Thoracic Spine Quiz Test PDF

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Thoracic spine quiz test

Drt -I
Date - 25-4-2020
Que 1.Is the Cervical and Lumbar considered
primary or secondary curves?

Que 2.For the AP projection of the thoracic vertebrae,

where should the central ray be directed on the
anterior chest wall?

a. slightly above the sternal angle

b. to the suprasternal notch
c. slightly below the sternal angle
d. to the sternal angle
Que 3.When performing a lateral for the thoracic
spine elevating the arms more than 90 degrees will
Q4.When performing an AP projection of the
thoracic spine with the patient supine how should
the patients legs be positioned?
Que 5.The swimmer's (Twining) position is used for
the evaluation of the?
Que 6.True or False. The entire Thoracic spine
should be seen on a "swimmer's view"?
Que 7.Where should the CR be directed for lateral
projections of the thoracic vertebral column?

a)angle the CR 10 - 15 degrees cephalad


c)Costal facets

d) T7
Que 8. For an AP projection the central ray should be
positioned to enter the patient half way between the
_________ and the ________

a)Zygapophyseal Joints

b)adjusting the arms to right angles to the long axis of

the body

c)jugular notch and the xiphoid process

d)Slightly below the sternal angle

Que 9.I s the Thoracic and Sacrum considered primary
or secondary curves?

b)AP Thoracic Spine


Que 10. When performing an AP projection of the
thoracic spine with the patient supine how should the
patients legs be positioned

a)the scapulae to obscure the upper vertebrae

b)The scapulae superimpose the upper thoracic


c)flexed-placing the patients hips and knees in a

vertical position

d)position the patients head to anode end, and the

feet to cathode end
Que 11.In the AP projection of the thoracic spine
the central ray is directed to what thoracic level?



c)Slightly below the sternal angle

Que 12.Why is the breathing technique employed in
the lateral T-spine projection → absorb scatter


Que 13. In the lateral position for the upper thoracic and
lower cervical vertebrae (swimmer's technique)the CR is
directed ____ degrees ____ with the arm closest to the IR
_____ → 3-5 degrees caudal and the arm closest to the
IR raised


Que 14.For oblique radiographs of the T-spine the
patient should suspend respiration at the end of
______ → expiration


Que 15.What is the purpose of placing a lead strip

behind the posterior surface of the patient → absorb
scatter radiation

Que 16.For the AP projection of the thoracic vertebral
column with the patient in the supine position why
should the patient's hips and knees be flexed?

a. to reduce part thickness and the resultant scatter

b. to raise the diaphragm to its highest level
c. to depress the diaphragm to its lowest level
d. to increase the dorsal kyphosis
e. to reduce the natural kyphosis → to reduce kyphosis


Que 17. If the vertebral column is not elevated to the
horizontal position for the lateral recumbent position
of the thoracic spine the central ray should be
a. 10 - 15 degrees caudal
b. 40 degrees cephalad
c. 10 - 15 degrees cephalad
d Perpendicular to T7 → C.10 - 15 degrees cephalad

Que 18.W hy is the breathing technique employed in
the lateral T-spine projection

a)To blur ribs and pulmonary structures and to allow

better visualization of the thoracic vertebrae

b)over the region of the greatest thickness

c) to get a more uniform density of the Thoracic


d)absorb scatter radiation

Que 19.Write a note on thoracic lateral view.?

Que 20 exposures of the cervical spine Oblique


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