Aptis General

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APTIS GENERAL – Grammar & Vocabulary


En la entrada anterior del Blog de  Salón de Idiomas os hablamos de la parte correspondiente al writing del examen Aptis General.
Cómo ya sabréis el examen APTIS GENERAL consta de 4 partes, el Speaking, el Writing, Reading y Grammar and Vocabulary. Esta vez os traemos ejemplos de ejercicios de la
gramática y del vocabulario, ejemplos basados en los exámenes reales.
La parte del  Aptis Grammar and Vocabulary  consta de dos secciones,la gramática con 25 preguntas y el vocabulario con 25 preguntas también. El tiempo total para realizar
esta parte es de 25 minutos
Aquí abajo podréis encontrar la parte de ejercicios de Gramática y Vocabulario para practicar. Las respuestas a cada pregunta las encontrareis abajo del todo.

1 – Grammar

1 Ann just heard her cousin is  ____ get married in August. 2 Sarah doesn’t think it’s right ____ children to play with yo-yo
  a) that
a) going b) to
b) go to c) for
c) going to  

3 We  wish it ____ the time of year when we could go on that

4 You ____ to finish your assignment by tomorrow.
hiking trip.
a) should
a) will be
b) have
b) were
c) must
c) is

5 William ____ in South Africa now. 6 She is single. She never ____ .
a) is living a) marries
b) was living b) marrying
c) will live c) married

8 In those days, my grandfather ____ never eat supper after

7 ____ you like to join me this evening?
seven o’clock.
a) Would
a) will
b) Will
b) used to
c) Can
c) would

9 There were ____ than twenty people in the audience last week. 10 Excuse me, I’m lost. __ you help me?
a) fewer a)Should
b) lesser b)Shall
c) few c)Could

11 We could cook lunch.  ____ , we could buy some take away 12 The kids____ playing hide and seek for two hours before it
food. started raining.
a)Therefore a)had been
b) On the other hand b) have been
c)Although c) has been

13 She ____ in Rio de Janeiro. 14 I read every day ____ I’m not serious.
a)living a) but
b) live b) because
c)  lives c) and

15 A: I enjoy working on challenging assignments.

  16 That man’s so unreliable – you can’t trust him. ____
B: So ____ I!
a) I wouldn’t work frankly with him.
a) do
b) Frankly, I wouldn’t work with him.
b) am
c) I wouldn’t frankly work with him.
c) can

17 How much ____ the bus to Seville cost? 18 The documentary starts _ half past four.
a) is a) on
b) does b) at
c) do c) in

19 If you were a better handyman, we ____ need to the plumber 20 You ____ have caught the early bus, as the football match was
all the time. delayed.
a) hadn’t a) needn’t
b) wouldn’t b)  mustn’t
c) won’t c) didn’t

21 She ____ finished cleaning when we arrived.

  22 Mark  ____ to work when he saw Kevin.
a) has
a) going
b) have
b) went
c) had
c) was going

23 They found the hole ______ the treasure had been buried. 24 “Don’t wait for us.”
  Our friends told us _____________
a) –  
b) where a) don’t wait
c) that b) didn’t wait
  c) not to wait

25 The Friday morning lectures are usually quite _______

a) boring
b) bored
c) not to wait

2- Vocabulary

La parte del vocabulario cuenta con varias secciones. Estas son:

a) Sinónimos o palabra con el mismo significado.

 small = 
 study = 
 get = 
 begin = 
 speak = 
 pick = 

Palabras a elegir: slight, learn, obtain, start, communicate, choose

b) Colocar la palabra adecuada para cada definición.

 to discover or perceive after consideration is to ________

 to bring together into one group, collection, or place is to _________
 to put or fit together; put together the parts of is to _________
 to make greater, as in number, size, strength, or quality; augment; add to is to ___________
 to increase; raise or to ________

Palabras a elegir: find, boost, increase, gather, assemble

c) Completa los huecos con la palabra correspondiente.
 The paper _________ was followed by a reform of the metallic currency
 A _________  of teachers has put thousands of students in overcrowded classrooms.
 _______  cats roamed around the gas station
 This isn’t ______  for you, is it?
 The young man’s _______ flew through the air and hit the pavement.

Palabras a elegir: spit, easy, currency, shortage, wild

d)  Completa con el sinónimo adecuado.

 calf- __________
 amazing – __________
 brave – _______
 funny – __________
 hurry – ___________

Palabras a elegir: wonderful, urge, silly, baby cow, courageous

e) Completa con la palabra adecuada para obtener una compuesta.

 black – ________
 book – ________
 heart –  ________
 old   –  _________
 police – _________

Palabras a elegir: and soul, dog, English, review, hole

So folks… eso es todo, en cuánto a la parte de gramática y vocabulario.
Esperamos que os ayude a practicar para vuestro examen.
ANSWERS – Respuestas
1. Gramatica

1C, 2C, 3B, 4B, 5A, 6C, 7A, 8C, 9A, 10C, 11C, 12A, 13C, 14A, 15A, 16B, 17B, 18B, 19B, 20B, 21C, 22C, “3B, 24C, 25A

1. Vocabulario

A) 1 slight, 2 learn, 3 obtain, 4start, 5 communicate, 6 choose

B) 1 find, 2 gather, 3 assemble, 4 increase, 5 boost
C)1 currency, 2 shortage, 3 wild, 4 easy, 5 spit
D)1 baby cow, 2 wonderful, 3 courageous, 4 silly, 5 urge
E) 1hole, 2 review, 3 and soul, 4 English, 5 dog

See you next time! 

Hello guys!
Here we are once again, aquí estamos de nuevo con mucha ilusión para compartir con vosotros algo que últimamente se esta demandando mucho. El examen  Aptis General y esta
vez os traemos la parte del Speaking.
Por si lo sabéis o no, el Speaking de APTIS GENERAL  consta de 4 partes.

Parte 1 Información personal 

Consta de 3 preguntas y 30 segundos para contestar cada una.
Algunos ejemplos de información personal pueden ser: family (la familia), my job (mi trabajo), weather (el tiempo), likes and dislikes (gustos y aversiones), daily routine (rutina
diaria), interest and leisure (ocio y tiempo libre), holidays and travel (vacaciones y viajes), future plans (planes futuros), books (libros), films (películas),food (comida), health
and fitness (salud y ejercicio físico), media (medios de comunicación), learning(aprendizaje) etc.
Para practicar
Recomendamos leer otra vez la pregunta y contestar como por ejemplo
”What is your village,town or city like? It is …….
Sí necesitas tiempo para pensar podrías decir:  Well … Let me see … o … I would probably say..
1.Utilizar un cronómetro para poder determinar el tiempo en tus respuestas.
2.Tener una estructura definida para contestar a este tipo de preguntas para que te sea mejor hablar con fluidez
3. Mejorar el vocabulario para poder reducir las repeticiones y pausas.
4. Utilizar conectores (en lugar de because mejor since/provided that etc..) y expresiones idiomáticas tal como piece of cake (pan comido) para
destacar en tus respuestas.

Ejemplo de la estructura del Speaking 

In my free time I like______________.

It is (a long time, a while, etc)______________, since (I last visited, saw, etc)________.
As well, I like to____________, and___________.
I think it is fun_________, due to the fact_________.
(Conclusion)That’s why free time is important to me.

Desarrollar un tema
When I am (at the cinema, with my friends, etc.)________ , I feel (great, thrilled, etc.)________.
I wish I could (spend, stay, be with them, etc.)______ all day, and I even forget about everything else.
I enjoy (doing, hanging out, travelling, etc.)___ with  my friend (friends), because ___________.

Aquí tenéis un ejemplo para practicar

    Please tell me about your last job .

     What do you like doing in your free time?

   What’s the weather like today?

Parte 2 –  3 preguntas para contestar en un tiempo de 45 segundos.

1. Describir una imagen 

1. 1. Describir

¿Qué ves?, ¿qué son?, ¿qué están haciendo?. ¿cómo son físicamente?, ¿a qué se parecen?, ¿cómo crees que se sienten?, ¿qué hay en el fondo de la imagen?, ¿cómo es el tiempo?,
Primero siempre se empieza con una descripción general de la imagen y luego ya puedes entrar en más detalles. Sigue estas pautas para poder tener un buen speaking en el APTIS.

 This is a picture of …    

 There are …  on the right/left …    
 I can see …

1. 2 Pensar sobre la imagen

 It must be …
 Perhaps 
 I suppose 
 On the left/right … it might be + ing
 He /She/ It must be
 Behind  — in the middle
 It seem to be…
 I get the impression
 It’s not clear whether 
 Seemingly (aparentemente)

1. 3 Reaccionar ante la imagen

 It reminds me of 
 It makes me think of 
 I would love to 
 I like this picture

2. Dar tu opinión
Recuerda utilizar los adverbial phrases (frases adverbiales) al comienzo de cada frase

Das tu opinión

 I think/believe that…
 Personally…
 Surprisingly…

Justificas tu opinión (recuerda la lista de conectores)

 because.. (+subject verb)

 as…(+subject verb)
 since… (+subject verb)
 because of… (+noun phrase)
 due to….(+noun phrase)
 as a result of…. (+noun phrase)

3. Comparar tu propia situación o experiencia 

 For me, the most important thing is to …………
 I don’t think it really matters where you go as long as …………
 Personally, I would prefer …………
 Of course, the good thing about … On the other hand …
 I wouldn’t mind + ing  …  on the other hand,

Aquí tenéis un ejemplo para practicar

Please describe this picture in detail.
When did you last attend a wedding?
Why are weddings important to the families involved?

Parte 3 – Describir, comparar & contrastar

Question 1 – Describing two pictures (Describir dos imágenes )
In the first picture, I can see… / In the other picture, there are/is…../ Looking at the (fist/second) picture I can see…/ Which may show…/
(They/He/She/) may be (verb+ing)..

Estructuras y vocabulario para comprar las dos imágenes

 Lo que tienen en común.  Both pictures show/have  /  I think they both are (in/on/of..) / There is/are(_____) in both pictures…
/Similarly in the second picture, the first picture has…

 Contrastar las imagenes: There are several differences. / In the top picture is (____) whereas, in the bottom picture.. /In the picture
on the right whereas , the picture on the left../ The picture of(___)is… / It looks like../ However, the picture of(___) looks like…/ They
look like..

 Destacar las diferencias: The main difference between the pictures is…. / The main focus of the (first/top/L/R) picture is (_____)
whereas.. /After looking at these images, the biggest difference is ….

 Añadir ideas: In addition… / What’s more…. / One more thing…

Question 2 – Structure and vocabulary for speculating (Estructura y vocabulario)

I imagine it would be….(adjective)/ I would find it… (adjective) / It might be nice to.. / I could see myself…./ Perhaps it would be / I
suppose … /I guess it would be nice to …

Question 3 – Choice of a picture and a situation (Elegir una imagen o situación)

I would choose the top/ bottom situation/ image because…/ I think I’d  prefer to… (verb) because… / I think I’d prefer to (verb)
because…..  /I would definitely choose to…. /  It would probably be better to… because…./ I doubt I would like to _____in picture (1/2)
but I would prefer to)_____in picture (1/2)/ In my opinion (1/2) would be better… because..

Un ejemplo para practicar


1. Tell me what you see in the two pictures.

2. What would it be like to work in these two places?
3. Which of these two places would you prefer for a holiday?

Parte 4: Conversación sobre ideas personales 

En esta parte hay una imagen para “describir”, no se trata de describir exactamente  la imagen tal como se hace en la preguntas anteriores. Esta foto solo da una pista sobre un tema
concreto y de ahí hay hablar sobre tal tema y tus propias experiencias.
Tal como se expone en los puntos anteriores, aquí se presentan 3 puntos para discutir. Aquí tienes 1 minuto para prepararlo y 2 minutos para hablar
Pregunta 1: Experiencia personal
Pregunta  2: Respuesta Emocional/Opinión
How did you feel about …./ How does this____ make you feel  / Explain why you…….
Pregunta 3: Especulación/ Opinión: Why do you think…
Tell me about a personal achievement or award you have received.
How did you feel about this achievement?
Do awards encourage people to do their best?

Tell me about a time when you had to work quickly or under pressure.
How did you manage your time effectively?
Do you think some people work better under pressure?

Task 1 (primera tarea)

Se trata de completar con información básica sobre ti. Desde el nombre, dirección e intereses. Duración 3 minutos. (Pregunta antigua).
*ACTUALIZACIÓN: Los últimos exámenes del APTIS general, esta primera parte ha sufrido unos cambios, ya que ahora aparecen 5 preguntas fáciles a las que contestar con 5
palabras en un tiempo de 3 minutos. Por ejemplo:
1. Which country are you from? I am from Australia (Aquí hay 4 palabras).
2. Where do you live? 
3. What time is it? 
4. How was your day?
5. Can you dance well?

Task 2 (segunda tarea)

Se trata de contestar mediante un texto corto a varias preguntas de carácter personal.
Entre 20 -30 palabras para utilizar y 7 minutos de duración.
PART 2 – Elderly Care Volunteer Organization
You are a new member of a volunteer club. Fill in the form. Write in sentences. Use 20-30 words. You have 7 minutes.
Please tell us something about you and why do you want to be an elderly helper for our organization.

Task 3 (tercera tarea)

Esta parte consta de tres preguntas a las que hay que responder en 10 minutos y con unas 40 palabras.
PART 3 Elderly Care Volunteer Organization
You are a new member of Elderly Care Volunteer Organization. You’re talking to Kate in the new member chat room. Talk to Kate  using complete sentences. Use 30 to 40 words
per answer. You have 10 minutes.

K: Hello. I see you’re new to our organization. I’ve been a member for nearly three years now. Why did you decide to join? * Maximum 40
words, 3 minutes.

K: What skills and experience do you want to develop? * Maximum 40 words, 3 minutes.

K: How Much Time Can You Really Commit? * Maximum 40 words, 3 minutes.

Task 4 (cuarta parte)

Esta parte consta de dos tareas a realizar. o sea escribir dos cartas.
Una carta informal dirigida a un amigo/a de 50 palabras en un tiempo de 10 minutos.
Una carta formal dirigida a la administración, secretaría de alguna empresa, institución de 120-150 palabras y un tiempo de 20 minutos.
Ambas cartas tienen la misma temática
*Importante en esta parte el uso de vocabulario, normalmente estados emocionales o feelings, así como sugerencias y propuestas que tendrás que hacer.
PART 4 Elderly Care Volunteer Organization
You are a new member of Elderly Care Volunteer Organization. On your last visit to their website you saw the notice below.
Dear valued members,
We are sorry to inform you that from next month we have to ask you for a little aid. This means to support our organization with a monthly fee of 10£ for elderlies activities and
excursions, that will take place on the 17 of December. We know that, perhaps, not all of you are willing for this sacrifice, however the organization has thought about a reward for
all of its members.
If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to email us at
Write an email to a friend who also is a member of the Elderly Care Volunteer Organization. Write your feelings about the notice and suggest possible alternatives.
Write about 50 words. You have 10 minutes.
Now, write an email to the Members Aid Team, explaining your feelings about the notice and suggesting possible alternatives. Write 120-150 words. You have 20
Si estás interesado en recibir información sobre el examen Aptis Advance para tu habilitación lingüística, contáctanos. Salón de Idiomas.

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