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Portfolio 2019-20

Academic Artifact
Future career interests (if known):

Targeted soft skills you chose for this year:

1.Comfort with diversity

2.Innovation and creative thinking

Description of artifact/assignment:
My art journal

Why did you choose this as one of your artifacts/assignments?

Because I consider it to be a relevant activity for me it was an interesting activity
because I had never done it.

What academic skills did you use that are specific to this artifact/assignment?
The ability to work alone and follow instructions.

What general academic skills did you use (skills that would be used in any academic class)?
Concentration was the most important thing.

Did you see growth in your targeted soft skills through the course of working on this
Artifact/Assignment? Explain.
Yes, because I did not know that I had that facility for drawing, I discovered it by

Provide an example of how these academic and/or soft skills are used in a career in which you
are interested.
Concentration is part of dedication and commitment so that something goes well and I
think that it is what matters that things and work go well without fail.

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