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1 Quiz ​ (Q8)

1. Loss of water from the aerial parts of plants is called _____.​ ​Transpiration

2. Increasing the number of stomata per unit surface area of a leaf when
atmospheric carbon dioxide levels decline is most analogous to a human
_____. ​Putting more red blood cells into circulation when atmospheric oxygen
levels decline.

3. Most of the water taken up by a plant is _____.​ Lost during transpiration

4. Which of the following best describes how water moves from the roots of a
plant to the leaves?​ Negative pressure from the top of the plant helps pull water

5. How do pits in xylem cells help with water movement? ​Pits allow water to
move between cells

6. ______________________ between water molecules and

____________________ between water molecules and the xylem cell walls
helps with water movement in plants.​ Cohesion; adhesion

7. Which of the following is NOT true regarding the absorption of water in

roots? ​There is a lower concentration of solutes in the root cells than in the soil
water surrounding the roots.
8. Which of the following does NOT increase the rate of transpiration in
plants? ​Wind

9. Which letter in the image above depicts the xylem?​ ​A or D

10. The image above is a(n) __________________ and it measures
_________________.​ Potometer; transpiration

9.2 Quiz
1.Which of the following are important components of the long-distance
transport process in plants?

I) the cohesion of water molecules

II) a negative water potential

III) the root parenchyma

IV) the active transport of solutes

V) bulk flow from source to sink

I, II, IV, and V

2. Which of the following does NOT contribute to a build up of hydrostatic

pressure near sources? ​The relatively low concentration of sucrose in sieve tubes

3. What is the function of proton pumps localized in the plant plasma

membrane? ​To create a membrane potential

4. What ion is used to cotransport sucrose into phloem cell? ​H+

5. How do high concentrations of solutes in the phloem at the source help with
movement of organic molecules in plants? ​They cause water uptake by osmosis

Which of the following is NOT a sink? ​Leaves

7. Which letter points to a sieve tube? ​B

8. If you were able to walk into an opening cut into the center of a large
redwood tree, when you exited from the middle of the trunk (stem) outward,
you would cross, in order, _____. ​The annual rings, new xylem, vascular
cambium, phloem, and bark

9. Which letter points to the phloem tissue in this stem image?

C and D

10. What do aphids feed on? ​Phloem contents

11. According to the pressure-flow hypothesis, which of the following has an

osmotic effect? ​Loading of sugar into the sieve tube at the source

12. Arrange the following five events in an order that explains the mass flow
of materials in the phloem.
13. 1. Water diffuses into the sieve tubes.

2. Leaf cells produce sugar by photosynthesis.

3. Solutes are actively transported into sieve tubes.

4. Sugar is transported from cell to cell in the leaf.

5. Sugar moves down the stem.

2, 4, 3, 1, 5

14. Which of the following have greatly helped scientists measure phloem sap
flow rate? ​Aphids and carbon-14

9.3 Quiz ​ (Q3)(Q6)(Q9)

1. Meristematic tissues in plants have small cells that are analogous to which
type of cells in animals?​ Stem cells

2. Which of the following arise, directly or indirectly, from the meristematic

activity? ​Secondary xylem, leaves, dermal tissue, and tubers

3. Apical meristems of dicots are at the tips of stems. Apical meristems of

grasses are at ground level or slightly below, concealed by the leaves. The
leaves also have an intercalary meristem at their bases. What does this mean
when considering care of a lawn or soccer field? ​Grass mowed two inches above
ground level grows at a slower rate compared to grass mowed three inches above
the ground level.

4. How is plant growth achieved?​ Both cell enlargement and mitotic cell division

5. Which of the following plant growth responses is primarily due to the action
of auxins?​ Phototropism

6. Which of the following is NOT a factor that affects plant development and
growth?​ ​The genetic makeup of the plant

7. What is the appropriate order for the way auxin works on plant cells?

a. The expression of genes causes the secretion of hydrogen ions into cell
b. Hydrogen ions loosen connections between cellulose fibers.
c. Cell expands.
d. Transcription of specific genes is promoted.
e. Auxin binds to receptors.


8. If a plant is observed to be positively phototropic, which of the following is

true? ​Auxin is produced by all cells in the stem on the side towards the light

9. Which is the most accurate statement regarding the way hormones

influence plant cell growth rates?​ ​Auxins affect cell growth by changing
phototropic conditions around the plant
10. What type of expensive plant culturing is used to maintain endangered
plants and to develop virus-free strains of valuable plants? ​Micropropagation

9.4 Quiz ​ (Q2)(Q4)(Q10)

1.Floral initiation occurs in the ___________ and is a result of changes in

_____________.​ ​Shoot apex; gene expression

2. The purpose of flowering is to allow for pollination, fertilization, and seed

dispersal. Flowers should only bloom when a suitable pollinator is abundant.
What is the most critical factor in the control of flowering timing?​ ​Length of

3. Which type of plants requires high levels of phytochrome far-red in order

to stimulate the release of flowering hormone?​ Short-day plants

4. Which of the following statements regarding flowering plants is correct?

The food-storing endosperm is derived from the cell that contains one polar
nucleus and two sperm nuclei.

5. The vast number and variety of flower species is probably related to various
kinds of _____.​ Pollinators

6. Which of the following is NOT a known pollinator of angiosperms? ​Fish

7. Which of the following would be the most effective feature for a greenhouse
that wants to grow plants and have them flower any time of the year they
want? ​Adjustable shades to control amount of light per day
8. Which part on the seed below is the testa? ​3

9. Which of the following is the correct order of floral organs from the outside
to the inside of a complete flower?​ Sepals → petals → stamens → carpels

10. Which of the following is NOT part of the process of seed germination?
Glucose is eventually produced to be used in cellular respiration

Practice Test
1. Which of the following uses are made of micropropagation?
I Growth of plantlets for use as crop plants
II Bulking up of stocks of new plant varities
III Conservation
D. I, II and III
2. Which of the following tissues can, at particular times in the life cycle of a
plant, be both a source and a sink of sugar?​ Cotyledons

3. Which of the following could be used to induce greenhouse plants to flower

out of season?
I Cutting the shoot tips
II Lighting the plants to increase the length of the day
III Planting the seeds in a different season
IV Darkening the greenhouse to decrease the length of the day
C. IIand III only

4. Which of the following statements about the structure and function of

xylem vessels are correct?
I The cells have lignin walls
II The cells are non-living
III The thick walls can withstand low pressures IV They can form new xylem
tissue by mitosis
B. 1 and II and III only

5. Which of the following most accurately describes the relationship between

angiosperms and pollinators?​ Mutualism

6. Which of the following are adaptations of flowering plants to living in saline

soils? ​Water storage tissue, thick waxy cuticle and reduced leaf area

7. Which of the following technical developments has aided in the scientific

understanding of phloem transport?
I Light microscopes
II X-ray diffraction
III Electron microscopes
IV Radioactive labelling
B. 1 and III and IV only
8. Which is the correct sequence of events in the development of primary
xylem from meristematic tissue?​ Mitosis, gene expression, differentiation

9. Which of the following are involved in the transport of materials from

photosynthetic cells to the phloem vessels?
I Protein pumps
II Mitochondria
III Sieve plates
IV Cell walls
A. I and II only

10. The phytochromes, PR and PFR can control the time of flowering
because? ​Pfr concentrations can affect gene expression but Pr does not

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