coaching & Mentoring – The Group realizes the importance of achieving business goals
through coaching and mentoring initiatives. The organization encourages a culture of coaching
and mentoring for personal growth and professional development. Coaching and mentoring is a
process that enables learning and development to impact performance positively. Various
methods and styles are used in the most appropriate manner to bring out effective professional
and personal development of the employees in Future Group.

7. Time Bound Learning and Growth Plan – Future Group’s employees in the stores
form the backbone of its business and the group realizes the importance of training and
developing them completely. Avatar ‐ A Time bound learning and growth plan for every role
holder in the store is run by the Group in Future Learning and Development Centre (FLDC).
This 72 month learning program is to enable a team member become a Store Karta. How the Training Process is being carried out at Future Group?
To provide training to the employees at Future Group, a systematic process is carried out by the
Human Resource Department.

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Store Manager identifies the
Training need of the employees in
the Future Group store

Store Manager nominates such

employees from their stores.

Monthly Training Calender is made in

the zonal office according to the
nominations from various Future
Group Stores.

Zonal Office and In-Store Training

takes place.

At the time of Training Program,

Attendence is recorded.

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Pre Assessment Test is held before
the inception of the Training Program

After the Training Program, Post

Assessment Test is held to check the
understanding level of the Trainees.

Feedback is taken from the trainees to

evaluate the effectiveness of the
Training and efficiency of the Trainer.

Tracking of Training Program is done just

after the Training in Avatar and Unnati
Tracker Sheet. Tracking Updation is done
every month. Training and Development Need Identification during Performance


• Observation and Feedback provided by the Appraiser on

Performance and Potential of the Appraisee.

• Identifying the Lack in such Performance and Potential of the


• Training and Development needs are assessed by the Appraiser.


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Chapter 2

2.1 About the Company:

Mr. Kishore Biyani CEO, Future Group, India‘s leading retailer that operates multiple retail
formats in both the value and lifestyle segment of the Indian consumer market. Headquartered in
Mumbai, the company operates over 16.33 million square feet. Of retail space, has over 1000
stores across 85 cities and 60 rural locations across the country and employs over 35000 people.
The company‘s leading format include Pantaloons, a chain of fashion outlets, Big Bazaar, a
uniquely Indian hypermarket chain, Food Bazaar, a supermarket chain, blends the look, touch
and feel of Indian bazaars with aspects of modern retail like choice, convenience and quality.
Central is a chain of seamless destination malls. Some of its other formats include Shoe Factory,
Brand Factory, Blue Sky, Fashion Station, Mobile Bazaar and Star Sitara (Beauty clinic). The
company also operates an online portal, A subsidiary company, Home
Solutions Retail (India) Limited, operates Home Town, a large-format home solutions store,
selling home furniture products and E-Zone focused on catering to the consumer electronics
segment. Future Group understands the soul of Indian consumers. As one of India‘s retail
pioneers with multiple retail formats, we connect a diverse and passionate community of Indian
buyers, sellers and businesses. The collective impact on business is staggering: Around 220
million customers walk into our stores each year and choose products and a service supplied by
over 30,000 small, medium and large entrepreneurs and manufacturers from across India and this
number is set to grow.

Group Vision:

Future Group shall deliver Everything, Everywhere, Every time for Every Indian Consumer in
the most profitable manner.

Group Mission:
We share the vision and belief that our customers and stakeholders shall be served only by
creating and executing future scenarios in the consumption space leading to economic

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 We will be the trendsetters in evolving delivery formats, creating retail realty, making
consumption affordable for all customer segments – for classes and for masses.
 We shall infuse Indian brands with confidence and renewed ambition.
 We shall be efficient, cost- conscious and committed to quality in whatever we do.
 We shall ensure that our positive attitude, sincerity, humility and united determination
shall be the driving force to make us successful

Group Core Values:

 Indianness: Confidence in ourselves.

 Leadership: To be a leader, both in thought and business.
 Respect & Humility: To respect every individual and be humble in our conduct.
 Introspection: Leading to purposeful thinking.
 Openness: To be open and receptive to new ideas, knowledge and information.
 Valuing and Nurturing Relationships: To build long term relationships.
 Simplicity & Positivity: Simplicity and positivity in our thought, business and action.
 Adaptability: To be flexible and adaptable, to meet challenges.
 Flow: To respect and understand the universal laws of nature

Key Group Companies:


 Future Retail Limited


 Future Generali Life Insurance Company Limited

 Future Generali (India) Insurance Company Limited
 Future Capital Holdings Limited
 Future Ventures (India) Limited

 Future Supply Chains Limited

 Future Human Development Limited Future Media (India) Limited
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 Future Corporate Resources Limited

Future Group Companies:

E- Zone

Bazaar Brand


Future Group’s businesses focus on developing and operating modern retail, brands and
distribution networks for the consumption sector in India. Built over more than two decades, the
group’s flagship companies focus on three distinct businesses hypermarkets business operated by
Future Retail Limited, an integrated lifestyle fashion business operated by Future Lifestyle
Fashion Limited and an FMCG and food distribution business operated by the Future Consumer
Enterprise Limited. While retail forms our core business activity, our group’s subsidiaries are
present in consumer, insurance, brand development, real estate development, retail media and
logistics. We have aligned our business opportunities with the broad objective of being a catalyst
in India’s consumption-led growth. In line with leading retailers of the world, Future Group
aspires to capture a significant portion of India’s consumption and contribute to a significant

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proportion of our GDP. As the Indian economy matures, it is upon us to lead India’s
consumption story, achieving inclusive and profitable growth with sustainable value creation.

a) Retail

b) Insurance

c) Services

Retail Chains:

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Big Bazaar is a hypermarket under Future Group. It caters to every need of our family. Big
Bazaar scores over other stores is its value for money proposition for Indian customers. With the
ever-increasing array of private labels, it has opened doors in the world of fashion and general
merchandise, including home furnishings, utensils, crockery, cutlery, sports goods and much
more at prices that will surprise customers.

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History of Big Bazaar:

The first Big Bazaar store, with an area of about 24,000 square feet, opened on VIP Road,
Kolkata in August 2001. This was followed by stores in Hyderabad, Bangalore, Mumbai and
Gurgaon. The initial categories on offer were apparel, general merchandise and food. Later,
several brands from categories like electronics, furniture, music, communications and books
were added to the bouquet of products. Big Bazaar implemented SAP in 2005 to run its stores in
the most efficient manner that technology could provide. With an increasing number of
customer’s patronizing its stores, it was time for Big Bazaar to reach out to them. To pay tribute
and to tell them how much they were appreciated, Big Bazaar launched a co-branded credit card.
In association with ICICI bank, the Big Bazaar-ICICI Bank credit card made its first appearance
in May, 2002. As an extension of its customer relationship initiatives it also launched Shakti, a
credit card for housewives, in February 2006. The card was unique, for it required no proof of

Presently there are 13 Stores of Big Bazaar in Kolkata Region and 52 Stores of Big Bazaar in
East Zone.

Organizational Structure of HR Department of Future Group

Chief People


Deputy Manager
Deputy Manager
(Recruitment & Manager (Welfare)

Assitant manager

30 | P a g e
Organizational Structure of Big Bazaar

31 | P a g e
Chapter 3


Research is a systematic method of finding solutions to problems. It is essentially an
investigation, a recording and an analysis of evidence for the purpose of gaining knowledge.
According to Clifford woody, “research comprises of defining and redefining problem,
formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions, collecting, organizing and evaluating data,
reaching conclusions, testing conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulated


 To study the Training and Development Programs in Future Retail Limited (FRL) at
Kolkata Region.
 To Examine the Effectiveness of Training and Development in the job performance of
the Workforce.
 To Evaluate the benefit of Training and Development on Band 1 employees at FRL.


According to this study investigation was conducted for some definite purpose with the help of a
structural Questionnaire to gather primary information as much as possible.

My study deals with Descriptive Research Design. Descriptive research, also known as
statistical research, describes data and characteristics about the population or phenomenon being
studied. Descriptive research answers the questions who, what, where, when and how.


Sampling Frame: The respondents are the Band 1 (TM/TL) employees from BB-Salt Lake
and BB-Diamond City.

32 | P a g e
Sampling Method: A sample design is a finite plan for obtaining a sample from a given
population. Simple random sampling is used for this study.
Sample Size: Number of the sampling units selected from the population is called the size of
the sample. Sample of 50 respondents were obtained from the population of 80.
Sampling Procedure: The procedure adopted in the present study is probability sampling.
Under this sampling design, every item of the frame has an equal chance of inclusion in the



The data was collected through Primary and secondary sources.

Primary Sources:
Primary data are in the form of “raw material” to which statistical methods are
applied for the purpose of analysis and interpretations. The primary sources are Interview with
the employees and data collected through Questionnaire. Another Primary source of data
collection is the Live Training Programs attended during the SIP Period.

Secondary Sources:
Secondary data are in the form of finished products as they have already been
treated statistically in some form or other.

The secondary data mainly consists of data and information collected from
records, company websites and also discussion with the management of the organization.
Secondary data was also collected from company’s website, company’s portal, journals,
magazines and books.

33 | P a g e

A well defined questionnaire that is used effectively can gather information on

both overall performance of the test system as well as information on specific components of the
system. It consists of both open-ended and closed-ended questions. The questions were
arranged in proper order, in accordance with the relevance.

Nature of Questions Asked:

The questionnaire consists of Close Ended (5 point Likert Scale Rating method) and few
Open Ended Questions. The sample selected for the distribution of questionnaire was 55. Out
of 55 samples, 50 employees responded to the questionnaire effectively.

The questionnaire is comprised of 19 questions (Part 1-Avatar Training, Part 2-Unnati Training)
which covered all the aspects of measuring “the effectiveness of training and development”.

Presentation of Data:
The data are presented through Pie-charts, Column graphs and tables.


A hypothesis is a preliminary or tentative explanation or postulate by the researcher of what the

researcher considers the outcome of an investigation will be. It is an informed/educated guess. It
indicates the expectations of the researcher regarding certain variables. It is the most specific
way in which an answer to a problem can be stated.
Research hypotheses are the specific testable predictions made about the independent and
dependent variables in the study. Hypotheses are couched in terms of the particular independent
and dependent variables that are going to be used in the study. The research hypothesis of this
study is as follows:

H0: There is no significant relationship between the effectiveness of Training and Development
and the Job Performance of the Workforce.

H1: There is a significant relationship between the effectiveness of Training and Development
and the Job Performance of the Workforce.

34 | P a g e

Data analysis is done through Statistical Tools:

 Pie Charts and Column Graphs.
 F-Test Two-Sample for Variances.
 T-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances is used for hypothesis testing and to
draw inferences.
3.4.1 Procedure for Analysis:

 Administering questionnaire to all the employees of Band 1.

 Analyzing the Open-ended question’s responses of employees using Pie chart and Graphs
and evaluating the positivity of responses.
 Analyzing the Closed-ended questions through F-test and one tailed t-test to test the
hypothesis and draw inferences.


The limitations of the study are the following:

1. The data was collected through questionnaire. The response from the respondents may not be

2. The sample taken for the study was only 50 and from only two project site/Stores so the
results drawn may not be accurate for all employees.

3. Another difficulty was very limited time-span of the project.

4. Lack of experience of Researcher.

35 | P a g e
Chapter 4
4.1 Descriptive Statistics
Analysis based on questions asked:

TABLE 1: Does your Organization identify the Training needs of the employees?



1. Strongly Agree 45 90

2. Agree 5 10

3. Neutral 0 0

4. Disagree 0 0

5. Strongly Disagree 0 0

Question 1

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

36 | P a g e
Inferences: All the employees are aware that their organization identifies their Training
needs. This means that almost all of them are aware of the Training and Development Programs
being held for them.

TABLE 2: What are the Avatar Programs you have attended till date?

S No. Avatar Programs No. of

1 Customer Service 50
2 Prarambh Ex 49
3 Gurukul 19
4 Product Knowledge 15
5 Inventory and Shrinkage Mgmt 9
6 Team Mgmt 8
7 SOP 5
8 Retail Excellence 5
9 Cashiering for Cashier 3
10 Star program* 3
11 Passion for Fashion* 3
12 Sales and Customer Service 2
13 Cashiering for Non-Cashier 2
14 Selling Skill* 2
15 Customer Resolution 2
16 Gurukul-women special 1
17 Communication skills* 1
18 Vikas (CD) 4

19 Vridhi (CD) 2

*Non-Avatar Training Programs.

CD- Career Development: Developmental Programs.

37 | P a g e
Selling Customer Gurukul-women Communication
Skill* Resolution Question 2 special skills*
1% 1% 1% 1%
Vridhi (CD)
Cashiering for Non- 1%

Customer Service
Prarambh Ex 27%

Sales and Customer

Service Product Knowledge
1% 8%
Passion for Fashion*
2% Gurukul
Star 10% Inventory and
program* Shrinkage Mgmt
Cashiering for Vikas 5%
2% Cashier SOP Team Mgmt
(CD) Retail Excellence
2% 2% 3% 3% 4%

Inferences: The Respondents have attended 19 Avatar Training programs till date.
 The analysis shows that almost 49 respondents i.e., 98% of respondents have attended
Prarambh Ex Training.
 All the 50 respondents i.e., 100% of employees have attended Customer Service
 Rest 5-6% of respondents have attended few of the major Avatar Training Programs like
Team Management, Gurukul, Inventory and Shrinkage Mgmt, Product Knowledge,
Cashiering for Cashier, Retail Excellence, etc.
 Very few respondents have done Vikas, Vridhi – Career Progression training for the
Promotional Training from TM to TL.

38 | P a g e
TABLE 3: Are you satisfied with the above mentioned Avatar Programs?

1. Strongly Agree 40 80

2. Agree 10 20

3. Neutral 0 0

4. Disagree 0 0

5. Strongly Disagree 0 0

Question 3

Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree
Series1 40 10 0 0 0

Inferences: All the 50 respondents are satisfied with the above mentioned Avatar Programs.
They are highly satisfied with these Programs and are ready to do any further such Training

TABLE 4: Are you benefitted with the Training Program? What are the benefits did you

39 | P a g e
S Benefit Types of Benefits Received No. of
No. Received responde
(Yes/No) nt
1 Yes (50
1.1 Able to implement the Learning Procedure 50
1.2 Customer Satisfaction 45
1.3 Gain Product Knowledge, USP of Product 20
1.5 Fashion and Design Sense 5
1.6 Attending customer in an effective way 34
1.7 Leadership skills 2
1.8 Friendly nature towards customers 19
1.9 Self Development:- Self Belief, Proper Body Language, 8
Extrovert behavior, Self Confidence, Personality
Development, Discipline, Values.
1.10 System knowledge, Departmental knowledge 6
1.11 Operational Process 7
1.12 Systematic working 5
1.13 Shrinkage control 10
1.14 business knowledge 2
1.15 Growth oriented, Sales knowledge 15
1.16 Dealing with customers, understood customer 25
1.17 Team Management 4
1.18 Freight in-out Knowledge 4

40 | P a g e
Inferences: All the 50 Respondents are benefitted from the Avatar Training Program. The
Benefits they received are listed in the above table.
 After analyzing the Questionnaire of 50 respondents, I inferred that almost 70% of
respondents learned how to deal with customers and satisfy their needs.
 60% of respondents received product knowledge which really helped them in their job.
 The Team Leaders (TL) benefitted from Training in managing their Team Members
 The respondents who have attended Gurukul training have learned Self development and
how to develop their own Personality. They have become Growth oriented; Confident
and they have a Self – Belief in them.

Table 5: Did you find any of the Avatar Programs not necessary/useful to you? Why?

1. Yes 0 0

2. No 50 100

Question 5



41 | P a g e
Inference: All the 50 respondents found all the Avatar Training Programs very useful and
necessary for their job performance and Skill Development.

Table 6: Did the Avatar Training Program help you in your Job?

1. Strongly Agree 48 96

2. Agree 2 4

3. Neutral 0 0

4. Disagree 0 0

5. Strongly Disagree 0 0

Question 6






Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree
Series1 48 2 0 0 0

Inferences: The Avatar Training program helped all the 50 respondents in their job. The
trainings are very effective and taught a lot about their work which can be performed in their job.

42 | P a g e
Table 7: Was the Trainer able to provide you sufficient information for your learning?



1. Strongly Agree 44 88

2. Agree 6 12

3. Neutral 0 0

4. Disagree 0 0

5. Strongly Disagree 0 0

Question 7

Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree
Series1 44 6 0 0 0

Inferences: All the 50 Respondents said that the Trainer provided sufficient information for
the learning. They were very friendly and cooperative during the Training Program and provided
enough knowledge for the learning and working of the job to be performed. They said the trainer
focused on every individual during the training session and cleared all their doubts with proper
examples and real life cases.

43 | P a g e
Table 8: According to you, Time duration given for a training period should be:

1. 2-3 hours 0 0

2. 6-8 hours 0 0

3. 1-2 days 4 8

4. 2-3 days 38 76

*5. 7 days 8 16

Question 8

2-3hrs 6-8hrs 1-2days 2-3days 7days
Series1 0 0 4 38 8

Inferences: 76% of the respondents said that the Avatar training period should be 2-3days.
Rest 8% of the respondents said that 1-2 days training is enough for them.

*NOTE: In the above table (Table: 8), around 16% of the respondents said that they want 7 days
training for the Avatar Training Program because 2-3 days is not sufficient especially for the
Gurukul Program. They said Gurukul Program of 3 days is not sufficient for them so such
program should be held for at most 7 days.

44 | P a g e
Table 9: Do you need any more Training Program to be organized for you?



1. Yes 49 98

2. No 1 2

3. Can’t Say 0 0

Question 9
2% 0%

cant say


Inference: 98% of the respondents need more training to be organized for them. The
respondents need more training to perform well in their job.

Rest 2 % of the Respondents said there is no need of training for them, they have learned

Table 10: Please suggest any more Training would you like to have from the Avatar training

S No. Avatar Training Needed No. of

45 | P a g e
Need each
1 New Product Knowledge 21
2 Gurukul 18
3 Fashion Techniques 15
4 Display Techniques 12
5 Spoken English 9
6 Customer Satisfaction 6
7 People Mgmt 5
8 Other Departmental Knowledge 4
9 Inventory and Shrinkage Mgmt 4
10 Data Analysis 2
11 Team Mgmt 2
12 SOP 1
13 Retail Excellence 1
14 Self Development 1
15 Customer Resolution 1
16 Brand Knowledge 1

Team Mgmt Self Development Customer Brand Knowledge

2% 1% Retail Resolution 1%
Inventory Excellence 1%
and SOP Data 1%
Shrinkage 1% Analysis
Mgmt 2%
4% Other
Knowledge New Product
4% Knowledge
People Mgmt
Customer Question 10
6% Gurukul
Spoken English
Display Techniques

46 | P a g e
Inferences: The Respondents need 16 Avatar Training program to be organized for them.

 48% of the respondents need Training on New Product Knowledge and Gurukul.
 5-10% of the respondents need training on Customer Satisfaction, Inventory and
Shrinkage Management, Design Techniques of Apparels, Gurukul, Selling Techniques
and Other Departmental Knowledge.
 Some of the respondents even need training on Retail Excellence, People management,
Team Management, Spoken English, Customer Resolution, Brand Knowledge, etc.
 The retail excellence training should not only explain about the topic but should also tell
about the method as how to deal with it and ways to perform Excellency in retail.

Table 11: What are the Unnati Programs you have attended till date?

S Unnati Programs No. of

No. respondent done
each training
1 7x7 19
2 SAP 19
3 FAB 52 18
4 Store Basics and Customer service 9
5 Warehouse Inward-Outward 7
6 CSD 6
7 SOP 5
8 Cashiering 5
9 HST 5
10 PBP 5
11 Selling Skill 2
12 Sampradan 2
13 Safety measures 1
14 Sale page level 1
15 Special Task force 1
16 Sanchayen 1
17 MOP 1

47 | P a g e
PBP (5)
Question 11
MOP (1) SOP (5)
Store Basics and Sanchayen (1) 1% 5%
Customer service (9) 1%
Special Task force (1)
7x7 (19)

SAP (19)
FAB 52 (18)

Sale page level (1)

1% Selling Skill (2)
CSD (6) 2%
6% HST(5) Warehouse Cashiering(5)
5% Inward- 5%
Outward (7) Safety measures (1) Sampradan (2)
7% 1% 2%

Inferences: The respondents have attended total 17 Unnati Programs till date.

 Almost 50% of the respondents have attended in store SAP training, 7x7 and FAB 52.
 7-15 % of the respondents have attended Store Basics and Customer Service, Warehouse
Inward-Outward training, Cashiering, CSD, HST and SOP Training.
 Only few of the respondents have attended Sampradan, Sale page level, Sanchayen and
MOP training in store.

Table 12: Are you satisfied with the above mentioned Unnati Programs?



48 | P a g e
1. Strongly Agree 35 70

2. Agree 13 26

3. Neutral 0 0

4. Disagree 2 4

5. Strongly Disagree 0 0

Question 12

Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree
Series1 35 13 2 0

Inference: 48 respondents are satisfied with the Unnati Programs held in store. They regularly
attend such training programs during their working days. Only 4% of the respondents are not
satisfied with the Unnati programs. One of the reasons for the dissatisfaction is because they are
the new recruits and have spent only a year in the company. So they have attended very less
training programs.

Table 13: Are you benefitted with the Training Program? What are the benefits did you

S Benefit Received Types of Benefits Received

49 | P a g e
No. (Yes/No)
1 Yes (42 Respondents)-
84%, No (8
1.1 System Knowledge
1.2 Customer Guidance and Handling
1.3 Product Knowledge
1.4 Selling Skill
1.5 Able to Reach Targets (Sales Growth)
1.6 Learned Consumer Behaviour
1.7 Maintenance of products
1.8 Able to control shrinkage and Damage
1.9 Able to fulfill the demand of customers
1.10 Inventory Control, Stock (Mis-match) Handling
1.11 Self Confidence
1.12 Managerial Skill
1.13 CSD, Creating alternative for customer
1.14 INF

Inferences: 42 Respondents are benefitted from the Unnati Training Program wherein rest is
not benefitted. The Benefits they received are listed in the above table.

 After analyzing the Questionnaire of 50 respondents, I inferred that almost 80% of the
respondents have gained great Product Knowledge and Brand Knowledge after attending
7x7 and FAB 52 training.
 Most of them also learned Selling skill to influence the customer to purchase quality
 Some of them have been able to reach their targets i.e., Sales Growth.
 Then respondents who have done Warehouse Inward-outward training have learned to
control Damage and Shrinkage. They are also capable of handling Stock Mis-match.

50 | P a g e
 NOTE: 8 respondents were not provided enough information during Unnati Training

Table 14: Did you find any of the Unnati Programs not necessary/useful to you? Why?



1. Yes 0 0

2. No 50 100

Question 14



Inferences: All the 50 respondents found all the Unnati Training Programs very useful and
necessary for their job performance.

Table 15: Did the Unnati Training Program help you in your Job?

51 | P a g e

1. Strongly Agree 39 78

2. Agree 8 16

3. Neutral 3 6

4. Disagree 0 0

5. Strongly Disagree 0 0

Question 15

Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree
Series1 39 8 3 0 0

Inferences: 94% of the respondents said that the Unnati program really helped them in
performing their job effectively.

Table 16: Was the Trainer able to provide you sufficient information for your learning?


52 | P a g e

1. Strongly Agree 46 92

2. Agree 4 8

3. Neutral 0 0

4. Disagree 0 0

5. Strongly Disagree 0 0

Question 16

Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree
Series1 46 4 0 0 0

Inferences: All the 50 Respondents said that the Trainer provided sufficient information for
the learning. They were very friendly and cooperative during the Training Program and provided
enough knowledge for the learning and working of the job to be performed. They said the trainer
focused on every individual during the training session and cleared all their doubts with proper
examples and real life cases.

Table 17: According to you, Time duration given for a training period should be:

53 | P a g e

1. 2-3 hours 44 88

2. 6-8 hours 6 12

3. 1-2 days 0 0

4. 2-3 days 0 0

Question 17

2-3hrs 6-8hrs 1-2days 2-3days
Series1 44 6 0 0

Inference: 88% of the respondents said that the Unnati training period should be of 2-3 Hours
as it is used to be. Only some of the respondents need changes in the existing duration of Unnati
Training Programs i.e., 6-8 Hrs.

Table 18: Do you need any other In-store Training Program to be organized for you?



1. Yes 44 100

54 | P a g e
2. No 0 0

3. Can’t Say 0 0

Question 18

Cant Say


Inference: 100% of the respondents need more training to be organized for them. The
respondents need more training to perform well in their job especially in the field of handling
customer and SAP.

Table 19: Please suggest any more Training would you like to have from the Unnati training

S Unnati Training Needed No. of

No. Respondents/
1 Fashion Related Knowledge 21
2 SAP 25
3 Display Techniques 9
4 Features of Products (USP) 4
5 FB Product Knowledge 2
6 Warehouse Inward-Outward 5
7 SOP 7

55 | P a g e
8 HST 3
9 STF 2
10 Regular Sparsh training 6

Regular Sparsh
training Question 19
HST 2%
SOP Knowledge
8% 25%
6% FB Product
Features of
Products (USP)
Display Techniques


 50% of the respondents need SAP and Fashion related knowledge in store.
 Almost all of the employees from the Fashion and apparel department need training on
Fashion Sense and Display Techniques to attract more customers by creative displaying
techniques and fashion.
 5-10% of respondents said that they need training on features of products to deliver it to
customer to influence them.
 5-6% of respondents need Warehouse training to handle the stock mis-match.

56 | P a g e
The research hypothesis of this study is as follows:

H0: There is no significant relationship between the effectiveness of Training and Development
and the Job Performance of the Workforce.

H1: There is a significant relationship between the effectiveness of Training and Development
and the Job Performance of the Workforce.

The Questionnaire items for Training and Development were selected from the observation of
Training Programs attended at the Zonal office and at the stores of Big Bazaar (BB) at Salt Lake
and Diamond City in a two week period.

Effectiveness in Training and Development (T&D) questions was designed after analyzing the
feedback from the employees whereas Job performance (JP) questions were designed from the
training program attended.

The number of questions for Effectiveness in Training and Development (Variable 1) is 3 asked
from 50 respondents. The number of questions for Job Performance (Variable 2) is 4 asked from
the same 50 respondents. All the 7 Closed-ended questions were designed using 5 point Likert
scale. The selected items were reasonably enough for performance of the analysis to get the best


Results from questionnaire were analyzed through Microsoft Excel – Analysis ToolPak (Data
Analysis). To carry out the testing of Hypothesis using Two tail T-test, I did a F-test two sample
for Variance to determine if the Variances of the two phenomenon are equal or unequal.


Variable 1 Variable 2
(JP) (T&D)

57 | P a g e
Mean 4.9 3.3
Variance 1.806122449 0.214285714
Observations 50 50
df 49 49
F 8.428571429
P(F<=f) one-tail 3.43296E-12
F Critical one-tail 1.607289464

Here, the Variance of JP is higher than the Variance of T&D, i.e. 1.806 > 0.214. This also
implies that the Variance of JP is not equal to the Variance of T&D. Furthermore I used T-test
two samples for unequal variances.


Variable 1 Variable 2
(JP) (T&D)
Mean 4.9 3.3
Variance 1.806122449 0.214285714
Observations 50 50
Hypothesized Mean 0
df 60
t Stat 7.959493411
P(T<=t) one-tail 2.87276E-11
t Critical one-tail 1.670648865
P(T<=t) two-tail 5.74552E-11
t Critical two-tail 2.000297804

Now, if tStat > tCritical two tail, reject the null hypothesis. This is the case, 7.9594 > 2.0002,
therefore, we reject the Null hypothesis (H0).

Hence, take the Alternate hypothesis (H1), i.e. There is a significant relationship between the
Effectiveness in Training and Development and the Job Performance of the workforce.

58 | P a g e
Chapter 5

Every day, Future Group brings multiple products, opportunities and services to millions
of customers in India. And these services are provided by its most valuable asset-Employees.
Before Delivering such multiple products and opportunities to customers, the employees must
have great knowledge about it to deliver it to its customer in a most effective manner.

Hence, Training and development is one of the great methods of Future Group to enhance
and develop its employees for ultimate customer satisfaction, career development and
productivity of the organization.

Both the Avatar and Unnati Training are carried out efficiently with knowledgeable and
cooperative trainers to deliver information to its employees and make them learn the true values
of providing services in Retail Sector.

My recommendations to the company on T&D will help the HR department to process it

in an effective way. The Positive responses of the employees itself says how beautifully and
effectively the Human Resource Department carries out the Training and Development
Programs. With few more alteration in T&D, the Future Group employees will be the most
satisfied at workplace and perform their job effectively; also there will be a growth in their career
which will ultimately increase the productivity of the organization.

The two months research work in this Company taught me a lot about Human Resources
and its importance in each and every Organization for its productivity. Of course, the Training
and Development activities have a positive impact on the performance of individuals and teams.
It always helps in improved job performance.

59 | P a g e
 As in Big Bazaar, there are lots of new Product comes in daily, so employees should get
Training on New Product Knowledge in Zonal Office as well as in store itself.
 The employees (TM) must get training on Customer Satisfaction, Gurukul, Selling
Techniques and Other Departmental Knowledge.
 The employees working on Apparel and Fashion Department should be given training on
Style Genie for better performance in his/her job. Also, Fashion related knowledge in
store should be provided to the Fashion and apparel departmental TMs.
 All of the employees from the Fashion and apparel department need training on Display
Techniques to attract more customers by creative displaying techniques and ultimate
fashion sense.
 Employees (TM) should get training on features (USP) of products to deliver it to
customer to influence them.
 Warehouse training should to given to all employees to handle the Inventory mis-match
in Store.
 SAP related training should be provided to each and every individual to maintain the
Information System at the time when the designated employee in the system is on
 The Duration of the Training session for Prarambh, Gurukul and Retail Excellence
should be extended to more than 3 days or at most 7 days including store visit for the
comparative analysis between BB and its competitors.
 The retail excellence training should not only brief about it but should also explain the
methods to deal with it and ways to perform Excellency in retail. Also, the Retail
Excellence (RE) Training which is of One day Training should be extended to at least
Two days to learn in a descriptive way and to clear the doubts related to RE the very next
day of training as it is a new topic of learning for the Team Leaders (TL).
 The trainers should teach the employees about better handling of customer with the help
of real life Case Studies and relevant examples.
 Brand related information should be provided to the Band 1 employees in store to
describe the comparison between different brands.

60 | P a g e
 Aguinis. H, Kraiger. K, Benefits of Training and Development for Individual and Teams,
Organizations, and Society. Annual Review of Psychology, 2009, Vol 1, 451-460.
 Ahmad, S., Schroeder, R.G., 2003. The impact of human resource management practices on
operational performance. Journal of Operational Management 21, pg 19-43.
 Argon. M I B, Jimenez. D J, Valle R S. Training and Performance: The Mediating role of
organizational learning. Business Research Quarterly (2014) 17, 161-165
 Aswathappa (2001), Human Resource and Personnel Management, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Co. Ltd.
 Farook. M, Khan. M A. Impact of Training and Feedback on Employee Performance. Far
East Journal of Psychology and Business, 2011, Vol. 5 No. 1, Pg 23-31.
 Hayden. R: Training & Development: A Better way: Volume 52, Issue 4, Pg 2-3.
 Kober. M, Behavioural Changes through Training-An Exploratory Research, Goteborgs
University, 2013, pg. 7-10.
 Noe. R A.Trainees attribute and Attitude: Neglected influences on Training Effectiveness,
Academy of Management Review, 1986, Vol 11, No. 4, Pg 736-737.
 Laird. D, Approaches to Training and Development, Third Edition, Basic Books, 2003.
 Making performance work effectively: - Philip Tom: McGraw Hill Book Company: England:
 Mamoria. S, Rao. V.S, Personnel Management, 6 th edition.
 Research Methodology Methods and Techniques: Kothari C. R.: Willey Easter: New Delhi.
 ―T.V.Rao (2006), Readings in Human Resource Development‖, Oxford&IBH Publishing
 Websites: (Sparsh),, Google Scholar,

61 | P a g e



Store Name:- __________________________

Designation:- __________________________

Department:- __________________________


1. Does your Organization identify the Training needs of the employees?

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

2. What are the Avatar Programs you have attended till date?

3. Are you satisfied with the above mentioned Avatar Programs?

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

4. Are you benefitted with the Training Program? What are the benefits did you


5. Did you find any of the Avatar Programs not necessary/useful to you? Why?


6. Did the Avatar Training Program help you in your Job?

62 | P a g e
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

7. Was the Trainer able to provide you sufficient information for your learning?

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

8. According to you, Time duration given for a training period should be:

2-3 hours 6-8 hours 1-2 days 2-3 days

9. Do you need any more Training Program to be organized for you?

Yes No Can’t Say

10. Please suggest any more Training would you like to have from the Avatar training


11. What are the Unnati Programs you have attended till date?

12. Are you satisfied with the above mentioned Unnati Programs?

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

13. Are you benefitted with the Training Program? What are the benefits did you

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14. Did you find any of the Unnati Programs not necessary/useful to you? Why?


15. Did the Unnati Training Program help you in your Job?

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

16. Was the Trainer able to provide you sufficient information for your learning?

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

17. According to you, Time duration given for a training period should be:

2-3 hours 6-8 hours 1-2 days 2-3 days

18. Do you need any other In-store Training Program to be organized for you?

Yes No Can’t Say

19. Please suggest any more Training would you like to have from the Unnati training

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