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Sacramento Kings Offense

Essentialy, Kings offense revolve around their two best players, power forward
Chris Webber and combo forward Peja Stojakovic.

The sets what made an assistant Pete Carrill, (master of cut) allow quick shooting

Here we have a basic five and their subs:

* Mike Bibby pointguard 1,85

Bobby Jackson pointguard 1,85

* Doug Christie combo guard 1,98

Gerald Wallace wing 2.00

* Predrag Stojakovic wing 2,03

Hidayet Turkoglu wing 2,03

* Chris Webber forward 2,08

Lawrence Funderburke forward 2,06

* Vlade Divac centar 2,16

Scott Pollard power forward/centar 2,10

For Stojakovic

‘3 Base’

1 dribble to the wing position, 3 (Stojakovic) use back pick from 2, who pops to
the top and receive pass from 1. 3 post on the low post and then he got baseline
stagger from 4 e 5 and sprints to receive the ball from 2.

‘3 Swing’

5 picks for 3 and 3 eventuale receive pass from 1. If 3 doesn’t receive pass, he
cuts using baseline stagger from 4 and 5. 1 pass to 3 (diagr. 2). One opcion is 3
can use only pick from 5, and receive pass from 1.
For Stojakovic and Christie


1 dribble to the wing position verso, 3 (Stojakovic) picks 2 (Christie) and then use
doubbl pick from 4 and 5. 1 can pass to open 2 or 3.

This play could be iniating by 3. 2 sets pick for 3, from who fake cut around but
move opposite around double picks from 4 and 5.

‘5 up’

1 pass to 5 who turns and face front ready to shot, pass and penetrate, 4 picks for
2 and 3. 5 can either pass 2 or 3/
Option:1 to 5 (or 4) and move to the ball side, meanwhile 2 fakes pick for 3 and
use pick from 4 (or 5). 5 either pass to 3 or 2.

‘Circle 2”

1 pass to 2 (or 3) and cuts to the ball side corner. 2 (or 3) use vertical stagger, first
from 4, then from 5. 2 (or 3) dribble to the middle of the court and passes to 3( 3
or 2).

Option: 1 initiate attack not passing to 2, 1 can pass directly to 3

For Webber

‘Police base blue’

4 picks 1, who penetrate to the key and pass to 3, and he pass to 4 who rolls to the
basket ready to receive pass.

‘Police base’

1 play pick and roll with 4, who sets pick and roll to the basket. 1 penetrate to the
key and pass to 5. 5 pass to 4, who rolls to the basket

Opton:1 use first pick from 4 and then from 5, and dribble toward opposite siede
line.After pick, 4 rolls to the basket: 4 can receive direct pass from 1 or 3

1 play pick and roll with 4, 1 penetrate to the basket and can pass to the 5 and five
to 4 who use back pick from 3. 3 pops up behind 3 pts line.


1 passes to5, he pass directly to 4, for low post isolation and cuts to the basket and
then to the opposite corner.

’24 cross’

1 is on the wing with the ball. 4 cuts under the pick to the low post position
Options: 4 cuts over the pick

Other option: 4 cuts under pic for lob pass

Per Webber/Divac


1 and 5 initiate pick and roll, meanwhile 2 nad 3 set backpack for other big 4, who
cuts to the low post.5 after pop out to the high post sets pick for 2, 3 pops to the
opposite wing.

Option: 1 can pass doawn to 4 or high to the 2.

‘5 dive’

1 and 4 play pick and roll and 1 penetrate to the key, 4 rolls to the short corner and
5 dive for rhe ball.
‘5 down’

1 and 4 initiate pick and roll, 5 cuts to te basket. 1 can either pass to 5 or 4 who
pops to the high/

Option : both 5 and 4 cut wide.

’54 down’

5 sets downpick for 2 and immediately play pick and roll with 2, who received ball
from 1. 2 penetrate to the key and 4 back cut

1 pass to 2 and cuts to the strong side corner.2 passes to 1 and cut to the basket and
then to the opposite corner. 1 and 4 play pickand roll, the rest of players move and
create passing lines.

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