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Verb Noun Adjective Adverb

Absorb Absorber Absorbable X

Accelerate Acceleration Accelerable X
Adjust Adjustability Adjustable X
Bend Bends Bendable X
Burn Burn Burnable X
Compress Compressibility Compressible X
Condense Condensation Condensible X
Connect Connector Connectible X
Contract Contraction Contractual X
Convert Converter Convertible X
Evaporate Evaporator Evaporative X
Expand Expandibilty Expandable X
Ignite Igniter Ignitable X
Push Pusher Pushed X
Rotate Rotation Rotated X
Nama:Damar P.D
 Word Family

 Sentence
(jenis kain ini bisa menyerap keringat)
Sentence:This type of fabric can absorb sweat
Noun: Abosorber
Sentence: We Could use that Fabric for Absorber
Sentence:  There may be some nutrients that are more absorbable in cooked foods
(pembelian mobil meningkat secara dramatis selama Musim Lebaran)
Sentence: car purchases accelerate dramatically during the Lebaran Season
Noun: Experts predict a steady acceleration in economic growth over the next two years.
Adjectieve: taking an accelerated course in English
3. Adjust
Verb: He had always adjust his new job quickly to any lifestyle
(Dia selalu menyesuaikan pekerjaan barunya dengan cepat dengan gaya hidup apa pun)
Noun: Adjustability and flexibility of a chair is key.
Adjective: Most adjustable loans can only rise by 2 percent a year.
Verb:He bend Someone’elses ears
(Dia menekuk telinga Seseorang)
Noun: I did knee bends for exercise
Adjective: the robots had bendable hand
Verb: it is not a good idea to try to burn old papers in the sink
(itu bukan ide yang baik untuk mencoba membakar kertas-kertas tua di wastafel)
Noun: Doni had a burn marks on his head
Adjective: All areas with burnable vegetation will have fire management plans, according to
agency officials.
Verb: the substance can compress under pressure
(zat ini dapat menekan di bawah tekanan)
Noun: He need to apply a cold compress on his head
Adjective: we can use compressed air to clean the pipe
Verb: The head chef added condensed milk to the mix so the taste can be more sharp
(Ketua Koki menambahkan susu kental ke dalam campuran sehingga rasanya bisa lebih
Noun: we can use condensatiton method if we want to change the substance from gas phase to
liquid phase
Adjective: This method is fairly accurate for non-condensible gases, such as oxygen and


Verb: you can connect the cable into the electric socket?
(you can connect the cable into the electric socket)
Noun: The power connector is also made to fit just one way.
Adjective: are we connected to the café internet?

Verb: do i need to contract a lawyer?
(apakah saya perlu mengontrak pengacara)
Noun: The contract requires him to finish work by the end of the yea
Adjective: He hired to execute a contract

Verb:He tried to convert us to his ideologies
(Dia mencoba mengubah kita agar mengikuti ideologinya)
Noun: All vehicles come with a catalytic converter as standard.
Adjective:Imam converted to another religion

Verb: You had to let the liquid start to evaporate
(Anda harus membiarkan cairan mulai menguap)
Noun: Heat and wind can cause evaporation.
Adjective: Evaporative coolers are a cheap alternative to refrigerative air-conditioning

Verb: here are no plans to expand the local airport.
(di sini tidak ada rencana untuk memperluas bandara lokal.)
Noun: The platform has good flexibility and expandability.
Adjective: Cokrori Adds a new expandable string value.
Verb:we should ignite the fire to make the meat cooked
(kita harus menyalakan api untuk membuat dagingnya matang)
Noun: The igniter combustion often produces hot condensed particles.
Adjective: gasoline fumes are quite ignitable
Verb: I had to push my damaged bike all the way home
(Saya harus mendorong sepeda saya yang rusak ke rumah)
Noun: We must be the pusher to reach our goal
Adjective:The protester Getting pushed back by Police

Verb: The blades rotate around a central point
(Pisau berputar di sekitar titik pusat)
Noun: The rotation of the earth round the sun takes one year.
Adjective: Then the cylinder is rotated 180 degrees.

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