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No. 2.9
Type Approval Programme No. 1-503.1



Veritasveien 1, NO-1322 Høvik, Norway Tel.: +47 67 57 99 00 Fax: +47 67 57 99 11
DET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) is an autonomous and independent foundation with the objectives of safeguarding life, prop-
erty and the environment, at sea and onshore. DNV undertakes classification, certification, and other verification and consultancy
services relating to quality of ships, offshore units and installations, and onshore industries worldwide, and carries out research
in relation to these functions.
Standards for Certification
Standards for Certification (previously Certification Notes) are publications that contain principles, acceptance criteria and prac-
tical information related to the Society's consideration of objects, personnel, organisations, services and operations. Standards
for Certification also apply as the basis for the issue of certificates and/or declarations that may not necessarily be related to clas-
A list of Standards for Certification is found in the latest edition of Pt.0 Ch.1 of the ”Rules for Classification of Ships” and the
”Rules for Classification of High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft”.
The list of Standards for Certification is also included in the current “Classification Services – Publications” issued by the Society,
which is available on request. All publications may be ordered from the Society’s Web site
The Society reserves the exclusive right to interpret, decide equivalence or make exemptions to this Standard for Certification.
Amendments and Corrections
This document is valid until superseded by a new revision. Minor amendments and corrections will be published in a separate
document normally updated twice per year (April and October).
For a complete listing of the changes, see the “Amendments and Corrections” document located at:, under category “Standards for Certification”.
The electronic web-versions of the DNV Standards for Certification will be regularly updated to include these amendments and

Amendments and Corrections:

This document replaces the August 1999 edition.
The main changes are:
— Appendices A and B have been deleted.
— The last paragraph in Section 1 has been rewritten to be aligned with the current situation.

Comments may be sent by e-mail to

Comprehensive information about DNV and the Society's services is found at the Web site
© Det Norske Veritas
Computer Typesetting (Adobe FrameMaker) by Det Norske Veritas

If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person
for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question, provided that the maximum compen-
sation shall never exceed USD 2 million.
In this provision "Det Norske Veritas" shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det
Norske Veritas.
Standard for Certification - No. 2.9, October 2009
Type Approval Programme No. 1-503.1
Page 3


1. SCOPE OF SERVICES ........................................... 4 2.8 Application for renewal after four (4) years................ 4
2. PROCEDURE ........................................................... 4 3. DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED.................... 5
2.1 Application for Type Approval ...................................4 4. REQUIREMENTS ................................................... 5
2.2 Quotation .....................................................................4 4.1 Basis for Type Approval ............................................. 5
2.3 Assessment of Type Approval documentation ...........4 4.2 Scope of Type Approval ............................................. 5
2.4 Initial Survey of product and production facilities 4.3 Requirements to production and quality control
including witnessing of Type Tests .............................4 arrangement ................................................................. 5
2.5 Assessment of survey report and Type Test results.....4 4.4 Extent of Type Testing ................................................ 5
2.6 Issuance of Type Approval Certificates ......................4 4.5 Requirements to package and marking of product ..... 6
2.7 Certificate Retention Survey after two (2) years .........4 5. LIST OF STANDARDS REFERRED TO ............. 7


Standard for Certification - No. 2.9, October 2009
Type Approval Programme No. 1-503.1
Page 4

1. Scope of services Type Tests as specified in section 4.4, are to be carried out and
verified in one of the following ways:
Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Type Approval is based on the ISO/
IEC Guide 2 (1991) definition: — at a DNV laboratory
“Approval of conformity with specified requirements on the — at a recognised and independent laboratory accepted by
basis of systematic examination of one or more specimens of a DNV
product representative of the production.” — at the manufacturer’s premises in the presence of a DNV
The requirements are specified in Rules and/or standards re-
ferred to in this Type Approval programme. The Initial Survey report and Type Test results are to be sub-
This Type Approval programme outlines the procedure and mitted to DNV Approval Office for evaluation.
conditions for obtaining, maintaining and renewing a Type 2.5 Assessment of survey report and Type Test
Approval. DNV Standard for Certification No. 1.2 (2009) de-
scribes the Type Approval in general. results
The assessment of Initial Survey report and Type Test results
Type Approved products will be listed in DNV's Register of verifies compliance with the requirements/determines the val-
Type Approved Products available on the DNV Internet site at ues to be stated on the Type Approval Certificate (if applica- ble).
2.6 Issuance of Type Approval Certificates
2. Procedure When the assessment of Type Approval documentation, Type
Testing and survey of fabrication and quality control arrange-
The Type Approval procedure normally consists of the follow- ment is successfully completed a Type Approval Certificate
ing steps: will be issued to the manufacturer of the product. The certifi-
— application for Type Approval cate is normally given a validity period of four (4) years, with
a certificate Retention Survey after two (2) years.
— quotation
— assessment of Type Approval documentation 2.7 Certificate Retention Survey after two (2) years
— Initial survey of product and production facilities includ-
ing witnessing of Type Tests The objective of the Certificate Retention Survey is to verify
that the product design, material composition and the product
— assessment of survey report and Type Test results
marking are not altered since issuance of the Type Approval
— issuance of Type Approval Certificates Certificate.
— Certificate Retention Survey after two (2) years
— application for renewal after four (4) years. Certificate Retention Survey is to be carried out two (2) years
after issuance of Type Approval Certificate.
Explained in detail:
The main elements of the Certificate Retention Survey are to:
2.1 Application for Type Approval — ensure that Type Approval documentation is available
The Type Approval should be applied for in writing to DNV’s — review design, materials, performance and production
local office. The application shall include Type Approval doc- process (as specified in section 4.3) with respect to possi-
umentation as specified in section 3. ble changes, in order to ensure compliance with Type Ap-
2.2 Quotation proval documentation and/or referenced material
A quotation will be given by DNV approval office, to be con- — ensure traceability between manufacturer’s product mark-
firmed by the client. ing and the DNV Type Approval Certificate as stated in
2.3 Assessment of Type Approval documentation section 4.5
— witness tests/inspection on factory samples, selected at
The Type Approval documentation is assessed by DNV Ap- random from the production line (where practicable), or
proval office to verify that it is in conformity with the specified storage, if specified in section 4.4.
The Certificate Retention Survey report shall conclude that ei-
2.4 Initial Survey of product and production facili- ther:
ties including witnessing of Type Tests
The objective of Initial Survey is to verify that the fabrication, a) the Type Approval Certificate shall be retained,
quality control arrangement, product design, material compo- or
sition and the product marking is according to the Type Ap- b) the Type Approval Certificate shall be modified/recalled
proval documentation. due to the changes in the basis for approval.
The main elements of a DNV Initial Survey are to:
The Certificate Retention Survey report shall submitted to the
— ensure that fabrication and quality control arrangement are manufacturer and to DNV Approval Office.
according to requirements as specified in section 4.3 and
as stated in Type Approval documentation submitted by 2.8 Application for renewal after four (4) years
manufacturer Application for renewal should be submitted to DNV not later
— witness Type Tests, as specified in section 4.4 than three (3) months before expiry date of the Type Approval
— ensure traceability between manufacturer’s product mark- Certificate.
ing and the type designation as stated in the application for The application shall include updated Type Approval docu-
Type Approval. mentation as specified in section 3, item 1-5. Items 6-11 shall
The objective of Type Tests is to verify the ability of the product be submitted if changes have been implemented since last is-
to meet specified requirements by subjecting the test sample to suance of the Type Approval.
physical, chemical, environmental or operational stresses. Upon receipt of the application, DNV will perform a renewal


Standard for Certification - No. 2.9, October 2009
Type Approval Programme No. 1-503.1
Page 5

survey with objective to verify that the product design, materi- 4. Requirements
al composition and the product marking are not altered since
issuance of the Type Approval Certificate. 4.1 Basis for Type Approval
Renewal Survey is to be carried out not later than four (4) years The Type Approval of Plywood is based on compliance with
after issuance of the Type Approval Certificate. one or more of the below listed standards.
The main elements of a Renewal Survey are the same as spec- The approval implies that samples of the product have been
ified for the Certificate Retention Survey in section 2.7. tested and documented to have properties above a minimum
If there, since last issuance of the Type Approval Certificate, stated or referred to in this programme.
has been any change in the relevant standards or in DNV
Rules, new assessment of product and Type Tests may be re- The approval does not automatically qualify for any specific
quired. application, as this has to be evaluated and decided in each ac-
tual case.
The Renewal Survey report will constitute part of the basis for
renewal of the Type Approval Certificate. 4.2 Scope of Type Approval
One DNV Type Approval Certificate will cover one grade of
the actual product with the possibility to include variants.
3. Documents to be submitted For plywood this means:
The following Type Approval documentation is to be submit-
ted by the manufacturer at Initial Type Approval and updated, — grade: One type of wood
at renewal. The documentation shall be in triplicate, one copy — variants: Different numbers of plies, i.e. construction, are
will be returned to the manufacturer with the Type Approval considered as variants
Certificate and one to the local DNV station/surveyor. The
documentation shall be in English, if not otherwise agreed. One DNV Type Approval Certificate is limited to one manu-
(Please number documentation according to below list to facil- facturer at one production site.
itate review):
4.3 Requirements to production and quality control
1) Type designation, i.e. product name (grade) with list of
variants to be included in and stated on the Type Approval arrangement
Certificate. The manufacturer shall have a quality system that meets ISO
2) Name and address of manufacturer, to be listed on Type 9000 standards, or equivalent. If this quality standard is not
Approval Certificate. Additionally, the following shall be fulfilled, the extent of testing and surveys will be specially
specified, if applicable: considered.
Quality control arrangement to be checked with respect to:
— contact person
— phone and fax numbers — control of incoming materials
— e-mail and web address. — test equipment, test methods, test samples and reference to
standards used
3) Basis for approval. A reference of applicable Rules and
Standards which the product is to comply with. — traceability and marking system
— production test reports
4) Product specification/description, data sheet for all vari- — etc.
ants. The product information shall be sufficiently detailed
to enable a classification according to ISO 1096 or equiv- 4.4 Extent of Type Testing
alent standard by at least:
The results of the Type Testing shall be in conformance with
— constitution (veneer, core or composite) the manufacturer's specifications for the product, which in its
— type of gluing (for exterior or interior use) turn shall be in conformance with the requirements stated or re-
— species of wood of the plies ferred to in the below Tables 4-1 and 4-2.
— relevant properties Test reports shall contain references to test procedures and
— use. complete records of test results.
5) Field of Application and operational limitations of the 4.4.1 Veneer Plywoods. General Requirements.
product (e.g. temperature limits).
The following shall be reported in the Type Testing report:
6) Description of fabrication processes. *)
Bending strength, modulus of elasticity, shear strength of glue
7) Description of quality control arrangement. *) joint, density, thickness and number of plies.
8) Test results (from tests already carried out) with references See Table 4-1 for general requirements to veneer plywoods.
to standards, methods etc.
9) Information regarding marking of the product or packag- 4.4.2 Core and Composite Plywoods. General Require-
ing. *) ments.
10) In-service experience, if available. The following shall be reported in the Type Testing report:
11) Type Test results (ref. section 4) and survey report is to be Bending strength density, thickness, number of plies, plus any
submitted when completed. relevant testing proposed by the manufacturer.
*)To be verified by Initial Survey prior to the issuance of the Type Approval
See Table 4-2 for general requirements to core and composite
Certificate. plywoods.


Standard for Certification - No. 2.9, October 2009
Type Approval Programme No. 1-503.1
Page 6

Table 4-1 Veneer Plywoods. General Requirements.

Property Test method/Test procedure 1) Requirements 2)
Plywood classification ISO 1096 -
SFS 2411
General requirements ISO 1098 See ISO 1098
SFS 2412 SFS 2412
Moisture content of final product at factory ISO 1098/ 6-14%
ISO 9425
Number of plies - ≥5
Measurement of dimensions ISO 1097 See ISO 1097
SFS 2414 SFS 2414
Dimensions and tolerances SFS 4093 See SFS 4093
Dimensions of test pieces ISO 9424 See ISO 9424
Density ISO 9427 Manufacturer's specification
Vocabulary/terminology of plywoods ISO 2074 -
SFS 2290
Shear strength of glued joint BS 1203/ See BS 1203
SFS 2416 SFS 2416 3)
Bending strength SFS 2416 See SFS 4091, 4092 and SFS 2417 3)
Modulus of elasticity SFS 2416 See SFS 4091, 4092 and SFS 2417 3)
Fire properties, IMO FTPC, Annex 1, Part 5 Low Flame Spread 3)
Surface Flammability
Appearance, general classification ISO 2426 See ISO 2426
Appearance, outer plies of birch SFS 2413 See SFS 2413
Permissible stress, SFS 2417 See SFS 2417 3)
guidance values for birch plywood
Properties, general BS 6566 See BS 6566 3)
1) Other standards may be agreed upon with the Society prior to testing.
2) For Finnish plywoods, SFS standards are governing in case of discrepancy with ISO standard. For plywoods from other countries, ISO standards are the
governing standard.
3) These standards are complied with only when stated on the Type Approval Certificate.

Table 4-2 Core and Composite Plywoods. General Requirements

Property Test method/Test procedure 1) Requirements
Plywood classification ISO 1096 -
Measurement of dimensions ISO 1098 -
Number of plies - ≥3
Accuracy of thickness ISO 9424 0.05
Density ISO 9427 Manufacturer's nominal value
Vocabulary ISO 2074 -
Modulus of elasticity (guidance) SFS 2416 See “Handbook of Finnish Plywood, Block-
Permissible stress in bending (guidance) SFS2416/2417 board and Laminboard” CI/SfB Ri4, April
1984. Techn. Publ. No. 25, 2nd issue, No. 2.
Gluing BS 1203 See BS 1203
1) Other standards may be agreed upon with the Society prior to testing.

4.5 Requirements to package and marking of prod- — storage instruction

uct — production date
The product or package is to be marked. The marking shall at — or as required by the standard of compliance.
least include the following information:
The marking is to be carried out in such a way that it is visible,
— product name legible and indelible. The marking of product is to enable
— manufacturer’s name or trade mark traceability to the DNV Type Approval Certificate.


Standard for Certification - No. 2.9, October 2009
Type Approval Programme No. 1-503.1
Page 7

5. List of standards referred to SFS 2413 Quality requirements for appearance of plywood with
outer plies of birch
ISO 1096 Plywood - Classification SFS 2414 Plywood - Measurements of dimensions of panels
ISO 1097 Plywood - Measurement of Dimensions of Panels SFS 2416 Testing of the Characteristics of Birch Plywood
ISO 1098 Veneer Plywood for General Use - General Require- SFS 2417 Permissible Stresses and Moduli of Elasticity of Ex-
ments terior Birch Plywood
ISO 2074 Plywood - Vocabulary SFS 2426 Plywood - veneer plywood with rotary cut veneer for
ISO 2426 Plywood - Veneer Plywood with Rotary Cut Veneer general use - classification by appearance
for General Use - General Rules for Classification by SFS 4091 Finnish birch faced plywood
Appearance SFS 4092 Finnish conifer plywood
ISO 9424 Wood-based panels - Determination of Dimensions SFS 4093 Dimensions and tolerances of Finnish construction
of Test Pieces plywoods
ISO 9425 Wood-based panels - Determination of Moisture BS 1203 Specification for synthetic resin adhesives (phenolic
Content and aminoplastic) for plywood.
ISO 9427 Wood-based panels - Determination of Density BS 6566 Plywood
SFS 2290 Plywood vocabulary IMO FTPC Test for surface flammability (Annex 1, Part 5)
SFS 2411 Plywood classification


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