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Naturism as self defence.

In 2011 I was sailing a very beaten up schooner called "Gloria" around the Caribbean isles
which make up the Grenadines. This schooner I had bought with practically the last of my
money for f1500. One thing led to another and having little work but plenty of time myself and
some friends sailed Gloria across the Atlantic. We had many experiences, not least was the
oil pressure on the engine going AWOL. But eventually we did fetch up in St Lucia. There my
lady friend Helen re-joined us and among the crew left.
Our next stop was the island of Bequia, the pilot book warned that the holding for the anchor
in the primary bay wasn't so great and to be cautious of yachts pulling their anchors.
However we didn't hit anything and came to rest in a fairly sheltered place. Myself and friend
Edmund donned snorkels and masks and dived to assess said anchor, it was not dug in very
well at all, so I stacked some rocks on it. Afterward after surfacing we put another anchor out
to make sure. The problem was that the sea bed wasn't so deep sand over coral, and also
the anchor was having trouble biting.
A few nights later during another squall I 'd my slumber touched by the unmistakable sound
of twin diesels going hard astern, on emerging from my bunk and running topsides I saw a
large catamaran really close to our bow taking evasive action. He had obviously pulled his
anchor and just managed to miss us and retrieve his gear before going away to try again
someplace else.
This scenario was rein acted several times over our stay in the various Islands. We did not
pull, with no engine we couldn't afford to, so we put down tons of chain and an added anchor
at every stop. You dear fellow naturists will enjoy the solution I found to this problem.
The group of yacht uses we'd most trouble with were the ones who charter their yachts,
some of these folks never have had a great deal of expertise in Anchoring, and there's rather
plenty of technology to what on the surface seems a easy manoeuvre. Naturism and
Feminism Component 2 - Closets are for Clothes! , tend not to have spent substantial
amount of time in close proximity to other people as in a tiny yacht environment. These
people are the sort that have not come face to face with naked human bodies except in some
specific situations. In fact I found that if I seemed naked in the cockpit while I read a book
and waved to the recently arriving charter yachts of an evening, they'd go right around to the
other side of the bay, "hey presto" issue sorted!)

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