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Mercury Fire Blood & Honey

Kundalini- from an Occult and Internal Alchemical Perspective

Free PDF as mentioned in the Video:

Getting robbed by wanna-be shamans can be life altering 

That's exactly what I told him. 'Tourist trap'. I said youre going to get scammed


Posts: 160

Jun 9, 2018 at 4:50pm

Post by shadow on Jun 9, 2018 at 4:50pm

Jun 9, 2018 at 2:30pm SonOfTheGods said:

Jun 9, 2018 at 12:35pm shadow said:

Nice video cleared up a lot of questions I had regarding kundalini and the internal
alchemy proccess.

Just one question, what are some ways we can magnetize with yin, since my
practices seem to consist of mainly hot yang energy?

Thanks as always. 

The other techniques /intermediate- will bring the Yin bro 

OK makes sense good to know that I'm not becoming a grilled kebab  

Deleted Member

Posts: 0

Jun 9, 2018 at 10:24pm via mobile

Post by Deleted on Jun 9, 2018 at 10:24pm

How does one maintain keeping the Kundalini magnetized

Deleted Member

Posts: 0

Jun 10, 2018 at 2:45am

Post by Deleted on Jun 10, 2018 at 2:45am

i did not listen to it with maximum attention yesterday, so good idea to listen again.
many good points in there. even though what is described seems more like an
unbalanced kundalini than a smooth and integrated one. and those are not fun for

sure. even a more balanced and gradual one is not fun quite often, at least in my
very limited experience.

a friend of mine went to a yoga type of retreat, much pranayama, including more
intense fire stuff. and a guru in place, still not sure if he was well meaning. anyway,
two times of two, she overloaded after some weeks, and went kind of psychotic.
also became sick and disfunctional in multiple and mysterious ways and such, this
went for years. also, she never really cultivated in a meaningful way to get things
under control, and/or smooth things out. first time seems when she got her first
child, she had to be hospitalized, could perceive past present and future at once and
such, yet could not function well. second time, she got sick for years. third, she
ended up in the psychiatry. she got quite some intuition and some healing abilities,
yet not even remotely the full package. i am very sure that this was imbalanced
kundalini, which burnt here out.

only thing that does not make sense to me: why is chi "stronger" than kundalini?
seems like comparing different types of energy and consciousness. also, should
depend on the type of cultivation on is adapted to? anyway, no that i doubt it, i just
do not understand it (yet). in my paradigm (which is in constant change), kundalini
(in it's many aspects) is everything. principle of shiva = absolute voidness,
primordial emptiness, formlessness; shakti = kinetic power, creative cosmic force.
manifesting reality. everything in this universe. so, even chi in theory should
consist of shakti? just a theory.

as a sidenote: with all those new vids coming out, here, and also some other
channels i watch have vids that are like 1- 1,5 hours, and i do not feel like watching
them/listening to them in front of my screen, simply too much, i have started to
convert them into mp3 (many youtube to mp3 converters out there) and listen to
them while walking (and cultivating in the background). great for the more verbal
ones, meaning no stuff like animations or visual instructions, and i am quite
auditive, great way to stack in more useful knowledge from some of my idols and
"online mentors"

 <<<<<-------- cat with kundalini syndrome and heavy uncontrollable kriyas to

prove my point 

Last Edit: Jun 10, 2018 at 2:46am by Deleted



LoneMan Pai™

Posts: 1,232

Jun 10, 2018 at 4:31am

Post by SonOfTheGods on Jun 10, 2018 at 4:31am

Jun 10, 2018 at 2:45am @luciddream69 said:

only thing that does not make sense to me: why is chi "stronger" than kundalini?
seems like comparing different types of energy and consciousness. also, should
depend on the type of cultivation on is adapted to?

Qi is Yin/Yang- Voluntarily guided and controlled by Yi/Mind= cultivated by

Refined Jing- culminating to Shen

Kundalini is Yang/Hot/Fire/Electric -with depleted Jing and no control- with brain

and mind blowout/Jade Pillow/Niwan - leading to possible psychosis

Last Edit: Jun 10, 2018 at 4:32am by SonOfTheGods

Post by Deleted on Jul 30, 2017 at 12:35pm

The Zhengqi is a side effect of meditation/proper stillness. "It" automatically
corrects your postural imbalances the moment it arises. Even if you're not
slouching, there might be minimal imbalances in your body when you're
meditating, and Zhengqi "knows" how to correct them. It's actually
marvelous and part of the whole "optimization" you're striving for when
meditating. Refer to joeblast's thread.

Regarding Gurdjieff and his "Kundabuffer", there seems to be a

complicated history behind it. Gurdjieff was opposed to the Theosophical
Society and Blavatsky, as they were picking up pseudo-mystical jargon
from the Eastern Religions and misleading a lot of people. Gurdjieff was
also a "trickster" and changed his definitions depending on what his
listeners needed to hear in order to change. So a lot of people understand
him to be against Kundalini. Or mayhaps he didn't understand it in the first

Gurdjieff in Ouspensky′s In Search of the Miraculous:

In so-called ′occult′ literature you have probably met with the expression
′Kundalini,′ ′the fire of Kundalini,′ or the ′serpent of Kundalini.′ This
expression is often used to designate some kind of strange force which is
present in man and which can be awakened. But none of the known
theories gives the right explanation of the force of Kundalini. Sometimes it
is connected with sex, with sex energy, that is with the idea of the
possibility of using sex energy for other purposes. This latter is entirely
wrong because kundalini snakeKundalini can be in anything. And above all,
Kundalini is not anything desirable or useful for man′s development. It is
very curious how these occultists have got hold of the word from
somewhere but have completely altered its meaning and from a very
dangerous and terrible thing have made something to be hoped for and to
be awaited as some blessing.
In reality Kundalini is the power of imagination, the power of fantasy, which
takes the place of a real function. When a man dreams instead of acting,
when his dreams take the place of reality, when a man imagines himself to
be an eagle, a lion, or a magician, it is the force of Kundalini acting in him.

Kundalini can act in all centers and with its help all the centers can be
satisfied with the imaginary instead of the real. A sheep which considers
itself a lion or a magician lives under the power of Kundalini.
Kundalini is a force put into men in order to keep them in their present
state. If men could really see their true position and could understand all
the horror of it, they would be unable to remain where they are even for one
second. They would begin to seek a way out and they would quickly find it,
because there is a way out; but men fail to see it simply because they are
hypnotized. Kundalini is the force that keeps them in a hypnotic state. ′To
awaken′ for man means to be ′dehypnotized.′ In this lies the chief difficulty
and in this also lies the guarantee of its possibility, for there is no organic
reason for sleep and man can awaken.
Theoretically he can, but practically it is almost impossible because as
soon as a man awakens for a moment and opens his eyes, all the forces
that caused him to fall asleep begin to act upon him with tenfold energy and
he immediately falls asleep again, very often dreaming that he is awake or
is awakening.
There are certain states in ordinary sleep in which a man wants to awaken
but cannot. He tells himself that he is awake but, in reality, he continues to
sleep – and this can happen several times before he finally awakes. But in
ordinary sleep, once he is awake, he is in a different state; in hypnotic
sleep the case is otherwise; there are no objective characteristics, at any
rate not at the beginning of awakening; a man cannot pinch himself in order
to make sure that he is not asleep. And if, which God forbid, a man has
heard anything about objective characteristics, Kundalini at once
transforms it all into imagination and dreams.

Gurdjieff in Beelzebub′s Tales to His Grandson:

One day while instructing some of his closest initiates, Saint Buddha spoke
in very precise terms about a means for the possible destruction in their
nature of the consequences of the properties of the organ kundabuffer,
transmitted to them by heredity. Among the things he said to them was this:
′One of the best means of rendering ineffective the predisposition in your
nature to crystallize the consequences of the properties of the organ
kundabuffer is "intentional suffering"; and the greatest "intentional suffering"
can be obtained in our presences by compelling ourselves to endure the
displeasing manifestations of others toward ourselves.′

Osho in The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, volume 2:


A friend has asked:

How was it possible that a man like Gurdjieff, a man of such great
understanding, did not understand the idea of kundalini energy?
He called it kundabuffer. He was very much against the idea of kundalini.
He used to say that the worst thing that could happen to a person in life is
the arousal of kundalini. The questioner, naturally, is bewildered.
But you don′t understand the real meaning of Gurdjieff. He called it
kundabuffer because of the nonsense that theosophists have created in the
world. They talked so much about kundalini, the serpent power, and it was
all gibberish; they knew nothing about it. They were just fabricating, they
were just inventing theories and ideas. It was all guesswork.
In fact, out of a hundred books that are written about kundalini, ninety-nine
are absolute nonsense. And the people who had gathered around Gurdjieff
had come through theosophical philosophy, hypotheses, doctrines. He was
shattering their knowledge; he was not saying anything against kundalini.
How could he say that? He knew far better than Blavatsky, Annie Besant,
Alcott, Leadbeater - he knew far better than these people. These people
were only experts in creating doctrines, and really they were great experts.
They had created almost a world movement - about auras and colors and words from the ancient spiritual lore. And they created
worlds, imaginary worlds, around those words.
Gurdjieff is right to call it kundabuffer. And Gurdjieff is right in saying that
the worst thing that can happen to a man is the arousal of kundalini. But
remember always that he was talking to his disciples, in a particular
context. He was shattering the knowledge of his disciples about kundalini
power - because the first step of a master is to destroy your knowledge,
because your knowledge is basically false, borrowed.
Before you can be made familiar with the truth, the untrue has to be taken
away. Sometimes the master has to be very merciless, and sometimes the
master has to say things which are not really so. Kundalini is not a wrong
idea, but for ninety-nine percent of people, Gurdjieff is right.
gopi krishnaNow there are again people like Gopi Krishna, who are writing
books on kundalini and the serpent power, and the great genius that comes
through it. It has not even happened to Gopi Krishna! What kind of genius
has he? At the most, the only proof that he has given of his genius is some
absolutely worthless poetry, just like the poetry schoolchildren write. He has
been a clerk his whole life. His poetry smells of his whole life′s clerkship - it
stinks! It has no beauty, it has no grandeur - it has nothing of the superb.

And now he is propounding around the world that when kundalini arises
your latent power of genius becomes manifest. How many yogis have won
the Nobel Prize? And how many yogis have contributed to the world′s
scientific knowledge, art, poetry, painting, sculpture? How many of your
people whose so-called kundalini has arisen have contributed in any way to
the world′s richness?
What Gopi Krishna is talking about is not kundalini but kundabuffer.
Gurdjieff would have put him right with a single blow. But he attracts
people. People are very much attracted by mystical nonsense, by occult
stupidity, by esoteric gibberish. Just start talking with people about chakras,
centers of energy, and kundalini passing through them, and they are all-
attentive. You just try it! There is no need to know anything about it - just
invent...because Jaina mystics have not talked about kundalini, Buddhist
mystics have not talked about kundalini, Christian mystics have never
known anything about it, Sufis are absolutely unaware of this energy called
kundalini. Only Hindu yoga talks about it.
There IS something in it, but not exactly the way it is told to people. The
knowledge that is floating around about kundalini is all nonsense, and
Gurdjieff was right to condemn it. He was condemning the whole
theosophical movement. Theosophists were very much against Gurdjieff.
They knew nothing, but they created a great movement. They were more or
less political people, scholars, logic-choppers, but not in any way realized
Gurdjieff shattered many beliefs.

Last Edit: Jul 30, 2017 at 12:41pm by Deleted

Deleted Member

Posts: 0

Aug 1, 2017 at 2:35pm


Post by Deleted on Aug 1, 2017 at 2:35pm

Jul 30, 2017 at 12:35pm @azure said:

The Zhengqi is a side effect of meditation/proper stillness. "It" automatically
corrects your postural imbalances the moment it arises. Even if you're not
slouching, there might be minimal imbalances in your body when you're
meditating, and Zhengqi "knows" how to correct them. It's actually
marvelous and part of the whole "optimization" you're striving for when
meditating. Refer to joeblast's thread.

Regarding Gurdjieff and his "Kundabuffer", there seems to be a

complicated history behind it. Gurdjieff was opposed to the Theosophical
Society and Blavatsky, as they were picking up pseudo-mystical jargon
from the Eastern Religions and misleading a lot of people. Gurdjieff was
also a "trickster" and changed his definitions depending on what his
listeners needed to hear in order to change. So a lot of people understand
him to be against Kundalini. Or mayhaps he didn't understand it in the first

Gurdjieff in Ouspensky′s In Search of the Miraculous:

In so-called ′occult′ literature you have probably met with the expression
′Kundalini,′ ′the fire of Kundalini,′ or the ′serpent of Kundalini.′ This
expression is often used to designate some kind of strange force which is
present in man and which can be awakened. But none of the known
theories gives the right explanation of the force of Kundalini. Sometimes it
is connected with sex, with sex energy, that is with the idea of the
possibility of using sex energy for other purposes. This latter is entirely
wrong because kundalini snakeKundalini can be in anything. And above all,
Kundalini is not anything desirable or useful for man′s development. It is
very curious how these occultists have got hold of the word from
somewhere but have completely altered its meaning and from a very
dangerous and terrible thing have made something to be hoped for and to
be awaited as some blessing.
In reality Kundalini is the power of imagination, the power of fantasy, which
takes the place of a real function. When a man dreams instead of acting,
when his dreams take the place of reality, when a man imagines himself to
be an eagle, a lion, or a magician, it is the force of Kundalini acting in him.

Kundalini can act in all centers and with its help all the centers can be
satisfied with the imaginary instead of the real. A sheep which considers
itself a lion or a magician lives under the power of Kundalini.
Kundalini is a force put into men in order to keep them in their present
state. If men could really see their true position and could understand all
the horror of it, they would be unable to remain where they are even for one
second. They would begin to seek a way out and they would quickly find it,
because there is a way out; but men fail to see it simply because they are
hypnotized. Kundalini is the force that keeps them in a hypnotic state. ′To
awaken′ for man means to be ′dehypnotized.′ In this lies the chief difficulty
and in this also lies the guarantee of its possibility, for there is no organic
reason for sleep and man can awaken.
Theoretically he can, but practically it is almost impossible because as
soon as a man awakens for a moment and opens his eyes, all the forces
that caused him to fall asleep begin to act upon him with tenfold energy and
he immediately falls asleep again, very often dreaming that he is awake or
is awakening.
There are certain states in ordinary sleep in which a man wants to awaken
but cannot. He tells himself that he is awake but, in reality, he continues to
sleep – and this can happen several times before he finally awakes. But in
ordinary sleep, once he is awake, he is in a different state; in hypnotic
sleep the case is otherwise; there are no objective characteristics, at any
rate not at the beginning of awakening; a man cannot pinch himself in order
to make sure that he is not asleep. And if, which God forbid, a man has
heard anything about objective characteristics, Kundalini at once
transforms it all into imagination and dreams.

Gurdjieff in Beelzebub′s Tales to His Grandson:

One day while instructing some of his closest initiates, Saint Buddha spoke
in very precise terms about a means for the possible destruction in their
nature of the consequences of the properties of the organ kundabuffer,
transmitted to them by heredity. Among the things he said to them was this:
′One of the best means of rendering ineffective the predisposition in your
nature to crystallize the consequences of the properties of the organ
kundabuffer is "intentional suffering"; and the greatest "intentional suffering"
can be obtained in our presences by compelling ourselves to endure the
displeasing manifestations of others toward ourselves.′

Osho in The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, volume 2:


A friend has asked:

How was it possible that a man like Gurdjieff, a man of such great
understanding, did not understand the idea of kundalini energy?
He called it kundabuffer. He was very much against the idea of kundalini.
He used to say that the worst thing that could happen to a person in life is
the arousal of kundalini. The questioner, naturally, is bewildered.
But you don′t understand the real meaning of Gurdjieff. He called it
kundabuffer because of the nonsense that theosophists have created in the
world. They talked so much about kundalini, the serpent power, and it was
all gibberish; they knew nothing about it. They were just fabricating, they
were just inventing theories and ideas. It was all guesswork.
In fact, out of a hundred books that are written about kundalini, ninety-nine
are absolute nonsense. And the people who had gathered around Gurdjieff
had come through theosophical philosophy, hypotheses, doctrines. He was
shattering their knowledge; he was not saying anything against kundalini.
How could he say that? He knew far better than Blavatsky, Annie Besant,
Alcott, Leadbeater - he knew far better than these people. These people
were only experts in creating doctrines, and really they were great experts.
They had created almost a world movement - about auras and colors and words from the ancient spiritual lore. And they created
worlds, imaginary worlds, around those words.
Gurdjieff is right to call it kundabuffer. And Gurdjieff is right in saying that
the worst thing that can happen to a man is the arousal of kundalini. But
remember always that he was talking to his disciples, in a particular
context. He was shattering the knowledge of his disciples about kundalini
power - because the first step of a master is to destroy your knowledge,
because your knowledge is basically false, borrowed.
Before you can be made familiar with the truth, the untrue has to be taken
away. Sometimes the master has to be very merciless, and sometimes the
master has to say things which are not really so. Kundalini is not a wrong
idea, but for ninety-nine percent of people, Gurdjieff is right.
gopi krishnaNow there are again people like Gopi Krishna, who are writing
books on kundalini and the serpent power, and the great genius that comes
through it. It has not even happened to Gopi Krishna! What kind of genius
has he? At the most, the only proof that he has given of his genius is some
absolutely worthless poetry, just like the poetry schoolchildren write. He has
been a clerk his whole life. His poetry smells of his whole life′s clerkship - it
stinks! It has no beauty, it has no grandeur - it has nothing of the superb.

And now he is propounding around the world that when kundalini arises
your latent power of genius becomes manifest. How many yogis have won
the Nobel Prize? And how many yogis have contributed to the world′s
scientific knowledge, art, poetry, painting, sculpture? How many of your
people whose so-called kundalini has arisen have contributed in any way to
the world′s richness?
What Gopi Krishna is talking about is not kundalini but kundabuffer.
Gurdjieff would have put him right with a single blow. But he attracts
people. People are very much attracted by mystical nonsense, by occult
stupidity, by esoteric gibberish. Just start talking with people about chakras,
centers of energy, and kundalini passing through them, and they are all-
attentive. You just try it! There is no need to know anything about it - just
invent...because Jaina mystics have not talked about kundalini, Buddhist
mystics have not talked about kundalini, Christian mystics have never
known anything about it, Sufis are absolutely unaware of this energy called
kundalini. Only Hindu yoga talks about it.
There IS something in it, but not exactly the way it is told to people. The
knowledge that is floating around about kundalini is all nonsense, and
Gurdjieff was right to condemn it. He was condemning the whole
theosophical movement. Theosophists were very much against Gurdjieff.
They knew nothing, but they created a great movement. They were more or
less political people, scholars, logic-choppers, but not in any way realized
Gurdjieff shattered many beliefs.

This part here really clicked for me:

"If men could really see their true position and could understand all the
horror of it, they would be unable to remain where they are even for one
second. They would begin to seek a way out and they would quickly find it,
because there is a way out; but men fail to see it simply because they are
hypnotized. Kundalini is the force that keeps them in a hypnotic state. ′To
awaken′ for man means to be ′dehypnotized.′ In this lies the chief difficulty
and in this also lies the guarantee of its possibility, for there is no organic
reason for sleep and man can awaken.

Theoretically he can, but practically it is almost impossible because as soon as

a man awakens for a moment and opens his eyes, all the forces that caused him

to fall asleep begin to act upon him with tenfold energy and he immediately falls
asleep again, very often dreaming that he is awake or is awakening.

I felt this exact sensation for the part I bolded. During my meditation for just
a brief moment I saw all my shortcomings in the past and present from a
third-person perspective and I felt... disgusted with myself. I wanted to die. I
couldn't take the pain anymore... it wasn't physical pain but emotional/
mental pain? I couldn't take it anymore so I "hypnotized" myself.. I wasn't
ready... yet

What does everyone think? Is it the darkness residing within our heart?
Maybe it's our subconscious?
Perhaps it's just a clutch until one is strong enough to walk alone facing the
disillusionment of the sweet hypnotic lullabies that allows us to sleep ever
so soundly...

Is this something that each one of us must face and overcome through our

either way I feel like there are even more questions than before... and
perhaps the questions I'm asking are wrong so feel free to comment and I
might just find my answers there.


Posted by SonOfTheGodsJul 28, 2017 at 1:12pm

fatinside Avatar

Jul 28, 2017 at 12:56pm fatinside said:

This realm is a duality of opposites: Yin to Yang, left to right, up to down,

sky to earth. So I'm curious since kundalini's a strong yang energy is there
a force that's that oppose it? Has anyone experienced something like like a
strong yin anti-lini?

Yin follows Yang.... and Kundalini is strong hot Yang without the proper
cooling ratio of Yin

So the opposite of Kundalini is proper Qi flow and adequate Jing = the

proper Yin+Yang balance

Kundalini is doing it all wrong and LoneMan Pai™ is the opposite... by

doing it all right

Read more:

I guess the way to do that is by doing things right.


Posted by joeblastJul 28, 2017 at 1:54pm

Guts Avatar

Jul 28, 2017 at 1:41pm Guts said:

What I don't understand is everybody refers to kundalini as goddess, divine

feminine, etc. yet... yang energy. Shouldn't it be yin? I am confused

They also say to awaken the pure yang qi, you have to stop the prana,
complete stillness, reach the mystic female. So first, you're supposed to

reach the purest yin state, then pure yang (but it's not called the mystic
male is it) arises. So, seems like there would be balance by default.

Sorry if this is bad info, I'm still trying to discern what's what.

Yin and yang manifest automatically, it is useless to refer to anything as

purely yin or purely yang.

Balanced yin & yang manifest each other. Too much of one, and the other
does not manifest strongly = vicious cycle.

Yang without enough yin = yang burnout and the yin that results is
imbalanced and actually lacking the yang to rebound properly (=inability to
function mentally/energetically)

So the opposite,

Yin without enough yang = non motivation e.g. sitting all the time and never
doing any weigong or physical exercise, leads to imbalanced (weak) yang
that eventually doesnt rebound well and lacks yin = the body hurts to much
to even sit properly and cultivate, then eventually the yin cultivation is
difficult also.

This has to be taken in the context of yin & yang interplay and the
understanding that imbalance means the spark of one arising from the
other is imbalanced and thus weak.

This is why physical exercise and sleep and important components, just as
active techs and longevity breathing/stillness are important components

Either extreme is bad JQS balance.

Read more:

I do need a bit more physical exercise to balance things.

Deleted Member

Posts: 0

Aug 1, 2017 at 5:21pm via mobile


Post by Deleted on Aug 1, 2017 at 5:21pm

Pain is resistance. Death is easy when you have nothing to let go
hold nothing

Deleted Member

Posts: 0

Aug 9, 2017 at 7:33pm


Post by Deleted on Aug 9, 2017 at 7:33pm

Jul 28, 2017 at 10:54am joeblast said:

Jul 28, 2017 at 10:41am Guts said:

What I don't understand is everybody refers to kundalini as goddess, divine
feminine, etc. yet... yang energy. Shouldn't it be yin? I am confused

They also say to awaken the pure yang qi, you have to stop the prana,
complete stillness, reach the mystic female. So first, you're supposed to
reach the purest yin state, then pure yang (but it's not called the mystic
male is it) arises. So, seems like there would be balance by default.

Sorry if this is bad info, I'm still trying to discern what's what.

Yin and yang manifest automatically, it is useless to refer to anything as

purely yin or purely yang.

Balanced yin & yang manifest each other. Too much of one, and the other
does not manifest strongly = vicious cycle.

Yang without enough yin = yang burnout and the yin that results is
imbalanced and actually lacking the yang to rebound properly (=inability to
function mentally/energetically)

So the opposite,

Yin without enough yang = non motivation e.g. sitting all the time and never
doing any weigong or physical exercise, leads to imbalanced (weak) yang

that eventually doesnt rebound well and lacks yin = the body hurts to much
to even sit properly and cultivate, then eventually the yin cultivation is
difficult also.

This has to be taken in the context of yin & yang interplay and the
understanding that imbalance means the spark of one arising from the
other is imbalanced and thus weak.

This is why physical exercise and sleep and important components, just
as active techs and longevity breathing/stillness are important components

Either extreme is bad JQS balance.

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his text has been shared on my log, and i really like it, and it resonates with
my experience and insights of last years very much. the website is cool,
too. not sure how compatible with lonemanpai "approach" to/model of
kundalini, yet the explanation of psychological and psycho-energetic
processes in general as well as specifically in relationships here seems
quite accurate, and i have been hearing some of this before from
practicioners i much respect. i think every practicioner who goes deeper
down the rabbit hole has to face stuff like this at some points, and go
through. or go down. part of the path. and the path is not just about energy
work and "mechanics", yet also the transformative shifts that arise out of
the mechanics. and how to deal with them skillfully.


"Individuation is a life-long process of finding the meaning of our existence

irrespective of others' needs, wants and demands. The early focus of
individuation is not in finding "whom I am," but in learning "who I am not." ~
Karla McLaren

Verena Kast defined individuation as: "The life-long process toward

wholeness, individuality, differentiation from one's parents, parental
complexes and projections."

"Individuation therefore also means separation, differentiation and

recognition of what is yours and what is not." 256 ~ Marie-Louise Von
Franz, Alchemy.

If kundalini is the energy of individuation, then how does kundalini relate to

relationship? During a kundalini awakening as more layers of our being are
accessed we are both more vulnerable, complex and sensitive. The energy
of kundalini is highly attractive and addictive and so we have to be careful
not to draw unhealthy relationships, like wasps around a honey pot. It's the
kundalini energy itself that is "attractive" but it's not always attractive.
Kundalini is attractive to the degree that bodies and hearts are "open," and
it pushes uncomfortably against that which is not open.

Those who are nervous, borderline, hypersensitive or unbalanced would

most often be made uncomfortable by contact with someone with active
kundalini. An aggressive person might be stimulated to be aggressive
within the heightened field. And during the die-off and gravity crushing
phases kundalini is definitely not attractive to oneself or others. However
personally I love the die-offs as a holy experience.

During an awakening we are more alone than we will ever be in our lives,
for no one can intimately tread the same territory alongside us. Beware of
selling your values and truth out for the comfort and security of having
someone around. Also during active kundalini, sex along with all sensation,
is greatly amplified and this can interfere with discretion and decision-
making. Also with kundalini flow we are already greatly in love, bliss and
openness and likely to overlook warning signals, traits and behaviors which
normally we wouldn't tolerate in a partner. So it is a strange condition of
being in total readiness for relationship, and yet the stakes of setting a foot

wrong have never been so high. We will fall into whatever traps we have
prepared for ourselves by our nature. If you find yourself involved in
relationship difficulty, pull back and focus your energy on creative output
and integrating the kundalini through exercise, energy work (Qi Gong etc...)
and nature.

During an awakening it becomes even more important to always seek a

peer relationship. Never fall into the trap of thinking you are doing someone
a favor and helping them to grow, heal or overcome neurosis by having sex
with them during active kundalini. Seek someone of equal or higher
openness and intelligence, for anything else will be degrading, wasteful and
produce suffering. The neurotic that you desire to "help" will not be able to
grow at the same pace, nor commit to conscious awakening and their
rubber banding will be a severe waste of energy for you at a time when you
already have enough to deal with. By rubber banding I mean the push-pull
that goes on in someone who is divided in their being and their intention, so
that they cannot commit to relationship but flip around, one minute for, one
minute against.

Kundalini energy is so "exaggerating" to any mechanism within relationship

that everything becomes an insane parody of cannot hide
from the potential for love, or one's need to betray that potential. If one
needs to be in a push-pull relationship I advise to do it before a kundalini
awakening, or if it starts happening within a relationship while in kundalini,
just get out of the relationship fast. Since we are usually already out of our
depth and in crisis during kundalini, engaging in sum-negative relationships
with people who are not up to the task of truly loving us, is perhaps the
most dangerous and damaging thing we can do. For we just waste our
time, energy and spiritual attainment in low-grade human drama. It boils
down to whether a relationship is syntropic and builds autonomy, soul,
consciousness, energy and love or if it's entropic and interferes with the
evolutionary expression of these.

Since there are very few people who have had awakened kundalini or are
presently active, its unlikely that we can pair up with someone based on
this criteria. In my experience it is best to avoid the person who has read all
the books, knows the lingo and has a spiritual practice, but is still deeply in
schism, neurosis and narcissism. Instead it is better to choose one who
may have none of the trappings of the spiritual path, but is united in their
being, with an open heart and forthright energy. Don't be distracted by

appearances for in the trials of a kundalini crisis we cannot afford the luxury
of draining or twisted relationships.

If the non-popped partner considers him/herself to be a spiritual practitioner

then eventually narcissism, competition and jealousy will likely get the
better of them and their rubberband of defense will snap back into place.
Thus ultimately it takes someone who is equally ready to Pop to really be in
long term relationship with someone going through a kundalini awakening,
for the degree of surrender necessary is perhaps absolute.

It is the openness or “expansion capacity” of your partner’s heart that is the

absolutely crucial factor. Because the supernatural energies of kundalini
will shake everything within the couple, the ability for compassionate
objective nonreactive witnessing is vital. As is an understanding of the
alchemical cyclic process of the sacred marriage itself. The success of
romantic relationship during a kundalini awakening depends on the
interrelationship of the capacity for “faith” of the two individuals.

To a large degree whether we enter a relationship or not is not up to us. It is

up to the universe. If someone turns up in which attraction, communion and
purpose are aligned then we literally HAVE to go with it in order to live in
truth. Spirit makes such things happen, and we must obey spirit or move
down the ladder of being. Many of us are living such fictitious lives however
that finding something real between two people is extremely
uncommon...all the more reason why we are obligated into a relationship
should one arise. But if a relationship is going to interfere with who we are
or where we are going on the soul level then it is best to avoid it.

Having a relationship when one is kundalini-active is an exaggeration and

amplification of everything that constitutes relationship, so it is necessary to
be with someone who is more stable and evolved than yourself, or
someone who has had an awakening, or is having one. As I said before the
capacity for openness of the partner’s heart should be the defining
element, not whether they are book-learned about spirituality, or even if
they themselves have a spiritual practice. Because spiritual practice
doesn’t necessary make one more spiritual, ie: post-conventional.

Individuals of a conventional level are unsuitable for they are too rigid and
will contest you at every turn as you Be and express information from
higher realities. There are many ways to develop a truly post conventional

brain including a kundalini awakening, good genetics and richly stimulating

beginnings, extreme experiences and adventurous lifestyle, crisis,
shamanic drug use and spiritual practice that involves the removal of the
ego’s sense of specialness. We don't need the conventionally minded to
ground us or bring us back down to earth, for it is our job to bring heaven
down to earth. We must have the space to learn adaptation to the elevated
energy and consciousness ourselves from the inside out, as only this will
help us integrate larger/higher orders of our being. Fundamentally it is our
“job” NOT to succumb to consensus reality, but to bring the gifts of spirit
down and to illuminate the “flatland” world. Another thing is if they are not
thoroughly kundalini.informed, they may tend to pathologize your kundalini,
or seek to exploit it, either way this will be very bad for you.

If a couple is in active kundalini and having regular sex, then they really
have to do it consciously (ie: tantric), or else they are in big trouble because
everything is so exaggerated. Active kundalini really needs a 3rd stage
relationship (David Deida scale) with fluid honesty and eyes wide open.
You have to watch out that the energy is not being used in a masturbatory,
selfish or codependent fashion. The couple cannot be egoically using the
energy, or be selling it for love or whatever. That is we must wary of the
ego’s attempts to barter kundalini energy for sex, comfort, companionship
and security, this is a no win situation.

Masturbatory-egoic sex and relationship is driven by the older survival/

defense parts of the brain and is deprivation based. While transcendental
sex and relationship must be governed by cortical modification of old-brain
impulses and reflects “being.” Therefore to engage in higher forms of
relationship one needs to already have a certain proficency at the basic
needs level. Survival stress will bring us down to inhabit older brain areas
and interfere with higher cognition.
The changes and upheavals can be so great that it is essential to look for
the ultimate support within oneself. If you feel you need support from
sangha, Guru, mate, parents or doctor you will just run yourself ragged and
end up increasingly deprived. Isolation often leads to the evolutionary
chemistry of the mystics. The energy/awareness has to go somewhere, so
it turns into the inner flower. When we witness anything, be it loneliness,
horniness, kundalini, desire, pain, fear can be transmuted into its
own satisfaction. But if we turn our consciousness away from it and resist it
or suppress it then it just persists in an unconscious fashion to infest our
behavior and destiny. The "derepression capacity" of kundalini is so great

that the whole relationship has to be dedicated to the All or both parties are
screwed no matter what they do.

Like a hurricane, a tornado, an ice age, Metamorphosis is an inevitable

universal force that descends upon us from beyond our control and to
which there is very little we can do about to alter its path and effects.
Because of its rare and self-perpetuating (self-initiating and autopoietic)
nature we must as a society learn to distinguish the difference between
personal-temporal-earthly relationship and ephemeral-spiritual
transpersonal chemistry...and so clarify our thoughts and emotions around
these two very distinctly different phenomena. For the creation of a benign,
beneficent human civilization we must evolve beyond the security bound
ego to the unconditionally loving soul. So focus must be shifted from
survival to transmutation, without transmutation becoming yet another goal
of the security seeking condition. To do this we must achieve spiritual
autonomy from the world such that we can relax into unconditionally loving
soul in the midst of the chaos of the world.

As the Global Brain awakens and connects there will be such a floodtide of
transpersonal alchemy that we will collectively gain the skills and language
needed to address it. Until then the pioneers will largely be stumbling in the
dark, with barely a candle other than the light in their own heart. To be
touched with affection we must first touch with affection. The heart of the
world grows thus. We fill up from the inside out, after which we can shine
our love on all creation. The sheer intensity of kundalini forces us to trust
that which is beyond the known. It forces us to surrender to that which
seems infinitely larger than ourselves. It forces us be befriend ourselves
and forces us to love.

The hardest won lesson I learnt from my awakening was: that there is a
very real danger that if we are already blissed out of our tree and intent on
some heroic journey, we can accidentally pass up on the lover of our
dreams. Thus we must be weary of the dangers of our inflation and
idealism, to be responsive to the inner call to action when faced with a
meaningful encounter. And even more importantly if at all possible we must
be aware of our degree of spiritual pride, and prejudice which in the end
does nothing but disrupt our lives and create misery, loneliness and

True love, the soul-love that the universe creates, is really rare, so we may
have to settle for ego driven relationships that drive us batty. The main
problem with prolonged removal from romantic relationship, is the likelihood
of us dismissing the One because we are so used to holding nothing to us,
so no relationship "feels" like ours. A fabulous partner turns up and we
marvel at his/her beauty for "someone else" not us. That is we have turned
a prepersonal situation into a transpersonal and forgotten the personal in
between. Distracted by our duties and survival strategies the chance
meeting then becomes a one hour conversation instead of a lifetime of
relationship. The degree to which we have fought the pain of loneliness
rather than accepted it, is the degree that we escape into transpersonal
amnesia by which relationship is unlikely to touch us if it does arrive.
Similarly if we have fought for the "right" to have a relationship this
resistance to feeds into our transpersonal removal...which as I say
becomes a prepersonal prison. We could call this phenomena, "relationship

Relationship boils down to personal responsibility. If we are dissociated

from ourselves and the world, it's rather hard to make relationship happen.
Being on the path of ones life purpose is the opposite of dissociation. But
we have to learn to contain these global cosmic forces, carry out our
Kosmic-quest and have a personal life as well, because we can dissociate
by prepersonal and transpersonal means. We can be so driven by
transpersonal imperative that we miss out on personal life possibility. That
is the personal responsibility to accept life and to fulfill ourselves within it.

If we still feel dependent (fighting enmeshment with parents or employers)

then we are not really in this personal responsible state via which we can
surrender ourselves into accepting a relationship that might be
happening..."to accept life and fulfill ourselves and our purpose within it."
Thus paradoxically relationship requires sovereignty. Sovereignty is
empowerment by Essence, and Essence, soul, spirit is the ability to be
response-able to life.

We have to be boundaried before we can actively include another within

our boundaries. But if we are dissociated (removed from Essence), it
means we are a borderline personality, our self is not adequately solid
enough to "accept" relationship. If we are dissociated we cannot be self
responsible. Therefore it seems that the quality of our relationships
throughout our life are determined by the quality of human interaction we

had in the development of our self-system in the first few years of our life. If
we got inadequate heart-eye contact as an infant chances are we will be
cut off from Essence, dissociated from self and other and be isolated for life

Relationships are so complex that there will always be an occasion to

disprove all our assumptions and theories. The question if celibacy
enhances or impedes spiritual development is not black and white. Some
sexual matches generate more energy through synergy, while others
dissipate and drain energy and consciousness. Thus being celibate is no
guarantee that you will have more energy available for metamorphosis.
Chances are that prolonged celibacy while dry up your hormones and you
will become spiritually desiccated.

Some traditions insist that celibacy is essential for spiritual transformation,

but you could just as easily say that intimate relationship is necessary to
transform. Celibacy can be just as damaging and wasteful as relationship.
Relationship or celibacy undergone in an entropic or energy wasting
fashion is obviously counter to evolution. Over masturbation or excessive
sexual intercourse will tend to waste the neurotransmitters and energy
necessary for transmutation. There is some charming information on this

I personally find celibacy a distraction from both creativity and spiritual

practice and inadequate for deep human experience. The idea of celibacy
as being useful for spiritual growth is largely ignorance and misinformation.
Avoidance is not transcendence and that which is repressed cannot evolve.
Since relationships are fraught with complications and engage the play of
the ego, the wounds and the self-system there was the tendency to make a
career out of avoidance and join a monastery or nunnery. Nowadays we
have modern psychology and relationship science to help us navigate
these murky waters, so we do not have to be so distracted and distraught
by personal intimate relationship anymore...we have the technology!

Church systems of the past played an intrusive and usurping role in the
sexuality of their flock. Take away sex, replace it with a set of rules called
God, promise rewards in heaven and you basically have a stagnant,
prepersonal slave pool to draw from and build great wealth and power with.
"Sexual suppression becomes an essential tool of economic
enslavement."232, The Function of the Orgasm, ~ Wilhelm Reich

Traditionally it was thought that sex was counter to spirituality because

churches and gurus wanted to control their flocks through manipulating
their sex drives. A fully sexually cognizant person is a liberated sovereign
individual and therefore of no need of organized religion, and certainly
cannot be manipulated to offer absolution money for sins they know they
are not committing in the first place. Only the childlike can be indoctrinated
by fear to give up their sovereign soul to external dictatorial forces. Thus
religions interference and insistence that their flock remain prepubescent
and malleable to their machinations.
There are some benefits to celibacy however...if ones ego structure is
undeveloped, or ones wounds unhealed avoiding sexual intimacy will
conserve energy and time needed for self-survival. Also anyone going
through a full-on awakening might be so overwhelmed in just dealing with
that, that a relationship would be harmful--being too vulnerable for intimacy
so to speak. And if one engages in sex compulsively then neurological and
hormonal resources may be used up which could have been applied to
evolution of the bodymind.

Since metamorphosis uses the sexual hardware as part of the general

psychosomatic hyperactivation, any sexual energy and development that is
not "used up" in relationship will directly act to transmute the organism.
Thus unconsumated hyper-arousal can and does lead to the inner-
conjunction (10,000 orgs up the spine), for the energy has to go
somewhere. Conversely if sex and attraction is avoided then the sexual
hardware becomes atrophied or latent and so the very foundation of
spiritual energy is thwarted right there. Biologically there is no spiritual
evolution without fully engaged sexual engines, because the foundation of
our life energy is not separate from causal consciousness. If the sex
hardware is not revved up then there is not enough energy available to
reach the higher levels of consciousness, perception and being. Without
the higher-play of the poles/hemispheres/sexes there is no alchemy period!

Sex is not an obstacle to God Realization, but lack of love is. The quest is
not "how to avoid sex" but how to reveal the inherent holiness of sex
through spiritual, mental, emotional, physical communion. It is obvious that
intimacy or "connection" requires a surrender or sacrifice of ones egoity
and defense. But Robert Augustus Masters furthered this insight when he
said that connection requires us to include Other within our own sphere of
Being. So for intimacy there is both the need for the yin of surrender and
the yang of active inclusivity. And beyond even this--for connection to occur

there is the need to let go of ones own identification with separation itself.
Conscious sex in a harmonious evolutionary relationship is definitely the
ideal, and I suspect that such as supportive circumstance will actually
reduce both the down cycle and recovery time, such that ones spiritual
gains from kundalini awakening are substantiated and creativity is

One of my favorite movies is "Notes From Underground" by Gary Walkow,

based on the novella by Dostoevsky. Depressing yes, but one of the best
expressions of the interiors of the general neurosis and complexity of being
human I ever saw. The ruthless introspection reminds me of Robert
Augustus Masters, and gives me a taste for Dostoevsky whom I have never
looked into before. It also is an exquisite display of the hopelessness of
using the mind to outdo the mind, as you watch the main character torture
both himself and those around him relentlessly--because he cannot get
outside himself with the resources of his self-imposed prison. This movie is
perhaps the best advertisement for the necessity of spiritual practice there
ever was.

One can clearly see the self-manifest destiny of literally being attracted to
doom like a moth to the flame. It's a perfect description of Eckhart Tolles'
pain-body and Reichs' body armor. Thing is usually we are so into playing
tennis with the to and fro of our ego thrashing about as it seeks to both
masturbate with the energy, to deny it and to push it away. So engrossed
we are with the expansions and contractions as the armor is touched,
melted and rubber-banding...that we cannot see the overall nature of the
relationship process. Relationship is the process where by we are annealed
and tempered, both softened and hardened by the forces of separation and

There is no way to side step this work, for by avoiding relationship

altogether we just remain half dead enclosed in our cocoon. Eros is there to
help us break free and become a butterfly. To work through the death
throws of the Pain-body and armor we need to have great compassion,
intelligence and willingness. Willingness is the key I think, intention is not
enough...there needs to be a willingness to be vulnerable and be undone
by love in order to be "remade" by love.
Is sex evolutionary or devolutionary? It depends on the people involved, if it
is a synergistic spiritual relationship sex should not detract, but amplify
spiritual progress. However it cannot be a lower order sex...that is the sex

itself must be used for awakening. Such sex does not degrade or deplete
energy, but it takes a lot of courage to have this kind of sex because it is
post-egoic, it directly opens one to absolute vulnerability...absolute
vulnerability being the only state that it is really possible to grow spiritually
anyway...everything else is a fabrication of the mind, and not necessarily
spiritual in any real sense. Finding two people that are in the same space
mentally is hard, finding two people that are in the same place spiritually is
harder still, and then they have to find each other unearthily attractive as
well, which is hardest of all.
One of my favorite books on relationship is Love, Freedom, Aloneness, by
Osho. In it he says that love is painful because it transforms. Love is

Robert Augustus Masters is the Word on things relationship, check out his
books and essays at

The Way of the Lover by Robert A. Masters is one of the ultimate books
giving a vision of a higher form of relationship. Look for his upcoming book
Mature Monogamy, which goes even further.
The Mystery of Human Relationship: Alchemy and Transformation of the
Self, Nathan Schwartz-Salant; Routledge, 1998.

Why We Love: The Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love, Helen Fisher;
Owl Books, 2005

Secrets of Attraction: The Universal Laws of Love, Sex, and Romance,

Sandra Anne Taylor; Hay House, 2001

Awakening is the dance of the seduction of Self.

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..their home travels with them. Their craft is their home." -SaToGa

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Nov 10, 2016 at 1:18pm


Post by Abdou on Nov 10, 2016 at 1:18pm

Wow..great post Lucid. This resonates with me perfectly as well.
Relationships are extremely hard for me during these times because of this
very reason, no girl is on the same level as I am spiritually. And that isn't an
egoistic comment, it's just plain truth. I dont overlook anyone when it comes
to love because you never know where it could be hiding or in what
disguise it will be in. But most girls I talk too have never meditated and are
still going out drinking every weekend. For my last 3 girlfriends at the time
of breakup they ALWAYS say something along the lines of "You haven't
done one thing wrong, I just don't know why I am being like this." It makes
sense now, all their subconscious insecurities must be getting amplified
and surfacing. I had one girl who bought an app that generates random
numbers and she would text me pretending to be someone else and ask
questions about herself hoping I would 'slip up' (that's the only reason I
could deduct why anyone would do something like that..until now!). I
obviously never did because well..there was nothing to slip up about haha!
Just a guy trying to meditate. The fact is, some girls aren't ready for a
"kundalini relationship" so their subconscious projects anything into their
conscious mind to get away from truth.. I only meant to say "great post"
and say how it resonates but all this stuff just flowed onto the page so I
went with it. Sorry if I babbled about my own experiences too much, but like
I said it all resonated. Thanks for posting this man!!

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Jul 28, 2017 at 9:56am


Post by Deleted on Jul 28, 2017 at 9:56am

This realm is a duality of opposites: Yin to Yang, left to right, up to down,
sky to earth. So I'm curious since kundalini's a strong yang energy is there
a force that's that oppose it? Has anyone experienced something like like a
strong yin anti-lini?

۩ SaToGa ۩

Posts: 1,007,700

Jul 28, 2017 at 10:12am



Post by SonOfTheGods on Jul 28, 2017 at 10:12am

Jul 28, 2017 at 9:56am @fatinside said:

This realm is a duality of opposites: Yin to Yang, left to right, up to down,
sky to earth. So I'm curious since kundalini's a strong yang energy is there
a force that's that oppose it? Has anyone experienced something like like a
strong yin anti-lini?

Yin follows Yang.... and Kundalini is strong hot Yang without the proper
cooling ratio of Yin

So the opposite of Kundalini is proper Qi flow and adequate Jing = the

proper Yin+Yang balance

Kundalini is doing it all wrong and LoneMan Pai™ is the opposite... by

doing it all right

Mercury Fire Blood & Honey at Is Our New Forum

۩ SaToGa ۩

Posts: 1,007,700

Jul 28, 2017 at 10:15am


Post by SonOfTheGods on Jul 28, 2017 at 10:15am

A haunted room, cold room- can be a strong Yin presence

Very magnetic Qi flow, during a magick operation, can be what you asked
about in the OP
Mercury Fire Blood & Honey at Is Our New Forum
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Jul 28, 2017 at 10:17am via mobile


Post by forwards on Jul 28, 2017 at 10:17am

From what I've seen other places a lot of kundalini myths are based on

Seeing god/whatever, spine burning through blockages, feelings of loss of

identity and joining into universal oneness...

The balanced version of these events are extremely satisfying and it

doesn't take getting PTSD to experience them. And you can repeat them to
great effect once you learn how they work.

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Jul 28, 2017 at 10:39am


Post by joeblast on Jul 28, 2017 at 10:39am

gods dont get created on longevity breathing alone

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Jul 28, 2017 at 10:41am


Post by Guts on Jul 28, 2017 at 10:41am

What I don't understand is everybody refers to kundalini as goddess, divine
feminine, etc. yet... yang energy. Shouldn't it be yin? I am confused

They also say to awaken the pure yang qi, you have to stop the prana,
complete stillness, reach the mystic female. So first, you're supposed to
reach the purest yin state, then pure yang (but it's not called the mystic
male is it) arises. So, seems like there would be balance by default.

Sorry if this is bad info, I'm still trying to discern what's what.

۩ SaToGa ۩

Posts: 1,007,700

Jul 28, 2017 at 10:47am


Post by SonOfTheGods on Jul 28, 2017 at 10:47am

Jul 28, 2017 at 10:41am Guts said:

What I don't understand is everybody refers to kundalini as goddess, divine
feminine, etc. yet... yang energy. Shouldn't it be yin? I am confused

They also say to awaken the pure yang qi, you have to stop the prana,
complete stillness, reach the mystic female. So first, you're supposed to
reach the purest yin state, then pure yang (but it's not called the mystic
male is it) arises. So, seems like there would be balance by default.

Sorry if this is bad info, I'm still trying to discern what's what.

*Everybody* *They* ......we've seen how that all worked out

Mercury Fire Blood & Honey at Is Our New Forum
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Posts: 3,372

Jul 28, 2017 at 10:54am



Post by joeblast on Jul 28, 2017 at 10:54am

Jul 28, 2017 at 10:41am Guts said:

What I don't understand is everybody refers to kundalini as goddess, divine
feminine, etc. yet... yang energy. Shouldn't it be yin? I am confused

They also say to awaken the pure yang qi, you have to stop the prana,
complete stillness, reach the mystic female. So first, you're supposed to
reach the purest yin state, then pure yang (but it's not called the mystic
male is it) arises. So, seems like there would be balance by default.

Sorry if this is bad info, I'm still trying to discern what's what.

Yin and yang manifest automatically, it is useless to refer to anything as

purely yin or purely yang.

Balanced yin & yang manifest each other. Too much of one, and the other
does not manifest strongly = vicious cycle.

Yang without enough yin = yang burnout and the yin that results is
imbalanced and actually lacking the yang to rebound properly (=inability to
function mentally/energetically)

So the opposite,

Yin without enough yang = non motivation e.g. sitting all the time and never
doing any weigong or physical exercise, leads to imbalanced (weak) yang
that eventually doesnt rebound well and lacks yin = the body hurts to much
to even sit properly and cultivate, then eventually the yin cultivation is
difficult also.

This has to be taken in the context of yin & yang interplay and the
understanding that imbalance means the spark of one arising from the
other is imbalanced and thus weak.

This is why physical exercise and sleep and important components, just
as active techs and longevity breathing/stillness are important components

Either extreme is bad JQS balance.

Last Edit: Jul 28, 2017 at 2:37pm by joeblast: had to clarify that a little better...
Senior Member


Posts: 570

Jul 28, 2017 at 10:58am


Post by Truthchanter on Jul 28, 2017 at 10:58am

Not sure how related but I've heard the term "Kundabuffer" .. wondering
what that is.. if it buffers the kundalini, maybe it could be considered

Senior Member

Posts: 957

Jul 28, 2017 at 1:09pm


Post by Other on Jul 28, 2017 at 1:09pm

the kundabuffer is a term by gurdjieff i think, that refers to the posture/
slouching created by modern society and it´s way of sitting. I don´t know
much else though, but i can say that postural imbalance would indeed
create energetic blockages.
Perhaps the "righteous qi" that jb and azure i think referred on another
thread cannot emerge if much postural imbalance exists.
I don´t believe everything my mind thinks
Deleted Member

Posts: 0

Jul 30, 2017 at 11:53am via Tapatalk


Post by Deleted on Jul 30, 2017 at 11:53am

No, because slouching is/ might be interpreted as a submissive state by the

So, bad qi.

Deleted Member

Posts: 0

Jul 30, 2017 at 12:35pm


Post by Deleted on Jul 30, 2017 at 12:35pm

The Zhengqi is a side effect of meditation/proper stillness. "It" automatically
corrects your postural imbalances the moment it arises. Even if you're not

slouching, there might be minimal imbalances in your body when you're

meditating, and Zhengqi "knows" how to correct them. It's actually
marvelous and part of the whole "optimization" you're striving for when
meditating. Refer to joeblast's thread.

Regarding Gurdjieff and his "Kundabuffer", there seems to be a

complicated history behind it. Gurdjieff was opposed to the Theosophical
Society and Blavatsky, as they were picking up pseudo-mystical jargon
from the Eastern Religions and misleading a lot of people. Gurdjieff was
also a "trickster" and changed his definitions depending on what his
listeners needed to hear in order to change. So a lot of people understand
him to be against Kundalini. Or mayhaps he didn't understand it in the first

Gurdjieff in Ouspensky′s In Search of the Miraculous:

In so-called ′occult′ literature you have probably met with the expression
′Kundalini,′ ′the fire of Kundalini,′ or the ′serpent of Kundalini.′ This
expression is often used to designate some kind of strange force which is
present in man and which can be awakened. But none of the known
theories gives the right explanation of the force of Kundalini. Sometimes it
is connected with sex, with sex energy, that is with the idea of the
possibility of using sex energy for other purposes. This latter is entirely
wrong because kundalini snakeKundalini can be in anything. And above all,
Kundalini is not anything desirable or useful for man′s development. It is
very curious how these occultists have got hold of the word from
somewhere but have completely altered its meaning and from a very
dangerous and terrible thing have made something to be hoped for and to
be awaited as some blessing.
In reality Kundalini is the power of imagination, the power of fantasy, which
takes the place of a real function. When a man dreams instead of acting,
when his dreams take the place of reality, when a man imagines himself to
be an eagle, a lion, or a magician, it is the force of Kundalini acting in him.
Kundalini can act in all centers and with its help all the centers can be
satisfied with the imaginary instead of the real. A sheep which considers
itself a lion or a magician lives under the power of Kundalini.
Kundalini is a force put into men in order to keep them in their present
state. If men could really see their true position and could understand all
the horror of it, they would be unable to remain where they are even for one

second. They would begin to seek a way out and they would quickly find it,
because there is a way out; but men fail to see it simply because they are
hypnotized. Kundalini is the force that keeps them in a hypnotic state. ′To
awaken′ for man means to be ′dehypnotized.′ In this lies the chief difficulty
and in this also lies the guarantee of its possibility, for there is no organic
reason for sleep and man can awaken.
Theoretically he can, but practically it is almost impossible because as
soon as a man awakens for a moment and opens his eyes, all the forces
that caused him to fall asleep begin to act upon him with tenfold energy and
he immediately falls asleep again, very often dreaming that he is awake or
is awakening.
There are certain states in ordinary sleep in which a man wants to awaken
but cannot. He tells himself that he is awake but, in reality, he continues to
sleep – and this can happen several times before he finally awakes. But in
ordinary sleep, once he is awake, he is in a different state; in hypnotic
sleep the case is otherwise; there are no objective characteristics, at any
rate not at the beginning of awakening; a man cannot pinch himself in order
to make sure that he is not asleep. And if, which God forbid, a man has
heard anything about objective characteristics, Kundalini at once
transforms it all into imagination and dreams.

Gurdjieff in Beelzebub′s Tales to His Grandson:

One day while instructing some of his closest initiates, Saint Buddha spoke
in very precise terms about a means for the possible destruction in their
nature of the consequences of the properties of the organ kundabuffer,
transmitted to them by heredity. Among the things he said to them was this:
′One of the best means of rendering ineffective the predisposition in your
nature to crystallize the consequences of the properties of the organ
kundabuffer is "intentional suffering"; and the greatest "intentional suffering"
can be obtained in our presences by compelling ourselves to endure the
displeasing manifestations of others toward ourselves.′

Osho in The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, volume 2:

A friend has asked:

How was it possible that a man like Gurdjieff, a man of such great
understanding, did not understand the idea of kundalini energy?

He called it kundabuffer. He was very much against the idea of kundalini.

He used to say that the worst thing that could happen to a person in life is
the arousal of kundalini. The questioner, naturally, is bewildered.
But you don′t understand the real meaning of Gurdjieff. He called it
kundabuffer because of the nonsense that theosophists have created in the
world. They talked so much about kundalini, the serpent power, and it was
all gibberish; they knew nothing about it. They were just fabricating, they
were just inventing theories and ideas. It was all guesswork.
In fact, out of a hundred books that are written about kundalini, ninety-nine
are absolute nonsense. And the people who had gathered around Gurdjieff
had come through theosophical philosophy, hypotheses, doctrines. He was
shattering their knowledge; he was not saying anything against kundalini.
How could he say that? He knew far better than Blavatsky, Annie Besant,
Alcott, Leadbeater - he knew far better than these people. These people
were only experts in creating doctrines, and really they were great experts.
They had created almost a world movement - about auras and colors and words from the ancient spiritual lore. And they created
worlds, imaginary worlds, around those words.
Gurdjieff is right to call it kundabuffer. And Gurdjieff is right in saying that
the worst thing that can happen to a man is the arousal of kundalini. But
remember always that he was talking to his disciples, in a particular
context. He was shattering the knowledge of his disciples about kundalini
power - because the first step of a master is to destroy your knowledge,
because your knowledge is basically false, borrowed.
Before you can be made familiar with the truth, the untrue has to be taken
away. Sometimes the master has to be very merciless, and sometimes the
master has to say things which are not really so. Kundalini is not a wrong
idea, but for ninety-nine percent of people, Gurdjieff is right.
gopi krishnaNow there are again people like Gopi Krishna, who are writing
books on kundalini and the serpent power, and the great genius that comes
through it. It has not even happened to Gopi Krishna! What kind of genius
has he? At the most, the only proof that he has given of his genius is some
absolutely worthless poetry, just like the poetry schoolchildren write. He has
been a clerk his whole life. His poetry smells of his whole life′s clerkship - it
stinks! It has no beauty, it has no grandeur - it has nothing of the superb.
And now he is propounding around the world that when kundalini arises
your latent power of genius becomes manifest. How many yogis have won
the Nobel Prize? And how many yogis have contributed to the world′s
scientific knowledge, art, poetry, painting, sculpture? How many of your

people whose so-called kundalini has arisen have contributed in any way to
the world′s richness?
What Gopi Krishna is talking about is not kundalini but kundabuffer.
Gurdjieff would have put him right with a single blow. But he attracts
people. People are very much attracted by mystical nonsense, by occult
stupidity, by esoteric gibberish. Just start talking with people about chakras,
centers of energy, and kundalini passing through them, and they are all-
attentive. You just try it! There is no need to know anything about it - just
invent...because Jaina mystics have not talked about kundalini, Buddhist
mystics have not talked about kundalini, Christian mystics have never
known anything about it, Sufis are absolutely unaware of this energy called
kundalini. Only Hindu yoga talks about it.
There IS something in it, but not exactly the way it is told to people. The
knowledge that is floating around about kundalini is all nonsense, and
Gurdjieff was right to condemn it. He was condemning the whole
theosophical movement. Theosophists were very much against Gurdjieff.
They knew nothing, but they created a great movement. They were more or
less political people, scholars, logic-choppers, but not in any way realized
Gurdjieff shattered many beliefs.

Last Edit: Jul 30, 2017 at 12:41pm by Deleted

Deleted Member

Posts: 0

Aug 1, 2017 at 2:35pm


Post by Deleted on Aug 1, 2017 at 2:35pm

Jul 30, 2017 at 12:35pm @azure said:


The Zhengqi is a side effect of meditation/proper stillness. "It" automatically

corrects your postural imbalances the moment it arises. Even if you're not
slouching, there might be minimal imbalances in your body when you're
meditating, and Zhengqi "knows" how to correct them. It's actually
marvelous and part of the whole "optimization" you're striving for when
meditating. Refer to joeblast's thread.

Regarding Gurdjieff and his "Kundabuffer", there seems to be a

complicated history behind it. Gurdjieff was opposed to the Theosophical
Society and Blavatsky, as they were picking up pseudo-mystical jargon
from the Eastern Religions and misleading a lot of people. Gurdjieff was
also a "trickster" and changed his definitions depending on what his
listeners needed to hear in order to change. So a lot of people understand
him to be against Kundalini. Or mayhaps he didn't understand it in the first

Gurdjieff in Ouspensky′s In Search of the Miraculous:

In so-called ′occult′ literature you have probably met with the expression
′Kundalini,′ ′the fire of Kundalini,′ or the ′serpent of Kundalini.′ This
expression is often used to designate some kind of strange force which is
present in man and which can be awakened. But none of the known
theories gives the right explanation of the force of Kundalini. Sometimes it
is connected with sex, with sex energy, that is with the idea of the
possibility of using sex energy for other purposes. This latter is entirely
wrong because kundalini snakeKundalini can be in anything. And above all,
Kundalini is not anything desirable or useful for man′s development. It is
very curious how these occultists have got hold of the word from
somewhere but have completely altered its meaning and from a very
dangerous and terrible thing have made something to be hoped for and to
be awaited as some blessing.
In reality Kundalini is the power of imagination, the power of fantasy, which
takes the place of a real function. When a man dreams instead of acting,
when his dreams take the place of reality, when a man imagines himself to
be an eagle, a lion, or a magician, it is the force of Kundalini acting in him.
Kundalini can act in all centers and with its help all the centers can be
satisfied with the imaginary instead of the real. A sheep which considers
itself a lion or a magician lives under the power of Kundalini.

Kundalini is a force put into men in order to keep them in their present
state. If men could really see their true position and could understand all
the horror of it, they would be unable to remain where they are even for one
second. They would begin to seek a way out and they would quickly find it,
because there is a way out; but men fail to see it simply because they are
hypnotized. Kundalini is the force that keeps them in a hypnotic state. ′To
awaken′ for man means to be ′dehypnotized.′ In this lies the chief difficulty
and in this also lies the guarantee of its possibility, for there is no organic
reason for sleep and man can awaken.
Theoretically he can, but practically it is almost impossible because as
soon as a man awakens for a moment and opens his eyes, all the forces
that caused him to fall asleep begin to act upon him with tenfold energy and
he immediately falls asleep again, very often dreaming that he is awake or
is awakening.
There are certain states in ordinary sleep in which a man wants to awaken
but cannot. He tells himself that he is awake but, in reality, he continues to
sleep – and this can happen several times before he finally awakes. But in
ordinary sleep, once he is awake, he is in a different state; in hypnotic
sleep the case is otherwise; there are no objective characteristics, at any
rate not at the beginning of awakening; a man cannot pinch himself in order
to make sure that he is not asleep. And if, which God forbid, a man has
heard anything about objective characteristics, Kundalini at once
transforms it all into imagination and dreams.

Gurdjieff in Beelzebub′s Tales to His Grandson:

One day while instructing some of his closest initiates, Saint Buddha spoke
in very precise terms about a means for the possible destruction in their
nature of the consequences of the properties of the organ kundabuffer,
transmitted to them by heredity. Among the things he said to them was this:
′One of the best means of rendering ineffective the predisposition in your
nature to crystallize the consequences of the properties of the organ
kundabuffer is "intentional suffering"; and the greatest "intentional suffering"
can be obtained in our presences by compelling ourselves to endure the
displeasing manifestations of others toward ourselves.′

Osho in The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha, volume 2:

A friend has asked:


How was it possible that a man like Gurdjieff, a man of such great
understanding, did not understand the idea of kundalini energy?
He called it kundabuffer. He was very much against the idea of kundalini.
He used to say that the worst thing that could happen to a person in life is
the arousal of kundalini. The questioner, naturally, is bewildered.
But you don′t understand the real meaning of Gurdjieff. He called it
kundabuffer because of the nonsense that theosophists have created in the
world. They talked so much about kundalini, the serpent power, and it was
all gibberish; they knew nothing about it. They were just fabricating, they
were just inventing theories and ideas. It was all guesswork.
In fact, out of a hundred books that are written about kundalini, ninety-nine
are absolute nonsense. And the people who had gathered around Gurdjieff
had come through theosophical philosophy, hypotheses, doctrines. He was
shattering their knowledge; he was not saying anything against kundalini.
How could he say that? He knew far better than Blavatsky, Annie Besant,
Alcott, Leadbeater - he knew far better than these people. These people
were only experts in creating doctrines, and really they were great experts.
They had created almost a world movement - about auras and colors and words from the ancient spiritual lore. And they created
worlds, imaginary worlds, around those words.
Gurdjieff is right to call it kundabuffer. And Gurdjieff is right in saying that
the worst thing that can happen to a man is the arousal of kundalini. But
remember always that he was talking to his disciples, in a particular
context. He was shattering the knowledge of his disciples about kundalini
power - because the first step of a master is to destroy your knowledge,
because your knowledge is basically false, borrowed.
Before you can be made familiar with the truth, the untrue has to be taken
away. Sometimes the master has to be very merciless, and sometimes the
master has to say things which are not really so. Kundalini is not a wrong
idea, but for ninety-nine percent of people, Gurdjieff is right.
gopi krishnaNow there are again people like Gopi Krishna, who are writing
books on kundalini and the serpent power, and the great genius that comes
through it. It has not even happened to Gopi Krishna! What kind of genius
has he? At the most, the only proof that he has given of his genius is some
absolutely worthless poetry, just like the poetry schoolchildren write. He has
been a clerk his whole life. His poetry smells of his whole life′s clerkship - it
stinks! It has no beauty, it has no grandeur - it has nothing of the superb.
And now he is propounding around the world that when kundalini arises
your latent power of genius becomes manifest. How many yogis have won
the Nobel Prize? And how many yogis have contributed to the world′s

scientific knowledge, art, poetry, painting, sculpture? How many of your

people whose so-called kundalini has arisen have contributed in any way to
the world′s richness?
What Gopi Krishna is talking about is not kundalini but kundabuffer.
Gurdjieff would have put him right with a single blow. But he attracts
people. People are very much attracted by mystical nonsense, by occult
stupidity, by esoteric gibberish. Just start talking with people about chakras,
centers of energy, and kundalini passing through them, and they are all-
attentive. You just try it! There is no need to know anything about it - just
invent...because Jaina mystics have not talked about kundalini, Buddhist
mystics have not talked about kundalini, Christian mystics have never
known anything about it, Sufis are absolutely unaware of this energy called
kundalini. Only Hindu yoga talks about it.
There IS something in it, but not exactly the way it is told to people. The
knowledge that is floating around about kundalini is all nonsense, and
Gurdjieff was right to condemn it. He was condemning the whole
theosophical movement. Theosophists were very much against Gurdjieff.
They knew nothing, but they created a great movement. They were more or
less political people, scholars, logic-choppers, but not in any way realized
Gurdjieff shattered many beliefs.

This part here really clicked for me:

"If men could really see their true position and could understand all the
horror of it, they would be unable to remain where they are even for one
second. They would begin to seek a way out and they would quickly find it,
because there is a way out; but men fail to see it simply because they are
hypnotized. Kundalini is the force that keeps them in a hypnotic state. ′To
awaken′ for man means to be ′dehypnotized.′ In this lies the chief difficulty
and in this also lies the guarantee of its possibility, for there is no organic
reason for sleep and man can awaken.

Theoretically he can, but practically it is almost impossible because as soon as

a man awakens for a moment and opens his eyes, all the forces that caused him
to fall asleep begin to act upon him with tenfold energy and he immediately falls
asleep again, very often dreaming that he is awake or is awakening.

I felt this exact sensation for the part I bolded. During my meditation for just
a brief moment I saw all my shortcomings in the past and present from a
third-person perspective and I felt... disgusted with myself. I wanted to die. I
couldn't take the pain anymore... it wasn't physical pain but emotional/
mental pain? I couldn't take it anymore so I "hypnotized" myself.. I wasn't
ready... yet

What does everyone think? Is it the darkness residing within our heart?
Maybe it's our subconscious?
Perhaps it's just a clutch until one is strong enough to walk alone facing the
disillusionment of the sweet hypnotic lullabies that allows us to sleep ever
so soundly...

Is this something that each one of us must face and overcome through our

either way I feel like there are even more questions than before... and
perhaps the questions I'm asking are wrong so feel free to comment and I
might just find my answers there.


Posted by SonOfTheGodsJul 28, 2017 at 1:12pm

fatinside Avatar

Jul 28, 2017 at 12:56pm fatinside said:

This realm is a duality of opposites: Yin to Yang, left to right, up to down,

sky to earth. So I'm curious since kundalini's a strong yang energy is there
a force that's that oppose it? Has anyone experienced something like like a
strong yin anti-lini?

Yin follows Yang.... and Kundalini is strong hot Yang without the proper
cooling ratio of Yin

So the opposite of Kundalini is proper Qi flow and adequate Jing = the

proper Yin+Yang balance

Kundalini is doing it all wrong and LoneMan Pai™ is the opposite... by

doing it all right

Read more:

I guess the way to do that is by doing things right.


Posted by joeblastJul 28, 2017 at 1:54pm

Guts Avatar

Jul 28, 2017 at 1:41pm Guts said:

What I don't understand is everybody refers to kundalini as goddess, divine

feminine, etc. yet... yang energy. Shouldn't it be yin? I am confused

They also say to awaken the pure yang qi, you have to stop the prana,
complete stillness, reach the mystic female. So first, you're supposed to
reach the purest yin state, then pure yang (but it's not called the mystic
male is it) arises. So, seems like there would be balance by default.

Sorry if this is bad info, I'm still trying to discern what's what.

Yin and yang manifest automatically, it is useless to refer to anything as

purely yin or purely yang.

Balanced yin & yang manifest each other. Too much of one, and the other
does not manifest strongly = vicious cycle.

Yang without enough yin = yang burnout and the yin that results is
imbalanced and actually lacking the yang to rebound properly (=inability to
function mentally/energetically)

So the opposite,

Yin without enough yang = non motivation e.g. sitting all the time and never
doing any weigong or physical exercise, leads to imbalanced (weak) yang
that eventually doesnt rebound well and lacks yin = the body hurts to much
to even sit properly and cultivate, then eventually the yin cultivation is
difficult also.

This has to be taken in the context of yin & yang interplay and the
understanding that imbalance means the spark of one arising from the
other is imbalanced and thus weak.

This is why physical exercise and sleep and important components, just as
active techs and longevity breathing/stillness are important components

Either extreme is bad JQS balance.

Read more:

I do need a bit more physical exercise to balance things.

Deleted Member

Posts: 0

Aug 1, 2017 at 5:21pm via mobile


Post by Deleted on Aug 1, 2017 at 5:21pm

Pain is resistance. Death is easy when you have nothing to let go
hold nothing

Deleted Member

Posts: 0

Aug 9, 2017 at 7:33pm


Post by Deleted on Aug 9, 2017 at 7:33pm

Jul 28, 2017 at 10:54am joeblast said:

Jul 28, 2017 at 10:41am Guts said:

What I don't understand is everybody refers to kundalini as goddess, divine
feminine, etc. yet... yang energy. Shouldn't it be yin? I am confused

They also say to awaken the pure yang qi, you have to stop the prana,
complete stillness, reach the mystic female. So first, you're supposed to
reach the purest yin state, then pure yang (but it's not called the mystic
male is it) arises. So, seems like there would be balance by default.

Sorry if this is bad info, I'm still trying to discern what's what.

Yin and yang manifest automatically, it is useless to refer to anything as

purely yin or purely yang.

Balanced yin & yang manifest each other. Too much of one, and the other
does not manifest strongly = vicious cycle.

Yang without enough yin = yang burnout and the yin that results is
imbalanced and actually lacking the yang to rebound properly (=inability to
function mentally/energetically)

So the opposite,

Yin without enough yang = non motivation e.g. sitting all the time and never
doing any weigong or physical exercise, leads to imbalanced (weak) yang
that eventually doesnt rebound well and lacks yin = the body hurts to much
to even sit properly and cultivate, then eventually the yin cultivation is
difficult also.

This has to be taken in the context of yin & yang interplay and the
understanding that imbalance means the spark of one arising from the
other is imbalanced and thus weak.

This is why physical exercise and sleep and important components, just
as active techs and longevity breathing/stillness are important components

Either extreme is bad JQS balance.

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۩ SaToGa ۩

Posts: 1,007,700

Apr 18, 2015 at 10:29am


Post by SonOfTheGods on Apr 18, 2015 at 10:29am

Over the last few weeks as I was mapping out where the Chakras are-
[*hint* - they aren't in the body below the brain]

I was working with the LDT and found that I could cause it to beat just like
the heart

I can decrease or increase the beats to allow for more or less "heat"

I could also allow for binaural beats where every other one echoes outside
the fleshy perimeter

This anomaly can actually be detected with a stethoscope


Depending upon when my last meal intake was- a slight wave can be seen
on the lower abdominal

Due to the location of where the actual LDT resides- it takes a great deal of
internal flux to move the outer abdominal wall with just Qi pulsing

Mercury Fire Blood & Honey at Is Our New Forum

۩ SaToGa ۩

Posts: 1,007,700

Apr 18, 2015 at 10:31am


Post by SonOfTheGods on Apr 18, 2015 at 10:31am

I can also form a cadence with the LaoGong & YongQuan

This allows for more accurate synergy with FaJing

Mercury Fire Blood & Honey at Is Our New Forum

۩ SaToGa ۩

Posts: 1,007,700

Apr 18, 2015 at 10:32am


Post by SonOfTheGods on Apr 18, 2015 at 10:32am

Apr 18, 2015 at 10:31am SonOfTheGods said:

I can also form a cadence with the LaoGong & YongQuan

This allows for more accurate synergy with FaJing

Chi Internal/External Burst-Injury PHOTO

I could use better synergy

Mercury Fire Blood & Honey at Is Our New Forum
Deleted Member

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Apr 18, 2015 at 10:45am


Post by Deleted on Apr 18, 2015 at 10:45am

Apr 18, 2015 at 10:29am SonOfTheGods said:

Over the last few weeks as I was mapping out where the Chakras are-
[*hint* - they aren't in the body below the brain]

I was working with the LDT and found that I could cause it to beat just like
the heart

I can decrease or increase the beats to allow for more or less "heat"

I could also allow for binaural beats where every other one echoes outside
the fleshy perimeter

This anomaly can actually be detected with a stethoscope

Depending upon when my last meal intake was- a slight wave can be seen
on the lower abdominal

Due to the location of where the actual LDT resides- it takes a great deal of
internal flux to move the outer abdominal wall with just Qi pulsing

Obviously Im no expert,....but I understand that the chakras are not to be

found in the physical body(as they are not physical)and are in the etheric or
energy body....however the chakras are to be found in different spaces or
spots where major nerves endings cross,and lay close to the physical
organs and glands........also from my experience the chakras affect different
areas in the brain so that they also are connected to the brain.......after all
the spine whole nervous system chakras and brain is connected and like
the tree of life.....this thread is awesome please keep us updated!......
Last Edit: Apr 18, 2015 at 10:52am by Deleted
۩ SaToGa ۩

Posts: 1,007,700

Apr 18, 2015 at 12:59pm


Post by SonOfTheGods on Apr 18, 2015 at 12:59pm


Apr 18, 2015 at 10:45am @panagiotis said:

Apr 18, 2015 at 10:29am SonOfTheGods said:

Over the last few weeks as I was mapping out where the Chakras are-
[*hint* - they aren't in the body below the brain]

I was working with the LDT and found that I could cause it to beat just like
the heart

I can decrease or increase the beats to allow for more or less "heat"

I could also allow for binaural beats where every other one echoes outside
the fleshy perimeter

This anomaly can actually be detected with a stethoscope

Depending upon when my last meal intake was- a slight wave can be seen
on the lower abdominal

Due to the location of where the actual LDT resides- it takes a great deal of
internal flux to move the outer abdominal wall with just Qi pulsing

Obviously Im no expert,....but I understand that the chakras are not to be

found in the physical body(as they are not physical)and are in the etheric or
energy body....however the chakras are to be found in different spaces or
spots where major nerves endings cross,and lay close to the physical
organs and glands........also from my experience the chakras affect different
areas in the brain so that they also are connected to the brain.......after all
the spine whole nervous system chakras and brain is connected and like
the tree of life.....this thread is awesome please keep us updated!......

Apr 18, 2015 at 12:49pm SonOfTheGods said:

I talk about chakras in the pdf @ the Q&amp;A_taobum

Mercury Fire Blood & Honey at Is Our New Forum


۩ SaToGa ۩

Posts: 1,007,700

Apr 18, 2015 at 2:14pm


Post by SonOfTheGods on Apr 18, 2015 at 2:14pm

Apr 18, 2015 at 2:12pm SonOfTheGods said:

Apr 18, 2015 at 1:58pm @romell said:

Thank you SaToGa, I will check it out. I am learning so much on this forum.
Let's see, I learned masturbation can create Golems and feed entities... I
have learned about tulpas, egregores... I also learned that a sigil can be
charged at a mall without anyone suspecting that they are empowering
your sigil... So much to learn, so little time.

Thank you once again.

SonOfTheGods Wrote:
Study the info provided previously on this thread &amp; apply the
Middle Pillar exercise [if you do not follow a chi circulation
The ancients numbered the Planets as 7- what they can view in the
Thus, the concept of 7 Chakras were also born.
Mixing of [eastern] traditions brought us Yoga, Sex Magick,
Tantra- and some confusion.
Kundalini, - actually Descends from the above [sphere- thus
Middle Pillar]... the physical body 'sensations'... mirror it, reverse

[similar to how the brain/eye see- reverse]

The theory of the Middle Pillar exercise: energy flowing down to
keep kundalini from going up- is corrupt
The Sanskrit symbols on the chakras- are not really there [culture
mixing]., chakra themselves are ganglions of nerves where a
storehouse of energy intersect.
The myth of the Pineal Gland being the whole power center is also
Complete development must entail the entire hyperspatial
pituitary gland, the pineal gland, the thalamus, the hypothalamus,
Beginner's [REAL] Magick: Instruction Q&amp;A - Page 4 - General Di... ...
15 of 23 9/5/2012 12:28 PM
the hippocampus, and the amygdala

Mercury Fire Blood & Honey at Is Our New Forum

Deleted Member

Posts: 0

Apr 18, 2015 at 4:44pm


Post by Deleted on Apr 18, 2015 at 4:44pm

If the chakras are connected to points in the brain and they are not in the
body below the brain, perhaps they are in the brain with appendages
leading to the traditional chakra points?

۩ SaToGa ۩

Posts: 1,007,700

Apr 19, 2015 at 7:35am


Post by SonOfTheGods on Apr 19, 2015 at 7:35am

Apr 18, 2015 at 4:44pm @captainmcr said:

If the chakras are connected to points in the brain and they are not in the
body below the brain, perhaps they are in the brain with appendages
leading to the traditional chakra points?

Amputees still feel their missing limbs

Mercury Fire Blood & Honey at Is Our New Forum
۩ SaToGa ۩

Posts: 1,007,700

Apr 19, 2015 at 8:42am


Post by SonOfTheGods on Apr 19, 2015 at 8:42am

Mercury Fire Blood & Honey at Is Our New Forum

Deleted Member

Posts: 0

Apr 22, 2015 at 7:11am


Post by Deleted on Apr 22, 2015 at 7:11am

Apr 18, 2015 at 4:44pm @captainmcr said:

If the chakras are connected to points in the brain and they are not in the
body below the brain, perhaps they are in the brain with appendages
leading to the traditional chakra points?

The gross, physical body is just an interface captainmcr. "We" aren't in it.
The brain is just an interface.

"Chakras", "Dantiens", ""Elixir Fields", "Nadis" & "Mai" are just nexus points
of Interface. They're not "here".
They allow us to interface with our seven bodies simultaneously.

The true "I" is immaterial.

As SoTG has indicated many times, once you become aware of this, your
Yi can pull in energy from anywhere.

You're just giving the interface the means to do different types of work

Part of this process is becoming less body-centric. This then opens our
various interface bodies up to any energy source we may need.


۩ SaToGa ۩

Posts: 1,007,700

Apr 22, 2015 at 8:29am


Post by SonOfTheGods on Apr 22, 2015 at 8:29am

Apr 22, 2015 at 7:11am @infolad1 said:

Apr 18, 2015 at 4:44pm @captainmcr said:

If the chakras are connected to points in the brain and they are not in the
body below the brain, perhaps they are in the brain with appendages
leading to the traditional chakra points?

The gross, physical body is just an interface captainmcr. "We" aren't in it.
The brain is just an interface.

"Chakras", "Dantiens", ""Elixir Fields", "Nadis" & "Mai" are just nexus points
of Interface. They're not "here".
They allow us to interface with our seven bodies simultaneously.

The true "I" is immaterial.

As SoTG has indicated many times, once you become aware of this, your
Yi can pull in energy from anywhere.

You're just giving the interface the means to do different types of work

Part of this process is becoming less body-centric. This then opens our
various interface bodies up to any energy source we may need.


Great insights brother!

Mercury Fire Blood & Honey at Is Our New Forum

Senior Member


Posts: 3,372

Apr 22, 2015 at 10:31am


Post by joeblast on Apr 22, 2015 at 10:31am

Apr 22, 2015 at 7:11am @infolad1 said:

Apr 18, 2015 at 4:44pm @captainmcr said:

If the chakras are connected to points in the brain and they are not in the
body below the brain, perhaps they are in the brain with appendages
leading to the traditional chakra points?

Part of this process is becoming less body-centric. This then opens our
various interface bodies up to any energy source we may need.

correlate with the things I talk about in the depths of longevity breathing

this all pieces right together


Deleted Member

Posts: 0

Apr 22, 2015 at 7:21pm


Post by Deleted on Apr 22, 2015 at 7:21pm

Apr 22, 2015 at 8:29am SonOfTheGods said:

Apr 22, 2015 at 7:11am @infolad1 said:

The gross, physical body is just an interface captainmcr. "We" aren't in it.
The brain is just an interface.

"Chakras", "Dantiens", ""Elixir Fields", "Nadis" & "Mai" are just nexus points
of Interface. They're not "here".
They allow us to interface with our seven bodies simultaneously.

The true "I" is immaterial.

As SoTG has indicated many times, once you become aware of this, your
Yi can pull in energy from anywhere.

You're just giving the interface the means to do different types of work

Part of this process is becoming less body-centric. This then opens our
various interface bodies up to any energy source we may need.


Great insights brother!


Thanks Brother!

Love the picture. Alex Ross and LoneManPai go great together!


Deleted Member

Posts: 0

Apr 22, 2015 at 7:38pm


Post by Deleted on Apr 22, 2015 at 7:38pm

Apr 22, 2015 at 10:31am joeblast said:

Apr 22, 2015 at 7:11am @infolad1 said:

Part of this process is becoming less body-centric. This then opens our
various interface bodies up to any energy source we may need.

correlate with the things I talk about in the depths of longevity breathing

this all pieces right together

We're definitely on the same page. You and SoTG have laid this out from
various angles, a number of times.

I saw this in deep meditation last year. Infinite Singularities, potentialities

radiating outward from each of them infinitely on a 2-dimensional wall.
Then the wall shifts to a

3-dimensional street, these singularities now ripples from raindrops falling,

hitting the street, forming interference patterns.

God hides nothing, for those that can see. The secrets of the universe are
always in the most simple things.

It explained a lot to me. It's continuing to do so.

So much knowledge is coming through, and being delivered by almost

constant synchronicities, that's it's a little overwhelming at times.

As you guys know, this is what happens, when you put the work in. Be
careful what you will for.


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Posts: 3,372

Apr 23, 2015 at 3:05am


Post by joeblast on Apr 23, 2015 at 3:05am


۩ SaToGa ۩

Posts: 1,007,700

Feb 8, 2016 at 3:24pm


Post by SonOfTheGods on Feb 8, 2016 at 3:24pm

Mercury Fire Blood & Honey at Is Our New Forum

۩ SaToGa ۩

Posts: 1,007,700

May 13, 2016 at 11:06am


Post by SonOfTheGods on May 13, 2016 at 11:06am

Mercury Fire Blood & Honey at Is Our New Forum

Deleted Member

Posts: 0

May 13, 2016 at 11:28am


Post by Deleted on May 13, 2016 at 11:28am

Working on this concept I felt a surge followed by two beats in LDT/YQ/LG.
I'll keep working on it.

The group I was working with from before figured out that the chakras act
as an interface between the soul and the other bodies.

۩ SaToGa ۩

Posts: 1,007,700

May 13, 2016 at 11:54am


Post by SonOfTheGods on May 13, 2016 at 11:54am

May 13, 2016 at 11:28am @drywall said:

Working on this concept I felt a surge followed by two beats in LDT/YQ/LG.
I'll keep working on it.

The group I was working with from before figured out that the chakras act
as an interface between the soul and the other bodies.

I respectfully, disagree
Mercury Fire Blood & Honey at Is Our New Forum
Deleted Member

Posts: 0

May 13, 2016 at 3:19pm


Post by Deleted on May 13, 2016 at 3:19pm

what else are they then? i have done so much with them, also in their
physical aspects of the endocrine glands. as well as aspects and levels of
being, from very grounded to transcendental, a bit like maslovs pyramid.

alternatively, i have seen concepts of chakras as lokas, entire astral realms

in themselves. have seen some, last year i ran into a group were people
were quite against chakras, which lead me to other material where they
were against them almost fanatically. there are videos on youtube as well
as quite some sites offering instructions how to actually remove the chakra
system out of the bodies (some of them used dantiens instead). the
argumentation did not make much sense to me. it also did not feel right to
do it. also some bullshit on some of those currents.

yet, there are interesting arguments that chakras are artifically installed
structures, and also (or with the purpose of) being harvested by the
custodian gods of this planet, and other beings. or manipulating our energy
flows. i found tons of stuff like this in my chakra system, and removed it.
that said, amputating my chakras in my opinion would be same like giving
away some of my best weapons to the enemy in times of war. they
definitely can be used. they also can be misused and manipulated. i always
found using both dantien as well as chakra maps together much more
hollistic and fruitful.
Last Edit: May 13, 2016 at 3:19pm by Deleted
Deleted Member

Posts: 0

May 13, 2016 at 3:23pm


Post by Deleted on May 13, 2016 at 3:23pm

about pulsing, mantak chia hass a technique were the heartbeat is assisted
by pulsing huiyin and bahui (root and crown) together with the heartbeat so
that the heart doesn't have to do so much work, and so that energy is
distributed through the body better. i like this one. three heartbeat. also,
same with dantiens, like a pulse/wave from LDT to UDT via MDT. which
can be at different frequencies and still work in unison. like instruments in a
orchester tuned on different octaves.

Deleted Member

Posts: 0

May 13, 2016 at 4:01pm


Post by Deleted on May 13, 2016 at 4:01pm

May 13, 2016 at 3:23pm @luciddream69 said:

about pulsing, mantak chia hass a technique were the heartbeat is assisted
by pulsing huiyin and bahui (root and crown) together with the heartbeat so
that the heart doesn't have to do so much work, and so that energy is
distributed through the body better. i like this one. three heartbeat. also,
same with dantiens, like a pulse/wave from LDT to UDT via MDT. which
can be at different frequencies and still work in unison. like instruments in a
orchester tuned on different octaves.

This is very interesting! But I remember warnings from other people (not
LMP) that warned against body energy work synching with the heartbeat. I
would like to give this a try if anyone can say that it is ok.

Deleted Member

Posts: 0

May 13, 2016 at 4:08pm


Post by Deleted on May 13, 2016 at 4:08pm

you don't have to use physical heart, there are others, as well as the entire
heartspace. yes, physical heart is delicate, and pumping or even
compressing energy in there = bad idea. this one is more about disribution
by applying Yi, not "force" as i perceive it. also, physical heart generates a
torsion field with any beat that radiates out for meters, so its involved
strongly in energetics, too. some models would even say (main) seat of the

۩ SaToGa ۩

Posts: 1,007,700

May 14, 2016 at 10:55am


Post by SonOfTheGods on May 14, 2016 at 10:55am

May 13, 2016 at 3:23pm @luciddream69 said:


about pulsing, mantak chia hass a technique were the heartbeat is assisted
by pulsing huiyin and bahui (root and crown) together with the heartbeat so
that the heart doesn't have to do so much work, and so that energy is
distributed through the body better. i like this one. three heartbeat. also,
same with dantiens, like a pulse/wave from LDT to UDT via MDT. which
can be at different frequencies and still work in unison. like instruments in a
orchester tuned on different octaves.

Drum the LDT instead of heart beat bro

Mercury Fire Blood & Honey at Is Our New Forum
۩ SaToGa ۩

Posts: 1,007,700

May 14, 2016 at 10:57am


Post by SonOfTheGods on May 14, 2016 at 10:57am

May 13, 2016 at 3:19pm @luciddream69 said:

what else are they then? i have done so much with them, also in their
physical aspects of the endocrine glands. as well as aspects and levels of
being, from very grounded to transcendental, a bit like maslovs pyramid.

alternatively, i have seen concepts of chakras as lokas, entire astral realms

in themselves. have seen some, last year i ran into a group were people
were quite against chakras, which lead me to other material where they
were against them almost fanatically. there are videos on youtube as well
as quite some sites offering instructions how to actually remove the chakra
system out of the bodies (some of them used dantiens instead). the

argumentation did not make much sense to me. it also did not feel right to
do it. also some bullshit on some of those currents.

yet, there are interesting arguments that chakras are artifically installed
structures, and also (or with the purpose of) being harvested by the
custodian gods of this planet, and other beings. or manipulating our energy
flows. i found tons of stuff like this in my chakra system, and removed it.
that said, amputating my chakras in my opinion would be same like giving
away some of my best weapons to the enemy in times of war. they
definitely can be used. they also can be misused and manipulated. i always
found using both dantien as well as chakra maps together much more
hollistic and fruitful.

We discussed chakras in the WInRArs but they're an energy plexus- you

can make one anywhere on your body or off the body

7 chakras = 7 planets = 7 colors of the rainbow etc

Once I hear paradigms and concepts of 'soul' it becomes religious

Combine chakra with soul and a newage cookbook will be appearing

Mercury Fire Blood & Honey at Is Our New Forum
Deleted Member

Posts: 0

May 14, 2016 at 11:25am


Post by Deleted on May 14, 2016 at 11:25am

May 14, 2016 at 10:55am SonOfTheGods said:


May 13, 2016 at 3:23pm @luciddream69 said:

about pulsing, mantak chia hass a technique were the heartbeat is assisted
by pulsing huiyin and bahui (root and crown) together with the heartbeat so
that the heart doesn't have to do so much work, and so that energy is
distributed through the body better. i like this one. three heartbeat. also,
same with dantiens, like a pulse/wave from LDT to UDT via MDT. which
can be at different frequencies and still work in unison. like instruments in a
orchester tuned on different octaves.

Drum the LDT instead of heart beat bro

did this, too. also, seems to work with the spheres, recently, i only need to
focus on my LDT as well as spjhere above and below, and my LDT starts
pumping, and all of them waterwheeling energy rhythmically. alpha series
progression for me.

۩ SaToGa ۩

Posts: 1,007,700

Aug 8, 2017 at 6:48am


Post by SonOfTheGods on Aug 8, 2017 at 6:48am

Mercury Fire Blood & Honey at Is Our New Forum

Deleted Member

Posts: 0

Aug 8, 2017 at 10:02am via mobile


Post by Deleted on Aug 8, 2017 at 10:02am

Apr 18, 2015 at 10:31am SonOfTheGods said:

I can also form a cadence with the LaoGong & YongQuan

This allows for more accurate synergy with FaJing

!!! Gonna be experimenting with this.

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