Grammar Exercise: Elliptical Construction

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Jangan terlalu banyak bergerak ! Don't move too much!

Seiring waktu waktu berlalu, kondisi As time passed, the patient's condition
pasien main membaik improved

Tablet itu seharusnya dikunyah The tablet should be chewed

Perban harus dicek dikarenakan Bandages must be checked for strong

pendarahan yang kuat bleeding

Doctor itu sedang dalam perjalanan ke The doctor was on his way to the hospital
RS ketika pasien sedang sekarat when the patient was dying

Contoh tinja diperoleh untuk menguji Stool samples are obtained to test stool

Dia (lk2) mengalami diare sepanjang hari He (lk2) had diarrhea all day yesterday

Istrinya sudah melahirkan sebelum His wife had given birth before her
suaminya datang tadi pagi husband came this morning

Anak laki-laki mengalami dehidrasi waktu Boys become dehydrated when they are
berumur 2 tahun 2 years old

Pasien seharusnya diberikan kesempatan Patients should be given the opportunity

untuk bersih-bersih sebelum operasi to clean before surgery

Selama operasi, perawat-perawat yang During the operation, the other nurses
lain menunggu instruksi dari para dokter awaited instructions from the doctors
yang melakukan operasi tadi malam who performed the operation last night

Pasca operasi, pasien harus Postoperatively, the patient must

mengkonsumsi makanan yang lembut consume soft foods

Sepertiga dari perawat di RS itu

merupakan perawat senior.


1. He attended the seminar, and I (was too/so was) I
2. She won’t make mistakes anymore and her friend (want too)/(so want) her friend
3. My father gives charity to the mosque, and My uncle (does too)/(so does) my
4. She doesn’t do exercise, and her sister (doesn't too)/ (so doesn't) her sister
5. They are taking a prayer, and I (am too)/ (so am) I
6. She is not a nurse, and her sister (isn't too)/(so isn't) her sister
7. He had taken a shower before I came, and she (had too)/(so had) she
8. My mother did not attend the wedding party, and my father (didn't too)/(so didn't)
my father
9. They will go to Bandung and she (will too)/ (so will) She
10. He did not read the book and I (did too)/ (so did) I
11. He can speak French and his father (does too)/(so does) his father
12. The doctor always comes on time, and the nurse (does too)/(so does) the nurse
13. His father performed the operation, and his sister (did too)/ (so did) his sister
14. He has not done the homework, and I (haven't too)/(so haven't) I
15. She is suffering from cancer, and her friend (is too)/(so is) her friend
16. Mr. Amir is a doctor , and His wife (is too)/(so is) his wife
17. He has diarrhea, and his friend (has too)/(so has) his friend
18. My mother is making a cake, and her aunt (is too)/(so is) her aunt
19. She does not take an English course, and her friend (doesn't too/(so doesn't)her
20. She is married, and her sister (is too)/(so is) her sister.

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