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Alexander the Great
65 Questions

1. Which monarch was able to conquer Greece in 338 BC? This

guy was Alexander the Great's father
a) Philip II b) Alexander

c) Henry IV d) Darius

2. What happened to King Phillip II?

a) Dies in battle b) Dies of old age

c) Dies of a mysterious disease d) He was assassinated

3. Alexander dies suddenly due to

a) battle b) a plague
c) a sudden fever d) murdered

4. True or False: Alexander had encouraged a blending of

eastern and western cultures.

5. At the heart of the Hellenistic world stood the city of

_______________________ located in Egypt

a) Cairo b) Alexandria
c) Giza d) Aswan
6. Alexander the Great is famous because

a) he was a student of Aristotle b) he was King Philip's son

c) he conquered a lot of land d) he died

7. What is NOT a way to describe Alexander the Great?

a) ambitious b) intelligent

c) lazy d) brave

8. Alexander the Great is from

a) Greece b) Macedonia

c) Sparta d) Persia

9. Who spread Greek ideas by building an empire in Europe,

Asia, and Africa?

a) Pericles b) Archimedes
c) Socrates d) Alexander

10. How did Alexander the Great spread Greek culture?

a) his writings b) through word of mouth

c) by being the model of the perfect human d) through conquest

11. Who was Bucephalus to Alexander?

a) His horse which he had since he was a kid b) His best friend and one of his top generals

c) His teacher of the arts, math, and science d) His military tutor who taught him how to
be a great general

12. Why did Alexander turn back and not conquer India?

a) He was tired of !ghting b) His soldiers were homesick and wanted to

return home

c) He was worried that the Romans would d) He decided to conquer Africa instead
conquer Greece

13. What famous philosopher was Alexander`s teacher as a

a) Socrates b) Aristotle

c) Plato d) Euclid

14. Alexander's men refused to continue marching, so he did

not conquer what place?

a) India b) Persia

c) Athens d) America

15. How old was Alexander when he took over for his father?

a) 18 b) 20

c) 25 d) 30

16. Alexander died in 323 BCE, in what city did he die

a) Baghdad b) Barcelona
c) Alexandria d) Babylon
17. What happened to Alexander's empire after he died?
a) Alexander's son Philip took over b) Greece conquered Macedonia

c) Alexander's empire fell apart d) Sparta won the Peloponnesian War

18. ______________ became the common language spoke in all of

the lands that Alexander conquered

a) French b) Italian
c) Greek d) Latin

19. What was the generals name that Alexander chose to rule

a) India b) Greece
c) Darius d) Ptolemy

20. The name of the battle that is considered to be one of

Alexander's greatest military victories

a) Tyre b) India

c) Ptolemy d) Indus River valley

21. Who was the King of the Persian Empire that escaped death
when Alexander conquered Persia, only to be killed by his
own men a year later

a) Ptolemy b) Darius III

c) Trye d) Egypt

22. Alexander's Mother

a) Aristotle b) Olympias
c) Philip d) Bucephalus

23. Alexander's Father

a) Aristotle b) Olympias
c) Philip d) Bucephalus
24. How many years of !ghting did Alexander !ght without
losing a battle

a) 12 b) 23
c) 30 d) 33

25. How old was Alexander when he died

a) 12 b) 25

c) 30 d) 33

26. What does it mean to say that Alexander conquered by

using kindness?

a) He let towns that surrendered to his army b) He convinced people to vote for him to
keep their own leaders. make him their only leader.
c) He gave people gifts of gold and jewels in d) He o"ered lessons for people in the
order to become their leader. religion he wanted them to practice.

27. How might Alexander have described his approach to

unifying his empire?
a) “I respect the beliefs of many di"erent b) “I am a great leader who has conquered
peoples.” the world.”
c) “I make sure everyone practices the same d) “I have Macedonians run the local
religion.” governments.”
28. After his military victory, how did Alexander keep his power
in Persia?
a) He had the Persians worship Greek gods b) He adopted many Persian practices.
c) He had the Persians read Egyptian books. d) He adopted a Persian boy to succeed him.

29. Alexander created and named many cities. What was his
favorite name for a city?
a) Alexandria b) Cairo

c) Athens d) Sparta

30. By 18 Alexander leads his father's cavalry. This means they

are on:
a) horseback b) foot
c) ships d) tanks

31. Whom did Philip defeat at the Battle of Chaeronea in 338


a) Athens b) Sparta

c) Thebes d) Corinth

32. In what year did Alexander become ruler of Macedonia?

a) 334 BCE b) 335 BCE

c) 336 BCE d) 337 BCE

33. Which major Persian city surrendered to Alexander in 334


a) Pasargadae b) Persepolis
c) Susa d) Sardis
34. Who became regent of Macedon in 334 BCE?

a) Hephaestion b) Cleitus
c) Callisthenes d) Antipater

35. The Battle of Issus was famously depicted at Pompeii in

what form?

a) Painting b) Mural

c) Mosiac d) Vase

36. Which oracle gave Alexander the title 'Master of the


a) Oracle to Ammon at Siwa b) Oracle to Apollo at Delphi

c) Oracle to Zeus at Epirus d) Oracle to Apollo at Didyma

37. How long was the siege of Tyre in 332 BCE?

a) Four months b) Five months

c) Six months d) Seven months

38. Which battle of 331 BCE led to the fall of the Persian
Achaemenid Empire?

a) Granicus b) Issus

c) Tyre d) Gaugamela

39. When Alexander reached Persepolis in 330 BCE, what

actions did he take?

a) Burned it b) Made sacri!ces at the temple

c) Looted it d) Held a symposium party
40. Which king controlled the Punjab when Alexander invaded?

a) Bessus b) Ariobarzanes
c) Poros d) Craterus

41. Where was Alexander's wife, Roxanne, born?

a) Bactria b) Sogdiana
c) Scythia d) Masagatae

42. Which of Alexander's close friends died in 324 BCE?

a) Hephaestion b) Cleitus
c) Callisthenes d) Antipater

43. Why was there chaos in the Persian Empire after

Alexander's death?

a) There was a series of serious rebellions b) People stopped paying taxes and began to
across the empire question the laws of the land
c) There was disagreement about who d) There was disagreement about whether
should become the next ruler the empire should continue to expand or

44. Alexander the Great's conquests of Greece, Asia Minor,

Egypt, and Persia led to which of the following?

a) the spread of Hellenistic culture b) the adoption of a feudal system

c) the establishment of representative d) the spread of Islamic culture throughout
democracy Europe

45. Philip II dreamed of

a) Conquering the world b) Invading the Persian Empire
c) Invading the Greek Empire d) Conquering the north
46. What was the !rst empire/civilization conquered by the
Macedonian Kingdom?
a) Greek b) Mesopotamian
c) Persian d) Indus Valley

47. Alexander is considered one of the greatest military leaders

ever. Which of the following is NOT true:

a) He led his men from the front b) He wore a big plume on his helmet
c) He never seemed to show fear d) He stayed at camp when there were

48. Which Greek hero did Alexander idolize?

a) Odysseus b) Diomedes

c) Achilles d) Patroclus

49. Who did Alexander !ght in Issus?

a) The Romans b) The Mongolians

c) The Egyptians d) The Persians

50. Why would it be important for Alexander to adopt the

customs and dress of his wife's people?
a) To produce good will among the two b) He was trying to become Persian.
c) To show the Persians his superiority. d) To show the Macedonians the Persian

51. One of the biggest Macedonian military inventions was....

a) Macadamia nuts for the soldiers b) the grenade
c) the 18 foot long Macedonian pike d) the 10 foot long sword
52. Why didn't King Philip get to go to war against Persia?
a) His ministers persuaded him not to b) He died
c) He chickened out d) He became ill and had to push it o"

53. Which of the following are the correct dates for Alexander's

a) 480-464BC b) 397-368BC
c) 356-323BC d) 297-266BC

54. Which city did Alexander destroy to consolidate his power

in Greece?
a) Thebes b) Athens

c) Corinth d) Memphis

55. The problem Alexander !gured out which told him he

would rule the world
a) Taming Bucephalus b) Siege of Tyre
c) Crossing the Dardenelles d) Gordian Knot

56. What is a phalanx?

a) a type of Macedonian weapon b) A military formation comprised of heavy

c) Persian province d) A special kind of armour

57. Alexander's army had how many men?

a) 4000 b) 400,0000

c) 40,000 d) 4,000,000
58. Alexander's soldiers often settled in cities they conquered
and ....
a) built castles in the cities b) married women from the city
c) opened new candle factories d) pledged to eat only food imported from

59. How many battles did Alexander lose?

a) 96 b) 0
c) 9.5 d) 2

60. After Alexander died, his _________was murdered

a) son b) wife

61. The Greeks thought Macedonians were

a) barbarians b) cultured and civilized

62. Greek _____________often fought among themselves.

a) city-states b) colonies

63. When Alexander became king, his !rst act was to

a) order the execution of those who had b) to restore order to his small empite
killed his father

64. What someone leaves behind after he/she dies...

a) A journal b) A legacy

c) A heritage d) A philosophy
65. Alexander's army used portable towers and ramming
devices to attack cities.
a) True b) False
Answer Key
1. a
2. d
3. c
4. a
5. b
6. c
7. c
8. b
9. d
10. d
11. a
12. b
13. b
14. a
15. b
16. d
17. c
18. c
19. d
20. a
21. b
22. b
23. c
24. a
25. d
26. a
27. a
28. b
29. a
30. a
31. a,c,d
32. c
33. d
34. d
35. c
36. a
37. d
38. d
39. a,c,d
40. c
41. a
42. a
43. c
44. a
45. b
45. b
46. a
47. d
48. c
49. d
50. a
51. c
52. b
53. c
54. a
55. d
56. b
57. c
58. b
59. b
60. a
61. a
62. a
63. a
64. b
65. a

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