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Digital Marketing

Table of Contents

P1 Present an overview of the digital marketing landscape and compare online and offline
marketing concept.......................................................................................................................4
P2- Determination and analyse key consumer trends and insight that are helpful in growing
digital marketing-........................................................................................................................7
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................8
P3 Key digital tools and hardware that are available to marketers in contrast to “ bricks and
mortar” and other physical channels..........................................................................................8
P4- Development of e-commerce and digital marketing platforms and channels as compare to
physical channel........................................................................................................................10
TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................12
P5- Develop a digital marketing plan and strategy to build multi channel capabilities............12
P6. Omni-channel marketing evolved.......................................................................................15
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................15
P7- Evaluate method of monitoring and measuring digital marketing effectively...................15
P8-A set of actions to improve performance in digital marketing............................................17
Digital Marketing is the source of marketing of products through digital channels. A
organisation can introduce its product and services by using digital technology and those
channels are like internet, mobile phones, through display adversing and many other things. It is
the basic concept of marketing (Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick, 2019). People are mostly prefer
online shopping comparative visiting physical shop. This present report is based on marks &
Spencer organisation. It is founded in 1998 and its headquarter is in Westminster, London. It is a
multinational company of British. In this project they are focusing on online and offline
marketing concept as well as challenges, opportunity and impact of digital marketing on marks
& Spencer organisation. They develop a marketing plan and strategy to build a multi channel
capability for this organisation. There is also a discussion on Omni channel marketing has
evolved. Beside it a discussion present of action for improving the performance in digital

P1 Present an overview of the digital marketing landscape and compare online and offline
marketing concept.
Digital marketing is the basic concept of modern marketing. Mostly organisation use it to
promote its brand, product and services with there employees. through this marks & Spence
organisation organisation increase more profit and build a strong brand image in marketplace.
Digital marketing have various channels and those are like content marketing, social media,
smartphones and many others. Main purpose of digital marketing is to attract new customers and
introduce them with new product and services which are important for them. Through this they
can fulfil the requirement of customer which is main motive of every organisation.
Digital market also help marks & spacer organisation to build a strong relationship with
customers in a effective manner which is important for them. Through adopting this concept of
marketing is beneficial in various manner like they increase productivity as well as there
performance of the company.
Difference between online and offline marketing concepts.
There are various difference between these both concepts of marketing. But the purpose
of online and offline marketing is same. These both concept are using in the organisation for
increasing the probability of the organisation as well as for attracting more customers. All these
differences are as given.
Marketing Mix Digital marketing Offline marketing
Product In order to promote product By undertaking offline
and services in less expensive marketing, organisation can
than offline marketing online effectively able to demonstrate
marketing can be conducted by their products and services
organisations as to showcase where they can physically
their customers about product touch and smell products.
demo and review (Dolph, B.
H., International Business
Machines Corp, 2016).
Price Digital marking is running on Within offline marketing
a large scale. Thus, Marks & Marks and Spencer undertake
Spencer organisation can wide range of distinguish
produce its product and marketing strategies such as
services on discounted basis at product price of Ireland stores
worldwide level which is too is slightish different from the
much beneficial for this stores of UK.
Place It is the biggest benefit of Marks and Spencer conduct
digital marking that customer their business with having
can easily vision website more 800 stores around the
according to its comfortable world where their offer their
time and also can purchase physical services to customers.
there chooses product. It is
beneficial for busy customer
who can not visit store. Thus,
by providing their products
and services on social media
channels and undertaking 600+
sky channels Marks and
Spencer can promote their
products and services in best
effective manner.
Promotion There are different types of As to effectively make
online platform that can be promotion of their products
consider to make promotions. and services via offline mode
Social media is important Marks and Spencer are focused
channel of digital marking. towards Word-of-mouth
Marks & Spencer organisation publicity along with
easily promote its product and maintaining high quality.
services with the help of this Within this Marks and Spencer
channel. It increase the fan make promotion of their
following of the organisation products and services via
as well as demand of product newspapers ads, Print media
and services in the market. and banners.
More people are able to
purchase product and services.
In this concept Marks &
Spencer organisation can
invest amount in optimising
website. Providing ads on
social media like Ingram,
Facebook is less expensive.
People It is beneficial for Online In this form of marketing
marketing organisation to individuals with having best
select a specific market target effective form of
who visit there website more communication and
and purchase more product. presentation skills are required
They provide some offers for in order to represent products
there customers which attract towards customers as to
more customers. effectively influence them.
Process In order to make a purchase
customers are required to
firstly create profile on the
website of Marks and Spencer.
This will allow them to have
an access to the products and
services that has been offered
by company and ask for the
same as home delivery.
Physical evidence On Marks and Spencer online Offline store offer customers
website products are listed as easily available arranged
per according to the categories products. In main area of
which makes customers to company there is a
easily access to products as per arrangement of light and music
accordance with their choice. that make exotic shopping
experience for customers.

P2- Determination and analyse key consumer trends and insight that are helpful in growing
digital marketing-
The digital marketing is define as promotion of goods or brands through any electronic
medium. There are various tools of digital marketing like social media, email marketing, app
development, content writing and so on. As per current scenario, most of the organisations have
adopted this technology, for bringing awareness in target consumers. Digital marketing is
providing a platform for effective communication between firm and consumers, with use of
digital channel like internet, email etc. The marketing team have utilised this technology, in a
systematic manner to achieve desired objective of an organisation. Nowadays, many firm have
implemented digital platform in strategies, so that market share could increased in specific
There are some consumer trends which incise the growth of an digital marketing and all these
trends are as given.
Chatbots:- It plays a significant role in improving the customer experience by allowing marketer
to get engaged with audience without putting much efforts. Chatbots offers real-time assistance
to users by simulating human conversation with the help of artificial intelligence. The chatbot act
as a driver for online marketing growth of Marks & Spencer as it become more trendy to use
among customers for fulfilling their purchasing need which support in developing a digital
existence. In addition to this it also help in resolving the issues that customer are facing by
providing them suggestions or resolving their issues. This feature has fuel the growth of Marks &
Spencer digital channel.
Email marketing:- This is the another trends which fuel the growth of digital marketing
as in order to maintain the customer base the marketers of AGROS send mails to its subscriber
whenever the new products get added to the website or some discount offer are there. This can
act as a growth drivers for online marketing of Marks & Spencer as it support in attracting the
customers traffic over the website of Marks & Spencer which in turn support in further
promotional activities and increasing the profitability that leads to organisational success.
Mentioned below there are some Opportunities and challenges facing digital marketing
Digital marketing landscape is defined as business analysis that identifies as direct or
indirect competitor of firms at same time. The assessment help manager to establish an
innovative approaches for planning marketing strategies. In context with M&S, the
management have faced many opportunities and weakness, while adopting digital marketing
landscape. Some of these opportunities and weakness are mentioned below:
Opportunities- While adopting the digital marketing landscape, M&S are directly
engaging with an attractive tag lines like “Must-Have product” in the wardrobe of potential
customers. It will help leaders to effectively communicate and increase customer base. The
marketing team is effectively utilising digital channel, for achieving desired aim of the firm.
Weakness- The weak points which are being faced by M&S using digital marketing
landscape, marketing team are spending huge funds in advertising about products and offers on
home delivery services that are been given to buyers. Also, firm have lately adopted the digital


P3 Key digital tools and hardware that are available to marketers in contrast to “ bricks and
mortar” and other physical channels
There are wide range of digital tools available in digital platforms that can be undertaken
as to generate high revenue. Some of the tools include Social media platforms, Email marketing
tools, Design tools, Facebook and more. All these platforms effectively increase capabilities to
gain attraction of large base of customers. Digital marketing is considered as an one of the
leading and fastest growing market with the help of which Marks and Spencer can able to expand
their user experience that simultaneously aid them to attract new consumers. It has been seen that
with the evolution of advanced technologies such as IoT, artificial intelligence, cloud, and
analytics are playing a crucial role in driving the growth of digital platform market. Most of the
enterprises are adopting digital platform for smart consumptions of digital assets in order to
maximize operational excellence, implement intelligent processes, monetize internal resources,
and enhance the customer experience, due to this, the digital platforms market is growing at a
rapid pace. Also, digital platforms provide services which enables the IT and e-commerce
organizations to quickly resolve issues and problem in order to provide higher level of business
user satisfaction at reduced cost. If it is seen in terms of “bricks and mortar” it is a traditional
street-side business that offers products and services to its customers face-to-face in an office or
store that the business owns or rents. Brick and mortar stores have found it difficult to compete
with mostly web-based businesses like Inc. (AMZN) because the latter usually
have lower operating costs and greater flexibility. The current consumer trends are mentioned
Content marketing- According to this, every marketing functions are being performed
in an indirect manner. Under this, data and information about companies, its products and
services are designed in an effective and unique manner. This as a result helps in attracting large
number of customers and enhance their overall profitability at the competitive marketplace.
Along with this, it has also been identified that company share their information from one place
to another in an effective manner. With the transferring of information and data, company will be
able to enhance their overall sales. In the present context of Marks & Spencer, it has been
identified that management team of the company hire best professional writers so that they will
promote the product and services attractively and select target audience successfully. Feedbacks
from customers helps the managers of company in order to modify their goods and services
according to their requirements (Todor, 2016). But on the other hand, as compare to Brick and
mortar it is a physical store which influence people in order to purchase goods and services. It is
quite difficult for the staff members to meet each and every person and helps them in an effective
Search engine optimization (SEO)- It refers to the process in which a specific website
indicate on the high list of shown results. It is the tool which assist the management team of the
company in order to enhance the their visitors numbers on their own website. It is considered as
one of the most effective and renown marketing tool, helps in maximising the number of
customers who visit their website. In the present context of Marks & Spencer, managers of the
company decide to owes its online website which shows the detail information of the company.
The company also use its search engine optimization so that they gain competitive advantages at
the website. Along with this, on the page of Marks & Spencer, they shows all the product and
services list which customers can select by just one click. On the other hand, in case of physical
stores customers need to search the products in order to fulfil their requirements.
Search engine marketing- It is one of the most effective tool used by companies in
order to promote the goods and services with the help of search engines. Under this tool,
companies pay high amount of money in order to promote its goods and services to the
customers. In the present context of Marks & Spencer, management team of the company adopt
this tool in order to attract large number of customers towards the company. It has been
analysing that The Search Engine tool of marketing leads to assess the page of the company
while any customer compose specific information over internet at the time of searching. All
these things might not be possible in case of physical stores as customers do not know about the
information of goods and services in order to purchase their products and retain them for a long
period of time.
P4- Development of e-commerce and digital marketing platforms and channels as compare to
physical channel
In present scenario, development of e commerce platform is an effective approaches for
the businessman, who wants to explore their business by using appropriate online channels. With
the advancement of web designing, it became an positive approach for storing informations
about firms websites and transacting funds via means of any online medium. There are several
e-commerce process such as business-to-business, business-to-consumers and consumer-to-
consumer through which product are available to customers. As technology are growing rapidly,
the businessman or marketer need to maintain a high-tech security for online user, who have
visited websites when compared with physical channels.
The physical channels are physical outlet or store, where consumers can test the quality
of product and bargain the price of specific product. The physical channel can provide a pathway
through which the retailer can attract target consumers toward their store. If it is talked about
Mark & Spencer, the physical presence of customer have an effective interactive session with
employer or retailer. Apart from interaction, there are chances where customer can foster cordial
relationship with first employee at store or outlets. There are several advertising tools such as
newspaper, magazines print, television ads and radio broadcasting, for bringing awareness about
specification of goods in target market. The utilisation of promotional physical channels might
have positive impact between customer base.
Henceforth, managers have to adopt effective marketing strategies for attracting
competitor's buyer. The strategies include research analysis on internal and external business
environment. It is necessary that there should be cordial relationship with suppliers and firm
shareholder. So that business operations could take place effectively in work culture. As per
recent scenario Marks & Spencer have applied digital platform for bringing product awareness
on various platform such as social media and so on. As most of buyer are active online users and
want to seek more knowledge of any product and services. The development of e-commerce
platform have helped Marks & Spencer, to have an effective growth in the business. Some of the
aspect that are taken in consideration by leader are described under-beneath:
 Easy to record data- As technology are rapidly changing many software have been
developed for storing as well as securing informations of consumers with high-tech code.
If it is talked about Marks & Spencer, business analyst have effectively utilized tools, that
are required for recording data of their customer. Recently, marketing team are updating
their record, with tracking of customer who are visiting their websites and applications.
They chosen social media for seeking knowledge about how many consumer have
viewed their products. Also, this strategy have helped management to improve their
performance at online platform.
 Targeting local and international customers- From past few years, it have been seen
that digital marketing have gradually positioned their place all across the globe. Most of
the companies have adopted digital marketing for improving sale promotions in any
industry. When talking about Marks & Spencer, the manager have chosen media channel
for grabbing information about choice of target consumer. The leaders have bifurcated
target base on basis of national and international boundaries. The aim of Marks and
Spencer is to increase their customer base, through effective communications with
potential buyers.
Spreading information easily- The managers have adopted various tactic and strategies
in implementing their decision in working environment. The marketing manager majorly plan
to have effective sales of an organisation in specific industries. When talking about Marks &
Spencer, it is necessary that supervisors should provide accurate information a bout product and
services, which they are offering to their target consumer base. With the use of effective
communication, the marketing team have insight about buying behaviour of potential buyers. It
is important that digital marketing team should have updated informations, about the views given
by buyers who have consumed their products through feedbacks. The adoption of effective
digital platform have helped Marks & Spencer to improve the quality of their goods as well as

P5- Develop a digital marketing plan and strategy to build multi channel capabilities
Digital Marketing plan is systematic framework which includes several guidelines and
procedures that need to be followed by every individual working in an organisation. This
structured layout helps manager to formulate strategies, for successfully growing business and
attaining competitive advantage in marketplace. An effective plan helps managers to discuss
short and long term plan for an organisation. The defined goals and strategies helps management
to attained competitive advantage in target market. For preparing digital marketing plans, some
of the step are adopted and followed by Mark & Spencer leaders for enhancing the growth of
Situational Analysis: This is the initial stage where a situation is been analysed on basis
of environment which have direct or indirect influence of business operations. Most of the firm
conduct SWOT analysis for evaluating competitive business culture, where the market is been
targeted. Henceforth SWOT assessment of Marks & Spencer is been critically conducted by
team in an effective manners. The detail descriptions of firm is mentioned under-beneath:

Strength Weakness
 The firm manages to build strong brand  There is huge decline in sales in food
equity in retail industries. offering in target market. Also the firm
 An effective leadership style adopted do not have standardised scale to
by management, has made Mark & compete with top competitors (Saura
Spencer top leaders in departmental Palos-Sánchez and Cerdá Suárez,
stores. 2017).
 The firm focuses on rapidly conducting  Mark & Spencer system and legacy
CSR strategies and activities. stores are sometimes becomes
disadvantage for the firm.
Opportunities Threat
 As the technology are growing rapidly,  As the competitions are increasing
Mark & Spencer managers could adopt rapidly, the scope of expansion of
digital platform for providing product business have reduced to some extents.
and service to user at overseas market.  It will be biggest threat for Mark &
 There are chances that firm can seek Spencer because the top and average
higher revenues in from target market. competitors will be tested on same
grades in the industries.
Objectives: The next step show the setting-up of SMART business objectives for digital
marketing plan of Marked & Spencer are mentioned below:
Mission: The mission of firm is “To offer wider range of product and service and aware
potential buyer about same through digitalisations”.
Vision: The vision statement is “To become most leading company by providing utmost
quality goods and services to potential. Also to capture more competitive advantage in retail
Business objectives: The business objective have to be SMART business and are
mentioned under-beneath:
 To improve customer relationship by 18%, via effective promotional technique utilised
by marketing team by end of August month.
 To increase sale revenues by 10% by targeting online consumer through uses of social
media platform like Instagram by end of August month.
Strategy: The Mark & Spencer have implemented effective strategies with use of STP
model, where STP stands for segmentation, targeting and positioning. Thereafter the STP of
digital marketing plan used by firm have been discussed below:
 Segmentation: The target market is segmented on buying behaviour of consumer.
The segmentation is been categorised as gender like children, women and men
and salary structure basis.
 Targeting: The customer are target on the time aspect, as the consumer
nowadays are working consumer. So they have no time for visiting stores.
 Positioning: The positioning title of Mark & Spencer are “is to become leading
firm in retail industry, by providing service through effective online platform”.
 Product: There should be a unique feature added in the product, that have to be
offered via online applications with different product variants like groceries,
accessories and clothes at firm website.
 Price: The pricing strategy should be in such a manner that consumer could
purchase product in their estimated budget.
 Place: the place chosen by Mark and Spencer is digital platform like social media
 Promotion: The promotional tool indicate sale-advertisement on digital platform
for potential buyers.
Actions: The action plan include the estimations of funds that are been required for
effectively implementing marketing strategies.
Total Forecasted Budget
Particular 23/08/19
Manufacturing cost 2000
Promotional expense 1500
Advertisement expense 800
Cost of adopting new technology 800
Catalogues 150
Total Cost 5250
Control: The monitoring will take into considerations KPI and benchmarking strategies,
for effectively evaluating with defined guidelines and plans for taking corrective actions for the

P6. Omni-channel marketing evolved

Omni channel marketing is the approach of marketing which has evolved at a prominent
rate in the present business world because it depicts the success of the company through
engagement of customers with business organisation in various manner. This consist of physical
channel, online, websites and mobile applications, Business enterprises are required to employ
the omni channel in Marks & Spencer because the customer can be meet where they are.
Furthermore, the customer expects more personalised and proper communication with the
organisations with the help of different channels and gadgets used by them. For this, Marks &
Spencer will adopt the use of different innovative technologies and focuses on listening and
responding on preferred channels and devices.

P7- Evaluate method of monitoring and measuring digital marketing effectively
Nowadays, digital marketing is considered to be an effective approach of generating
revenues and growth size, for any scale business in specific industries. The marketer need to
critically analyse at continuous period, to improve the quality of goods and service. Also, to
increase the customer base for an organisation. When it comes to take accurate decision for
progress of business, most of the firms does not estimate financial budget for implementing sales
and promotional activities. For instance, the assessment could be done on marketing campaign,
the measurement is been done on different aspect like awareness, interest, evaluations and
commitment, for seeking knowledge about behaviour of online buyers. If it is talked about Mark
&Spencer, the marketing manager have given emphasis on, both outbound marketing like direct
mail, outbound calling, TV and public relations campaign, as well as inbound marketing such as
website based content, in-person interactions and social media placements. There are several
ways through which performance of firm could be measure and monitored. Some of these
methods which M&S marketer have implemented in their marketing strategies are:
Marketing Campaign: The leaders of M&S need to estimate a systematic planning of
successfully operating marketing campaign in chosen target market. The planning include
systematic structure of campaign need to be initiated and how to track the working by team of
firm (Charlesworth, 2014). Then after comes, an appropriate channels to be tracked, through
direct, referral, paid and so on. After which comes the marketing metric to be measured. Lastly,
the campaign is been analysed via search marketing performances like SEO positions and pay-
per-click ads. It will help managers to know preferences of consumers, accordingly sold quality
goods to best retailers in the firm.
Key Performance Indicators: The KPI is considered to be good performance indicators
to analyse the growth ladder of business of any firm. If it is talked about M&S, managers need to
align KPI's with marketing goals of the company. The short and long term marketing goals
includes building brand awareness, generate new lead and add value in marketplace. All these
initiative help management, to nurture customer base.
The marketing manager of M&S need to track digital marketing metrics which
include website traffic for growth, social media, advertising and email marketing metrics. Along
with these factors to know the buying behaviour of target market. The employee have to
critically analyse impressions, social reach, email open rate, social engagement of active online
users and overall ROI for the successful growth of business in retail industries.
The performance evaluations of social metric are represented under-beneath:
Source: ©2019 FreshSparks

P8-A set of actions to improve performance in digital marketing

As per the trending change in business environment, digital marketing plays an essential
role in growing the business in competitive market. The performance assessment of every is part
of knowing the current position of business. If it is talked about Mark & Spencer the leaders
have focused on creating an effective marketing teams with high capability, so that they can
engage with off-site and on site clients. There are some aspects which have given top most
priority for improving the performance of digital marketing. As the firms are providing their
product and services through different online platforms to potential buyers. Also, manager have
implemented techniques for improving the branding of the firm. Some of these actions tools
are mentioned below:
Review Digital Marketing Strategies: This tools describes about various strategies that
have been applied by leaders, for operating business activities effectively in competitive market.
If it is talked about Mark & Spencer, the management could outsource experts for giving
accurate advices, about current activities in business environment. They also provide an estimate
budget that are been required for sale promotional activities on online platform. This tool can be
effective in increasing customer base in market. Also, implementations of such techniques in
marketing strategies will have negative impact in incurring inappropriate cost in marketing
Go social, mobile and local on digital marketing strategies: This tool help managers
of Mark & Spencer to give emphasis on choosing, best social media platforms for advertising
their products at online platform. In present scenario, the marketing team could adopt various
smartphones applications and personalised desktop websites, like Instagram, Twitter, You-Tube
and many more. It will automatically help team to bring awareness of product and service in
online consumer base. Henceforth it considered to be an effective approach in reducing cost on
digital platform to some extent.
Implementing a multi channel digital marketing campaign: This tool is utmost
important feature in improving performance of business at digital platforms. The leaders of Mark
& Spencer have to use effective channel for improving their marketing campaign at digital
platform. It will help management to increase customer base via interactive communications
with potential buyers. Therefore, the employee need to have positive approach in handling varied
mindset of consumers. Also, the leaders could critically conduct a research, for knowing the
perception of target market about specific products and services.
Forming Teams: This tools identifies in creating groups with unique skills for grabbing
the attentions of potential buyers (Chaffey and Smith, 2017). If it is talked about Mark &
Spencer, leaders give emphasis on recruiting right employee at right time in marketing team.
Also they need to focus on creating contents of tag line and brand logos, that will have different
identity about the firm. Mentioned below the individual who have different responsibilities and
authorities for handling online activities at digital platforms.
Data Managers: Their key role is to manage social media pSaura, J. R., Palos-Sánchez,
P. and Cerdá Suárez, L. M., 2017ages, websites and ales pages for directly communicating with
potential buyers to enhance customer base. Also bringing awareness about the features and cost
of products. Henceforth, these initiative taken by data manager will have a sense of curiosity
among buyers.
Curator: Their responsibilities is to create a contents that will be productive for an
organisation. As the creative tag line brings an opportunities to seek the attention of potential as
well as competitive buyers.
Story Teller: These employee have direct inter-relations with client at overseas market.
Their role is to have positive mouth marketing about the product and brand in niche or target
As per the above mentioned report, it has been concluded that digital marketing acts as an
one of the most important factor within modern business scenario. With the assistance of this
present approach marketing functions can be effectively done that simultaneously lead towards
more economic growth prospectives. With the help of digital marketing large base of customers
can be attracted that will further lead towards sale of products and services in quantum manner.
In addition with this with the help of the concept of digital marketing organisations can
effectively able to analyse behaviour of customer on regular manner and then offer them
products and services as per accordance with their needs and demands.
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