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HAZOP-Proof Ammonia Plant: New Way

of Defining a Safe and Reliable Design

This new technique, which meets interacting design criteria of a 1,800-MTPD ammonia project,
offers special safety features and withstands a detailed HAZOP study.

Georg Grossmann and Dieter Fromm

BASF AG, D-6700 Ludwigshafen, Germany

Since its foundation 25 years ago, the BASF Project Approval Final Startup
production site at Antwerp, Belgium is one of Release for Planning Approval
the biggest single buyers of ammonia in north-
west Europe. Thoughts about building an ammo- Project |<^BaslcEng7)>i<( Detalad EnglnaofIna
nia plant to cover this large demand came up
i \ Construction
several times, but were not realized until
1987, when the project for a 1800 MTPD plant Safety I
Reviews : :
was put on the way.

For projects involving mature technology,

BASF is using increasingly the services of ex-
perienced contractors to design and build new
plants on a turn-key basis. Time

Concerning plant safety, our management

has established a policy according to which Figure 1. Standard safety review schedule.
BASF commits itself to build any plant at any Stage 1 is done towards the end of the
place worldwide to at least the same standards basic design period, when most of the process
as in Ludwigshafen, our main production site parameters as capacity, feedstock, general
and head office. To ensure an uniform high layout etc. are known. It deals preferably
safety level for all plants, a standard proce- with the possible safety interference of the
dure for the safety reviews was developed more new plant and the ones already existing in the
than 15 years ago. This has proven to be ef- neighbourhood and with the substances handled
fective in a great number of projects, where in the plant.
BASF could define the terms of the project in
full responsibility. Stage 2 is based mainly on the PID's and
is preferentially conducted in the early de-
BASF'S STANDARD SAFETY REVIEW SYSTEM tailed planning period. The survey team tries
to anticipate the risks by looking at the new
The standard procedure with its con- design stage by stage and using the experience
nections to the project progress is shown in with this and similar processes.
Figure 1. It consists of three stages of re-
views which are conducted at different plan- Stage 3 is used for new processes or
ning states. plants, when toxic or otherwise dangerous

substances are handled or when the process known established process, about 90 Z of the
itself has higher risks than usual. Here, a questions give no new aspects, because the
step-by-step check similar to the Hazard and risks are already known or the special combi-
Operability Study (HAZOP) developed by ICI is nations of process properties and malfunctions
used for the critical stages of a process. are not safety relevant. To overcome this dis-
The ammonia process being a well known one, advantage without sacrificing the principles
a Stage 3 review was not considered to be of HAZOP, our safety department developed a
necessary. special form of safety review, that we now
call the 'Mini-HAZOP'. Figure 3 shows that it
For the turn-key, lump-sum ammonia pro- is not a substitute, but a complement to the
ject with full contractor responsibility and a old scheme.
short time schedule, our standard safety re-
view scheme is not flexible enough. We had to The main difference to a full scope HAZOP
find a way to modify it in order to get a is the restriction to meaningful combinations
plant according to our safety standards, with- of the guide words. On the other hand, we ad-
out time and cost impact by late substantial ded explicit questions, which in the standard
design changes. HAZOP only come up by extensively using the
term 'Other than', i.e. start-up, shut-down,

In order to define the safety level to be For ease of use, a standard sheet of
achieved, we took the abovementioned HAZOP these questions is generated for every item to
analysis as as standard and concluded, that be discussed. Figure 4 shows the layout of
the design has to be 'HAZOP-proof'. This means such a sheet. The questions are arranged in
the design must be able to withstand a full groups for different general aspects.
scope HAZOP study conducted at any time after
the detailed planning without major changes. Group 1 comprises the malfunctions that
endanger the mechanical integrity of a given
The 'HAZOP-proof' design has to be achie- item, i.e. overpressure, vibration, corrosion
ved before the lumpsum bids are final and or leakage.
therefore, a method to evaluate the design on
the basis of technical-bid PID's with a mini- Group 2 deals with the process-related
mum of effort and a maximum of effectiveness hazards. 'Failure of designed Function ' re-
was required. For this purpose, the standard minds the team to think about for what purpose
HAZOP procedure cannot be used without a special heat exchanger, pump, filter and so
problems. on actually is provided for and wether the
loss of its function has safety consequences.
•HAZOP-Proof Design Achieved by 'Mini-HAZOP' Another very important point in this group is
backflow, for example into one of the utility
The guide word technique generates a uni- systems.
form pattern of questions, and it is unlikely,
that a serious hazard will be overlooked. As The questions of Group 3 are about pro-
can be seen in Figure 2, a rigourous HAZOP blems with supporting systems like the control
procedure for 250 items would generate more loops and valves, auxiliary pumps, utilities
than 7500 questions. In the case of a well etc.
> 250 Items > 7,500 Questions Invitation Bid Approval Startup
to be checked to be answered to Bid Preparation Contractor Selected

<( Detailed Enginnerlng

Safety \
Process Reviews : i

v x
Compressors^ Function <|
Control Loops<|
Bother Items 4
5 min per Question = 156 Sessions = 31 Weeks

Figure 2. HAZOP guide word combinations. Figure 3. Revised safety review schedule.
Identification and Design Data
Check List for Possible Malfunctions in 5 Groups :
Group 4 deals mainly with the problems 1. Mechanical Integrity .i.e.: 11 Questions
that arise during exceptional operation of the • Pressure
given piece of equipment, for example startup,
• Temperature
shutdown, trip situations and so on.
« Material
In the last group, problems which are not 2. Process Related Risks, i. e. : 5 Questions
related directly to the plant operation are • Failure of Designed Function
addressed. This includes external influences
• Baokflow
and unspecific problems, that are not caused
by the process. • Wrong Composition

3. Auxiliary Equipment . i . e . : 6 Questions

During the discussions of malfunctions, • Instrumentation
the general rule was applied, that only one
• Control Loops
independent fault was assumed; however, all
the following upsets induced by a primary mal- • Pumps
function have to be considered. 4. Exceptional Conditions . i . e . : 8 Questions
• Start-up
General Rules for the Actions to be Taken
• Maintenance, Repair

To eliminate the detected hazards, ge- 5. Not Process-Related Risks . i . e . : 5 Questions

neral rules were established. If for example, • Welding Defects
during the discussion of possible malfunctions • Freezing Water
a potential overtemperature is recognised,
either the design temperature has to be modi-
fied or other measures have to be taken to Figure 4. Arrangement of the "Mini-HAZOP"
limit the temperature automatically. This ca- checklist.
tegoric approach avoids lengthy discussions Modification of the Stage 2 Review
about what really happens, when the tempera-
ture will be 20 °C over the 'design tempera- As mentioned earlier, the 'Mini-HAZOP'
ture. A clear strategy with the lowest pos- due to its compressed structure cant't pos-
sible number of exceptions increases the ef- sibly uncover all risks related to a new
fectiveness of the discussions and also makes plant. Furthermore, not all information re-
it easier for others to understand the reasons quired for a detailed discussion is available
for the measures taken. in this stage of the project. Therefore,
after having selected the contractor and the
SAFETY REVIEWS FOR THE ANTWERP PROJECT process, an extended safety review stage 2 had
to be performed. This review was a good check
'Mini-HAZOP' Tested on an Existing Plant for the effectiveness of the 'Mini-HAZOP'. It
was decided to modify the Stage 2 review and
As the 'Mini-HAZOP' is a new tool, we to conduct it similar to the 'Mini-HAZOP',
tried it on one of our existing plants, to however in an intensified and extended form to
become acquainted with the strategy and also cover the whole process with its connections
to become sensitized for the critical parts of to the outside.
the ammonia process. During these discussions,
the 'Mini-HAZOP' form was still developed fur- A check list was derived from the 'Mini-
ther and brought into it's final shape. HAZOP' sheet. Some questions were added that
couldn't be covered to full extent in the
'Mini-HAZOP' for Three Technical Bids 'Mini-HAZOP'.
On the basis of the test survey, the time The actual difference between the stage 2
required for the 'Mini-HAZOP' could be estima- review and the 'Mini-HAZOP* is the depth of
ted. Thanks to the very intensive cooperation analysis, which can be expressed in terms of
of the contractors, it was possible to finish duration - about 8 weeks - and the number of
the reviews with three bidders within one week checked items, now about twice as much.
each and the necessary changes could be inclu-
ded in the lumpsum bid prices. The processing Discussion of the Trip System
of the sheets was as far as possible automated
by using a standard computer program. By this The trip system was reviewed very care-
we were able to complete the documentation fully to optimize between the safety of the
very shortly after the end of the discussions. plant and the availability. As a general rule,

all trip initiators are installed as a 2-out- Absorber
C02 Product
-of-3 voting system. The signals are processed Column
by a fully redundant, hardwired trip logic Scrubbed Synthesis Gas
system. All parts of the trip system are de-
signed such that a single passive error will
not be able to prevent the trip action or the
triggering of the trip itself.
The necessity to override some of the trip
signals was discussed thoroughly. Trip
bypasses are only installed, where they are
absolutely necessary; where they are critical,
automatic reset of the bypass is provided.
Two typical examples from the Antwerp Figure 5. Example 1: Design of CO, scrubbing
project will show the modifications of the section before "Mini-HAZOP".
design on its way getting 'HAZOP-proof'.
Example No. 1:
Liquid Letdown from a HP Separator
During our trial 'Mini-HAZOP', liquid C02 Product Absoiter
». Column
letdown from vessels under pressure was found
to be a rather critical operation, especially Scrubbed Synthesis Gas
when it has to be done manually, e.g. for
start-up or in the case of a controller upset.
Figure 5 shows schematically the letdown
.P. Flash

Vaste Gas
X r^
\j i-
to Fuel
from a separator after the C02 washing column.
The gas consists mainly of hydrogen under a .P. Hash ^
pressure of about 30 bar. During normal oper-
ation, there should be practically no liquid V
in the separator. Yet during malfunctions of
the column some of the scrubbing solution can COZ-ContalnIng
Synthesis Gas
be carried over and has to be removed from the
separator. In the first design, this was done
by a standard level controller, which would
have discharged the solution to the slop Figure 6. Example 1 after "Mini-HAZOP".
system via a funnel and an underground line. A
failure of the level transmitter, the con-
troller or the valve could have caused a
breakthrough of inflammable gas with all its
related hazards.
C02 Product Absorber
n. Column
After this risk had been identified in
Scrubbed Synthesis Gas
the 'Mini-HAZOP', the control equipment was
modified. Figure 6 shows a separate shut-off
valve actuated by a 2-out-of-3 low level
switch and the controller was put to a 2-point
.P. Flash

Vaste Gas
X n ,
W i-
to Fuel fS
operating mode to ensure a quick and tight
shut-off of the control valve at low level. .P. Flash
X -,
During the Stage 2 discussion, an even V
better solution was found, which is shown in
Figure 7. The valve doesn't discharge anymore CO2-ContalnIng
into the open funnel, but rather into the H.P. Synthesis Gas
flash column, where the liquid is brought back
into the solution recycle and any gas is
safely introduced into the waste gas for fuel. Figure 7. Example 1 after stage 2 safety review.

Example No. 2:
Overpressure in the Gas Generation Section
Another example is the overpressure pro-
tection of the gas generation section between
the inlet of the primary reformer and the out-
let of the high temperature shift reactor.
Most ammonia plants have the first set of
safety relief valves in the gas generation
section downstream the heat exchanger between
HTS and LTS, because otherwise, the large
amount of gas and steam at temperatures of Primary Secondary Waste Heat HT-Shift BFW LT-Shift
about 400°C would require very big valves and Reformer Reformer Recover/ Converter preheater Converter
vent lines. For the Antwerp plant, this
arrangement is shown in Figure 8. This means
that a rather long chain of vessels and heat Figure 8. Example 2: Overpressure protection of
exchangers is protected against overpressure the gas generation section before
by one group of safety relief valves far from "Mini-HAZOP".
the pressure source.
During the 'Mini-HAZOP' it was found that
an accidental higher pressure loss in the HTS
could have caused an uncontrolled overpressure
in the primary and secondary reformer and in
the waste heat recovery system.
The result from the Mini-HAZOP is shown
in Figure 9. After calculation of the highest
expected pressure drop in relation to the
design pressures, it was stated, that an
additional group of safety relief valves had
to be installed at the inlet of the HT shift
During the Stage 2 discussion, this
Primary Secondary Waste Heat HT-Shlft BFW LT-ShKt
actually safe solution could be replaced by a Reformer Reformer Recovery Converter preheater Converter
more economical one, which is shown in
Figure 10. It was found out, that the re-
maining process steam after a emergency shut Figure 9. Example 2 after "Mini-HAZOP".
down of the process gas was not able to over-
pressurize the reformers, because it repre-
sents only a small part of the volume of the
reformed gas. A total blocking of the HT shift
reactor was assumed to be practically impos-
sible, and therefore, a 2-out-of-3 pressure
switch at the inlet of the primary reformer
acting on the feed gas and burner trip can now
replace the very bulky additional safety
relief valves at the inlet of the HT shift.
Both examples show, that the 'Mini-HAZOP'
is well suited to identify the hazards. During
the Stage 2, it very seldom occured, that a
substantial risk was recognized, which was not
already addressed in the 'Mini-HAZOP*. Ap-
plying the general rules mentioned earlier,
Primary Secondary Waste Heat HT-Shift BFW LT-Shht
countermeasures could quickly be proposed. In Reformer Reformer Recovery Converter Preheater Converter
the second reviews, when there was more time
to discuss, these solutions could be
optimized. Figure 10. Example 2 after stage 2 safety review.

INCLUSION OF OPERABILITY AND AVAILABILITY We expect that the clear and comprehensive
strategy towards solving safety problems will
The operability and the availability of also help in eventual public discussions.
the plant was also a major concern during our
discussions. All equipment was checked for an Being able to show that reasonable
uninterrupted five years operation. That means countermeasures are provided for all risks
that in case of the rotating equipment, except that could be expected will give the employees
of the large turbocompressors, spare units, and neighbouring citizens the feeling that the
most of them with autostart, are installed. company takes full responsibility and care of
The 2-out-of-3 voting trip system helps to the operation.
prevent inadvertent plant trips caused by
failing transmitters while maintaining its And last but not least, the time spent
fully redundant safety functions. All other for the safety reviews is used more effective.
vital instrumentation and control equipment All 'Mini-HAZOP's and the final Stage 2 review
will be installed in a way, that repair and together took only about half of the time that
maintenance is possible without interrupting we had estimated for a full-scope HAZOP study,
the operation. For the critical pieces of the result in terms of achieved plant safety
equipment, operability under startup and all being practically identical.
kinds of setup conditions was checked in the
course of the safety discussions. But a plant is not only to be designed in
a safe way, much more it has to be operated
CONCLUSIONS safely. A major part of the safe operation de-
pends on the safety training of the operators.
The benefits from using the described If the operators learn that there are general
procedure arise from different areas. Of and reasonable safety design guidelines
course, the main objective is to obtain applied in their plant, they will easily
optimum plant safety and operability without understand what the purpose of each safety
necessity of late changes of the design, which device is. This is the first step to a safe
would be very costly or could be even im- and reliable operation.
possible, because a rearrangement of the pro-
cess would become necessary. In our opinion, making a design 'HAZOP-
proof' by the shown procedure is a good way
Most countries require a safety report to out of the dilemma between safety requirements
be included in the application for the buil- and time restrictions in big turnkey, lumpsum
ding or operation permit. In our case, the projects. The plant safety department of BASF
documentation of the 'Mini-HAZOP' and the has therefore adopted the procedure as a
extended Stage 2 analysis could be adapted standard for new turnkey projects, one of them
without problems. being the 1.3 billion DM ethylene cracker at

Dieter Fromm Georg Grossmann

Theo Huurdeman, DSM Fertilizers: How many people disciplines. What disciplines were involved—process
were involved in the mini HAZOF study? What disciplines engineers only, or instrument engineers and mechanical
were involved? engineers as well?
Grossmann: There were about five to eight people from Grossmann: Most of them were chemical engineers, I
the project teams of the contractors and BASF, and one or would say, and as I mentioned earlier it took one week for
two people from our Safety Department. Would you repeat every design. That means three weeks to review three
the second part of your question? technical bids at this stage.
Huurdeman: I understand the team consisted of various


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