Fichas 5

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Ficha 5 :Family and features:

Vamos con las posesiones.

Subject Pronoun Possessive Adjective Adjetivos posesivos

I My Mi
You Your Tu
He His Su
She Her Su
It Its Su
We Our Nuestro(a)
You Your Vuestro(a)
They Their Su

Vamos con el vocabulario.

Mother: madre Granddaughter: nieta Godfather: padrino
Father: padre Grandson: nieto Mother in law: suegra
Parents: padres Aunty: tía Father in law: suegro
Son: hijo Uncle: tío Sister in law: cuñada
Daughter: hija Brother: hermano Brother in law: cuñado
Children: niños Sister: hermana To be married: estar casado/a
Grandparents: abuelos Stepbrother: hermanastro To get married: casarse
Grandmother: abuela Stepsister: hermanastra Boyfriend: novio
Grandfather: abuelo Cousin: primo/a Girlfriend: novia
Grandchildren: nietos Godmother: madrina

Sitúate donde quieras en el arbol genealógico y situa a tus compañeros (grupo).

Who are you?.
My name is..................I 'm ….....years
old.......and I'm your..........'s.......................
This is my .............. his/her name
he/she is my .........'s …......
Ahora vocabulario de rasgos:

Ahora describir a un compañer@.

Hello! My name
is........... my hair is
my eyes
are..............and I think
Ahora describe tu al compañer@.
Hello! This
is….....She/he is
my.....................She/he has.........and...........I
think she/he is …...........and you?What do you
think ?
Hello! My name is........I'm …...............years old,
I'm …...... I'm from ….......I'm
This is my...............her/his name
is...............She/he and ....eyes. I
think she/he is .....and ….... What do you think?

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