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SEPTEMBER 19, 2010

IE9 beta: Power-packed, Operation

Marco D’Souza can secure a few files or your even
entire hard disk. It can also be used

ll those months of toiling on with portable storage like external hard
Also, thanks to better handling of that new business plan just disks and thumb drives. And the icing
The most popular HTML 5, you can browse the internet in slipped through your fingers. on the cake: It’s free.
a much faster and interactive manner; After taking every precaution Steganos Locknote: If you’re looking
browser in the world with much better handling of games and of locking your computer and remem- for a tiny, powerful and free program—
videos than on any other browser. bering to hide your important folders, that enables you to protect text data like
just got one of its Another reason for IE9’s better per- you’re flummoxed by how anyone could passwords, bank and credit card
formance is its utilisation of a comput- get to that all-important document. details—this little application will work
biggest makeovers. We er’s resources: If your machine has an Welcome to the real world—where even just fine.
advanced graphics card, the browser the average Joe is finding ways to reach Once again, it is protected by ultra-
take a closer look at will use it to render a better image or other people’s data and seasoned hack- strong 256-bit encryption, and is a snap
video, giving you a richer experience. ers are lurking around every corner. to use—simply double click the
Internet Explorer 9 beta And if you think that the add-ons— Think about it—portable gadgets program, enter your password and
small applications that let you do things like thumb drives have made it so voilà; you have access to your sensitive
Nimish Dubey from within a browser, such as check your convenient to carry important data, but information. Close the program and it
Gmail or tweet—are slowing down your stop and consider what a thief might all gets encrypted. This program is

or most people, surfing the surfing, simply use the Manage add-ons have access to if they managed to get small enough to be copied to a thumb
internet has become synony- feature to see which one is affecting the their hands on one of these devices: drive or even e-mailed.
mous with clicking on the ‘e’ performance of IE9, and shut it down. Photos of your family? Maybe even a
icon on their computers to text file containing your passwords or Mobile and portable applications…
launch Internet Explorer (IE). IE 9 has got the features to bank account details? For external storage: SafeHouse
And while it is by far the most popular And so we wonder: How secure is Explorer is a handy little free tool runs
browser in the world, of late, IE had take on the best (browsers), our digital data? directly off your thumb drive and
seen increasing threat from others such but alas, it is not for all Most of us know how enables you to encrypt all of its
as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Windows users. As of now, important it is to use contents, with the added abili-
Opera that claim to be faster, have more strong passwords (long ty to hide files or entire fold-
features, and more secure. Microsoft’s
the new browser is available combinations of let- ers. This is something you
answer to all these criticisms has been only for those who have ters, numerals and can’t do without if you
to unveil a new version of the browser: Windows Vista (Service Pack symbols); un-share frequently carry sensitive
Internet Explorer 9 (IE9). 2) and Windows 7 folders so that data on portable drives.
they’re not visible For mobile phones: If
A beta that looks good... on a shared net- you have an Android,
The new browser is currently in a beta ...but is not for everyone work, use the pass- Windows, or iPhone and
version, which means that while it has IE9 has got the looks (all the see-through word protection for are keen on storing sen-
a number of features and is generally joys of Windows 7 are here), the speed key documents et al. sitive information
usable, it is not quite the finished and the features to take on the best, but But all this is just on it, you’ll
article, and therefore is liable to the odd alas, it is not for all Windows users. As the first (and thin) definitely want to

crash and fumble. But for all its alleged of now, the new browser is available only line of protection. secure it. Mobile
rough edges, there can be no doubting for those who have Windows Vista (Ser- To really lock down applications like
that IE9 does represent a significant vice Pack 2) and Windows 7. Windows XP confidential infor- Crypto Wallet for
step forward for browsers in general. users—who comprise roughly half of all mation, you’ll need Windows Mobile, OI
First, you will have to get over the those using Windows computers in the to resort to more ro- Safe for Android,
slightly tedious task of installing it: world (including most netbooks)—cannot bust applications. and Lockbox for
Download it from http://windows. use the new software at all. Simply put, the key to iPhone enable you From what we heard during our your data’s security is to securely store
er/download/ie-9/worldwide; then wait interaction with Microsoft, there are no encryption. data like user names,
for updates to be installed, and finally plans to make a version for Windows Encryption is a tech- passwords, credit card in-
restart the computer to get things work- XP. The fact that the browser also uses nique for encoding docu- formation, bank account details,
ing properly. the resources of the computer such as ments using mathemati- and PINs. And yes, all of these apps
However, once you get started, your graphics cards for better rendering cal algorithms that process are free.
patience is amply rewarded. IE9 sports EXPLORE THIS: (Top) Internet Explorer 9 has got the transparent Windows 7 look. It also means that it delivers different results data in wonderful ways to make it ap- Ultra-secure USB drives: If you’re in
a minimalistic look that seems similar sports a minimalistic look that is similar to Google Chrome. (Above) You can now drag on different computer, and also tends to pear random and indecipherable to the market for a USB drive and want
to Google Chrome. Gone are the crowd- down a tab of a site you visit frequently and pin it to the Windows taskbar at the bottom eat away a bit (but not too much) of the unauthorised viewers. Think of it as a best-of-class security, many popular
ed toolbars, and in its place is a simple of the screen where it will appear like the icon of an application. The next time you want battery life on notebooks. way of putting important files through USB drive manufacturers offer
address bar with some navigation but- to visit the site, just click on the icon on the taskbar and you will be on your way And, while IE9 is definitely faster a shredder, and being able to magically products that have built-in encryption.
tons (back, forward, refresh, and so on). than earlier editions of IE, we still found re-assemble them to their original state This includes thumb drives like the
The back and forward buttons also you finishing typing “Mumbai weath- of an application. So the next time you Google Chrome to be much faster on whenever you want to view them. Kingston DataTraveler Elite Privacy
change colour depending on the site you er” you will not only have a list of things want to visit the site, just click on the icon most sites, especially those that did not Edition, IronKey Enterprise series and
are browsing. The result is a much you could search for, but also the on the taskbar and you will be on your way. depend too much on multimedia. For your desktop… the Sandisk Cruzer Enterprise edition.
cleaner, uncluttered appearance. current weather conditions of the In the case of certain websites, such In short, IE9 is a browser that shows TrueCrypt: This program does a Even if these drives are lost or stolen,
Incidentally, the address bar—where metropolis – this, even before you hit as Facebook and Twitter, you can also immense promise, but is unlikely to go brilliant job of protecting data on your there’s no way the data on them can be
you key-in the address of the website the Search button. right-click on the icon to bring up a mainstream – at least not until most users desktop, laptop, or thumb drive. It is an accessed.
you wish to visit—now doubles as a “jump list”, which lets you perform a migrate to Windows 7 or Vista. For those encryption software that creates a Remember that security is more crit-
search bar, just like in Chrome and Fire- power-packed... variety of tasks like post new messages, who have already migrated, it is a must- protected space into which you can ical than ever these days, and isn’t some-
fox. However, in a neat addition, even There are other new features as well. You view mentions and news and so on. download. dump pretty much any file. This space thing to be scoffed at—after all, a few
as you type what you are looking for, can now drag down a tab of a site you In fact, in Facebook, the icon even And, of course, we are also keenly wait- is protected by military-strength AES hours of effort, learning how to lock
suggestions keep popping up below. visit frequently and pin it to the displays a red dot whenever you have a ing to see what Google and Mozilla will do 256-bit encryption (yes, that translates down your data are nothing compared
For instance, if you are searching Windows taskbar at the bottom of the new message, saving you the trouble of now. IE9 definitely heralds a new chapter to being very strong and practically to keeping that life-changing business
for the weather in Mumbai, by the time screen where it will appear like the icon going to the site. in the browser wars… unbreakable). Using this program you plan safe and secure.

Tweet your way to 7 websites to make you seem

productivity more interesting than you are
Savio D’Souza reading. True story.

From security systems that blow the whistle on intruders via tweet
o you checked.
You don’t How do I put this mild-
to plants that demand water on Twitter, the microblogging service suffer from ly without sounding like
halitosis, no a fanboy? Wolframalpha
has evolved into much more than just a waste of time body odour problems, is a search engine with a
and you’re not even difference. Enter your
Kavita Kukday-Deb results and compares them to emerg- need to place the sensor into your bad-looking, but you birth date as a search pa-
ing topics on Twitter. In short, it uses plant’s soil. This keeps tabs on the just can’t seem to rameter, and the engine

ith more than 55 mil- topics that are most popular on Twit- moisture level, and once it drops make any break- will throw up details
lion tweets a day, many ter as an index for determining the below a certain range, the system through with people like the number of
accuse Twitter, the importance of different news stories. sends you a tweet saying your plants at social gatherings. years, months and
microblogging site, of Other similar sites that use are thirsty. Why? Well, it’s days you have spent
being a drain on productivity. But Twitter trends to sort top world news On a similar principle, IBM’s probably because on this planet;
that’s a misconception you had include and Twitter- Andy Stanford-Clark claims to have you’re bad at conver- famous personalities
better not encourage. In fact, scores The Twitter trend find- hacked into his home electricity me- sations. You don’t know that were born on
of companies have piggy-backed on er gives them an edge over the algo- ter to tweet energy usage. If you fol- where to begin, and the same day; the
the popular communication tool to rithm-based ranking low his tweets ( when you do, you most- phase of the moon
build some wonderful produc- Mahesh Benkar systems, such as andy_house), you can see in real time ly don’t have anything on the day you were
tivity apps. Google News, when Stanford-Clark turns his lights interesting to say. born, etc. Enter in
What makes these compa- by offering off or whether he has an unusually Mostly, you’re the per- a colour, say ‘pink’,
nies tick is Twitter’s open- faster up- high electricity usage on a particu- son nursing a drink at and it will throw up
ended framework that provides dates and lar day. Updates are sent via sensors the periphery of a par- its RGB value, its
users with endless possibilities in the home, and the system uses IBM ty conversation, nodding hexadecimal code,
within the 140-character limit. middleware to connect to the serv- sagely – at least that’s the complementary
Using this structure, people ice. Stanford-Clark says look you’ve been going for so far. Mahesh Benkar colours and the like.
have simply begun building that he can turn the But why stand at the edge when But don’t take my word for it, go on, type
conduits and pipes to connect lights on or off re- you can be bang in the middle of all the definitions, abbreviations and acronyms in Mumbai and Tokyo in the box, and see
to the service to perform var- motely from the action; holding court, narrating anecdotes, about computers, technology, telecommu- what you get. Useless facts and statistics
ious day-to-day tasks. website itself. and generally just appearing well-informed nications, and the military. So bookmark it can be a great conversation opener.
Instant sharing, of Inspired? Well, on anything and everything. Here are ASAP before people start ROTFL at your
course, is the central you could take a seven websites, equipped with which, you ignorance. and
idea behind micro- crack at making an en- can appear intelligent to almost anyone. Everyone likes a story, and mythology has
blogging. And built ergy-measuring gadget Well, not everyone, but at least it’s a start… always a good subject to mine for conver-
around this capability yourself with step-by- This site is all about polishing you into a sations. So for your fill of gods and demons,
are tools such as Twit- step instructions at fairly decent wordsmith. You know you can’t check out and; and Twitter- Tweet-a-Watt ( This resource is one of the best places in have a conversation without being equipped both excellent places to start. While the that lets you swap Cyberia for any information of any sort. with the right linguistic skills. Also, it latter only covers Grecian divinity (and does
photos and other digital me- awatt). This isn’t a project Besides dictionaries in English and 13 always helps to know the root of words so it exceedingly well), Pantheon includes
dia with friends and family. better relevance, for non-engineers, but for those with other languages, the site boasts of a the- you don’t trip while trying to appear smart. mythological characters from across the
For those into software Twitscoop claims. thorough knowledge of wires and cir- saurus, a section for abbreviations, idioms, Enter Etymonline. This resource will help globe: From our own Ganesha to the Greek
programming, for instance, a is an- cuitry. The site gives a fair idea of an encyclopaedia, as well as a literature you understand the origin, development, Zeus, the Roman Jupiter to the Nordic
Twitter-based services on other example wherein people what you’d need to put together a reference library – and all supported by a and the ‘true sense’ of a word. In simpler Freya, from the Egyptian Anubis to the
allows the sharing of snippets of code. have piggybacked on the microblog- gadget that will plug into a home elec- nifty search engine. Daily visitors can also language, if you need to know the basis of Aztec Quetzalcoatl. The gods, it seems, have
Spun from the same fundamental ging framework to organise events to trical system, connect to a Wi-Fi expect regular features such as word of the any word in English, then this is the place made these two URLs their personal
concept of sharing, there are sites raise money for charity. The site network and send progress tweets. day, quote of the day, article of the day, this to go to. Heck, it even covers “supercal- domain. So if the exploits of the gods has
such as and claims to have already organised Share this with a group of friends day in history, and so on. But my personal ifragilisticexpialidocious”. You might want always been your Achilles’ heel, then this These have more than 150 offline events across and you’ll have a healthy energy- favourite has got to be the word game sec- to look that one up while you’re at it. site is your river Styx. Take a dip.
turned Twitter’s limited format of the world, and raised over $1.2 mil- saving competition going for you. tion, which includes Hangman and Spelling
short, text-based announcements into lion within 14 months. And then there’s Linux expert Bee. But I digress. Equipped with this
a front-end for employers to promote On the hardware side, businesses Shantanu Goel who has tried to cre- resource, you can wax eloquent on practi- Great minds discuss ideas, average minds So you’ve tried a few Siddhuisms, and you’ve
their job openings, and for jobseek- are making use of the ubiquity of ate a remote security system that cally anything under the sun. discuss events, small minds discuss peo- managed to get a few guffaws out of your
ers to search for those jobs. Since Twitter to keep you connected with leverages Twitter. ple. But how will you ever discuss people, soft-headed friends. But now it’s time to up
Twitter is as real time as it gets, there your home appliances. He connected motion-sensing soft- if you know nothing about them? I suggest the ante. If you’re looking to impress
is a perception amongst jobseekers, for example, has ware to a webcam on his computer, Every now and then, someone might try to you make haste to this resource. Whether people with higher IQs than your cronies,
that career openings show up here a Twitter-enabled hardware kit that which in turn connects to the inter- appear smarter by spewing out an acronym it’s Pope John Paul II or Martin Luther you must take recourse to BrainyQuote. The
before they hit the traditional online lets your home plants ask for water net. So if someone breaks into his or abbreviation at you with a condescend- King, Adolf Hitler or Winston Churchill, site is a repository of quotations from hu-
jobsites such as Monster or Naukri. every time the moisture level in the house, the software detects movement ing smirk. But if you have bookmarked Genghis Khan or Alexander the Great, mourists, playwrights, presidents, authors,
Think regular news sites give soil dips. and tweets a warning. He also has Acronym Finder in you browser, that’s one Princess Diana or Marilyn Monroe, you’ll humanitarians and practically everybody
dated stories? Microblog-based ap- The DIY assembly kit has a tiny step-by-step instructions on his web- less tactic they can use to make you feel stu- find all their biographies here; complete who is anybody. Like someone famous said—
plications can help. Take, for instance, moisture sensor attached to a circuit site ( pid. Now, while it won’t keep you informed with photographs, videos snippets, etcetera. and I don’t remember who— but you’ll prob-, a brainchild board with an Ethernet port that 05/14/keep-tab-on-home-security- about everything there is to know, at least And on those nights when you don’t have ably find the quote on the site itself: “Next
of Yahoo BOSS engineer Vik Singh. connects to your internet. After you with-a-webcam-and-twitter.html) for it will help you mitigate your losses. This any social invites, visit to being witty, the best thing is being able
This app simply takes Yahoo’s news have the system in place, you just creating you very own home spy. site has more than 7,50,000 ‘human-edited’ anyway. It definitely makes for interesting to quote another’s wit”. I agree.

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