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Suggested Work for Second Class Pupils

Wednesday 6th May, 2020

Term 3: Week 3, Day 3

 Watch Cúla4 ar Scoil on TG4 at 10:00am -10:30am

 Watch RTE2 Home School Hub: 11am - 12noon. In today’s lesson for Second Class you will learn that
design and engineering is all about ideas. Design and build your own crisp protector!

 P.E.: ‘Ball Against the Wall Challenge’. Have fun with a ball on your own. Countdown to 10!
1. 10 sets of throwing the ball against the wall, allowing it to bounce once and catching it.
2. 9 sets of throwing the ball, allowing it to bounce once, clapping once and catching it.
3. 8 sets of throwing the ball, allowing it to bounce once, clapping twice and catching it.
4. 7 sets of throwing the ball under your leg, allowing it to bounce once and catching it.
5. 6 sets of throwing the ball with your best hand, allowing it to bounce once and catching it.
6. 5 sets of throwing the ball with your worst hand, allowing it to bounce once and catching it.
7. 4 sets of throwing the ball, without any bouncing, and catching it.
8. 3 sets of throwing the ball, without any bouncing, clapping once and catching it.
9. 2 sets of throwing the ball, without any bouncing, clapping twice and catching it.
10. 1 set of throwing the ball, spinning around and catching it. Well done!

 Spell Well: Week 33 pg. 68 Box 106 + Exercise p68 (A) pg. 69 (C).
 Read at Home: Week 26, pg. 105 ‘Cabbage White’. Please answer Check-Up questions orally.
 Handwriting:’ Go With The Flow C’ Text Book pg. 43 – practise writing ‘ fl’ and ‘gl’ words. A
reminder that you can find additional handwriting activities on:

 Small World: pg. 81 ‘Life Cycle of the Butterfly’ A, B and C. Look at beautiful photos and find out more
about these butterflies, and many more, on The
Cabbage White butterfly is also known as the Large White.

 Tables: Please revise some of your Add 4 and Subtract 4 Tables in pairs, as you practised them last week
(5+4=9/9-4=5, 6+4=10/10-4=6, 7+4=11/11-4=7, 8+4=12/12-4=8).
 Maths Time: Week 31 pg.62 Section (B)
 Busy at Maths: Pattern 2 pg. 125 (4s). Please do the whole page. Last Thursday’s RTE Hub was all about
the pattern making which you are working on this week.

 Bua na Cainte: Irish Spellings p.132. Box 2 and Exercise 2. The ‘ar’ family.

 Our children are living through history right now. Some ideas for a ‘Time Capsule’ which they could keep
in their ‘My KSP Days’ folder (in a sealed A4 envelope) are:
1. Write a letter to themselves. Tell their ages, who their friends are, favourite TV show, song, book
etc. Write about what’s going on in their own words. Tell their future selves how they feel. Talk
about what they would like to be when they grow up and 5 things they want to do when they are
an adult.
2. If it’s safe to get a newspaper, cut out articles that they think would be important for their future
selves, or print them from an online paper.
3. Draw a picture of their family as it is now.
4. Take some pictures of today and print them out.
5. Their daily diary.
 Poetry Reading: ‘The Time we Spring Cleaned the World’. Please read from verse 7 to the end.
 Poetry Writing: Continue writing your poem to support hospital staff. You can email your poem to me:

 Remember: Daily Diary, Life Skills and Read for Pleasure –everyday, if you can.

 Keep safe!

Dear Parents, do only what you can!

Hazel Atkinson

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