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a) Written demand on the
Appraisal right is a right of a corporation within thirty (30)
stockholder to demand payment of the days after the date on which the
fair value of his shares, after dissenting vote was taken;
from a proposed corporate action b) Surrender of Stock Certificate
involving fundamental changes in the within 10 days for notation (Sec.
corporation. 86);
c) Payment of fair value of share;
These fundamental changes in the
corporation include the following
d) Stockholder shall transfer his
shares to the corporation. (Sec.
1. Amendment of Articles of
Incorporation which has an effect of
changing or restricting the rights of any 2. Amount to be paid to the dissenting
stockholders of any class or authorizing Stockholder
preferences in any respect superior to
outstanding shares or extending or a) The dissenting stockholder shall
shortening the corporate term;
be paid the fair value of his
shares as of the day prior to the
2. In case of sale, lease, exchange,
date on which the vote was
transfer, mortgage, pledge or
taken, excluding any
disposition of all or substantially all of
the corporate property and assets. (Sec. appreciation or depreciation in
81) anticipation of such corporate
b) If within 60 days after the
3. Merger or consolidation. (Sec. 81); corporate action was approved
and the dissenting
4. Investing corporate funds in another (uncooperative) stockholders
corporation or business (Sec. 42); and and the corporation cannot agree
in the fair value of the shares, it
5. For any reason in close corporation shall be determined by three
(Sec. 105). disinterested person: one chosen
by the stockholder, one by the
corporation and the other one
chosen by
the two. Their determination of
the fair value is final and shall be
paid within 30 days.
(Sec. 82)
Conditions for Valid Exercise of 3. If the proposed corporate action
Appraisal Rights disapproved by the SEC; and

1. The demand for payment of shares 4. If the SEC determines that such
arise from the instances provided in shareholder is not entitled to the
Corporation Code; appraisal right. In these cases, the right
of appraisal of the stockholder ceases,
2. Existence of unrestricted retained his status as a stockholder
earnings; shall be restored, and all dividend
distributions which would have accrued
3. The demand was made within 30 on his shares shall be paid to
days after the corporate action; failure him (Sec. 84).
to exercise of such constitutes waiver of
this right (Sec. 82)
Costs of Appraisal
Effect of Demand of Payment of
1. By the corporation:
Stockholder’s Share

a) If the value as determined by the

1. All rights accruing to such shares, appraiser is higher than what
including voting and dividend rights, was offered by the corporation;
shall be suspended; and;
b) If the action is filed to recover the
2. The stockholder is entitled to fair value of the shares and the
payment of his shares; stockholder’s refusal to receive
payment is justified.
3. If the dissenting stockholder is not
paid within 30 days, his voting and
2. By the stockholder:
dividend will be restored. (Sec. 83); and

a) If the value is determined by the

4. Demand for payment may not be
withdrawn unless with consent of the approximately the same as the
corporation (Sec. 84). price offered by the corporation;
b) Where an action to recover is
Termination of Right of Appraisal filed and the refusal of such
stockholder to receive payment is
1. If demand for payment is withdrawn
with the consent of the corporation; unjustified.

2. If the proposed corporate action is Notation on Certificate Covering

abandoned or rescinded by the Dissenting Shares
corporation; Within 10 days after demanding
payment for his shares, the dissenting
stockholder shall submit the stock
certificate representing his shares to proper, be used for the furtherance of
the corporation for notation thereon the purpose or purposes for which the
that such shares are dissenting shares. corporation was organized, subject to
Effect on failure to do so, at the the provisions of this Title.
option of the corporation terminate the
right of a stockholder to demand The provisions governing stock
payment of the fair value of his shares. corporations, when pertinent, shall be
applicable to non-stock corporations,
Purpose of Notation except as may be covered by specific
provisions of this Title.
Notation is necessary so as to
guide the secretary of the corporation Query: Is it possible for a non-stock
who shall deny to the dissenting corporation to have a capital stock?
stockholder the right to vote and the
right to receive dividends in the proper Yes, because Sec. 87 does not
situation contemplated define a non-stock corporation as one
under Section 83. Failure to do so shall not having capital stock dividend into
give right to the corporation to shares. It merely says that a non-stock
terminate the rights of the stockholder corporation is one whose income is not
(Sec. 86). distributable as dividends to its
members, trustees or officers. Thus, if a
Transfer of Dissenting Shares corporation has a capital stock but it is
not authorized to distribute dividends
When the shares of a dissenting to its members, trustees or officers, the
stockholder are transferred or assigned, corporation will be more of a non-stock,
the assignee becomes a regular rather than a stock corporation.
stockholder and the appraisal right of
the dissenting stockholder shall cease Sec. 88. Purposes. – Non-stock
(Sec. 86). All dividends which accrue on corporations may be formed or
such shares shall be paid to the organized for charitable, religious,
transferee. educational, professional, cultural,
fraternal, literary, scientific, social, civic
service, or similar purposes, like trade,
TITLE XI industry, agricultural and like
NON-STOCK OPERATION chambers, or any combination thereof,
subject to the special provisions of this
Sec. 87. Definition. – For the purposes Title governing particular classes of
of this Code, a non-stock corporation non-stock corporations.
is one where no part of its income is
distributable as dividends to its Distinction between a stock corporation
members, trustees, or officers, and a non-stock corporation
subject to the provisions of this Code Point of Stock Non-Stock
on dissolution: Provided, That, any Comparison Corporation Corporation
profit which a non-stock corporation Membership Ownership Consent of
may obtain as an incident to its of stock the
operation shall, whenever necessary or associates
than (1) vote in favor of one
Purpose of Non-Stock Corporation b. How members may vote
 Charitable/ Religious Members may vote through any
 Educational/ Professional of the following ways:
 Cultural, Recreational, Social 1) In person
 Fraternal 2) By proxy
 Literary, Civic service, Scientific 3) By mail (or by other means), if
 Similar purposes like trade, authorized by the by-laws with
industry, agriculture, and like the approval of, and under such
chambers, or a combination conditions which may be,
thereof. prescribed by, the Securities and
Exchange Commission.
NOTE: Non- Stock Corporation, as
indicated in the foregoing purposes, Voting by proxy may be denied in
does not exist for profit. It does not articles or by-laws. The law makes
follow, however, it cannot make profits. voting by proxy merely directory in the
It may obtain profits as an incident to case of non-stock corporations and
its operations, which profits are not to even allows the articles of incorporation
be distributed as dividends but for the or by-laws thereof to deny proxy voting.
furtherance of its purposes. If proxy voting may be denied out
rightly in the articles or by-laws of non-
CHAPTER 1 stock corporations, it necessarily
MEMBERS follows that the qualifications or
limitations on who should be appointed
Sec. 89. Right of members to vote. proxies may also be made therein.
a. Number of votes to which a member
is entitled Sec.90. Non-transferability of
Each member is entitled to one membership. – Membership in a non-
vote, except: stock corporation and all rights arising
1. If the right is limited, broadened therefrom are personal and non-
or denied in the articles of transferable, unless the articles of
incorporation or the by-laws. incorporation or the by-laws otherwise
2. In the election of the trustees, provide.
members may cast as many
votes as there are trustees to be Sec.91. Termination of membership. –
elected, but they may not cast Membership shall be terminated in the
more than one vote for one manner and for the causes provided in
candidate, unless otherwise the articles of incorporation or the by-
provided by the articles of laws. Termination of membership shall
incorporation or the by-laws. have the effect of extinguishing all
Thus if there are (9) rights of a member in the corporation or
trustees to be elected, a member in its property, unless otherwise
shall be entitled to (9) votes, provided in the articles of incorporation
except that he cannot cast more or the by-laws.
v. Other
qualifications may
CHAPTER 2 be provided in the
TRUSTEES AND OFFICERS by-laws. (Sec. 47)
c) Term of the office of the
Sec.92. Election and term of trustees. Trustees
1. Trustees Unless otherwise
a) The trustees may be more provided in the articles of
than fifteen (15) in incorporation or by-laws,
number as may be fixed in the term of the office of
the articles of the trustees shall be as
incorporation or the by- follows;
laws. (Sec. 92) Apparently, i. The term of office of
the purpose is to allow trustees shall be
greater involvement on the three (3) years.
part of the members in the ii. The trustee first
affairs of the corporation elected shall
since the corporation. classify themselves
b) Qualifications of Trustees that the term of
i. Trustees must be a office of one-third
member of the (1/3) of their
corporation. (Sec. number shall expire
92) every year. Trustees
ii. Majority of them thereafter elected to
must be residents fill vacancies shall
of the Philippines. serve only for the
(Sec. 23) unexpired portion
iii. The number of of their
trustees must not predecessor.
be less than five (5) 2. Election of Officers
but may be more Officers may be elected
than fifteen (15). directly by the members, unless the
(Sec. 92) articles of incorporation or the by-
iv. A trustee must not laws provided otherwise. (Sec. 92)
have been convicted
by final judgment of Sec.93. Place of meetings. – The by-
an offense laws may provide that the members of a
punishable by non-stock corporation may hold their
imprisonment for regular or special meetings at any place
period of exceeding even outside the place where the
6 years, or a principal office of the corporation is
violation of the located: Provided, that proper notice is
Corporation Code, sent to all members indicating the date,
committed within 5 time and place of the meeting: and
years prior to his Provided, further, That the place of
election. (Sec. 27) meeting shall be within the Philippines.
be transferred or conveyed to one or
1) Place of meeting of members more corporations having similar
Meeting of members shall be purposes.
held in the city or municipality
where the principal office of the 4. Assets other than those mentioned in
corporation is located. (Sec. 61) The the preceding paragraphs, if any, shall
by-laws however, may provide that be distributed in accordance with the
the members may hold their provisions of the articles of
meetings, whether regular or incorporation or the by-laws, to the
special, at any place even outside extent that the articles of incorporation
the place where the principal office or the by-laws, determine the
of the corporation is located; distributive rights of members, or any
provided that proper notice is sent class or classes of members, or provide
to all members indicating the date, for distribution.
time and place of the meeting, and
that the place of meeting shall be 5. Assets to be distributed in
within the Philippines. (Sec. 93). accordance with a plan of distribution
adopted by the majority vote of the
board of trustees approved by at least
CHAPTER 3 two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members.
Sec. 95. Plan of distribution of assets. –
Sec. 94. Rules of distribution. – In case A plan providing for the distribution of
dissolution of a non-stock corporation assets, not inconsistent with the
in accordance with the provisions of provisions of this Title, may be adopted
this Code, its assets shall be applied by a non-stock corporation in the
and distributed as follows: process of dissolution in the following
1. All liabilities and obligations of the `
corporation shall be paid, satisfied and The board of trustees shall, by majority
discharged, or adequate provision shall vote, adopt a resolution recommending
be made therefore. a plan of distribution and directing the
submission thereof to a vote at a
2. Assets held upon a condition regular or special meeting of members
requiring return, transfer or having voting rights. Written notice
conveyance, and which condition setting forth the proposed plan of
occurs by reason of the dissolution, distribution or a summary thereof and
shall be returned, transferred or the date, time and place of such
conveyed in accordance with such meeting shall be given to each member
requirements. entitled to vote, within the time and in
the manner provided in this Code for
3. Assets received and held subject to the giving of notice of meetings to
limitations permitting their use only for members. Such plan of distribution
charitable, religious, benevolent, shall be adopted upon approval of at
educational or similar purposes, shall least two-thirds (2/3) of the members
having voting rights present or a specified number of persons, not
represented by proxy at such meeting. exceeding twenty (20).

1. Distribution to members 2. All the issued stock of all classes

As provided in Sec. 87, no part of shall be subject to one or more specified
the income of a non-stock corporation restrictions on transfer permitted by
shall be distributed as dividends to its this Title.
members but shall be used for the
furtherance of its purposes. However, 3. The corporation shall not list in any
upon dissolution, its remaining assets stock exchange or make any public
[after the satisfaction of items (a), (b), offering of any of its stock of any class.
and (c) above], may be distributed to its Notwithstanding the foregoing, a
members in accordance with their corporation shall not be deemed a close
distributive rights provided in the corporation when at least two-thirds
articles of incorporation or the by-laws. (2/3) of its voting stock or voting rights
Before such time, the members cannot is owned or controlled by another
avail themselves of any profits obtained corporation which is not a close
by non-stock corporation as an incident corporation.
to its operations.
Any corporation may be
2. Distribution to members organized incorporated as a close corporation,
for profit except mining or oil companies, stock
It may be noted that the plan exchanges, banks, insurance
may include distribution to persons or companies, public utilities, educational
entities organized for profit. (Sec. 94, institutions and corporations declared
par. 5.) to be vested with public interest in
accordance with the provisions of this
Code. The provisions of this Title shall
primarily govern close corporations:
Provided, That the provisions of other
Titles of this Code shall apply
suppletorily except insofar as this Title
otherwise provides.

TITLE XII Sec. 97. Articles of incorporation. – The

CLOSE CORPORATIONS articles of incorporation of a close
corporation may provide:
Sec. 96. Definition and applicability of
Title. – A close corporation, within the 1. For a classification of shares or
meaning of this Code, is one whose rights and the qualifications for owning
articles of incorporation provide that: or holding the same and restrictions on
their transfers as may be stated
1. All the corporation's issued stock of therein, subject to the provisions of the
all classes, exclusive of treasury shares, following section.
shall be held of record by not more than
2. For a classification of directors into and (3) in the stock certificate;
one or more classes, each of whom may otherwise the same shall not be
be voted for and elected solely by a binding on any purchaser thereof
particular class of stock. in good faith.
b. The restrictions shall not be
3. For a greater quorum or voting more onerous than granting the
requirements in meetings of existing stockholders or the
stockholders or directors than those corporation the option to
provided in this Code. purchase the shares of the
transferring stockholder with
4. That the business shall be managed such reasonable terms,
by the stockholders of the corporation conditions or period stated
rather than by a board of directors. therein.
2. Effect
5. That all or some specified officers or If upon the expiration of said
employees shall be elected or appointed period, the existing stockholders or the
by the stockholders, instead of the corporation fails to exercise the option
board of directors to purchase, the transferring
stockholder may sell his shares to any
The articles of incorporation of a third person.
close corporation may provide that the
business of the corporation shall be Sec. 99. Issuance or transfer of stock of
managed by the stockholders of the a close corporation in breach of
corporation rather than by a board of qualifying conditions:
directors. So long as this provision 1. If stock of a close corporation is
continues in effect: issued or transferred to any person who
is not entitled under any provision of
1. No meeting of stockholders need be the articles of incorporation to be a
called to elect directors. holder of record of its stock, and if the
certificate for such stock conspicuously
2. Unless the context clearly requires shows the qualifications of the persons
otherwise, the stockholders of the entitled to be holders of record thereof,
corporation shall be deemed to be such person is conclusively presumed
directors for the purpose of applying the to have notice of the fact of his
provisions of this Code. ineligibility to be a stockholder.
3. The stockholders of the corporation
shall be subject to all liabilities of 2. If the articles of incorporation of a
directors. close corporation states the number of
persons, not exceeding twenty (20), who
Sec. 98. Validity of restrictions on are entitled to be holders of record of its
transfer of shares. stock, and if the certificate for such
1. Requirements for the validity of stock conspicuously states such
restrictions on transfer of shares number, and if the issuance or transfer
a. The restriction on transfer must of stock to any person would cause the
appear (1) in the articles of stock to be held by more than such
incorporation, (2) in the by-laws, number of persons, the person to whom
such stock is issued or transferred is transferee may have to rescind the
conclusively presumed to have notice of transfer or to recover under any
this fact. applicable warranty, express or implied.

3. If a stock certificate of any close

corporation conspicuously shows a Restrictions on transfer of shares of
restriction on transfer of stock of the stock
corporation, the transferee of the stock The corporation may provide in
is conclusively presumed to have notice its articles of incorporation, in its by-
of the fact that he has acquired stock in laws as well as in the certificate of stock
violation of the restriction, if such restrictions on the right of stockholders
acquisition violates the restriction. to transfer their shares of stocks. If not
so provided as aforesaid the same “shall
4. Whenever any person to whom stock not be binding on any purchaser
of a close corporation has been issued thereof in good faith.” Charter
or transferred has, or is conclusively restrictions on the transfer of shares are
presumed under this section to have, binding on all who become shareholders,
notice either (a) that he is a person not as they become parties to the charter
eligible to be a holder of stock of the contract and take their shares subject
corporation, or (b) that transfer of stock to it. Considerable latitude allowed
to him would cause the stock of the incorporators and shareholders in
corporation to be held by more than the imposing transfer restrictions in the
number of persons permitted by its articles of incorporation and they will
articles of incorporation to hold stock of not usually be declared against public
the corporation, or (c) that the transfer policy unless palpably unreasonable
of stock is in violation of a restriction under the circumstances.
on transfer of stock, the corporation “Stock in the corporation is not merely
may, at its option, refuse to register the property. It also creates a personal
transfer of stock in the name of the relation analogous otherwise than
transferee. technically to a partnership. There
seems to be no greater objection to
5. The provisions of subsection (4) shall retaining the right of choosing one’s
not applicable if the transfer of stock, associates in a corporation than in a
though contrary to subsections (1), (2) firm.”
of (3), has been consented to by all the
stockholders of the close corporation, or Reasons for restriction on shares of
if the close corporation has amended its stock
articles of incorporation in accordance In a close corporation, the
with this Title. identity of the other stockholders is
important to each; the incorporators
6. The term "transfer", as used in this have confidence in one another which
section, is not limited to a transfer for they may not have in an outsider.
value. Furthermore, the incorporators may
feel that the success of the enterprise
7. The provisions of this section shall depends upon the retention of the
not impair any right which the personnel who formed it, or they may
be manufacturing under secret Section 100. Agreement by
processes which they do not want stockholders of a close corporation.
outsiders to learn. In the family 1. Any written agreement by the
corporation it is often the desire of the stockholders of a close corporation even
father to pass the corporation to his son if not embodied in the articles shall be
without interference from other outside valid among the parties, such as:
the family. Any one of these factors may a. Agreements executed by
induce the incorporators to attempt to stockholders before
restrict the transfer of stock. incorporation which to their
intent shall continue after
1. Effects of issuance or transfer of incorporation provided that the
stock in breach of qualifying conditions agreements are not inconsistent
The corporation may, at its with the articles of incorporation.
option, refuse to register the transfer of b. Any agreement between two or
stock in the name of the transferee more stockholders on how they
when he is conclusively presumed to may exercise their voting rights.
have notice: c. Agreements among the
a. That he is ineligible to be a stockholders to the effect that
holder of stock of the corporation they are partners among
if the articles of incorporation themselves.
and stock certificate show the d. Agreements among some or all of
qualifications to be a holder. the stockholders relating to the
b. That the transfer to him would conduct of the business and the
cause the number of affairs of the corporation that
stockholders to exceed that restrict or interfere with the
which is shown in the articles of discretion or powers of the board
incorporation and stock of directors. The parties thereto
certificate. are liable as directors.
c. That the transfer to him was in
violation of the restrictions on 2. Liability of stockholders for corporate
transfer, which restrictions are torts
shown in the stock certificate. Stockholders who are actively
engaged in the management or
operation of the business and affairs of
2.When the corporation is bound by the a close corporation shall be personally
transfer in violation of the restrictions liable for corporate torts, unless the
The corporation may not refuse corporation has obtained reasonably
to register the transfer of shares in the adequate liability insurance.
following cases:
a. If the transfer was consented to Sec. 101. When board meeting is
by all stockholders unnecessary or improperly held.
b. If the close corporation has 1. Validity of action by the board of
amended its articles of directors without a meeting
incorporation in order to Unless the by-laws provide
accommodate the transfer. otherwise, any action by the directors of
a close corporation without a meeting
shall nevertheless be deemed valid in A stockholder in a close
the following cases: corporation has a right to purchase his
a. When written consent thereto is pro rata share of the new stock. If the
signed by all the directors before pre-emptive right is violated he can sue
or after such action was taken. the corporation for damages, enjoin the
b. All the stockholders have stock issue, obtain an order permitting
knowledge, whether actual or him to subscribe, or obtain cancellation
implied, of the action and make of the issue. But even where the
no prompt objection thereto in stockholder’s pre-emptive right is
writing. preserved. The right may be inadequate
c. The directors are accustomed to as a protective devise for the
take informal action with the stockholder in a close corporation
express or implied acquiescence because the lack of a market for his
of all the stockholders. stock leaves him with the alternatives of
d. All the directors have express or investing more capital or having the
implied knowledge of the action value of his stock diluted.
and none of them makes prompt
objection thereto in writing. Sec. 103. Amendment of articles of
incorporation. – Any amendment to the
2. Ratification of action taken in the articles of incorporation which seeks to
board meeting without proper call or delete or remove any provision required
notice by this Title to be contained in the
An action taken in the meeting of articles of incorporation or to reduce a
the board of directors without proper quorum or voting requirement stated in
call or notice is deemed ratified by a said articles of incorporation shall not
director who failed to attend the be valid or effective unless approved by
meeting, unless he promptly files his the affirmative vote of at least two-
objection with the secretary of the thirds (2/3) of the outstanding capital
corporation after having obtained stock, whether with or without voting
knowledge of thereof. rights, or of such greater proportion of
shares as may be specifically provided
in the articles of incorporation for
amending, deleting or removing any of
Sec. 102. Pre-emptive right in close the aforesaid provisions, at a meeting
corporations. - The pre-emptive right of duly called for the purpose.
stockholders in close corporations shall
extend to all stock to be issued, 1. Vote required for validity of
including reissuance of treasury shares, amendment of articles of incorporation
whether for money, property or of close corporation
personal services, or in payment of a. Two-Thirds (2/3) of the
corporate debts, unless the articles of outstanding capital stock,
incorporation provide otherwise. voting and non-voting, or
b. Such greater proportion of
Pre-emptive right in close shares as may be
corporations; Issuance of new Stock specifically provided in the
articles of incorporation.
2. Purpose of amendment 2. Canceling, altering or enjoining any
a. To remove or delete any resolution or act of the corporation or
provision required to be its board of directors, stockholders, or
stated in the articles of officers.
incorporation in order that
one may be considered a 3. Directing or prohibiting any act of
close corporation. the corporation or its board of directors,
b. To reduce a quorum or stockholders, officers, or other person’s
voting requirement stated party to the action.
in the articles of
incorporation. 4. Requiring the purchase at their fair
value of shares of any stockholder,
Sec. 104. Deadlocks (signifies a either by the corporation regardless of
standstill in the management of the the availability of unrestricted retained
corporate affairs resulting from the earnings in its books, or by the other
evenly divide action of directors or stockholders.
stockholders in a close corporation.) -
Notwithstanding any contrary provision 5. Appointing a provisional director.
in the articles of incorporation or by- a. A provisional director shall
laws or agreement of stockholders of a be an impartial person who
close corporation, if the directors or is neither a stockholder nor
stockholders are so divided respecting creditor of the corporation or
the management of the corporation's any of its subsidiary or
business and affairs that the votes affiliate. He is not a receiver
required for any corporate action of the corporation.
cannot be obtained, with the b. He shall have all the rights
consequence that the business and and powers of a duly elected
affairs of the corporation can no longer director, including the right
be conducted to the advantage of the to notice of and to vote at
stockholders generally, the Securities meetings of directors, until
and Exchange Commission, upon such time when he is
written petition by any stockholder, removed by order of the
shall have the power to arbitrate the Securities and Exchange
dispute. Commission or by all the
In the exercise of such power, 6. Dissolving the corporation.
the Commission shall have authority to 7. Granting such other relief as the
make such order as it deems circumstances may warrant.
appropriate, including an order:
Sec. 105. Withdrawal of stockholder or
1. Canceling or altering any provision dissolution of corporation. – In addition
contained in the articles of and without prejudice to other rights
incorporation, by-laws, or any and remedies available to a stockholder
stockholder's agreement. under this Title:
1. Stockholder’s right to withdraw from
close corporation
Any stockholder of a close
corporation may, for any reason,
compel the corporation to purchase his TITLE XIII
shares at their fair value, which shall
not be less than their par or issued
value. The reason for such withdrawal
therefore is not limited to those
enumerated in Sec. 81. The CHAPTER 1
corporations, however, must have EDUCATIONAL CORPORATIONS
sufficient funds in its books to cover its
debts and liabilities exclusive of capital
stock, before it can be compelled to
Sec. 106. Incorporation. – Educational
make such purchase. This is to protect
corporations shall be governed by
the interest of creditors who have
special laws and by the general
preferential rights to the assets of the
provisions of this Code.

2. Stockholder’s right to compel

Laws governing Educational
dissolution of close corporation
Any stockholder of a close
corporation may, by written petition to  Special Laws- Education Act of
the Securities and Exchange 1982
Commission, compel the dissolution of  The general provisions of this
such corporation whenever any of the Code.
acts of the directors, officers or those in
control of the corporation is illegal or
fraudulent, or dishonest, or oppressive Sec. 107. Pre-requisites to
or unfairly prejudicial to the incorporation. – Except upon favorable
corporation or any stockholder, or recommendation of the Ministry of
whenever corporate assets are being Education and Culture, the Securities
misapplied or wasted. and Exchange Commission shall not
accept or approve the articles of
incorporation and by-laws of any
educational institution.

The favorable endorsement of the

following government agencies required
to be included in the registration papers
to be filed for the incorporation of an
educational corporation whether stock
or non-stock:
a. DepED (Department of
Education)- Elementary to High
b. CHEd (Commission on Higher  Stock educational corporations
Education)- College, Tertiary a. Number of trustees: shall the
Course same as that of stock
c. TESDA (Technical Education corporations in general, not
Skills and Development less than 5 but not more than
Authority)- Technical Vocational 15.
Course b. Term of office: shall the same
as that of stock corporations
in general, thus, the trustees
Sec. 108. Board of trustees. – Trustees will hold office for one (1) year
of educational institutions organized as and until their successors are
nonstock corporations shall not be less elected and qualified
than five (5) nor more than fifteen (15):
Provided, however, That the number of  Non-stock educational
trustees shall be in multiples of five (5). corporations
a. Number of trustees: not less
than 5 but not more than 15
Unless otherwise provided in the and should be in multiples of
articles of incorporation on the by-laws, 5.
the board of trustees of incorporated b. Term of office: five (5) years
schools, colleges, or other institutions (unless the articles of
of learning shall, as soon as organized, incorporation on the by-laws
so classify themselves that the term of provided otherwise). The
office of one-fifth (1/5) of their number trustees first elected shall so
shall expire every year. Trustees classify themselves that the
thereafter elected to fill vacancies, term of office of one-fifth (1/5)
occurring before the expiration of a of their number shall expire
particular term, shall hold office only every year.
for the unexpired period. Trustees
elected thereafter to fill vacancies
caused by expiration of term shall hold
office for five (5) years. A majority of the CHAPTER 11
trustees shall constitute a quorum for
the transaction of business. The powers RELIGIOUS CORPORATIONS
and authority of trustees shall be
Sec. 109. Classes of religious
defined in the by-laws.
corporations. – Religious corporations
For institutions organized as stock may be incorporated by one or more
corporations, the number and term of persons. Such corporations may be
directors shall be governed by the classified into corporation’s sole and
provisions on stock corporations. religious societies. Religious
corporations shall be governed by this
Chapter and by the general provisions
on non-stock corporations insofar as
they may be applicable.
Religious corporations constituting the sect in the
Philippines even if it is headed by
One that is formed for the service
the Pope.
and worship of God or the
supernatural, or for perpetuation of its
religious beliefs and observances as
Sec. 111. Articles of incorporation. – In
well as for the proper management of
order to become a corporation sole, the
its properties and affairs.
chief archbishop, bishop, priest,
minister, rabbi or presiding elder of any
religious denomination, sect or church
Kinds of Religious corporations
must file with the Securities and
a. Corporation Sole Exchange Commission articles of
b. Religious society incorporation setting forth the
1. That he is the chief archbishop,
Sec. 110. Corporation sole. – For the bishop, priest, minister, rabbi or
purpose of administering and presiding elder of his religious
managing, as trustee, the affairs, denomination, sect or church
property and temporalities of any and that he desires to become a
religious denomination, sect or church, corporation sole.
a corporation sole may be formed by the 2. That the rules, regulations and
chief archbishop, bishop, priest, discipline of his religious
minister, rabbi or other presiding elder denomination, sect or church
of such religious denomination, sect or are not inconsistent with his
church. becoming a corporation sole and
do not forbid it.
3. That as such chief archbishop,
Corporation sole bishop, priest, minister, rabbi or
presiding elder, he is charged
 may constitute of one person
with the administration of the
only so the head of a religious
temporalities and the
sect would incorporate himself
management of the affairs,
for the purpose of administering
estate and properties of his
the properties of a religious sect.
religious denomination, sect or
 a special form of corporation
church within his territorial
usually associated with the
jurisdiction, describing such
clergy and consists of one person
territorial jurisdiction.
only and his successors, who are
4. The manner in which any
incorporated by law to give some
vacancy occurring in the office
legal capacities and advantages.
of chief archbishop, bishop,
 does not have any nationality
priest, minister, rabbi of
but for purposes of applying our
presiding elder is required to be
nationalization laws, nationality
filled, according to the rules,
is determined not by the
regulations or discipline of the
nationality of its head but by the
nationality of the members
religious denomination, sect or schools, colleges, orphan asylums,
church to which he belongs. parsonages and cemeteries thereof.
5. The place where the principal
office of the corporation sole is
to be established and located, Need for by-laws (effect)
which place must be within the
Philippines.  No need for by-laws since the
business is conducted by only
The articles of incorporation may one man.
include any other provision not
contrary to law for the regulation of the
affairs of the corporation. Sec. 113. Acquisition and alienation of
property. – Any corporation sole may
purchase and hold real estate and
personal property for its church,
Sec. 112. Submission of the articles of
charitable, benevolent or educational
incorporation. – The articles of
purposes, and may receive bequests or
incorporation must be verified, before
gifts for such purposes. Such
filing, by affidavit or affirmation of the
corporation may sell or mortgage real
chief archbishop, bishop, priest,
property held by it by obtaining an
minister, rabbi or presiding elder, as
order for that purpose from the Court of
the case may be, and accompanied by a
First Instance of the province where the
copy of the commission, certificate of
property is situated upon proof made to
election or letter of appointment of such
the satisfaction of the court that notice
chief archbishop, bishop, priest,
of the application for leave to sell or
minister, rabbi or presiding elder, duly
mortgage has been given by publication
certified to be correct by any notary
or otherwise in such manner and for
such time as said court may have
From and after the filing with the directed, and that it is to the interest of
Securities and Exchange Commission of the corporation that leave to sell or
the said articles of incorporation, mortgage should be granted. The
verified by affidavit or affirmation, and application for leave to sell or mortgage
accompanied by the documents must be made by petition, duly verified,
mentioned in the preceding paragraph, by the chief archbishop, bishop, priest,
such chief archbishop, bishop, priest, minister, rabbi or presiding elder acting
minister, rabbi or presiding elder shall as corporation sole, and may be
become a corporation sole and all opposed by any member of the religious
temporalities, estate and properties of denomination, sect or church
the religious denomination, sect or represented by the corporation sole:
church theretofore administered or Provided, That in cases where the rules,
managed by him as such chief regulations and discipline of the
archbishop, bishop, priest, minister, religious denomination, sect or church,
rabbi or presiding elder shall be held in religious society or order concerned
trust by him as a corporation sole, for represented by such corporation sole
the use, purpose, behalf and sole regulate the method of acquiring,
benefit of his religious denomination, holding, selling and mortgaging real
sect or church, including hospitals, estate and personal property, such
rules, regulations and discipline shall religious denomination, sect or church
control, and the intervention of the incorporated as a corporation sole, the
courts shall not be necessary. person or persons authorized and
empowered by the rules, regulations or
discipline of the religious denomination,
Corporation Sole sect or church represented by the
corporation sole to administer the
 May purchase and hold real temporalities and manage the affairs,
estate and personal property for estate and properties of the corporation
its church, charitable, sole during the vacancy shall exercise
benevolent or educational all the powers and authority of the
purposes and may receive corporation sole during such vacancy.
bequests or gifts for such
purposes. –acquisition
 May mortgage or sell its property
Sec. 115. Dissolution. – A corporation
by obtaining an order from the
sole may be dissolved and its affairs
Regional Trial Court (Court of
settled voluntarily by submitting to the
First Instance) for that purpose.
Securities and Exchange Commission a
However, such court intervention
verified declaration of dissolution.
shall not be necessary if the
rules, regulations and discipline
of the religious denomination,
The declaration of dissolution shall set
sect or church, religious society
or order concerned represented
by such corporation sole regulate 1. The name of the corporation.
the method of acquiring, holding, 2. The reason for dissolution and
selling and mortgaging real winding up.
estate and personal property. 3. The authorization for the
-alienation dissolution of the corporation by
the particular religious’
denomination, sect or church.
Sec. 114. Filling of vacancies. – The 4. The names and addresses of the
successors in office of any chief persons who are to supervise the
archbishop, bishop, priest, minister, winding up of the affairs of the
rabbi or presiding elder in a corporation corporation.
sole shall become the corporation sole
on their accession to office and shall be
permitted to transact business as such Upon approval of such declaration of
on the filing with the Securities and dissolution by the Securities and
Exchange Commission of a copy of their Exchange Commission, the corporation
commission, certificate of election, or shall cease to carry on its operations
letters of appointment, duly certified by except for the purpose of winding up its
any notary public. affairs.
During any vacancy in the office
of chief archbishop, bishop, priest,
minister, rabbi or presiding elder of any
Sec. 116. Religious societies. – Any 4. That the religious society or
religious society or religious order, or religious order, or diocese,
any diocese, synod, or district synod, or district organization
organization of any religious desires to incorporate for the
denomination, sect or church, unless administration of its affairs,
forbidden by the constitution, rules, properties and estate.
regulations, or discipline of the religious 5. The place where the principal
denomination, sect or church of which office of the corporation is to be
it is a part, or by competent authority, established and located, which
may, upon written consent and/or by place must be within the
an affirmative vote at a meeting called Philippines.
for the purpose of at least two-thirds 6. The names, nationalities, and
(2/3) of its membership, incorporate for residences of the trustees elected
the administration of its temporalities by the religious society or
or for the management of its affairs, religious order, or the diocese,
properties and estate by filing with the synod, or district organization to
Securities and Exchange Commission, serve for the first year or such
articles of incorporation verified by the other period as may be
affidavit of the presiding elder, prescribed by the laws of the
secretary, or clerk or other member of religious society or religious
such religious society or religious order, order, or of the diocese, synod, or
or diocese, synod, or district district organization, the board of
organization of the religious trustees to be not less than five
denomination, sect or church, setting (5) nor more than fifteen (15).
forth the following:
1. That the religious society or
Religious Society
religious order, or diocese,
synod, or district organization is  Is incorporated by an aggregate
a religious organization of a of persons consisting of at least
religious denomination, sect or 2/3 of the membership of a
church. religious order, synod, or district
2. That at least two-thirds (2/3) of organization of any religious
its membership have given their denomination by filing with the
written consent or have voted to SEC articles of incorporation
incorporate, at a duly convened verified by the affidavit of the
meeting of the body. presiding elder or other member
3. That the incorporation of the  Is incorporated for the purpose of
religious society or religious administering its temporalities
order, or diocese, synod, or and the management of its
district organization desiring to affairs, properties and estate.
incorporate is not forbidden by
competent authority or by the
constitution, rules, regulations
or discipline of the religious
denomination, sect, or church of
which it forms a part.

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