IELTS, Understanding Task 2

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Understanding Task 2 Prompts

In Task 2, you should assess how fully the writer has responded to the
question prompt.  Accurate interpretation of the task requirements improves
test taker performance, so it is imperative that teachers clearly understand
how to correctly interpret the demands of the task. Remember that Task 2 is
worth twice as much as Task 1, so a better Task 2 performance will impact
positively on the test taker's overall Writing band score.

This unit focuses on understanding how to interpret IELTS Task 2 prompts -

Academic and General Training. 

Please use a notebook to take notes when trying to interpret question types.

There are three training tasks in this exercise.

Follow the steps below:
 Read each Task 2 question prompt focusing on all parts of the
 Answer the questions beneath each prompt and scroll to the answer
using the arrows. 
 Note the different question types; do the advantages outweigh the
disadvantages, discuss both views and give your own opinion; to what extent
do you agree or disagree.

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