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Power System Protection

Dr. Lionel R. Orama Exclusa, PE

Week 3
Operating Principles:
Electromagnetic Attraction Relays
Readings-Mason Chapters 2 & 3
• Operating quantities
• Electromagnetic attraction
– Response to AC currents
– Plunger type
– Hinged armature type

Feb 3/2006 Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 2

Relay Electrical Operating
• Inputs
– Voltage
– Current Most of the time we’ll be
working with current
– Both
• Cause of operation
– Change in magnitude Attraction relays operate
– Change in frequency
– Change in phase angle
– Duration
– Rate of change
– Change in direction
– harmonics

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Relay Types
• Electromagnetic Attraction
Show the operating principles
• Electromagnetic Induction
• Solid State (static)
• Computer (microprocesors)

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Electromagnetic Attraction
• Force exerted by a magnetic field which
pulls armature or plunger
• Manufacturesr used this design for
instantaneous relays
– Induction disk-Feeder time delay-Current (IFC)
• Hinged Armature
– Hinged armature-Auxiliary (HEA)
• Plunger
– Plunger operating principle-Voltage (PJV)
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Hinged Armature Relay
Basic Operation

Operating coil

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Hinged Armature Relay
FOP (t ) α φ 2 Basic Operation
NiOP l
φ= L Re = L Re α l
Re µ0 A
2 2
φα Lφ 2α
l l2
2 2
N i
FOP (t ) = kφφ 2 = kφ =
OP 2
k i
N 2iOP
FNET (t ) = kφφ − k S = kφ = I OP − k S
2 2
k i
Restraining force (includes friction)
Force conversion constant

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Hinged Armature Relay
When the relay is close
to pick-up, the net
0 = k I iOP − k S
force is zero and:
k I iOP = k S

iOP =

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Pickup or Balance Point

FNET = 0 = k I I OP − K S

I OP = = I PU k I I OP > K S
“a” contact forcing force
KI is produced

I OP > I PU Operates (picks up)

I OP = I PU Balance

I OP < I PU Doesn’t Operate

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 9

Response to AC Currents
FOP (t ) = kφφ 2 Lφ = 2Φ M sin(ωt )
FOP (t ) = 2kφ Φ M sin 2 (ωt )

sin (ωt ) = (1 − cos(2ωt ))

• Variable force
FOP (t ) = kφ Φ M (1 − cos(2ωt ))
– causes Vibration
• Measures are taken to
avoid vibration

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Response to AC Currents
• Measures are taken to
avoid vibration
– Shading Ring
• Fluxes in both areas are
out of phase by the Lenz
• Half the flux flow through
through the shaded area


Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 11
Response to AC Currents
• Measures are taken
to avoid vibration
– Shading Ring
FOP (t ) = kφ (φ12 + φ22 )
φ1 = 2Φ M sin(ωt ) Lφ2 = 2Φ M sin(ωt + θ )
θ = 90°
φ2 = 2Φ M sin(ωt + 90) = φ2 = 2Φ M cos(ωt )
Constant (
FOP (t ) = 2kφ Φ M sin 2 (ωt ) + cos 2 (ωt )
FOP (t ) = 2kφ Φ M = k I I OP
2 2

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 12
Plunger Type Relay

•No Shading ring

•Sinusoidal torque
•For DC
•AC with Rectifier

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Pickup, Dropout, Reset

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Operating Time

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Two Quantity Operating Relays

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Hinge Armature Type
• Advantages
– Used on DC or AC
– Simple rugged construction
– Fast operating speed
– Low cost
– Can be either hand or self reset
– May be made with many contacts
– Good contact pressure

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 17

Hinge Armature Type
• Disadvantages
– Low dropout to pick-up ratio
– Dropout and pick-up can’t be set accurately
– Responds to magnitudes of single electrical
quantity (current or voltage)

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 18

Plunger Type
• Advantages
– Used on DC or AC
– Simple rugged construction
– Fast operating speed
– Low cost
– Can be either hand or self reset
– Can be design to have high dropout

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 19

Plunger Type
• Disadvantages
– Can not continuously be used in picked up
– Pickup lower on offset waves than on
symmetrical waves
– Responds to magnitudes of single electrical
quantity (current or voltage)

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 20

Operating Principles
Current Differential Relaying
• Readings-Mason Chapter 3
• Basics of current differential relaying
• Problems caused by CT mismatch
and errors
• Operating principles of percentage
differential relays

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Current Differential Relaying
•External fault or load




No operation of the relays is expected

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Current Differential Relaying
•Internal fault or load



Differential current, relays operate

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CT/Relay Connection

•Overcurrent relay measures Note: Load Current must be less than

1000A for CT’s to be the correct ones.
differential current=0
•No operation

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CT/Relay Connection

•Relay sends message to both CB

(52) trip coils
•Relay Operates

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High Resistance
Internal Fault

•High resistance internal

fault may or may not be
detected For example, if IPU=1.0A, the relay will
•Overcurrent relay has a not operate.
minimum pickup value

13-Feb-2006 Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 26

Not Ideal Operation

•No identical CT’s exists

 IP   IP 
I OP =  − I E1  −  − I E 2  due to magnetizing
 N CT 1   N CT 2  •There is always some
N CT 1 = N CT 2 current through the relay

I OP = I E 2 − I E1
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True CT Performance

As said before:
• IE causes CT error
– CT’s saturates differently or
– Reisdual B exists
I CT 1 ≠ I CT 2
• Therefore differential current
Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 28
CT Mismatch Occurs
• Overcurrent
operates for high
values of IF (ISYS)
• Apply relay with
– “percentage

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 29

Percentage Differential Relay
N 
FNET (t ) = K OP [N OP ( I1 − I 2 )] − K RES  R ( I1 + I 2 ) − K S

 2 
Ignoring KS & solving
N 
K OP [N OP ( I1 − I 2 )] = K RES  R ( I1 + I 2 )
2 for FNET=0
 2 
 NR 
[N OP ( I1 − I 2 )] =
( I +
 2 1 2 I )
I1 + I 2 N K RES
I1 − I 2 = K ' LK'= R

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 30

Percentage Differential Relay
I1 + I 2 Equation of a straight line
I1 − I 2 = K '
2 Typically

K ' = 0.10, 0.20, 0.40

I1 + I 2
I1 − I 2 > K ' •Differential Current must
be at least a certain
percentage of the Through
To Operate Current to operate

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 31

Percentage Differential Relaying

I1 + I 2
I OP = I1 − I 2 > K '

52-AC Circuit Breaker

87-Differential Relay w/ %diff

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 32

Relays Used in Differential
• Overcurrent
• Directional
• Overvoltage
• Percentage Differential
– w/ Harmonic Restraint (BDD)
– w/ DC Restraint
• High Impedance (PVD)

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 33

Transformer Protection
Readings-Mason Chapter 11
• Percentage differential
• Gas detection
• Rate of change of oil pressure

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 34

Transformer Protection
Percentage differential relaying in
transformers requires
• Proper CT connections
• Relay taps adjustment
• Special provisions for in-rush current

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 35

Transformer Protection
Topics that will be discussed
– Differences between regular differential relaying and transformer
differential relaying
– Choice of proper CT ratio and CT connections

• Recalling from regular differential relaying

– External Fault- current circulates through the equipment
– Internal Fault- current adds at relay flows through operating coil

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 36

Turns Ratio Problem
Want I OP = 0 But I1 ≠ I 2
Want I1 R = I 2 R
I1 I2
I1 R = I2R =
I1 I
= 2
I1 = I2 Power Transformer
N2 I
I2 = 2
Normally I1 = I2, I OP = 0
CTR2 N1 N1
CTR1 N 2 N2
Abnormally I1 ≠ I2, I OP ≠ 0

15-Feb-2006 Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 37

Line Currents

• Measuring line currents is a problem

• Current in and out is normally different
– Therefore, unequal CT ratios is required
• Line currents measured I L∆ ≠ IW∆
I L∆ = IW∆ ∠ − 30°
– 30° phase shift from ∆ to Y

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 38

Line Currents

I L = 3Iφ ∠ − 30° VLL = 3Vφ ∠ + 30°

VLL = Vφ I L = Iφ

• In Wye connection, line & winding currents are the same

• In Delta connection, they are not
– If CT on DELTA where located at the windings, no problem
– Usually the CT’s are on the line side of the Transformer

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 39

Line Currents
Winding currents measured-no problem
IY = ( ) IW∆

When line currents are measured:

I LA∆ = IWA∆ − IWC∆ = 3 IWA∆ ∠ − 30°

N ∆  I LA∆ ∠ + 30° 
IWAY =  
NY  3 
N  ∠ + 30° 
I LAY = IWAY = ∆   I LA∆
NY  3 
IWAY leads I LA∆ by 30°

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 40

Line Currents

• During SLGF on grounded Y side I0 flows on the Y but

I0=0 on the Delta side
• IL≠IR, differential current, relay operates
• Special CT connection is needed
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Line Currents
∠I RELAY − R = ∠I CT − R ∠ − 30 = ∠I RELAY − L

Remedy- CT’s in Y on Delta side, and CT’s in Delta on

Y side
• This connection alleviates phase shift problem
• Also alleviates I0 problems
– Filters I0 form the relay, so neither IRELAY-L nor IRELAY-R
contain I0, only I1 and I2 exist
– I
RELAY − R= 3I CT − R

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 42

Complete 3 Phase Power
Transformer & CT Connections

protection in a Y-∆
Power transformer

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 43

Choice of Proper CT Ratios
(At Maximum Load)

I RELAY − L = 5 A •This CTR is not available

5 •Primary is overrated
I RELAY − R = 5 A I CT − R = A
3 Notes: Define Transformer Rating:
FOA: Forced Oil & Air
I FLY 200 A
Ideal CTRATIO = = = 346 : 5 FA: Forced Air
I CT − R 5A OA: Nothing Forced
Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 44
Taps are Provided
CTR do not always match the
Power Transformer Ratio
•Choose 5A on the 13.8kV side,
and 8.7 on the 138kV side
•Mismatch occurs from
•Load tap changers (+_10%)
•Make % slope for TAP+LTC

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 45

Percentage Differential Relay w/ Tabs (Single Phase)

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Transformer Inrush

• On energization inrush flows to energizing winding-no

ampere-turn balanced in secondary
• Will cause straight PD Relay to operate (loss of security)
• Since inrush has high harmonic content, they are used to
suppress operation of the relay
Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 47
Harmonic Restraint PD Relay

Restraining Coil,
works whit
differential current

The harmonic currents help the relay not to

operate during the inrush

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 48

Gas Detection

• Gases produced by slow insulation breakdown

• Gases rises through oil to gas accumulation chamber
• Gas accumulates, float rises & alarm sounds
• Relay detects incipient faults
• Gas analysis can determine what type of insulation
Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 49
Fault Pressure Relay
• Sudden change in oil
pressure makes oil
flow to relay
• If pressure change
rapidly, bellows move
• Slow pressure
change, bellows move
• Relay connected to
trip circuit
• Detects tank faults-

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 50

• FOA Rating 500MVA, 3
Example phase Xmer, w/ load tap
changer (from -5% to 12%
in 1% steps)
• Calculate the line currents
in both sides (FOA & OA
• Choose CT ratings (FOA)
• Calculate CT Currents
Notes: Define Transformer Rating:
• Choose relay taps
FOA: Forced Oil & Air (pumps & fans • Calculate relay tap
FA: Forced Air (fans on)
OA: Nothing Forced
• Calculate total mismatch

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 51

Notes: Define Transformer Rating:
FOA: Forced Oil & Air (pumps & fans
FA: Forced Air (fans on)
OA: Nothing Forced
Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 52
CT Ratio Turns
50:5 10
100:5 20
200:5 40
400:5 80
800:5 160
1000:5 200
2000:5 400
2500:5 500
3000:5 600

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CT settings are:
•High voltage side of Xmer 1000:5, Delta connection
•Low Voltage side of Xmer 3000:5, Wye connection
Relay settings are:
•High voltage side of Xmer Tap=5.0
•Low Voltage side of Xmer Tap=2.9
•Percentage differential setting =15%

Copyright L.R. Orama 2006 56

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