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1927347 (MBA HR)

Institute of Management

 What is Employee Engagement?

Employee engagement is the measure of how involved and committed the workers of an
organization are towards their organization and its value. Employee Engagement is how
the employees feel towards their organization. It’s all about how the employees feel about
their workplace whether they are satisfied with their workplace or not. It is mostly
concerned with emotions of an individual employee. It is about how to create the
optimistic views for the organization in an employee so that he could work for the
betterment of the organization.

 Why Employee Engagement?

Employee engagement is very important factor for any organization. It is much needed if
an organization wants to grow with the help of the employees. Today the organization
need not be only result focused but it should also be employee focused.
Any organization should always engage employee. It is needed because employees are
aware of the day to day happenings of the organization. They work with their fellow
colleagues. So to improve performance of employees to make them work towards the
betterment of the organization employee engagement is needed. It is needed to create
communication among all levels of employee in an organization. The employers and their
unique techniques or their talent of creating conditions only give rise to employee

I have taken three companies from three different sectors to explain about various methods or
techniques of employee engagement. The companies’ are-

1. ITC Limited (Fast Moving Consumer Goods company)

2. Tata Steel Ltd. (Manufacturing company)
3. State Bank of India (Public sector Banking and Financial service company)
1. ITC Limited
Company Background
ITC Ltd is one of India's foremost private sector companies. ITC has a diversified
presence in Cigarettes, Hotels, Paperboards & Specialty Papers, Packaging, Agri-
Business, Packaged Foods & Confectionery, Information Technology, Branded
Apparel, Personal Care, Stationery, Safety Matches and other FMCG products. While
ITC is an outstanding market leader in its traditional businesses of Cigarettes, Hotels,
Paperboards, Packaging and Agri-Exports, it is rapidly gaining market share even in
its nascent businesses of Packaged Foods & Confectionery, Branded Apparel,
Personal Care and Stationery.

Employee Engagement
In ITC employee engagement is done in two steps-
1. Job context
2. Job content

Job Context- Job context includes the factors that are controlled by the organization
like for example it includes the working condition, base salary of employees and the
company policies, the individual employees have no control over it.
The job context comprises all the benefits such as stock options to the employees
including accommodation. ITC is one of the few companies which till date offers
housing to its managers. So it adds factors why employee leave the company
with heavy heart.

Job Content- The job content involves keeping the workforce motivated to make them
work towards the company goal. ITC is also creating “preneurs”. Preneurs is a
portmanteau of professional managers and also the entrepreneurs. Every launch under
this is like a start-up which continuously creates challenges and opportunities at the
same time. And so it helps keeping the people excited and motivated to work and
contribute their new ideas benefiting the organization.
Also ITC has Career Counselling that is a regular practice and it involves a dialogue
with all the employees to plan the progress of employees within the organization. ITC
invites faculty from reputed business schools for its employees. HARVARD and
INSEAD are also invited to conduct workshops for the employees of ITC on the
topics that could be beneficial for the employees like strategy and product
Apart from all these things the employees in ITC are rotated across various business
segment that the organization has so that the employees could be exposed to the
new and different roles and responsibilities.

ITC cultivate engaged employees. They follow methods like-

 Make it personal with the employees
 Skills training
 Thinking beyond self
 Team appreciation
 Team building and team activities

ITC has five languages of appreciation for the employees-

 Words of affirmation to the employees
 Acts of service not only to customers but also to employees
 They give quality time to the employees
 Gifts on festivals to the employees
 ITC maintain touch with the employees to make them feel connected to
the organization

Company Background

Tata Steel Limited, formerly Tata Iron and Steel Company Limited (TISCO), is an
Indian international steel -making company headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra,
India, marketing headquarters in Kolkata, West Bengal, India, and a subsidiary of
the Tata Group.

It is one of the top steel producing companies globally with annual crude steel
deliveries of 27.5 million tonnes (in FY17), and the second largest steel company in
India (measured by domestic production) with an annual capacity of 13 million
tonnes after SAIL.

Tata Steel operates in 26 countries with key operations in India, Netherlands and
United Kingdom and employs around 80,500 people. Its largest plant (10 MTPA
capacity) is located in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand. In 2007, Tata Steel acquired the UK-
based steel maker Corus.
It was ranked 486th in the2014 Fortune Global 500 ranking of the world's biggest
corporations. It was the seventh most valuable Indian brand of 2013 as per Brand

Employee Engagement

 Tata club at Jamshedpur is a prime example of Tata Steel’s employee

engagement, which is a get together for employees and employees’ families as
they come together and have fun. The Community Development Centres have
been established all across India so as to merge family values into Tata
Motors organizational culture. To promote education and to bring to notice
the achievements of employee’s children, awards are given in sports,
academics and extracurricular activities. Kalasagar and Kalasangam is a way
to nurture the artistic talents of the employees.
 At the Tata Steel, the senior executives guide their team members who come
up with innovative solutions in their work related problems/issues. This has
ultimately resulted in the development of a large number of useful products
that have added to the success of the business.
 Tata Steel honor team and individual achievements by organizing a fun filled
evening for its employees. There is an event called the Employee Town Hall
where the head of the organization interacts and addresses all employees
about the organization’s progress and gives an insight into its future There is
interdepartmental football and cricket matches organize yearly for sports
enthusiasts which helps foster esprit de corp. World of Work is another event
where the employees’ children are invited to come and spend some time at
their parents’ place of work.

Employee Engagement in Tata Steel also includes-

 Total Quality Management

 Small Group Activities
 Daily Management
 Policy Management
 Quality Circle

Company Background
The State Bank of India (SBI) is an Indian multinational, public sector banking
and financial services statutory body. It is a government corporation statutory body
headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra. SBI is ranked as 236th in the Fortune
Global 500 list of the world's biggest corporations of 2019. It is the largest bank in
India with a 23% market share in assets, besides a share of one-fourth of the total loan
and deposits market.
The bank descends from the Bank of Calcutta, founded in 1806, via the Imperial
Bank of India, making it the oldest commercial bank in the Indian subcontinent.
The Bank of Madras merged into the other two "presidency banks" in British India,
the Bank of Calcutta and the Bank of Bombay, to form the Imperial Bank of India,
which in turn became the State Bank of India in 1955. The Government of India took
control of the Imperial Bank of India in 1955, with Reserve Bank of India (India's
central bank) taking a 60% stake, renaming it the State Bank of India.

Employee Engagement

SBI conducts surveys to get better understanding about the employee morale,
satisfaction and also employee engagement. Accordingly the survey actually serves
three basic purposes for the bank-
1. To get employees perception and views and also feedback on different HR
related policies, work culture, working atmosphere, support system, managerial
control, leadership quality and training an development.
2. To understand the effectiveness of various employee reward and recognition
programmes, incentive schemes and other employee’s welfare measures.
3. To understand effectiveness of manpower planning, and transfer
processes, employee grievance redressal mechanism.
SBI also conducts employee engagement programme to ensure that its 2.6 lakh-strong
staff does not need to work mechanically and also is sufficiently motivated to take on
newer challenges that the future will throw up in the company.
 The bank hires external hand to design the programme and along with the
top management the process of implementing the programme begins.
 In the process over 350 trained staff are reaches out to every single
employee in the programme. The programme is major initiative to reach out
to each of the employees the SBI is having.
 The programme undertakes in almost five to six hours long session and at last
the session ends with a team dinner along with the spouses of the employees.
 At the end of the whole training module that is conducted, the employees are
made to sign a pledge which is a very interesting and unique part of the
training programme held by SBI.
 The employees signs the pledge that make them vow to keep themselves
healthy, to not damage the environment they are working in or otherwise,
speak positively about the workplace and also leave for the home at least once
a week.
Artificial Intelligence for recruitment- Part 1
AI-driven solutions will provide immense innovation in industries including Banking, Finance,
Manufacturing, Retail, Healthcare, Transportation, Social Media, etc. AI for recruiting is an
emerging category of HR technology designed to reduce — or even remove — time-consuming
activities like manually screening resumes.
Screening resumes efficiently and time-effectively still remains the biggest challenge in talent
acquisition: 52% of talent acquisition leaders say the hardest part of recruitment is identifying the
right candidates from a large applicant pool.
According to a survey of talent acquisition leaders, 56% say their hiring volume will increase this
year, but 66% of recruiting teams will either stay the same size or contract.

What is AI for recruiting?

AI for recruiting is the application of artificial intelligence, such as the learning or problem-solving
that a computer can do, to the recruitment function.
This new technology is designed to streamline or automate some part of the recruiting workflow,
especially repetitive, high-volume tasks.
For example, software that applies machine learning to resumes to auto-screen candidates or
software that conducts sentiment analysis on job descriptions to identify potentially biased
It will provide following benefits in case of recruitment-
Time Saving
Faster Candidate Screening
Quality Hiring

The benefits of using

AI for recruiters
1. Saving recruiters’ time by automating high-
volume tasks
Talent acquisition leaders report that their hiring volume will increase
next year but their recruiting teams will remain the same size or even
contract. This means recruiters will be expected to become more
efficient by “doing more with less.”
Manually screening resumes is still the most time-consuming part of
recruiting, especially when 75% to 88% of the resumes received for a
role are unqualified. Screening resumes and shortlisting candidates to
interview is estimated to take 23 hours of a recruiter’s time for a single
AI for recruiting represents a boon for recruiters if it can successfully
automate time-consuming, repetitive tasks such as screening resumes
or scheduling interviews with candidates.
The best AI-powered technology will be designed to not only automate a
part of your workflow but to integrate seamlessly with your current
recruiting stack so it doesn’t disrupt your workflow.
As a bonus, speeding up these parts of recruiting through automation
reduces time-to-hire, which means you’ll be less likely to lose the best
talent to faster moving competitors.
2. Improving quality of hire through standardized job
Quality of hire used to be a bit of a recruiting KPI black box due to an
inability to close the data loop (i.e., measuring what happens to the
candidates after they get hired).
As HR data has become easier to collect, access, and analyze over the
years, quality of hire has become recruiting’s top KPI.
The promise of AI for improving quality of hire lies in its ability to use
data to standardize the matching between candidates’ experience,
knowledge, and skills and the requirements of the job.
This improvement in job matching is predicted to lead to happier, more
productive employees who are less likely to turnover.
Early results are extremely promising. Early adopter companies using
AI-powered recruiting software have seen their cost per screen reduced
by 75%, their revenue per employee improve by 4%, and their turnover
decrease by 35%.








The positive part of this is that we can
standardize our processes to better and more
objectively assess a candidate’s ability and
skills while removing the inherent biases found
throughout the sourcing and selection process.
-Katrina Kibben, Randstad


The challenges of
applying AI in

1. AI requires a lot of data

In general, AI requires a lot of data to learn how to accurately mimic
human intelligence.
For example, AI that uses machine learning needs a lot of data to learn
how to screen resumes as accurately as a human recruiter. This can
mean several hundreds to several thousands of resumes for a specific
2. AI can learn human biases
AI for recruiting promises to reduce unconscious bias by ignoring
information such as a candidate’s age, gender, and race. However, AI is
trained to find patterns in previous behavior.
That means that any human bias that may already be in your recruiting
process – even if it’s unconscious – can be learned by AI.
To avoid replicating any biases that may already exist, make sure the AI
software vendor you use is aware of these issues and has taken steps
to remove clear patterns of potential bias (e.g., only hiring graduates
from a certain college).
3. Skepticism of new technology
HR professionals are often bombarded with the latest and greatest trend
that disappears just as quickly.
Understandably, recruiting and talent acquisition leaders can be
skeptical of any technology that promises to make their jobs easier.
They want to be sure that any software that will automate one of their
work tasks is going to be able to do as good of a job as they can.


Innovations in AI for
AI for recruiting has several potential
applications for automating high-
volume, repetitive tasks such as
resume screening and pre-qualifying
1. Intelligent screening software
Intelligent screening software automates resume screening by using AI
(i.e., machine learning) on your existing resume database.
The software learns which candidates moved on to become successful
and unsuccessful employees based on their performance, tenure, and
turnover rates.
Specifically, it learns what existing employees’ experience, skills, and
other qualities are and applies this knowledge to new applicants in
order to automatically rank, grade, and shortlist the strongest
The software can also enrich candidates’ resumes by using public data
sources about their prior employers as well as their public social media
Intelligent screening software that automates resume screening
represents a massive opportunity for recruiters because it integrates
with your existing ATS, which means it doesn’t disrupt your workflow,
the candidate workflow, and requires minimal IT support.
2. Recruiter chatbots
Recruiter chatbots are currently being tested to provide real-time
interaction to candidates by asking questions based on the job
requirements and providing feedback, updates, and next-step
AI-powered chatbots have a lot of potential to improve the candidate
58% of job seekers say they have a negative impression of a company if
didn’t hear back from the company after submitting an application,
whereas 67% of job seekers have a positive impression of a company if
they receive consistent updates throughout the application process.
3. Digitized interviews
Online interview software has been available for a while, but today’s
technology claims to use AI to assess candidates’ word choices, speech
patterns, and facial expressions to assess his or her fit for the role and
possibly even the organization and its culture.


How AI will change the

recruiter role

Industry experts believe the future of AI for recruiting is Augmented

Augmented intelligence is the belief that you cannot fully replace human
capabilities through technology. Instead, augmented intelligence
suggests we should look to create technology to enhance human
aptitude and efficiency.
Augmented Intelligence, rather than totally
replacing people at work will be used to make
them more effective. I think this may be the
best use of AI for HR.
-Michael Haberman, HR Consultant
The ability to use augmented AI to automate repetitive, administrative
tasks will be extremely valuable. There are 3 main ways this technology
will change the role of the recruiter:
1. Recruiters will be able to conduct proactive strategic hiring rather than

spend most of their time with reactive backfilling.

2. Recruiters will have more time to spend with candidates in-person to

build relationships and help determine culture fit.

3. Recruiters will able to close the loop with hiring managers as AI allows

them to use data to show recruiting KPIs including quality of hire.

If recruiters and companies can learn to pair
themselves with a specific AI, they can train it
to understand a particular corporate mission
and culture—so that recruiters feel like they
leverage these chatbots and other similar
technology as extensions of their teams, not as
replacements for them.
-Dan Finnigan, CEO of Jobvite


A summary of using AI
in recruiting
1. AI for recruiting is the application of artificial intelligence to the

recruitment function that is designed to streamline or automate some

part of the recruiting workflow, especially repetitive high-volume tasks.

2. The main benefits of using AI include saving recruiters’ time by

automating high-volume tasks and improving quality of hire through

standardized job matching.

3. The major challenges of using AI for recruiting include requiring a lot of

data, the potential to learn human biases, and skepticism of new

technology by HR professionals.

4. The innovations in AI for recruiting are intelligent screening software

that automates resume screening, recruiter chatbots that engage

candidates in real-time, and digitized interviews that help assess a

candidate’s fit.

5. AI will change the recruiter role through augmented intelligence which

will allow recruiters to become more proactive in their hiring, help

determine a candidate’s culture fit, and improve their relationships with

hiring managers by using data to measure KPIs such as quality of hire.

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