Ib Topic or Option: Name: Vanessa Chilovic Yuli

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Internal Assessment Initial Topic Selection Name: Vanessa Chilovic Yuli

Download this document and use it as a template for your own document.

Before completing this task:

1. Read through the “Advice for the Internal Assessment” Powerpoint slides (MB  IA folder)
2. Think about what you would like to investigate:
○ Choose a topic that is interesting to you; you’ll be working on this for a long time!
○ Search for ideas on the internet, but be careful about plagiarizing or copying
○ Think about issues your family deals with; maybe there are personal reasons why a topic
might interest you
○ Flip through a textbook, magazine or newspapers for inspiration
○ View a science supply catalog
○ Think about lab skills you’ve already learning or skills you’d like to try
○ Ask the teacher about available equipment
3. Be aware of ethical and safety considerations (MB  IA folder)
○ Read the IB Animal Experimentation policy
○ See a sample informed consent form for human subjects

1. Which IB TOPIC or OPTION do you want to investigate in your internal assessment?

Topic 6 - Human Physiology

2. Which subtopic do you want to investigate in your internal assessment?

Subtopic 6.2 : Blood system
Subtopic 6.6 : Hormones

3. Are you going to do a: (select one)

a. Experiment

4. In general, what are you thinking about investigating?

I will use caffeine as a hormone to simulate the kick of adrenaline that will excite human’s brain cell.
Thus , this will keep humans feel more awake. At the same time, I want to measure the heart rate of a
the person that will be experimented on as the adrenaline will make the heart pump blood faster.

5. Why does this topic or investigation interest you?

I am curious about what a caffeine does to human body because according to many researches,
caffeine makes you not able to sleep at night and feel very awake. Thus, I would like to do an
experiment on how caffeine may affect the heart rate of a human.

What’s Next?
The next task, as we baby-step our way through the Internal Assessment, will be to determine your
problem/research question.

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