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No. 2.9
Type Approval Programme No. 1-501.11



Veritasveien 1, NO-1322 Høvik, Norway Tel.: +47 67 57 99 00 Fax: +47 67 57 99 11
DET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) is an autonomous and independent foundation with the objectives of safeguarding life, prop-
erty and the environment, at sea and onshore. DNV undertakes classification, certification, and other verification and consultancy
services relating to quality of ships, offshore units and installations, and onshore industries worldwide, and carries out research
in relation to these functions.
Standards for Certification
Standards for Certification (previously Certification Notes) are publications that contain principles, acceptance criteria and prac-
tical information related to the Society's consideration of objects, personnel, organisations, services and operations. Standards
for Certification also apply as the basis for the issue of certificates and/or declarations that may not necessarily be related to clas-
A list of Standards for Certification is found in the latest edition of Pt.0 Ch.1 of the “Rules for Classification of Ships” and the
“Rules for Classification of High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft”.
The list of Standards for Certification is also included in the current “Classification Services – Publications” issued by the Society,
which is available on request. All publications may be ordered from the Society’s Web site
The Society reserves the exclusive right to interpret, decide equivalence or make exemptions to this Standard for Certification.
This document is valid until superseded by a new revision or withdrawn.

Amendments and Corrections

This document replaces the January 1999 edition.
The main changes are:
— Appendices B and C have been removed.
— The last paragraph in Section 1 has been rewritten to be aligned with the current situation.

Comments may be sent by e-mail to

Comprehensive information about DNV and the Society's services is found at the Web site
© Det Norske Veritas
Computer Typesetting (Adobe FrameMaker) by Det Norske Veritas

If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person
for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question, provided that the maximum compen-
sation shall never exceed USD 2 million.
In this provision "Det Norske Veritas" shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det
Norske Veritas.
Standard for Certification - No. 2.9, October 2009
Type Approval Programme No. 1-501.11
Page 3


1. SCOPE OF SERVICES .......................................... 4 3. DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED.................... 5

2. PROCEDURE ........................................................... 4 3.1 Definitions ................................................................... 5
2.1 Application for Type Approval ...................................4 4. REQUIREMENTS ................................................... 5
2.2 Quotation .....................................................................4 4.1 Basis for Type Approval ............................................. 5
2.3 Assessment of Type Approval documentation ............4 4.2 Scope of Type Approval ............................................. 5
2.4 Initial Survey of product and production facilities 4.3 General requirements ................................................. 5
including witnessing of Type Tests .............................4 4.4 Requirements to material ............................................ 6
2.5 Assessment of survey report and Type Test results.....4 4.5 Requirements to packaging and marking of product .. 7
2.6 Issuance of Type Approval Certificates ......................4
2.7 Certificate Retention Survey after two (2) years .........4 APPENDIX A
2.8 Application for renewal after four (4) years ................4 FOR ENTRY OF TYPE TEST RESULTS ....................... 8


Standard for Certification - No. 2.9, October 2009
Type Approval Programme No. 1-501.11
Page 4

1. Scope of services stresses.

Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Type Approval is based on the ISO/ Type Tests as specified in section 4.4 are to be carried out and
IEC Guide 2 (1991) definition: verified in one of the following ways:
“Approval of conformity with specified requirements on the — at a DNV laboratory
basis of systematic examination of one or more specimens of a — at a recognised and independent laboratory accepted by
product representative of the production.“ DNV
The requirements are specified in Rules and/or standards re- — at the manufacturer’s premises in the presence of a DNV
ferred to in this Type Approval programme. surveyor
This Type Approval programme outlines the procedure and The Initial Survey report and Type Test results are to be sub-
conditions for obtaining, maintaining and renewing a Type mitted to DNV Approval Office for evaluation.
Approval. DNV Certification Notes No. 1.2 describes the Type
Approval in general. 2.5 Assessment of survey report and Type Test
Type Approved products will be listed in DNV's Register of results
Type Approved Products available on the DNV Internet site at The assessment of Initial Survey report and Type Test results verifies compliance with the requirements/determines the val-
ues to be stated on the Type Approval Certificate (if applica-
2. Procedure 2.6 Issuance of Type Approval Certificates
The Type Approval procedure normally consists of the follow- When the assessment of Type Approval documentation, Type
ing steps: Testing and survey of production and quality control arrange-
ment is successfully completed a Type Approval Certificate
— application for Type Approval will be issued to the manufacturer of the product. The certifi-
— quotation cate is normally given a validity period of four (4) years, with
— assessment of Type Approval documentation a Certificate Retention Survey after two (2) years.
— Initial Survey of product and production facilities includ-
ing witnessing of Type Tests 2.7 Certificate Retention Survey after two (2) years
— assessment of survey report and Type Test results The objective of the Certificate Retention Survey is to verify
— Issuance of Type Approval Certificates that the product design, material composition and the product
— Certificate Retention Survey after two (2) years marking are not altered since issuance of the Type Approval
— application for renewal after four (4) years. Certificate.
Explained in detail: Certificate Retention Survey is to be carried out two (2) years
after issuance of Type Approval Certificate.
2.1 Application for Type Approval The main elements of the Certificate Retention Survey are to:
The Type Approval should be applied for in writing to DNV’s
local office. The application shall include Type Approval doc- — Ensure that Type Approval documentation is available.
umentation as specified in section 3. — Review design, materials, performance and production
process (as specified in section 4.3) with respect to possi-
2.2 Quotation ble changes, in order to ensure compliance with Type Ap-
A quotation will be given by DNV approval office, to be con- proval documentation and/or referenced material
firmed by the client. specifications.
— Ensure traceability between manufacturer’s product mark-
2.3 Assessment of Type Approval documentation ing and the DNV Type Approval Certificate as stated in
The Type Approval documentation is assessed by DNV Ap- section 4.5.
proval office to verify that it is in conformity with the specified — Witness tests/inspection on factory samples, selected at
requirements. random from the production line (where practicable), or
storage, if specified in section 4.4.
2.4 Initial Survey of product and production facili-
ties including witnessing of Type Tests The Certificate Retention Survey report shall conclude that ei-
The objective of Initial Survey is to verify that the production, ther:
quality control arrangement, product design, material compo- a) the Type Approval Certificate shall be retained,
sition and the product marking is according to the Type Ap- or
proval documentation.
b) the Type Approval Certificate shall be modified/recalled
The main elements of a DNV Initial Survey are to: due to the changes in the basis for approval
— Ensure that production and quality control arrangement The Certificate Retention Survey report shall be submitted to
are according to requirements as specified in section 4.3 the manufacturer and to DNV Approval Office.
and as stated in Type Approval documentation submitted
by manufacturer. 2.8 Application for renewal after four (4) years
— Witness Type Tests, as specified in section 4.4. Application for renewal should be submitted to DNV not later
— Ensure traceability between manufacturer’s product mark- than three (3) months before expiry date of the Type Approval
ing and the type designation as stated in the application for Certificate.
Type Approval.
The application shall include updated Type Approval docu-
The objective of Type Tests is to verify the ability of the prod- mentation as specified in section 3, item 1 to 6. Items 7 to 11
uct to meet specified requirements by subjecting the test sam- shall be submitted if changes have been implemented since last
ple to physical, chemical, environmental or operational issuance of the Type Approval.


Standard for Certification - No. 2.9, October 2009
Type Approval Programme No. 1-501.11
Page 5

Upon receipt of the application, DNV will perform a Renewal Retention ≡ Certificate Retention Survey, carried out af-
Survey with objective to verify that the product design, mate- ter two (2) years
rial composition and the product marking are not altered since Renewal ≡ Renewal Survey, carried out after
issuance of the Type Approval Certificate. four (4) years.
Renewal Survey is to be carried out not later than four (4) years
after issuance of the Type Approval Certificate.
The main elements of a Renewal Survey are the same as spec- 4. Requirements
ified for the Certificate Retention Survey in section 2.7.
4.1 Basis for Type Approval
If there, since last issuance of the Type Approval Certificate,
has been any change in the relevant standards or in DNV The requirements in this section are in accordance with:
Rules, new assessment of product and Type Tests may be re-
— DNV Rules for Classification of High Speed, Light Craft
and Naval Surface Craft, Pt.2 Ch.4 Sec.2.
The Renewal Survey report will constitute part of the basis for — Standard for Certification No. 2.20 - Lifeboats and Rescue
renewal of the Type Approval Certificate. Boats, section 12
— Standard for Certification No. 2.21 - Craft, Ch.3 Sec.3.
These rules will be listed on the Type Approval Certificate.
3. Documents to be submitted
If one or more of the requirements in this section are not met,
The following Type Approval documentation is to be submit- the DNV Approval Centre may consider if the material is fit to
ted by the manufacturer at Initial Type Approval and updated, be Type Approved with a statement regarding the deviation
at renewal. The documentation shall be in triplicate, one copy from the requirements to be printed in the certificate.
will be returned to the manufacturer with the Type Approval
Certificate and one to the local DNV station/surveyor. The 4.2 Scope of Type Approval
documentation shall be in English, if not otherwise agreed. The approval of sandwich adhesives are separated into two dif-
(Please number documentation according to below list to facil- ferent quality grades:
itate review):
Grade 1: Required quality of sandwich adhesives for hull
1) Type designation, i.e. product name with list of variants constructions.
that are to be included in the Type Approval and stated on
the Type Approval Certificate. Grade 2: Required quality of sandwich adhesives for less
critical applications.
2) Name and address of manufacturer, to be listed on Type
Approval Certificate. Additionally, the following shall be One DNV Type Approval Certificate will be valid for one
specified, if applicable: quality of the actual product with the possibility to include var-
— person in charge For sandwich adhesives this means:
— phone and fax numbers
— e-mail and web address. Quality: one base resin / chemical composition.
Variants: different additives and fillers and different den-
3) Basis for approval. A reference to applicable Rules and sities.
Standards, ref. section 4.1, which the product is to comply
with. All variants shall fulfil the requirements to the same grade.
4) Product description (type of base resin, fillers etc.). One DNV Type Approval Certificate is limited to one manu-
facturer at one production site.
5) Field of Application and special limitations of the product
(Application procedure and required surface treatment pri- The following properties will be printed in the certificate:
or to lamination, compatibility/non-compatibility with
other materials, etc.). — flatwise tensile strength at 23°C and at
heat resistance temperature
6) Product specification, for variants according to section — tensile strength at -10oC, 0ºC, 23oC and at
4.4. Should be reported in Appendix A. heat resistance temperature
7) Type Test results including a summary according to sec- — fracture elongation at -10oC, 0ºC, 23oC and at
tion 4.4. Should be reported in Appendix A. heat resistance temperature
— shear strength, 23 °C
8) Survey report from DNV local unit, ref. section 2.4
— water resistance.
9) Description of production processes. *)
Deviation from the requirements will be stated in the certifi-
10) Description of quality control arrangement. *) cate.
11) Information regarding marking of the product or packag-
ing. 4.3 General requirements
*) To be verified by Initial Survey prior to the issuance of the Type Approval 4.3.1 Requirements to production and quality control
Certificate. arrangement
3.1 Definitions The manufacturer should have a quality system that meets ISO
9000 standards, or equivalent. If this quality standard is not
mean ≡ arithmetic mean of Type Test results fulfilled, the extent of testing and surveys will be specially
sdev ≡ standard deviation of Type Test results considered.
m-2sdev ≡ mean - 2 x sdev of Type Test results Quality control arrangement, including requirements in Table
msv ≡ manufacturer’s specified value 4-1, are to be checked with respect to the following at Initial,
msmv ≡ manufacturer’s specified minimum value Retention and at Renewal Surveys:
num ≡ number of parallels
Initial ≡ Initial Type Approval Survey — control on incoming material


Standard for Certification - No. 2.9, October 2009
Type Approval Programme No. 1-501.11
Page 6

— test equipment, test methods, test samples and references On delivery the material shall normally be such that no further
to standards used surface treatment is required to obtain proper bonding to the
— traceability and marking system surfaces. If surface treatment is required, this shall be stated in
— production test reports from delivery testing. the application for Type Approval, and it will be stated on the
Type Approval Certificate.
The extent of the manufacturer's quality control during produc-
tion shall as a minimum be as listed in Table 4-1 to ensure even The sandwich adhesives shall normally be compatible with
product quality. resins based on polyester, vinylester and epoxy and core mate-
rial such as PVC and balsa. Limited compatibility may be ac-
The manufacturer shall carry out delivery testing of each con- cepted upon special considerations. Limitations will be
signment and measured values shall be filed and be made specified in the certificate.
available to the surveyor.
4.4.2 Preparation of test samples
4.3.2 Description of Type Testing
Curing conditions shall be according to the manufacturer’s
The extent of Type Testing covers both the liquid adhesive specifications, preferably at temperatures obtainable in the
properties and the cured adhesive properties in sections 4.4. yard. Detailed description of surface treatment and application
These tests are to ensure that the product properties are as stat- procedure is required.
ed by the manufacturer.
Type Testing results from all variants are to be submitted to the For testing of shear and flatwise tension, the test samples shall
Society for evaluation, including a summary of the Type Tests be made of two pieces of high density core material (preferably
results in the enclosed table, Appendix A. If there are several PVC foam) with the sandwich adhesive located in the mid-
similar variants a less extensive test program can be agreed plane parallel to the steel supports. The adhesive shall be > 1
upon with the Society. mm thick. And the core material used shall be specified.
Other standardised test methods than those given for the re- 4.4.3 Heat resistance temperature
spective materials may be used upon agreement. Liquid prop- Heat resistance temperature is defined as the temperature at
erties of adhesive will be checked according to product which flatwise tensile strength has decreased to 80% of the
specification at DNV Survey. room temperature strength.
4.4 Requirements to material The heat resistance temperature shall be specified by the man-
ufacturer, and shall be greater than +45ºC.
4.4.1 General
The sandwich adhesive shall have stable long term properties. The heat resistance temperature shall be confirmed by testing
Continuous chemical processes, diffusion, etc. shall not affect according to flatwise tensile testing at the specified tempera-
the physical properties of the adhesive or the core laminate in- ture, where the flatwise tensile strength shall be > 80% of the
terface. If considered necessary, documentation of long term results obtained at room temperature.
properties may be required.

Table 4-1 Manufacturer's quality control for Sandwich Adhesives

Property Test standard1) Acceptance Criteria Minimum level of verifi- Frequency of control
Density ISO 1675 (1985) msv ± 10% Results documented in Each batch
production log
Viscosity ASTM D 1084-1988 Results documented in Each batch
method B (for free-flowing adhe- msv ± 20% production log
For notes see Table 4-2


Standard for Certification - No. 2.9, October 2009
Type Approval Programme No. 1-501.11
Page 7

Table 4-2 Requirements to Sandwich Adhesives

Property Test standard1) Number of Acceptance Criteria Minimum level of
parallels verification
Grade 1 Grade 2

Overall volume shrink- ISO 3521-19902) min. 5 msv msv DNV Survey
Flatwise tensile ASTM C 297-1994, (specimen: 5 min. 5 msmv msmv DNV Survey
strength × 5 cm, speed: 1 mm/minute) 3) min 1.0 (MPa) min 1.0 (MPa)
At 23°C and at heat resistance All values > 80% of All values > 80% of
temperature msmv at 23°C msmv at 23°C
Heat resistance - Conditioned to heat resistance min. 5 min. 45°C min. 45°C DNV Survey
strength temp, then flatwise tensile testing All values > 80% of All values > 80% of
according to ASTM 297-1994 msmv at 23°C msmv at 23°C
Tensile strength ISO 527-1997 min. 5 msmv (MPa) msmv (MPa) DNV Survey
(Specimen thickness 4 mm) DNV Survey

Fracture elongation At –10oC, 0°C, 23oC and at msmv msmv

heat resistance temperature at 23ºC: min. 3.5% at 23ºC: min. 2.0%
at –10ºC: min. 2.0% at –10ºC: min. 1.0%
Shear strength ISO 1922-1981 min. 5 msmv msmv DNV Survey
(23oC) 3) min. 0.4 (MPa) min. 0.4 (MPa)
Water resistance 4 weeks immersion in salt water min. 5 minimum 80% re- minimum 80% retained DNV Survey
(DIN 50905) at 40oC. Flatwise tained strength after strength after immer-
tensile testing according to ASTM immersion sion
C 297-1994 3) (specimen: 5 x 5
cm, speed: 1 mm minimum,
Approval may be refused for materials considered having a too low fracture elongation.
1) Other standards may be agreed upon with the Society prior to testing.
2) Curing shrinkage is relevant only for gap filling fillers.
3) The test samples shall be made of two pieces of high density core material (preferably PVC foam) with the Sandwich Adhesive located in the mid plane
parallel to the steel supports. The adhesive shall be > 1 mm thick. (specimen: 5 × 5 cm, speed: 1 mm/minute)

4.5 Requirements to packaging and marking of — storage instruction

product — production date.
The product or package is to be marked. The marking shall at The marking is to be carried out in such a way that it is visible,
least include the following information: legible and indelible. The product name shall be the same as
— manufacturer’s name or trade mark stated on the DNV Type Approval Certificate (ref. item 1 in
— production plant section 3).
— product name (grade)


Appendix A

Page 8
Type Approval Programme No. 1-501.11
Standard for Certification - No. 2.9, October 2009
For entry of Type Test results
Grade: Density variant: Date/Rev.: Sign.:

Property Test method Requirement Manufacturer's Type Test results

Cured resin Grade 1 Grade 2 To be msmv or msv Mean Standard deviation
Overall volume shrinkage ISO 3521-1990 msv msv
- density liquid msv msv
- density cured msv msv
Flatwise tensile strength ASTM C 297-1994, msmv msmv
At 23°C min 1.0 (MPa) min 1.0 (MPa)
ASTM C 297-1994, min. 45°C min. 45°C
Heat resistance - At heat resistance tempera- All values > 80% of msmv All values > 80% of msmv
strength ture…………...°C at 23°C at 23°C
Tensile strength ISO 527-1997 msmv (MPa) msmv (MPa)
At –10°C
At 0°C msmv msmv

At 23°C msmv msmv

At Heat resistance temper- msmv msmv


Fracture elongation ISO 527-1997 msmv msmv

At -10°C at -10ºC: min. 2.0% at -10ºC: min. 1.0%

At 0 °C msmv msmv
at 23ºC: min. 3.5% at 23ºC: min. 2.0%
At 23°C msmv msmv
at 23ºC: min. 3.5% at 23ºC: min. 2.0%
At heat resistance tempera- msmv msmv
Shear strength ISO 1922-1981 msmv msmv
(23°C) min. 0.4 (MPa) min. 0.4 (MPa)
Water resistance Tensile test msmv (MPa) msmv (MPa)
ASTM C 297-1994
- after 4 weeks immersion
in salt water (DIN 50905)
at 40°C.

minimum 80% retained minimum 80% retained

strength after immersion strength after immersion
(compared mean to mean) (compared mean to mean)

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